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You looks me frustrated because Pakistan count is high and Imran is getting failed to protect own people. Taking very late decision and also afraid to take any decision.

Leave Indian on their situation And concentrate on Pakistan situation.....

Modi and Indian governments are doing great job as of now, all are fighting against virus and not against each others......

I am laughing at Indian government and its establishment. INDIA GOT MORE DEATHS THEN PAKISTAN!!! Let that sink in. Modi is clearly lieing to its people and more worryingly to the rest of the world.

Impressive.You are clearly a great people.

Don't worry about us, now chop chop and inform the world about India true situation so you can be helped. Hiding the true extent just for some stupid "image building" will not last. India got full potential to be long term nuisance for the world , just because of the sheer number of people and Indian immigrants all over the world. India is a third world country, it doent have the resources like China to fight it alone and contain it.
I am laughing at Indian government and its establishment. INDIA GOT MORE DEATHS THEN PAKISTAN!!! Let that sink in. Modi is clearly lieing to its people and more worryingly to the rest of the world.

Yaar, why people go and do the testing if he is good and healthy?

Even if I have fever and cough then why should I go and ask for corona testing? (I am working from home and not met to any suspected person)

As of now, India is doing the right things and testing only of those people who is coming from other countries (properly infected) or anyone came close to infected people.

India's case is just different compare to Pakistan because Pakistan needs to deal with her borders as well ( China, Iran and Afghanistan).

Pakistan needs to deal with more challenges and chances are that count will be higher than India.

it does not mean that India is not doing testing and therefore, count is less than Pakistan.

Indian Central government and states governments are going great job and taking proper steps to secure us.
India is a billion plus people with most of people cant even defecate in dignity!! Clearly Indian establishment is hiding the true extent of infection in India.

While in Pakistan we were making the Resochin (Chloroquine) long before this outbreak, while rest of the world banned it. we shipped in bulk to China to save lots of lives there. While the west and American government and their health agencies are bickering about the lawful use of Chloroquine, we are administrating the medicine to our infected one without exception. I have confirmed this with few doctors back home. And that why is our mortality rate is down, all thanks to Allah, and no non sense approach.

Imran khan is totally failed if you ask me...

He was seating idle and didn't plan anything even your borders are more unsecured compare to India.

Due to political reason, he abandon the students in China to show the loyalty with China but other hand, once he permitted to allow own people from Iran. He didn't plan anything.(Agreed, Iran was forcing, even)

The quarantine facility was provided too worst and even if there 50 people were infected then most properly they would have infected more then 200 people in the same quarantine facility.

before talk about defecate in dignity, you need to check status of Pakistanis as well... Thank you.
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Pakistan got "officially" around 800 reported infected cases while India, a billion plus third world poor country got only around half of the figure!! YET, Pakistan has got 6 fatalities up till now while India 7. All these things are not adding up.

These things are mainly getting reported by media world wide, and every tom dick and harry knows that Indian establishment tightly control the Indian media. The penetration and hold over state institutions by Indian intelligence agencies is absolutely firm.

Poor Indians flee to villages as coronavirus measures take heavy toll
ReutersMarch 21, 2020


REALLY???? Only 400 Infections all across India?

World is not stupid mate. This aint Bollywood. This is real world.

Its a concern, a country trying to fool world , housing billion plus people , just for the image sake, while first world countries got more infected people!!!

Get off your high horses you morons, world will eventually have to forcefully quarantine you lot if you don't act and stop living in your Bollywood nonsense.

Don't doubt Indians bro

Who knows corona in India might have died after watching this and stop infecting Indians

Over 40 people infected are foreigners who came to India on tourism. So, Indian infection had been relatively low. It may be for to better screening by government, better climate or simply higher immunity amongst Indians due to complex racial structure

You already have more deaths then Pakistan , let that sink in.
Really? Comparing number of deaths while not even ten people are dead in either countries, officially? Imagine the desperation.

How about another statistic? India has tested 15000-20000 people by now, and ~500 are positive. Pakistan has tested 2000-2500 people and ~900 are positive. Wonder who's hiding what.
Yaar, why people go and do the testing if he is good and healthy?

Even if I have fever and cough then why should I go and ask for corona testing? (I am working from home and not met to any suspected person)

As of now, India is doing the right things and testing only of those people who is coming from other countries (properly infected) or anyone came close to infected people.

India's case is just different compare to Pakistan because Pakistan needs to deal with her borders as well ( China, Iran and Afghanistan).

Pakistan needs to deal with more challenges and chances are that count will be higher than India.

it does not mean that India is not doing testing and therefore, count is less than Pakistan.

Indian Central government and states governments are going great job and taking proper steps to secure us.

Imran khan is totally failed if you ask me...

He was seating idle and didn't plan anything even your borders are more unsecured compare to India.

Due to political reason, he abandon the students in China to show the loyalty with China but other hand, once he permitted to allow own people from Iran. He didn't plan anything.(Agreed, Iran was forcing, even)

The quarantine facility was provided too worst and even if there 50 people were infected then most properly they would have infected more then 200 people in the same quarantine facility.

before talk about defecate in dignity, you need to check status of Pakistanis as well... Thank you.

IK is doing the right thing with right balance.

While Modi is utter failure. Not doing anything, not coming to media and tell his nation as to what is going on and what is his strategy. There are more deaths in India then in Pakistan.

