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Coronavirus Could Be The End Of China As Global Manufacturing Hub

Dude. do you even have 14 days of supply of food &necessities stored in your home? coz if not, trolling on PDF is probably the last thing you should do right now.:lol:

? 14 days is nothing. Pretty much everybody has at least 14 days of food in their home. Most people shop once a week for at least 7 days of food.
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I said "At this scale".

And regarding work ethic, quality and discipline, I doubt American and Canadian workers can beat the Chinese. Perhaps only some very homogenous Germanic countries.

well, that "at this scale" remains a factor for only as long as it takes for AI to start to oversee production and testing of goods.
once production workers can work in simpler ways thanks to AI on the production floors, you can make do with the average work-ethic that is found all over NATO, not just the north-western nations there-in.

but, for the moment, the next 20 years or so, China will probably remain king in manufacturing, etc.
that's my guess at least.
German work ethic > Chinese work ethic
But there are many more Chinese than there are Germans, and work-ethic is not the only factor in determining who is best at large scale high tech manufacturing.
Good news Tesla Starts new phase 3 Gigafactory in China


bad news for ???

lol.. another self delusion article by american. China has developed as a manufacturing giant and also a giant spending market. I am sure it will stay the same at least for the next 30 years. The highly competitive workforce of Chinese is also another big factor despite rising wages. THey work and dont complain. They can work weekend, OT and even non stop. This is something other countries can never emulate. White will talk about work life balance and their right. But to Chinese, work is an very important part of life that can even replace everything.
No one care, 2/3 factories leaving Guangdong, a main export province, before nCov happened show that.

Investors, including CN investors just try to avoid Trump's tariff, they also dont wanna be arrested like Hwai boss outside CN. CN is dying, nCov make CN die even faster. If CN is still good, then 2/3 factories will not chose to leave CN:cool:

A recent UBS China survey of 200 manufacturing companies with significant export business or supply to exporters revealed the trade war has had a negative impact on 63 percent of those businesses.

A quarter of those affected have cut jobs, 37 percent have moved production out of China in the past 12 months, while 33 percent plan to move in the next 6-12 months.
Good. you will need those soon enough.

The great thing is since most of us live in houses we won’t have to worry about police putting iron bars across our doors to keep us locked indoors. So all those stories about people going insane from being locked up won’t really apply here. At most they will ask us not to walk outside our property lines.


Police barricading Chinese apartment door.


Standing on the edge of the property line
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it takes about 8 years to train technical workers and designers.
i went through the training myself.

so indeed, i too doubt that the corona virus is going to shift production of goods away from China.
other nations (and you're right to point this out) simply do not have the experience as a culture required to make high tech goods.
The current manufacturing infrastructures, for all foreign companies doing business in China, is too entrenched for any relocation. The production disruption will shock the appropriate industries, whether it is tires or washing machines or computer chips.

However, as much as I dislike 'could' articles, as this one is, the point is made -- that the first world depends too much on China. In semiconductor manufacturing, technically skilled labor can be as simple as using the keyboard and mouse. At this level, the diversity is such that any CEO can negotiate in any country in the Americas, the EU, and Asia. Next level is either a 2-yr technical education or 2-4 yrs industry experience equivalent. This level is more difficult to relocate, or replace, or negotiate indigenously, but not impossible to do outside of China. The most difficult is the engineering/design level. Most engineers/designers specialized once they are hired. So now a CEO will have to deal with institutional memories or 'tribal knowledge' on how to get things done. Intellectual properties and copyrights issues are involved in everything an engineer/designer works on. Combine all three levels, and a global company like Samsung or Hynix cannot simply just pack up and move.

The point and lesson of this article is not lost on the Chinese government. What is now entrenched in China will resume operations once this crisis is over, but there is no predicting what CEOs will do in the interests of their respective industries. I will go out on a limb and predict that industries will reassess their involvement in China and WILL diversify their manufacturing bases, whether it is tires, or washing machines, or computer chips.
The great thing is since most of us live in houses we won’t have to worry about police putting iron bars across our doors to keep us locked indoors. So all those stories about people going insane from being locked up won’t really apply here. At most they will ask us not to walk outside our property lines.

View attachment 610794
Police barricading Chinese apartment door.

View attachment 610795
Standing on the edge of the property line
haha you are way too sensitive dude
This was the plan. China is being punished for helping Iran get missile technology that threatens US hegemony in the Mideast. And threatens Israhell with accurate MRBMs.

For the Chinese who hope USA gets the coronavirus, the worse the coronavirus effects dumb Amerikans, the more they are going to boycott Chinese goods.

China needs a plan to use their economy, not to give Amerikans cheap high quality goods now produced in China... but to have a Chinese domestic consumer economy for the Chinese and a military and weapons economy to punish Washington for this coronavirus.

trump tried to destroy the Chinese export economy with the trade war, it did not work. The motive to destroy the Chinese economy is still there, that is where the coronavirus comes in. They wanted to crush Huawei and Chinese exports, the Europeans for not going along with the collapse the Chinese economy only delayed the Chinese economic woes.

So the freemasons and other zionists gave China a cold:

These criminal elements in China that were spraying pathogens on Chinese farms were not working for Beijing. They were trying to hurt the Chinese economy and blame the Chinese for their sicknesses for being so "dirty and filthy Chinese". This same argument is used against the Chinese in this coronavirus. The fake story goes... the Chinese developed a bioweapon out of their Wuhan virus lab, they supposedly passed it onto animals in the Wuhan markets and it mutated and the "filthy dirty" Chinese ate "unclean" food. China's fault again like their African swine fever.

Chinese pig farm attempts to block criminal drones with signal jammer, accidentally disrupts planes


Now you know why China has to have face recognizing cameras throughout China to catch these Western-backed crooks.
This was the plan. China is being punished for helping Iran get missile technology that threatens US hegemony in the Mideast.

?? There’s around 195 countries on this planet. Do really believe Iran is up there near the top of the importance/priority list to cause a worldwide pandemic?
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