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CoronaVirus in Bangladesh - Updates & Discussion


26 FEBRUARY 2020

Mystery deepens over animal source of coronavirus
Pangolins are a prime suspect, but a slew of genetic analyses has yet to find conclusive proof.

Pangolins are often smuggled into China, where there is demand for their meat and scales.Credit: Shutterstock

Scientists are racing to identify the source of the coronavirus that is causing havoc around the world. Three weeks ago, Chinese scientists suggested, on the basis of genetic analyses, that the scaly, ant-eating pangolin was the prime suspect. But scientists have now examined those data — along with three other pangolin coronavirus genome studies released last week — and say that although the animal is still a contender, the mystery is far from solved.

Public-health officials want to pin down the virus’s source so they can prevent new outbreaks. Scientists assume that the pathogen jumped to people from an animal, as has been seen with other coronaviruses; for example, the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is thought to have jumped to humans from civets in 2002. Dozens of people infected early in the current outbreak worked in a live-animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, but tests of coronavirus samples found at the market have yet to identify a source.

Three separate Chinese teams are trying to trace the origin of the coronavirus, including a group from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

[paste:font size="5"]Miscommunication

Researchers at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou suggested pangolins as the animal source at a press conference on 7 February. Pangolins are highly sought-after in China for their meat and their scales; the latter are used in traditional medicine. Although sales of the animal are forbidden in China as part of a worldwide ban, they are still smuggled in from a handful of southeast Asian and African countries. The researchers said they had found a coronavirus in smuggled pangolins that was a 99% genetic match to the virus circulating in people.

But the result did not actually refer to the entire genome. In fact, it related to a specific site known as the receptor-binding domain (RBD), say the study’s authors, who posted their analysis1 on the biomedical preprint server bioRxiv on 20 February. The press-conference report was the result of an “embarrassing miscommunication between the bioinformatics group and the lab group of the study”, explains Xiao Lihua, a parasitologist at the South China Agricultural University and a co-author of the paper. A whole-genome comparison found that the pangolin and human viruses share 90.3% of their DNA.

The RBD is a crucial part of coronaviruses, which allows them to latch on to and enter a cell. Even a 99% similarity between the RBDs of the two viruses is not necessarily enough to link them, says Linfa Wang, a virologist at Duke–National University of Singapore Medical School who was part of the team that found the origin of the SARS virus.

Not close enough
Three similar comparison studies were posted on bioRxiv last week. One of those papers — by an international research group , posted on 18 February — found2 that coronaviruses in frozen cell samples from illegally trafficked pangolins shared between 85.5% and 92.4% of their DNA with the virus found in humans.

Two other papers published on 20 February, from groups in China, also studied coronaviruses from smuggled pangolins. The viruses were 90.23%3 and 91.02%4 similar, respectively, to the virus that causes COVID-19.

The genetic similarity should be higher than reported in these studies before the host can be identified, says Arinjay Banerjee, who studies coronaviruses at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. He notes that the SARS virus shared 99.8% of its genome with a civet coronavirus, which is why civets were considered the source. If pangolins are the origin of the current outbreak, says Banerjee, it is not the pangolins in these studies.

Key differences
So far, the closest match to the human coronavirus has been found in a bat in China’s Yunnan province. A study5 published on 3 February found that the bat coronavirus shared 96% of its genetic material with the virus that causes COVID-19. Bats could have passed the virus to humans, but there are key differences between the RBD sites in the two viruses. This suggests that this specific bat coronavirus did not directly infect people, but could have been transmitted it to people through an intermediate host, say researchers.

The papers raise more questions than they answer, says Jiang Zhigang, an ecologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology in Beijing. He asks, if pangolins are the source of the virus, and they came from another country, why haven’t there been reports of people being infected in that location?

Sara Platto, who studies animal behaviour at Jianghan University in Wuhan, worries that all the speculation about pangolins being the source could drive people to kill them. Civets were killed en masse after the SARS outbreak. “The problem is not the animals, it’s that we get in contact with them,” says Platto.
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Today I went to Kurmitola General Hospital . They were announcing on handmike that “ If you have symptoms of cough, Fever , Neck pain , go to the emergency . Everyone else’s please vacate the premises immediately “
. . . . .
People are not religious but are superstitious. Govt must not allow such a gathering in the midst of coronavirus.


03:46 PM, March 18, 2020 / LAST MODIFIED: 07:35 PM, March 18, 2020
Bangladesh reports first coronavirus death, number of active cases now 14

A computer generated image created by Nexu Science Communication and the Trinity College in Dublin, shows a structural model of the betacoronavirus. It is one of four genera of the COVID-19 or coronavirus strain, which recently broke out in Wuhan and has since made its way to many parts of the world. Photo: Reuters/File
" style="box-sizing: border-box; float: right; cursor: pointer; position: relative; display: table; z-index: 1; margin-left: 36.4px; width: 509.6px;">

A computer generated image created by Nexu Science Communication and the Trinity College in Dublin, shows a structural model of the betacoronavirus. It is one of four genera of the COVID-19 or coronavirus strain, which recently broke out in Wuhan and has since made its way to many parts of the world. Photo: Reuters/File

Star Online Report

A Bangladeshi -- who tested positive for coronavirus infection -- has died, Prof Meerjady Sabrina Flora, director of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) said today.

