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Cops set to shed khaki and don smart designer uniforms

Different world and mentalities too.

I learned that at US police academies they spend an incredibly high amount of time on self defense instead of dealing with conflict managements.

An officer in Europe will try to desescalate a situation and use force and hard way if it is deemed really necessary,however the ways of doing of an US police officer will in most cases just escalate the situation (sometimes using totally disproportionate force in regard of the situation) and will end up with dead or injured people.

Also most European police forces don't have shoot to kill policies and strict rules in regard to the use of firearms.

In France for exemple,the number of people killed by police reported to the number of police shootings is negligible. And most of the times the people shot die way later because of their wounds.

@The Sandman
EU police professionalism is definitely a class apart.
Different world and mentalities too.

I learned that at US police academies they spend an incredibly high amount of time on self defense instead of dealing with conflict managements.

An officer in Europe will try to desescalate a situation and use force and hard way if it is deemed really necessary,however the ways of doing of an US police officer will in most cases just escalate the situation (sometimes using totally disproportionate force in regard of the situation) and will end up with dead or injured people.

Also most European police forces don't have shoot to kill policies and strict rules in regard to the use of firearms.

In France for exemple,the number of people killed by police reported to the number of police shootings is negligible. And most of the times the people shot die way later because of their wounds.

@The Sandman
lol ... In the US , 3 statements will always be heard in any encounter ie.

"FCUK the Police"



on a lighter note

Different world and mentalities too.

I learned that at US police academies they spend an incredibly high amount of time on self defense instead of dealing with conflict managements.

An officer in Europe will try to desescalate a situation and use force and hard way if it is deemed really necessary,however the ways of doing of an US police officer will in most cases just escalate the situation (sometimes using totally disproportionate force in regard of the situation) and will end up with dead or injured people.

Also most European police forces don't have shoot to kill policies and strict rules in regard to the use of firearms.

In France for exemple,the number of people killed by police reported to the number of police shootings is negligible. And most of the times the people shot die way later because of their wounds.

@The Sandman

Look Mommy, No Guns!

Indian's are ugly and dark

Change of uniform wont make them look better.

They could wear gucci and armani and thry would just be ugly and dark people wearing gucci and armani
Come on man! you do sound ugly I am pretty sure you are ugly in and out both.





One of the new

Post a picture of yourself, lets see how un-ugly you are. There used to be thread about this, your Pakistani users have nothing to bust about in that department.

And it's pretty hilarious you as a Pakistani talking about being dark, and living in the west, you're in the, "dark", team dumbass.
These Pakistani has nothing to talk about but colour and look of others. I live in Britain and I have how these Pakistanis how they look. you must have seen their Cricket team as well. I have seen their models n this forum. well what can I say, compare to Indian models, film stars, only I can say hah ha. Well according to them their religion doesn't allow to discriminate other, by their look and colour and they call themselves a good muslim. Do these Pakistani follow their holy book?
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Come on man! you do sound ugly I am pretty sure you are ugly in and out both.

These Pakistani has nothing to talk about but colour and look of others. I live in Britain and I have how these Pakistanis how they look. you must have seen their Cricket team as well. I have seen their models n this forum. well what can I say, compare to Indian models, film stars, only I can say hah ha. Well according to them their religion doesn't allow to discriminate other, by their look and colour and they call themselves a good muslim. Do these Pakistani follow their holy book?

Its a reality

You want me to lie for the sake of your feelings, its pointless

Indians are by en large dark and ugly that includes the women, pointing out 1 in a million who becomes a actress is worthless

Ugly, good looking people exist in every people's but in the sub continent by a distance the closer you get to Pakistan the taller, fairer and better looking you get
Indian's are ugly and dark

Change of uniform wont make them look better.

They could wear gucci and armani and thry would just be ugly and dark people wearing gucci and armani
Says a decedent of someone who converted from Hinduisim under fear of life or for money... LOL
Says a decedent of someone who converted from Hinduisim under fear of life or for money... LOL

We didn't want to be pagans worshipping animals and idols, who are you to question our decision or rejection of something as worthless as hinduism
We didn't want to be pagans worshipping animals and idols, who are you to question our decision or rejection of something as worthless as hinduism
So you agree you are decedents of converts.. thats a positive start... and now that you know who you are .... lets rephrase your post ....
Indian's are ugly and dark

Change of uniform wont make them look better.

They could wear gucci and armani and thry would just be ugly and dark people wearing gucci and armani

We know you are black and so black that you face discrimination in your daily life. That does not mean you will show your frustration on an online forum. :D
So you agree you are decedents of converts.. thats a positive start... and now that you know who you are .... lets rephrase your post ....

We always agreed, in your mind are people locked into having one beleif that they cant change, thats just your caste mentality

Our people didn't want to follow the jahilat of india and wr chose a better, superior path. Its our choice just because our ancestors were stupid enough to worship monkeys dosent mean we have to
We always agreed, in your mind are people locked into having one beleif that they cant change, thats just your caste mentality

Our people didn't want to follow the jahilat of india and wr chose a better, superior path. Its our choice just because our ancestors were stupid enough to worship monkeys dosent mean we have to
Instead you love bowing down to empty rooms and kissing stones.. Interesting.
We know you are black and so black that you face discrimination in your daily life. That does not mean you will show your frustration on an online forum. :D

Yeah sure:coffee: maybe I can use some cream to look different from your kala self

Instead you love bowing down to empty rooms and kissing stones.. Interesting.

Whatever we choosh to do is our business!!

We just didn't want to be jahil pagans worshipping rocks, and cows
Says a decedent of someone who converted from Hinduisim under fear of life or for money... LOL
iam not being racist but , race and religion are two different things . Never went to school ?
Yeah sure:coffee: maybe I can use some cream to look different from your kala self

Whatever we choosh to do is our business!!

We just didn't want to be jahil pagans worshipping rocks, and cows

Seems like you have been badly beaten by a White guy in UK due to your black skin.

This guy is sick and mentally disturbed. Discussing with you is a bad omen. Soon gonna blow himself up.
Seems like you have been badly beaten by a White guy in UK due to your black skin.

This guy is sick and mentally disturbed. Discussing with you is a bad omen. Soon gonna blow himself up.

:lol::lol: why would I do that???

I don't know why you indians are so defensive

Even you know that the average indian is of the dark ugly variety

Even you know that across the sub continent the closer you get to Pakistan the better looking and fairer you get.

I dont understand why you people are so upset
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