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Construction of Bangabandhu Tri-Tower gathers momentum.

Homo Sapiens

Feb 3, 2015
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11 September, 2020 06:36:28 PM / LAST MODIFIED: 12 September, 2020 10:38:52 AM
Construction of Bangabandhu Tri-Tower gathers momentum

Staff Reporter, Dhaka

The pilling and construction work of iconic Bangabandhu Tri-Tower is going on in full swing at the Central Business District (CBD) in the capital's Purbachal area.

Chairman of Power Pac Holdings Ltd Rick Haque Sikder, along with local and foreign experts, visited the project site on Thursday, said a press release.

The Bangabandhu Tri-Tower will have a 473-metre tall 111-storey iconic Legacy Tower, wherein the 96th floor will be dedicated and symbolize the journey of the Legacy of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and a museum, 71- storey Liberty Tower will represent the Liberation War of 1971 and 52- storey Language Tower will represent the Language Movement under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1952.
The threetowers have been named as Bangabandhu Tri Tower, according to the media release.

Holdings Ltd and Japanese firm Kajima Corporation jointly won the construction job through a tender to complete the masterpiece. Several test reports, including soil test of the project and transportation management, have already been submitted to RAJUK. The draft master plan and design have also been submitted to RAJUK.

Recently, RAJUK has received an international award for the design of this aesthetic and smart tower. Modern solar glass will be installed outside all of these environment-friendly buildings. An automatic waste-management system will be put in place in the CBD to maintain the urban hygiene and upkeep of the cityscape, the media release added.

In order to protect the public utility facilities, such as the water supply, sewage system, electrical lines, and communication systems, an underground common duct system will be implemented.The boundary walls of Green Buildings will consist of walkways following the style of the Great Wall of China. Eco-friendly electric bus and underground walkway that will circulate the entire CBD are planned to be centered on the Bangabandhu Tri-Tower.

Earlier on February 19, State Minister for Housing and Public Works Sharif Ahmed visited the Bangabandhu Tri-Tower Project site in Purbachal new town area to see the progress of the project. Secretary of the Ministry, RAJUK Chairman, Chief Architect of Public Works Department, Chief Engineer and Project Director were also present during the State Minister’s visit.

The piling work of the iconic tower and the construction of 90,000-square feet temporary office beside Road No. 111 in Purbachal Sector 19, started in full swing on Thursday at the site, read the press release.

11 September, 2020 06:36:28 PM / LAST MODIFIED: 12 September, 2020 10:38:52 AM
Construction of Bangabandhu Tri-Tower gathers momentum

Staff Reporter, Dhaka
View attachment 680720

The pilling and construction work of iconic Bangabandhu Tri-Tower is going on in full swing at the Central Business District (CBD) in the capital's Purbachal area.

Chairman of Power Pac Holdings Ltd Rick Haque Sikder, along with local and foreign experts, visited the project site on Thursday, said a press release.

This is one of the biggest scam in Bangladesh for land grab and money laundering. In reality, building 111 story tower (not to mention many 50 stories) so prohibitive in cost and in technical terms that NO business in the world wishing to make money would do that in Bangladesh. Unless offcourse Awami League regime and Hasina family pour ill gotten billions into the project to erect "sheikh mujib" name. And here comes Sikder group as project financier; a long time money looting and laundering agent of Hasina family.

Just to give an idea about Sikder group who are going to do this project, just few months ago Sikder gorup abducted MD of a private bank, took him to their house and tortured him because MD refused to provide hundreds of millions dollars loans without collateral and documents. When police case filed, Hasina herself intervened and helped Sikder group son to escape Bangladesh (via air ambulance) to Bangkok.

As for "The pilling and construction work of iconic Bangabandhu Tri-Tower is going on in full swing"
Another pack of lie because there is no such activity or equipment present on the site for the level of digging/piling of hundred of meters required in the site. For gullible class who are wowed by the cartoon rending picture needs some serious reality check.

This is one of the biggest scam in Bangladesh for land grab and money laundering. In reality, building 111 story tower (not to mention many 50 stories) so prohibitive in cost and in technical terms that NO business in the world wishing to make money would do that in Bangladesh. Unless offcourse Awami League regime and Hasina family pour ill gotten billions into the project to erect "sheikh mujib" name. And here comes Sikder group as project financier; a long time money looting and laundering agent of Hasina family.

Just to give an idea about Sikder group who are going to do this project, just few months ago Sikder gorup abducted MD of a private bank, took him to their house and tortured him because MD refused to provide hundreds of millions dollars loans without collateral and documents. When police case filed, Hasina herself intervened and helped Sikder group son to escape Bangladesh (via air ambulance) to Bangkok.