The patient was over 70 years old, she said while talking to journalists during a press briefing at IEDCR.

The patient had multiple pre-existing complications like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes, the director said, adding that he had heart stenting done previously.

The current number of coronavirus affected people in the country in 14, the director said. A total of 16 people have been kept in isolation while 42 are kept in institutionalised quarantine, she added.

IEDCR has tested samples from 49 people in the last 24 hours. So far the institution has tested 341 samples.
. . .
Authorative regime of Hasina's cyber unit took down the facebook post after it went viral on facebook. Here is the original copied version

আমার অত্যন্ত কাছের বান্ধবী এর বাবা আজ সকালে ইন্তেকাল করেছেন।
আঙ্কেলের নিউমোনিয়া নিয়ে হসপিটালে ভর্তি করাতে গেলে সব বেসরকারী তাকে ফিরিয়ে দেয় (কারণ তারা ধারণা করছিলো আঙ্কেলে করোনা ইন্ফেক্টেড এবং তা পরীক্ষা করার মত কোন টেস্ট কিট কোন হাসপাতালে নেই। এ ধরনের রোগীর কাছে যাওয়ার মত যথেষ্ট প্রটেকশনও সরকারের কাছ থেকে তারা পায়নি) এবং সরকার অনুমোদিত করোনা রোগীদের জন্য হসপিটাল গুলো আইইডিসিআর এর টেস্ট রিপোর্ট ছাড়া ভর্তি করবেনা বলে জানায়। অসহায়ের মত এম্বুলেন্সে করে রাস্তায় বসে থেকে বাসায় নিয়ে গেলে এর মধ্যে আঙ্কেলের শারিরীক অবস্থার আরও অবনতি হয়। আঙ্কেলের তখন আইসিইউ সাপোর্টের ইমিডিয়েট দরকার ছিল।নোশিনের বড় বোন ও দুলাভাই নিজেরা ডাক্তার হওয়া সত্বেও কোন প্রকার সাহায্য পাননি। এর মাঝে আইইডিসিআর এর সাথে অসংখ্যবার যোগাযোগ করার চেষ্টা করা হলেও কোন রেসপন্স পাওয়া যাচ্ছিল না কারণ প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশীদের সংস্পর্শে আসেনি এমন করো সেম্পল তারা টেস্ট করছিলো না। দেশের বাইরে থেকে যারা এসেছে তাদের টেস্ট করতেই তারা হিমশিম খাচ্ছে।
আমার হাজবেন্ডের দুলাভাই (শিমুল ভাইয়া) অনেক চেষ্টার পর আইইডিসিআর এর সাথে যোগাযোগ করে সেম্পল নেওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করেন গতকাল দুপুরে। এরই মধ্যে আঙ্কেলের অবস্থা আরও খারাপ হয়ে যায়। আজ ভোর ৫:৩০ এর দিকে নোশিনের কল পাই, পাগলের মত কাঁদছিল আর বলছিল আজ একটা টেস্ট রিপোর্টর জন্য আমার বাবা মারা যাচ্ছে। অসহায়ের মত শোনা ছাড়া আর কিছুই আমার করার ছিল না। শিমুল ভাইয়া আপ্রান চেষ্টা করে আজ দুপুরের মধ্যে রিপোর্ট পাওয়ার জন্য অনুরোধ করে কিন্তু তার আগেই সব শেষ।
এখন আমরা সেই রিপোর্টের আশায় বসে আছি যেন বিনা চিকিৎসায় মারা গেলেও মৃত্যু পরবর্তী পথটা যেন আর কঠিন না হয়।
করোনা নাকি তার আতঙ্ক আঙ্কেলের মৃত্যুর জন্য দায়ী এখন সেটারই জানার অপেক্ষা।

