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Consensual sex with minor not crime: Delhi court says

under 18 does not mean five years old or 10.

anyway puberty may be the standard and nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is that you need to avoid spreading such thoughts to under 18 through your stupid movies and dramas.

Sex is now available on mobile phone browsers, and mobile phones are available in remote villages also. What damage a Sunny Leone Bollywood film can do when hundreds of Sunny Leone **** films are easily available!

Ironically boys at that age have no clue about sex whatsoever but thanks to internet most of them now are a bit more informed than their counterparts 10-15 years back :lol:

seriously speaking I doubt your claim of age 10 when most of them are in third or fourth grade its hard to believe they know much even if they I guess it would be mostly limited to urban regions case will be a bit different in rural areas

What! 14 year old boys don't have any idea about sex? They can teach you a thing or two about sex! :D
21 years ago I was 14, and I was living in a mid-sized town, internet was not available back then, but **** magazines and **** videos were secretly available in local shops. I have lived in 5 different cities and have friends from almost every corner of the country, things were similar everywhere, boys will be boys!!

Normally children become curious about own body from the age of 10-12, and start gathering information about it, nowadays google helps. Teen sex is a reality, and by no means we can stop two 14-15 year old kids from exploring their sexuality if they decide to do so. It is better to give them sex education from the age of 12, so that they don't end up getting "educated" by some stupid **** site and commit some mistake.

And criminalizing teen sex by law will not serve any purpose; in any case do we want our kids to go to jail like hardcore criminals for teen sex? How that will help them?

Finally, how the question of sex with 5 years old comes here? In this case two young people eloped and got married. Such judgments are made on a case to case basis, and we should rely on our judicial system on that.
Sex is now available on mobile phone browsers, and mobile phones are available in remote villages also. What damage a Sunny Leone Bollywood film can do when hundreds of Sunny Leone **** films are easily available!

What! 14 year old boys don't have any idea about sex? They can teach you a thing or two about sex! :D
21 years ago I was 14, and I was living in a mid-sized town, internet was not available back then, but **** magazines and **** videos were secretly available in local shops. I have lived in 5 different cities and have friends from almost every corner of the country, things were similar everywhere, boys will be boys!!

Normally children become curious about own body from the age of 10-12, and start gathering information about it, nowadays google helps. Teen sex is a reality, and by no means we can stop two 14-15 year old kids from exploring their sexuality if they decide to do so. It is better to give them sex education from the age of 12, so that they don't end up getting "educated" by some stupid **** site and commit some mistake.

And criminalizing teen sex by law will not serve any purpose; in any case do we want our kids to go to jail like hardcore criminals for teen sex? How that will help them?

Finally, how the question of sex with 5 years old comes here? In this case two young people eloped and got married. Such judgments are made on a case to case basis, and we should rely on our judicial system on that.

I learnt about it when I was 16.. but then I am usually late ... :lol:
trust toi to have such fcuked up provocative title.. in that case hindu did the mistake though. @Enemy this happened with conscent of girl.. this is not forced marriage or child marriage..
such marriages happen here in UK...

The judge should have the ability to decide whether the girl has been taken advantage of, or went on her own accord. The guy's age is also important here.

exactly remember the documentary that came claim pakistani gangs were targeting young girls while the girls were around 16 and girls said that they took rational decisions but the court overturned because the intent behind it was abuse (gangbanging) the law maybe explicit but the judgment encompasses every cultural aspect.

There is case where an Egyptian girl (8 years) was married of to an older man she was not given justice by her family but the local magistrate.
Also the word minor should not include prepubescent and i know we would all want a stricter law ...Tracy Lords anyone!
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In the USA statutory rape is a State crime, not a federal crime. The particulars differ state-by-state.
From Wikipedia:

The term "statutory rape" is used in some common law jurisdictions to refer to sexual activities in which one person is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.[1] Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sex with minors under the age of consent,[1] it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term "statutory rape" in the language of statutes.[2]
Different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault" (SA), "rape of a child" (ROAC), "corruption of a minor" (COAM), "unlawful sex with a minor" (USWAM),[3] "carnal knowledge of a minor" (CKOAM), "unlawful carnal knowledge" (UCK), "sexual battery[4]" or simply "carnal knowledge".

In many jurisdictions, the age of consent is interpreted to mean mental or functional age.[5][6] As a result, victims can be of any chronological age if their mental age makes them unable to consent to a sexual act.[5][6][7][8] Other jurisdictions, such as Kentucky, eliminate the legal concept of "mental age" and treat sexting with a mentally incapacitated person as a specific crime.
Laws vary[9] in their definitions of statutory rape. It is generally intended to punish heinous cases of an adult taking sexual advantage of a minor. Thus, many jurisdictions prohibit allowing a juvenile to be tried as an adult under this law (most jurisdictions have separate provisions for child molestation or forcible rape which can be applied to juveniles and for which a minor can be tried as an adult). Some jurisdictions also specify a minimum difference in age in order for the offense to be applicable. Under such terms, if the adult is, for instance, less than three years older than the minor, no crime has been committed or the penalty is far less severe. These are called "Romeo and Juliet" clauses.