As for "The pilling and construction work of iconic Bangabandhu Tri-Tower is going on in full swing"
Another pack of lie because there is no such activity or equipment present on the site for the level of digging/piling of hundred of meters required in the site. For gullible class who are wowed by the cartoon rending picture needs some serious reality check.

They're doing the piling work, to set up the accomodation for the workers, engineers and foreigners involved with the project, not to mention grounds to stash the equipment needed.

Project work is indeed on at full swing, it's just not the construction work itself, More goes into building skyscrapers than just building the structure itself.

Go educate yourself.

As for sikder group, not gonna argue about that, it is what it is.

There have always been 20 sikder groups in Bangladesh, it's not about which government is in power, it's about the system they never change; goes for all the governments we've had.
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‘I will shoot and cripple you for life’ - Sikder Group MD threatens Exim Bank MD
The Sikder Group has investments in banks, power, health, education, housing, construction, aviation and other sectors. They also have business in Thailand, Singapore, Canada and the US, according to the group’s website

Staff Correspondent, Dhaka
Updated: 27 May 2020, 3:39

Sikder Group MD Ron Haque Sikder and brother Dipu Haque Sikder

Sikder Group MD Ron Haque Sikder and brother Dipu Haque Sikder
‘Who do you think you are that you dare to disobey me? I will shoot you and cripple you for life,” Sikder Group managing director Ron Haque, gun in hand, threatened Exim Bank managing director Mohammad Haider Ali.
He even attempted to shoot the bank’s MD and additional MP Mohammed Firoz Hossain and tortured them. They were forced to sign blank sheets of paper.
This incident took place on 7 May at Sikder House on Road 11 of the capital city’s upscale area Banani. They had asked the bank for a Tk 5 billion (Tk 500 crore) loan and the torture and threats were in retaliation for not getting the loan in time. The two top officials of the bank have fallen mentally ill after this incident and are in fear and alarm.

Another MD present
These two bank officers were held hostage over the issue of collateral for the Tk 5 billion loan. They were summoned to the Banani house and held hostage there at 12 in the afternoon. Later at 7:30 in the evening they signed a bond and were released. Managing director of Sikder Group’s National Bank, Moshtaq Ahmed, was present at the time.
These allegations were made in a complaint filed by Exim Bank authorities with the Gulshan police station. This was ascertained by officials of various levels in the bank. However, no one in the bank was willing to discuss the issue.
Bankers said this just is proof of how loans are taken from banks and why these are not recovered. An MD said, how can the banks run if there is such torture? Unless action is taken over this incident, no one is safe
These allegations have been brought against the two sons of Sikder Group’s proprietor Zainul Haque Sikder – the group’s MD Ron Haque and his brother Dipu Haque.
Gulshan police station officer-in-charge (OC) Md Kamruzzman told Prothom Alo, a case has been filed after a written complaint was submitted. The two accused are in hiding. We will arrest them as soon as they are located.”
Narrowly missed the bullet
It was stated in the case file that Sikder Group had some time back applied to Exim Bank for a Tk 5 billion loan. On 7 May, Ron Haque Sikder and National Bank’s MD Chowdhury Moshtaq Ahmed came to the bank’s head office in Gulshan. They showed the bank’s MD and additional MD papers of Adi Nawab Askari Jute Mills in Rupganj as collateral for the loan. The bank’s MD and additional MD said that following an inspection, it was seen that the value of the property was less than shown in the documents.
After that, Ron Sikder told them to inspect his Icon Tower in Purbachal. When they went to inspect the tower, neither Ron Haque Sikder nor Chowdhury Moshtaq Ahmed were there and as the road was unfamiliar, the MD and additional MD began making their way back by the 300 ft road.
Ron Haque Sikder told the Exim Bank MD, “Who do you think you are that you dare to disobey me? I will shoot you and cripple you for life.” He threatened him at gunpoint to issue the loan.
They spotted Ron Haque Sikder and the National Bank MD there. The National Bank MD told them, “You failed to turn up at the place as directed by Ron Haque and so he is very upset and annoyed.” The Exim Bank MD and additional MD were forced to apologise to Ron Haque Sikder. Then suddenly Ron Haque Sikder rolled down his car window and shot at the Exim Bank MD, but the bullet just went past the MD’s left ear. He was about to shoot him again, when the Exim Bank MD hid behind his car.
The Exim Bank additional MD was forced into the Exim Bank MD’s car and a security guard of Sikder also got in. He snatched away the MD and additional MD’s mobile phones and took them to Sikder House where they were held hostage.

