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PM: No crowding on Pohela Boishakh, Mujibnagar Day
Mehedi Al Amin
  • Published at 12:13 pm April 12th, 2020

New Year Mehedi Hasan/Dhaka Tribune

The prime minister gave the directive while addressing a videoconference with the deputy commissioners (DCs) and officials of 17 districts under Khulna and Barisal divisions

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed countrymen to celebrate Pohela Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, with their family at home.

"Celebrate the Bengali New Year with your family members at home. Do not go outside. All outdoor programs scheduled to celebrate the day have been cancelled. No one will create any gatherings on that day," the premier said.

The prime minister gave the directive while addressing a videoconference with the deputy commissioners (DCs) and officials of 17 districts under Khulna and Barisal divisions.

The videoconference began from her official residence Ganabhaban in Dhaka around 10am on Sunday.

She said: "Keep your own locality safe and don’t allow outsiders to enter. Moreover, don’t be outside without any reason. We don’t know who is carrying the virus.”

The prime minister urged people to postpone their plans to visit their relatives until the coronavirus situation improves.

“We shutdown everything when it was necessary. Educational institutions were closed earlier. Because of this, businesses are suffering. We are providing incentives to help them.

"We declared a countrywide holiday to save the lives of the people,” she added.

At the same time, the premier also said no big gathering will be allowed to observe Mujibnagar Day in Meherpur district on April 17.

Pohela Boishakh is celebrated on April 14 while Mujibnagar Day, the day on which the Liberation War time Mujibnagar government took oath, is observed on April 17.

The prime minister also directed the deputy commissioner of Meherpur to ensure that no one from outside the district is allowed to take part in any Mujibnagar Day program on April 17.

"We observe the day every year, but this time we will not create a public gathering. We can do that if the situation improves.

Source: https://www.dhakatribune.com/health...no-crowding-on-pohela-boishakh-mujibnagar-day
PM: No crowding on Pohela Boishakh, Mujibnagar Day
Mehedi Al Amin
  • Published at 12:13 pm April 12th, 2020

New Year Mehedi Hasan/Dhaka Tribune

The prime minister gave the directive while addressing a videoconference with the deputy commissioners (DCs) and officials of 17 districts under Khulna and Barisal divisions

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed countrymen to celebrate Pohela Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, with their family at home.

"Celebrate the Bengali New Year with your family members at home. Do not go outside. All outdoor programs scheduled to celebrate the day have been cancelled. No one will create any gatherings on that day," the premier said.

The prime minister gave the directive while addressing a videoconference with the deputy commissioners (DCs) and officials of 17 districts under Khulna and Barisal divisions.

The videoconference began from her official residence Ganabhaban in Dhaka around 10am on Sunday.

She said: "Keep your own locality safe and don’t allow outsiders to enter. Moreover, don’t be outside without any reason. We don’t know who is carrying the virus.”

The prime minister urged people to postpone their plans to visit their relatives until the coronavirus situation improves.

“We shutdown everything when it was necessary. Educational institutions were closed earlier. Because of this, businesses are suffering. We are providing incentives to help them.

"We declared a countrywide holiday to save the lives of the people,” she added.

At the same time, the premier also said no big gathering will be allowed to observe Mujibnagar Day in Meherpur district on April 17.

Pohela Boishakh is celebrated on April 14 while Mujibnagar Day, the day on which the Liberation War time Mujibnagar government took oath, is observed on April 17.

The prime minister also directed the deputy commissioner of Meherpur to ensure that no one from outside the district is allowed to take part in any Mujibnagar Day program on April 17.

"We observe the day every year, but this time we will not create a public gathering. We can do that if the situation improves.

Source: https://www.dhakatribune.com/health...no-crowding-on-pohela-boishakh-mujibnagar-day
You Muslims celebrate it?
You Muslims celebrate it?
It's actually a festival of first day of Bengali year. However it's not religious festival,but now some people hijacked it and make it look like Hindu religious festivals and made it a cult. You saw the idols right?

So it's declining among Muslims. Specially since 2017 crowd is on heavy decline. Now only few people take part on it.
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You Muslims celebrate it?
Yes, we celebrate it. But, is it a problem if Bengali Muslims celebrate it? Religion has nothing to do with a calendar, especially when Bengali calendar is a solar one with 365 days making one full year.

People throughout the modern world have discarded the unscientific Lunar calendar in favor of Gregorian/Christian (English) Solar calendar. We follow it but usually we also celebrate the Bengali New Year. Traditionally, all the local businesses, Muslim or Hindu, end the year on 31 Chaitra. Hindus use it to denote their days of Puja and other festivals. Bengali New Year is equally celebrated by both the groups.

However, please know how and when this Bengali calendar was introduced and on what basis.

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Bangladesh confirms 5 more deaths, 182 new corona cases
News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2020-04-13 2:38:26 PM


Health Minister Zahid Maleque
DHAKA: Five more people have died of coronavirus in Bangladesh, raising the total death toll in the country to 39, said Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Monday (April 13).

Besides, 182 more people have been tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours, pushing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 803.