This link gives the statutory rape laws by USA state: Statutory Rape Laws by State
Off topic but maybe Indians are right, you are indeed false flagger. Dont Indians use "D" and not "R" like Pakistanis?

Why can't someone be this?


?? 17 09 16 08 15 15 14 14 13 10 12 09 11 ??
Was the Judge who gave the ruling, a false flagger, or is this whole indian nation, if it can be called that a false flagger scum mob?

finally the false flagger reveals himself. i won a bet with another member here
Nice to see how proud you are. It says a lot about you, your upbringing, your family, your parents etc.

Nice to meet you!

the pleasure is mine ...
i have no idea about you or your family ... your parents etc though...
any dark secrets you are holding that makes you so angry... :pop:
Problem is minor cannot give consent and parental consent is required for anything they do

But parents can't consent to everything for the minor, for example - they can't consent to a minor to give vote.

I think the Delhi court just made an embarrassing decision, given the bad rap already given to Delhi on rapes, this will further strengthen the criticism.
Originally Posted by hinduguy View Post
I learnt about it when I was 16.. but then I am usually late ...

Nice to see how proud you are. It says a lot about you, your upbringing, your family, your parents etc.

Nice to meet you

I went to a school in Delhi and I learnt about sex from my classmates when I was in grade 8 and was 12 years old ^_^ That was back in year 2000. I am sure a lot has a changed by now. I even heard that they have started kissing in schools in Delhi :D

What do you got to say about me and my family?

i think this Judge have Consensual sex with minor so as declaring all this for to escape or providing future path....

Times of Indian is pathetic news paper. Court nowhere said that consensual sex with a girl aged below 18 years does not constitute an offence but it said that consensual sex with a girl aged below 18 years does not constitute an offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Sex with a minor is rape within definition Section 376 of Indian Penal Code. Both laws are different and purpose of both laws are different. This news paper published this crap with this false title only to sensationalize its story.
In the USA statutory rape is a State crime, not a federal crime. The particulars differ state-by-state.
From Wikipedia:

The term "statutory rape" is used in some common law jurisdictions to refer to sexual activities in which one person is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.[1] Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sex with minors under the age of consent,[1] it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term "statutory rape" in the language of statutes.[2]
Different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault" (SA), "rape of a child" (ROAC), "corruption of a minor" (COAM), "unlawful sex with a minor" (USWAM),[3] "carnal knowledge of a minor" (CKOAM), "unlawful carnal knowledge" (UCK), "sexual battery[4]" or simply "carnal knowledge".

In many jurisdictions, the age of consent is interpreted to mean mental or functional age.[5][6] As a result, victims can be of any chronological age if their mental age makes them unable to consent to a sexual act.[5][6][7][8] Other jurisdictions, such as Kentucky, eliminate the legal concept of "mental age" and treat sexting with a mentally incapacitated person as a specific crime.
Laws vary[9] in their definitions of statutory rape. It is generally intended to punish heinous cases of an adult taking sexual advantage of a minor. Thus, many jurisdictions prohibit allowing a juvenile to be tried as an adult under this law (most jurisdictions have separate provisions for child molestation or forcible rape which can be applied to juveniles and for which a minor can be tried as an adult). Some jurisdictions also specify a minimum difference in age in order for the offense to be applicable. Under such terms, if the adult is, for instance, less than three years older than the minor, no crime has been committed or the penalty is far less severe. These are called "Romeo and Juliet" clauses.

This link gives the statutory rape laws by USA state: Statutory Rape Laws by State

US laws are more logical than many developing countries like Bangladesh and India where the age 18 is considered a rigid line for sex and marriage. Some activist also made things worse. Saying so, still court make some discretionary judgement like the one stated here.

Age 16 should be the legal age in tropical countries where people have early puberty .
Times of Indian is pathetic news paper. Court nowhere said that consensual sex with a girl aged below 18 years does not constitute an offence but it said that consensual sex with a girl aged below 18 years does not constitute an offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Sex with a minor is rape within definition Section 376 of Indian Penal Code. Both laws are different and purpose of both laws are different. This news paper published this crap with this false title only to sensationalize its story.

I am very Soft person in the environment of Human Rights, but
I am very hard person just like a military man..

You know law is very game in public,
i have no concern with India but i only want to say Sex Is Sex.. Sex need not a Age matter at all old or young..
if you read about consensual sex than you are surprise when you measure this..:omghaha:

You know very funny thing..
just like a child sucking milk and after claim milk was fake & Adulteration of water....

Would you elaborate your these two laws...What Indian Law stands for consensual sex....
This is genetic problem of Indian laws the government establish with out the willing of peoples...and when any law oppose by public it is useless...

one more put this in
Stupid and funny from all over the world - III :pop:
You will get a lot of thanks......

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...unny-all-over-world-iii-75.html#ixzz2dBSVrr11

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