Google translate

My very close girlfriend's father passed away this morning.
When he was admitted to the hospital with Uncle's pneumonia, all the privateers returned him (because they were convinced that Uncle Corona was infected and no test kit was in the hospital. He did not get enough protection from the government to go to such a patient) and the government did not approve. Hospitals for patients will not be admitted without IEDCR test report. Uncle's ambulance, taken from the street to the house, leads to a further decline in Uncle's physical condition. Uncle needed ICU support then Immidate. Noshin's older sister and daughter-in-law did not get any help despite being a doctor themselves. In the meantime, many attempts were made to contact the IEDCR, but no response was available as they were not testing the sample which was not contacted by the expatriate Bangladeshis. They are trying to test those who have come from outside the country.
After a lot of effort, my brother-in-law Dulabhai (Shimul Bhaiya) contacted the IEDCR and arranged for a sample to be taken at noon yesterday. In the meantime Uncle's condition worsens. Today, around 8am, Noshin's call was received, weeping like crazy and saying that my father was dying for a test report today. I had nothing to do except to sound helpless. Shimul bhaiya apran tries to get the report by noon today but before that all is over.
Now we are sitting in the hope of reporting that if we die without treatment, the path to death will not be difficult.
Whether or not Corona is responsible for Uncle's death is just waiting to be known.

we haven't taken proper measures for countering corona virus outbreak . we are more busy how to celebrate father of nation's birthday
we haven't taken proper measures for countering corona virus outbreak . we are more busy how to celebrate father of nation's birthday
No, you are wrong at this. I have read many reports that say BD ministers are competing with each other to tell people that the govt has taken appropriate measures to contain the disease. However, they, as usual, could not specify the measures.

Could it be that the prayer gathering is the only measure that has been permitted by the govt?
No, you are wrong at this. I have read many reports that say BD ministers are competing with each other to tell people that the govt has taken appropriate measures to contain the disease. However, they, as usual, could not specify the measures.

Could it be that the prayer gathering is the only measure that has been permitted by the govt?

Awami League at action!

Coronavirus: 3 more cases confirmed, raising total to 20
Kamrul Hasan
  • Published at 04:22 pm March 20th, 2020


Photo: Bigstock

Among them, an elderly man is in critical condition

Three more people have been infected with the Covid-19 in Bangladesh, taking the total number of confirmed cases to 20.

Dr Nasima Sultana, additional director general (administration) of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), confirmed the matter during a briefing on Friday.

The new patients include a woman aged around 30, and two men -- aged 30 and 70, she said.

The elderly one is in critical condition and undergoing treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital, Nasima added.

Earlier on Wednesday, with the death of a 70-year-old man, Bangladesh recorded its first death from Covid-19. Three others were released after being cured.

Meanwhile, 44 others have also been under institutional quarantine over suspected symptoms of Covid-19. Besides, 30 others have been kept in isolation across the country.

The fast spreading coronavirus has claimed over 10,000 lives and infected more than 245,000 people across the world, according to the worldometer.


Coronavirus: Residents protest against quarantine centre in Uttara
Arifur Rahman Rabbi
  • Published at 03:37 pm March 20th, 2020


Photo: Collected

Two quarantine facilities have been set up at Ashkona Hajj Camp and Rajuk Apartment Project at Diabari

Residents of Diabari in Dhaka's Uttara area have staged a demonstration against the government decision of setting up a quarantine centre in their locality.

Several hundreds of people took to the streets on Friday protesting against the quarantine facility and demanded the government review the decision.

The decision to set up a quarantine centre for the coronavirus affected individuals in a residential area is not prudential, they said.

Around 3,000 to 4,000 people live in the area and the government's move to set up such facility would put them in danger, they added.

Turag police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Nurul Muttakin said: "We are discussing the matter with them and trying to convince them so that they leave the spot."

As part of efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus, the government on Thursday authorized army to supervise two quarantine facilities, said an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement.

One quarantine centre has been set up at Ashkona Hajj Camp adjacent to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, while the other at Rajuk Apartment Project at Diabari in Uttara Sector 18.

All returnees would be screened at the airport and individuals selected by the Health Ministry would be handed over to the army for quarantine after completion of the immigration procedure.

The individuals will then be transported to the quarantine facilities from the airport and the army will supervise the completion of their digital data entry, arrangement of meal, accommodation, treatment, and other necessary services during the quarantine period, the statement added.

The fast spreading coronavirus has claimed over 10,000 lives and infected more than 245,000 people across the world, according to the worldometer.

Meanwhile, a Bangladeshi died of the Covid-19 and 17 others have so far been infected.

06:30 PM, March 20, 2020 / LAST MODIFIED: 06:35 PM, March 20, 2020
Inbound Bangladeshi passengers being marked with quarantine stamp


Star Online Report


Authorities at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport have started marking inbound passengers with stamps bearing the date till which they will have to stay under home quarantine.

The authorities adopted the move since Thursday, the officer-in-charge (immigration) told The Daily Star today.

"We have started putting stamps on inbound passengers who have to stay under home quarantine," the OC said. "The seals have the date till which they will have to stay isolated. It has started in other countries and we have adopted it too."

"This is so that if the persons who have to stay in quarantine violate the conditions, law enforcement officials and others can remind them to go back into isolation," she added.
The elderly one is in critical condition and undergoing treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital, Nasima added.
It seems elderly people's immune system deteriorates with age. It is the same in other countrues.

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