Torture and signing a blank paper
According to the case statement, they were taken to the third floor of Sikder House where Ron Haque Sikder told the Exim Bank MD, “Who do you think you are that you dare to disobey me? I will shoot you and cripple you for life.” He threatened him at gunpoint to issue the loan.
The additional MD was taken to the sixth floor where Ron Haque Sikder and Dipu Haque were drinking. Ron Haque told the additional MD, “The cost of the land is Tk 25 million (Tk 2.5 crore) per katha. Why did you say it is Tk 25 million per bigha? I will finish you off right here and now.” Dipu Haque tried to beat up the additional MD.
Then the additional MD was taken to the third floor where two foreign security guards kept watch on them. Ron Haque Sikder and Dipu Haque Sikder forced the MD to sign a blank sheet of paper. They threatened to have them tortured by the foreign security guards in a torture cell. They also made the additional MD sign a blank sheet of paper.
At 5:30 in the afternoon, they were taken to the Sikder Group chairman Zainul Haque Sikder and were photographed with him. At 7:30 in the evening they were finally released along with their two drivers. Ron Haque came downstairs and gave them back their mobile phones.
The Sikder Group has investments in banks, power, health, education, housing, construction, aviation and other sectors. They also have business in Thailand, Singapore, Canada and the US, according to the group’s website. Zainul Haque Sikder’s sons are involved in the business. His daughter Parveen Haque Sikder is an MP in the reserved seats for women.
Bankers in panic
Top officials of several banks were contacted in this regard. They were shocked at this incident taking place amid the coronavirus pandemic. No one wanted to make any comment openly. They said this just is proof of how loans are taken from banks and why these are not recovered. An MD said, how can the banks run if there is such torture? Unless action is taken over this incident, no one is safe. Several of the MDs said that the government must directly intervene to prevent such harassment of the senior bank officials or else no one will be able to pay attention to their work.

They're doing the piling work, to set up the accomodation for the workers, engineers and foreigners involved with the project, not to mention grounds to stash the equipment needed.

Aha, looks like you know a lot about Sikder group work plan and activities. Did not know you took upon yourself to be Sikder mafia group spokesperson.
Aha, looks like you know a lot about Sikder group work plan and activities. Did not know you took upon yourself to be Sikder mafia group spokesperson.

Believe me, they compensate me handsomely, so much better than washing dishes for old boy Tareq, you wanna come with ? Could get you a gig too...
Holdings Ltd and Japanese firm Kajima Corporation jointly won the construction job through a tender to complete the masterpiece.
If Kajima Corporation is involved in this project I am all in favor of its technical feasibility. However, Kajima must be involved with the buildings' foundation design works including also the soil investigation. For a correct stability of the entire complex, its foundation system must be sound.

I will be observing what kind of foundation Kajima will adopt in this soft soil of BD. However, I guess, the base will be a flat slab 25 m (5 storied) below the ground with the Center of Gravity of the entire complex must be very near to the physical center of this slab. Very near means within 1/6th of the X or Y dimensions of the reinforced concrete base slab.

I do not know the total weight of the complex. But, the thickness of the base slab must be good enough to withstand the shearing force acting vertically by the columns due to the weight of the structures.
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Just to get an idea in the scale of awami looting $11.5 billion in today's estimate. Get a load of this, Hasina already claimed 96th floor for herself.

State Minister for Housing and Public Works Sharif Ahmed on Wednesday visited the Bangabandhu Tri-Tower Project site at Purbachal New Town area to see the progress of the project. During the visit, Syed Qamrul Islam, Chief Operating Officer and Director (Operations) of Consortium of PowerPac Holdings and Kajima Corporation, briefed him about the project’s progress.

Housing and Public Works Secretary Shahid Ullah Khandaker and Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha (RAJUK) Chairman Syed Nur Alam accompanied the state minister during the visit. The consortium got allotment of a total of 114 acres of land in Sector-19 of Purbachal New Township Project from RAJUK, the development authority of capital Dhaka, to build the new commercial hub through an open auction in 2018.

Syed Qamrul Islam, commenting on the project, said, “The CBD will be constructed at a cost of Tk 96,000 crore. Out of the total amount, already foreign investment promise worth Tk 60,000 has been received. Construction materials worth Tk 30,000 crore would be used in first two years of the construction, which surely would make a positive impact on our overall economy.”

The Groundwork for CBD now is in progress, he added. It will have a total of 42 skyscrapers, including a 473-metre tall 111-storey iconic Legacy Tower, wherein the 96th floor will be dedicated and symbolise the journey of Legacy of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, 71-storey Liberty Tower will represent the Liberation War of 1971 and 52-storey Language Tower will represent the Language Movement in 1952. The three towers has been named as Bangabandhu Tri-Tower.

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