Health Minister Zahid Maleque informed the latest coronavirus situation in the country from an online health bulletin broadcast.

Besides, three of coronavirus patients have recovered in last 24 hours, raising the number of total recovery to 42, she added.

BDST: 1438 HRS, APR 13, 2020


@UKBengali, @Bilal9, @Sehnsucht

PS: total 1570 tests done in last 24 hours. Test numbers are increasing its a good point. But we need better medical team I believe. Not sure when medical team from China will arrive!
Bangladesh confirms 5 more deaths, 182 new corona cases
News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2020-04-13 2:38:26 PM


Health Minister Zahid Maleque
DHAKA: Five more people have died of coronavirus in Bangladesh, raising the total death toll in the country to 39, said Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Monday (April 13).

Besides, 182 more people have been tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours, pushing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 803.

Health Minister Zahid Maleque informed the latest coronavirus situation in the country from an online health bulletin broadcast.

Besides, three of coronavirus patients have recovered in last 24 hours, raising the number of total recovery to 42, she added.

BDST: 1438 HRS, APR 13, 2020


@UKBengali, @Bilal9, @Sehnsucht

PS: total 1570 tests done in last 24 hours. Test numbers are increasing its a good point. But we need better medical team I believe. Not sure when medical team from China will arrive!
I think it'll get worse before it gets better.
Disappointing to see that number of tests haven't grown that much.
I think it'll get worse before it gets better.
Disappointing to see that number of tests haven't grown that much.
We also need foreign medical team. As Bangladeshi doctors were proven not very useful even in any disease.
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We also need foreign medical team. As Bangladeshi doctors were.proven not very useful even in any disease.
A Chinese medical team is supposed to arrive any day now.I think they'd lead the efforts.
I don't blame our doctors much tbh.It's also the fault of those dumb UNOs, DCs & political leaders who stole the PPEs & other protective gears meant for the doctors.
And of course the fault of the sycophants who didn't take the situation seriously at first.
PS: total 1570 tests done in last 24 hours. Test numbers are increasing its a good point. But we need better medical team I believe. Not sure when medical team from China will arrive!

3 things to take from this:

1 - Number of tests are going up steadily to 1500. This will keep going up as another 12 labs are due to open shortly.

2. Number of recorded deaths is not accelerating upwards.

3. Only around 10% of those being tested have come back positive. In countries like the UK it is more like 30-35%.

The Chinese medical team and supplies like ventilators will be critical for BD. They are specifically coming to advise the BD government and authorities, and also train the BD doctors on how to treat the Covid-19 patients. I believe the Chinese when they say "only" 3000 or so people have died in China, despite what others are saying.


BD will not forget China sending the team and supplies of ventilators and will not jump on any anti-Chinese bandwagon after this whole episode is over. We will raise our voice to make sure that China has the chance to explain it's side of the story and is judged fairly by history.

More Awami League men arrested as rice theft continues
Tapos Kanti Das | Published: 00:27, Apr 14,2020

Relief rice theft by ruling Awami League leaders and others continues in the country during the ongoing crisis due to coronavirus.

On Sunday night and Monday, two AL leaders and activists were arrested from two places as law enforcement agencies recovered rice, meant for selling at Tk 10 a kg among the poor, from four places of the country.

A court in Bogura on Monday placed an AL leader, arrested with 158 sacks of government rice on Saturday, on a three-day remand in police custody for interrogation in a case lodged under Special Powers Act 1974 for committing the offence of ‘hoarding or dealing in black-market’, New Age correspondent in Bogura reported.

Food minister Sadhan Chandra Majumder, talking to reporters at his Minto Road residence in Dhaka on Monday morning, said that his ministry had already issued order to take tough legal action against the rice black marketers.

The government on Monday decided to suspend Open Market Sale of rice among poor at Tk 10 a kg across the country apparently in the wake of its failure to control crowds and theft.

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina on March 25 and on March 31 warned of strict actions against any kind of misappropriation.

On Sunday, local government and cooperative ministry suspended a union parishad chairman of Hathazari in Chattagram, two UP members of Sonargaon in Narayanganj and Shingra in Natore for misappropriating relief.

Until Monday, at least 18 AL leaders and activists were arrested for their alleged involvement in government rice theft.

In Gaibandha, police arrested AL activist and rice dealer Mojdar Rahman on Monday from Nayabandar area under Saghata in the district and seized 500 kilograms of relief rice from his possession.

New Age correspondent in Manikganj reported, police on Sunday night arrested Dhalla union Swechchhasebak League president Abu Bakar Siddique alias Barkat of Singair upazila for misappropriating 2,670 kilograms of rice and stocking 2,200kg rice in a bid to sell in black market.

In Khagrachhari, a case was lodged with Matiranga police against union parishad member and local Sramik League leader Jamal Uddin on Monday, hours after 158 sacks of government rice was seized from his warehouse at Taindong bazaar under Matiranga upazila Sunday night.

