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Constitutional Court: Imams not allowed to join politics

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Next time, I will send the one that violates a bit longer than usual period and don't ask that wasn't informed.

How can you be a secular country when you ban a certain group of the population from entering politics?
In Islam, Imam has always been more of a job; not a "position" or "title" as it's used more as today.

They were historically hired by the state through strict requirements such as having to be fluent in many languages such as Latin, knowledge of the sciences and maths, proficiency in sports and much more (even having a beautiful wife, was a requirement)...

Since they are strictly in the service of the state, they cannot join politics. Just as a soldier is not allowed to join politics.

This is not a step towards secularism, but it is a step towards the original Islam.
What do you expect from a secular gay-friendly country that has a hypocrite Islamist guy as a president?
I see now why Fethullah Gulen, the former Imam, is being attacked by politicians and Erdogan puppets ...
Well we expect that religion doesnt get involved into politic, what we dont want is a royal using religion to hold on his 6th century throne as its practice in some known countries.
We are fine with secularism just as your fine with you ancient mentality.
if i'm not mistaken, based on Al-Quran or Hadith, the leader (in this case, country leader) should be the one that expert & practicing the Islam teaching.

even the Imam in Arabic means leader.
Reis Erdo'an is a graduate of Imam Hatip High School (modern day Medrasa where both Islamic and Physical/Social Sciences along with foreign languages are taught). Then he entered into business, politics etc. and then was elected to hold public offices. An Imam at a mosque, run by public taxes, is supposed to provide specific religious services to all folks irrespective of political afiliation, world views etc. so that it's not divided along party lines. Din can't be a tool for day-to-day Siyaset, rather broad based Siyaset can be a tool for Din. The current Muslim government in Turkey practices this based on the Hakikat of this specific time and space.

Remember Islam teaches to accept the Hakikat as it is, and then strive to improve the conditoons using all the positive tools available with Sabr and Shukr, not Fitne and Fesst as advertised by Iblis the Cursed and Despised. There's no instantaneous response to an input in this Alem-I Hikmet as per the DESIGN. Responses depend on numerous inter-linked dynamics of different orders of complexities and it takes time, to a varying degree, to settle for a quasi stable state. Only the next Alem-I Kudret will see instantaneous results without the role of cause and effect through intermediaries. But, one needs to first die to observe that!!!!!
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