Modi for stupid reasons of optics tried to evacuate Indians from the epicentre in China while now stopping own Indian citizens to enter India from rest of the world!! How pathetic! Cant even do petty geopolitics properly! While Pakistan decision not to bring home Pakistanis from China was spot no. None of them died and Chinese president Xi personally took responsibility for the well being of Pakistani students! This is called real geopolitics with proper results! Not a single case of infections in Pakistan is reported from China! while most of our cases case from Iran and due to the sectarian unfortunate reason, government options there were very limited.

As for the defecation, it is a fact. India with billion plus people , majority of them living below poverty line, it has to report the true extent of infection, its no time of Bollywood non sense or "Go Corona Go" mantra. India has full potential to sustain this disease for a long time and become a nuisance of the rest of the world, it neither has resources to fight and contain this virus on its own. It will need help.

Pakistan doesn't even have testing facility. So, even if 100 people die from Covid19, there is no way to know the cause of death

WTF are you talking about you rat? Even WHO mentioned that Pakistan got testing facilities. WHO actually admitted Pakistan response is exemplary.

Worry about your shithole of a country son.

Don't doubt Indians bro

Who knows corona in India might have died after watching this and stop infecting Indians

Kid you not, this is India's federal minister of finance !! The one running the country economy!! Absolute retards

They can go and screw themselves, but the problem is, due their Bollywood nature of whole freaking establishment, who consider themselves as some first world country, these morons will sustain the disease for a very long time to come due to their sheer numbers, where the global focus should be to get ride of it asap. These fkers are not even reporting their true numbers.
two people are foreigner and most are 60+ olders (Age).

Yes Einstein, that is the situation in every nation and every country, most deaths are indeed among the elderly.

Best decision, no student is infected and all are healthy in India. we don't depends on other to take care own people and says, we don't have facility and we can't take care own people.

Quote me full you moron, there was bit that went missing from your reply where Modi is stopping all the Indians from abroad to come back to their country.

Hell you clearly do need help, you are third world bunghole, act your status kid, otherwise you will become a huge nuisance for the rest of the world.
Indian establishments is clearly hiding the true extent of fatalities. India "officially" got around half the number as Pakistan of infected people yet in Pakistan there are 6 fatalities reported as oppose to 7 in India. This all doesn't add up.
Because it's summer in India..temperatures all across India have almost reached 35 degrees...whereas Pakistan is at the end of winter...
At this hour the temperatures in different cities of Pakistan is something like this:
Quetta - 12 degrees( tomorrow afternoon -17 degrees)
Karachi- 24( tomorrow afternoon - 25)
Lahore 23 degrees(tomorrow afteenoon-24)
Peshawar 18 degrees(tomorrow afternoon 18ndegrees
Islamabad -23 degrees(tomorrow afternoon - 17 degrees)
Majority of the Indian cities started recording late 20s and early 30s by March first...that is the major difference between Pakistan and India
Lets not forget the Iran's border with pak
Because it's summer in India..temperatures all across India have almost reached 35 degrees...whereas Pakistan is at the end of winter...
At this hour the temperatures in different cities of Pakistan is something like this:
Quetta - 12 degrees( tomorrow afternoon -17 degrees)
Karachi- 24( tomorrow afternoon - 25)
Lahore 23 degrees(tomorrow afteenoon-24)
Peshawar 18 degrees(tomorrow afternoon 18ndegrees
Islamabad -23 degrees(tomorrow afternoon - 17 degrees)
Majority of the Indian cities started recording late 20s and early 30s by March first...that is the major difference between Pakistan and India
Lets not forget the Iran's border with pak

Karachi is 30 degree plus and where the most of returnees from Iran are coming from. The summer effect will take place when the temperature will reach around 40 and plus and we have not reached that point yet. Atleast two weeks away in case of Pakistan as April is really hot there.
Karachi is 30 degree plus and where the most of returnees from Iran are coming from. The summer effect will take place when the temperature will reach around 40 and plus and we have not reached that point yet. Atleast two weeks away in case of Pakistan as April is really hot there.
No ...Karachi hasn't yet hit 30 degrees..I saw the weather forecast and it will hit 30 degrees on the coming Sunday.. that is 29th of March...my town here in South India touched 30 degrees by March first...heat doesn't stop the spread but it will definitely kill the virus in lesser time compared to a colder place...that is the reason we have fewer cases...
At least our PM go to countries and don't beg and also wait for donations from someone. All you testing equipments are recently donated by Japan and China...

So pls, point fingers when you country is capable enough.

If we are a third world country then what should called if a country beg every times?

Sorry, you are only asking these things from my end.

Again, come to actual topic and don't troll... Thanks

You country has been the highest receiver of USAID anywhere in the world! Lets not get started there.

The point is, Indian establishment is clearly hiding the true extent of the infection among its population, where all health experts around the world are warning about India. Modi needs to come out in open and ask for world help coz with 1 billion plus people, with poverty and what not, India will become a huge burden to the world.
You country has been the highest receiver of USAID anywhere in the world! Lets not get started there.

The point is, Indian establishment is clearly hiding the true extent of the infection among its population, where all health experts around the world are warning about India. Modi needs to come out in open and ask for world help coz with 1 billion plus people, with poverty and what not, India will become a huge burden to the world.

Did u see the numbers when compared in the case of France and Italy ? Is France lying as well ?
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