New Age correspondent in Sirajganj, quoting Salanga police station OC AZM Tajul Huda, reported that a food department official lodged a case against AL activist and government rice dealer Foyez Uddin and his associate Abul Hossain Sunday night after seizing 17 sacks of government rice from Abul’s house at village Ghurka under Salanga in Sirajganj.
Coronavirus gobbles up fashion houses’ Baishakh sales
Rashad Ahamad | Published: 21:22, Apr 13,2020 | Updated: 12:39, Apr 14,2020



A security person guards a closed outlet of Aarong, a local fashion house, in the capital on Monday, one day before Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla New Year. — New Age photo

The owners of domestic fashion houses and their supplier micro-entrepreneurs are now incurring huge financial losses due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country that has forced the businesses to shut their stores as well as the production for an indefinite period.

Fashion house owners said that they had missed the sales on the occasion of Pahela Baishakh (Bangla New Year) that they called the second largest festival in terms of the volume of sales and the largest festival Eid-ul-Fitr would be missed due to the growing cases of novel coronavirus that infected 182 and killed 39 till Monday.

Pahela Baishakh is being celebrated today and Eid-ul-Fitr, one of the largest festivals for Muslims, will be celebrated in the second half of May.

Shaheen Ahammed, president of the Fashion Entrepreneurs Association of Bangladesh, a platform of 250 domestic fashion entrepreneurs, told New Age on Monday that there were 5000 domestic fashion houses across the country, which had targeted to sell products worth more than Tk 2,000 crore in this Baishakh but missed it due to COVID-19.

‘During Eid-ul-Fitr, the domestic fashion houses usually sell products worth Tk 4,000 crore to Tk 5,000 crore but the sales have also been suspended,’ said Shaheen, also owner of Anjans, a reputed domestic fashion brand.

He said that Baishakh products were ready for sales while the manufacturers were busy to make Eid products when the coronavirus crisis began in Bangladesh.

Former FEAB president Azharul Hoque Azad said that due to the crisis, 25 lakh people including five lakh who were directly involved with the trade were facing financial crisis.

‘It is a loss of over Tk 6,000 crore,’ Azharul, also the managing director of Sada Kala, said.

The business leaders welcomed the prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s declaration of Tk 20,000 crore in subsidy package for the SME sector and said that before starting the banking activities the government should on emergency basis allocate Tk 500 crore for small entrepreneurs to bear maintenance cost including workers’ wages and allowances.

Sales at domestic fashion houses fell drastically at the beginning of March, days before the first COVID-19 patient was identified in Bangladesh.

Finally the fashion brands decided to shut their outlets across the country on March 24.

Mohammad Ashraful Alam, chief operating officer of Aarong, an enterprise of Brac, the largest NGO in the world, said that the sales during Pahela Baishakh and Eid-ul-Fitr contributed 40 per of their annual turnover and they missed the sales this year due to COVID-19.

He said that the largest fashion house in the country targeted Tk 125 crore in turnover in this Bangla New Year and had completed collecting all the products before the coronavirus outbreak began in the country.

He said that usually this period was considered as the peak season for producers but this year the situation was completely different.
02:30 PM, April 14, 2020 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:41 PM, April 14, 2020
Seven more coronavirus patients die, 209 test positive in 24hrs: DGHS



Star Online Report

Seven more died of coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours, DGHS said today.

The death toll now stands at 46, a DGHS official said during the briefing.

Two hundred and nine people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of people detected with the infection in a day so far in the country.

With this, the total number of infected has reached 1,012.
02:30 PM, April 14, 2020 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:41 PM, April 14, 2020
Seven more coronavirus patients die, 209 test positive in 24hrs: DGHS



Star Online Report

Seven more died of coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours, DGHS said today.

The death toll now stands at 46, a DGHS official said during the briefing.

Two hundred and nine people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of people detected with the infection in a day so far in the country.

With this, the total number of infected has reached 1,012.

Total test number in last 24 hours are 1905.

@UKBengali, Bangladesh is at number 46 now on death count. That's not good. Many private hospitals were rejecting taking coronavirus patients. Now after last declaration if Hasina don't know the latest news.
Coronavirus cases pass 1,000 in Bangladesh; death toll now 46


  • PUBLISH- APRIL 14, 2020, 02:38 PM
  • UPDATE- APRIL 14, 2020, 02:56 PM


UNB File Photo
Seven more people died from coronavirus in Bangladesh in the last 24 hours till Tuesday, taking the death toll in the country to 46.

Besides, 209 more people tested positive for coronavirus during the period, taking the number of such cases in the country to 1,012.

Prof Nasima Sultana, additional director general of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), came up with the disclosure in the daily health bulletin of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR).

She said in the last 24 hours, highest 1,905 samples were tested.

On Monday, Bangladesh reported five more deaths from coronavirus and 182 new cases.


Meanwhile, the global death toll from coronavirus has reached 119,696 as of Tuesday morning.

It has so far infected 1,924,893 people around the world, according to Worldometer.

Of them, 1,360,192 are currently being treated and 51,764 of them are in serious or critical condition.

So far 445,005 people have made recovery.

Coronavirus is affecting 210 countries and territories around the world and two international conveyances.
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