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Constitutional Court: Imams not allowed to join politics

Apr 14, 2015
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Turkish high court affirms politics ban on imams


Turkey’s Constitutional Court unanimously ruled that the imams cannot engage in political activity, newspaper Habertürk said .

The ruling was issued following a review of an application by a provincial court for the lifting of restrictions on the political rights of religious personnel.

Religious officials in Turkey are prohibited from engaging in political activities, and from praising or criticising any party.


Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs (Diyanet)

The ban concerns the personnel of country’s official religious institution, the Directorate of Religious Affairs known as Diyanet, which employs imams, muftis and other religious staff.

A 1965 law says religious personnel should be dismissed if they engage in politics.

A local administrative court in the eastern province of Erzurum applied to the high court, demanding the ban be lifted and the penalties annulled. But the Constitutional Court unanimously rejected the local court’s application.
Good move
Additionally any imam that claims anything outside the quran and sunnah should be tried by the people and if he is found agaisntbthe Quran and sunnah he should be punished as such and his title withdrawn.
its against democracy, everyone should have right to be a candidate in elections, let the people decide. aren't all Turkish Imams trained by Govt run schools?
Good move. One of the deepest problem hitting the Muslim world throughout today is the way religion is used by individuals to reach their personal goals. Politicians are no exception to this rule, and one thing that should not be misused at all is religion.
Ye well buddy

This is Turkey a secular country not an IS run tribal village and not Saudi Arabia or Iran who claim to follow and parrot “Quran and Sunnah” yet do every evil under the sun.

Religion should be outside of state affiars full stop, people can practice it in there homes, mosques, churches, whatever, where ever they want, keep it out of the office.

How can you be a secular country when you ban a certain group of the population from entering politics?
What do you expect from a secular gay-friendly country that has a hypocrite Islamist guy as a president?
I see now why Fethullah Gulen, the former Imam, is being attacked by politicians and Erdogan puppets ...
How can you be a secular country when you ban a certain group of the population from entering politics?
Nothing to do with secularism... when you enter into politics , your past "job" is no more..; those who can't do so..; can't enter... simple as that... and it's like that in many Democracies around the world...
If he quit and yet forbidden to take part... then that's another problem... that has nothing to do wth secularism either but the "rule of law" that is not applied... and therefore a breach of Democracy.
if i'm not mistaken, based on Al-Quran or Hadith, the leader (in this case, country leader) should be the one that expert & practicing the Islam teaching.

even the Imam in Arabic means leader.
Can we get the same law in Pak thanks? lol... who am I kidding.
I fundamentally agree that religion has no place in government. I want all Islamic parties to go away.
But I also fundamentally believe in democracy and freedom of association. Which means that Imams have the right to get into politics..... this thread hurts me head :fie:
How can you be a secular country when you ban a certain group of the population from entering politics?
I am not a Kemalist and I probably never will be one.
But there is a certain decision Atatürk made in his personal life which I wholeheartedly and deeply respect. He quit the army to become a civil politician. And it's fair if Imams have to step down from the minbar in order to become a politician.
Show some respect and decency to the profession of our prophet. You cannot tell lies in the morning and deliver a sermon at the cuma prayer in the afternoon.
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