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Continuous atrocity and killing of Kahmiris – Boycott Commonwealth game in Delhi

thats a good idea...Pakistan was already kicked 2 times out of commonwealth....so if they have to intention to stay we r ready to kick them out for 3rd time and this will b forever

For Bangladeshis,please at least show some guts by marching through the streets of Dhaka holding placards in ur hand rather then sitting at pkd and crying like a baby:rolleyes:
I've got an idea for you Idune! why don't you take some initiative and maybe write a letter to your sports ministry with your complaints and concerns. It sure beats sitting behind a laptop, typing a paragraph and clicking a button and harping incessantly about Kashmir.

Or perhaps you can gather like minded individuals and organize a protest? maybe picket government offices?
But I guess this takes will power, passion, confidence, real and genuine concern, time and money. All of which of course you are not willing to spare. So I say, go Idune! Bravo, for making a thread and doing sooooo much for people you care about ;)

Here's another idea for Idune and Hafizz, how about boycotting Olympics or other sporting events next time they're held in USA, since it is committing atrocities against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and imposing sanctions on innocent Muslims in Iran. Many also think CIA is behind attacks in pakistan, well there you go, another reason to boycott?

Maybe you will speak for boycotting Olympics 2010 in London since U.K. is also part of the Allies and killing innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan and imposing sanctions against innocent Muslims in Iran.
The Western World organized the Beijing Olympics boycott back a few years ago...these countries should organize a similar boycott of the CWG in India !

Won't happen because that boycott wasn't about human rights abuses, it was because of their distaste for a Rising China. Like 2cents article indicates, they are fine with a pliant India.

Not to comment on the morality of the JK situation, I just question the tactics applied there. Teenagers love this kind of dramatic group confrontations stuff. The police are playing right into their hands. What they should do is "disappear" key figures in the insurgency at night and quietly. Put the fear of god into them.

Machiavelli is a wise man who should be listened to in this situation.

“Learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge or not to use it according to necessity” (chapter XV) or simply. Learn to use evil well.
thats a good idea...Pakistan was already kicked 2 times out of commonwealth....so if they have to intention to stay we r ready to kick them out for 3rd time and this will b forever

For Bangladeshis,please at least show some guts by marching through the streets of Dhaka holding placards in ur hand rather then sitting at pkd and crying like a baby:rolleyes:

Don't shoot yourself in excitement, leave Pakistan out of this the OP was Bengali... Many Thanks and Bye Bye!
The Western World organized the Beijing Olympics boycott back a few years ago...these countries should organize a similar boycott of the CWG in India !

Yes thats an excellent idea!! ..why don't we start with Pakistan and with current turn of events(floods)..you have all the more reason to stay at home...help your own ppl:azn:
Yes thats an excellent idea ..why don't we start with Pakistan and with current turn of events(floods)..you have all the more reason to stay at home.:azn:

Hahah... I'm so funny! Taking a genuine tragedy and Turing it into a tongue in cheek remark, OMG im so edge and funny! Look at me everyone i can take something as tragic and heartbreaking as the largest disaster in the UN's history with 20+ million homeless and turn it into a funny three line rebuke.. OMG i must be like the funniest guy on the planet.

Hahah... I'm so funny! Taking a genuine tragedy and Turing it into a tongue in cheek remark, OMG im so edge and funny! Look at me everyone i can take something as tragic and heartbreaking as the largest disaster in the UN's history with 20+ million homeless and turn it into a funny three line rebuke.. OMG i must be like the funniest guy on the planet.


Its a very tragic incident..!! God Bless all those effected..!!! But i am glad that india is not made a part of this tragedy atleast..!! And your country is still united sans the hate against india..!!!
Hahah... I'm so funny! Taking a genuine tragedy and Turing it into a tongue in cheek remark, OMG im so edge and funny! Look at me everyone i can take something as tragic and heartbreaking as the largest disaster in the UN's history with 20+ million homeless and turn it into a funny three line rebuke.. OMG i must be like the funniest guy on the planet.


Tragedies are not limited to Pakistan , they happen on other side of border too ..what is happening in Kashmir is also a tragedy..and using certain events to create threads for sole purpose of bashing India, does not humor me!!

Besides my emphasis was on boycotting CWG and not floods.
Won't happen because that boycott wasn't about human rights abuses, it was because of their distaste for a Rising China. Like 2cents article indicates, they are fine with a pliant India.

Not to comment on the morality of the JK situation, I just question the tactics applied there. Teenagers love this kind of dramatic group confrontations stuff. The police are playing right into their hands. What they should do is "disappear" key figures in the insurgency at night and quietly. Put the fear of god into them.

Machiavelli is a wise man who should be listened to in this situation.

“Learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge or not to use it according to necessity” (chapter XV) or simply. Learn to use evil well.

I thin you are asking too much of the spineless Indian leadership which spends 24*7 thinking how to satisfy these separatists so that they wont protest.

If not other issues,atleast India should follow China in these issues whose leaders dont give a shyt to these type of movements.
Tragedies are not limited to Pakistan , they happen on other side of border too ..what is happening in Kashmir is also a tragedy..and using some events to create threads for sole purpose of bashing India, does not humor me!!

Besides my emphasis was on boycotting CWG and not floods.

But ask yourself this... Did a Pakistani make this thread? :no:
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