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Featured Coordinated attack by Protesters and Afghanistan BP at Chaman gate

Stupid Afghanis now we have to use more resources in the western front while our eastern front is still hot
would be a cakewalk if we actually tried. but that's not gonna happen considering us trying to rebuild relations with the Kabul regime.
Did some sneaked inside Pakistan?

Could it be a cover for some to sneak in! I can sense some infilterated and may do some special tasks like recent karachi one in different locations
durand line???????????? hahha , who made that--------- chacha jee from london

same line , they made in kashmir

abb ja keh leh loo, kashmir,modi seh

Come and get it fool. Your papa India also begs for Pakistani land. Afghans are no different. Begging and pleading for Pak land.

You couldn't get Pak land with help of Hindustan, America and NATO. What makes you think that Afghanistan will get Pak land?
makes no difference..........
when the order comes to shoot------- the soldier shoots,

there is no conscience rounds". in any barrel
And that is exactly why people should stay away and not attack them. Yay International border hai Khala ji ka ghar nae hai. If this turns into a norm then people will just kill an FC soldier or two and then walk through the gates without impunity. Soldiers are trained to kill not policing so anyone who approaches them with ill intent is getting a VIP ticket straight to Hell.
durand line???????????? hahha , who made that--------- chacha jee from london
Pata tumhein kuch hy nahi Afghanistan sold off this land to the British the pashtuns on this side were betrayed by them that is the history of this region. If you dont know about it dont speak and as someone from AJK I highly advise you dont speak of kashmir either given how little you know of its history
durand line???????????? hahha , who made that--------- chacha jee from london

same line , they made in kashmir

abb ja keh leh loo, kashmir,modi seh
Durand Line is International Border as per UN whereas Kashmir is a UN recognized disputed territory. Attacking an International border is same as attacking a state or more apt words would be declaration of war.
when the amerika attacked on salala post 2011, and killed 24 soldiers,
A lot of bombs and afghan peace process later they are packing their bag and leaving while our guys the Haqqanis who attacked Americans are now part of the process this is what you called a longterm retaliation

Pata kuch hy nahi bus mariam nawaz key cell ki news forward karni hy
Pata tumhein kuch hy nahi Afghanistan sold off this land to the British the pashtuns on this side were betrayed by them that is the history of this region. If you dont know about it dont speak and as someone from AJK I highly advise you dont speak of kashmir either given how little you know of its history
loo jee , abb islamabad keh rehnawala ..Chakothi keh rehnawalay ko kashmir history parawah ga,
why did u let go nawaz then?
Your courts did and he will suffer long run just a matter of time senate election will change a lot of things
why did u let go zardari then
Lol he is big trouble right now if only your primary source wasnt whattsapp
why did u let go ehsan ullah ehsan?
Do you have any idea what happened in that case how many ttp and bla operatives went KIA ? Please dont embarrass yourself
.............dont play the bloddy roulette, u will always loose,
We can play the long game and have molded that place to our advantage
Durand Line is International Border as per UN whereas Kashmir is a UN recognized disputed territory. Attacking an International border is same as attacking a state or more apt words would be declaration of war.

This Afghan snake reveals his true colors. At the heart of this dispute lies territory.

Our leaders and our people are sheep. They are in denial. Afghans don't want peace. They seek hostility and Pakistani land. Lots of it.

I am amazed at our leaders who think that peace with Afghanistan can resolve territorial dispute. It won't.

Time has come to wake up fast. The Americans and NATO countries have been paying lip service regarding Durand line. We shouldn't believe their hollow words. This nexus supports Afghan and Indian claims. Otherwise they wouldn't be destabilising Pakistan for two full decades.

There is only one proper solution. Break the Afghan jaw. Hit them hard. Pound them and send a clear message. There is no negotiation on Pak territory.

Imran Khan's and Bajwa's peace overtures have brought no benefit. It has emboldened our enemies across the border. Americans, NATO countries, Hindustan and Afghanistan are all on one page. They want to create chaos and instability in Pakistan. They want to agitate Pakistan. The end goal is to create ethnic and communal rife. Balkanization is what they seek.
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