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Consensual sex with minor not crime: Delhi court says

In such matters city courts are useless. Wait for Superme Court.
We need strict law in this case. Even criminals below 15 must be come under common law.
Btw if court is allowing sex below 18 then why not marriage ? It's means you can have sex but can not marry. Stupid court decision. He does not how bad effect it ll have on society. City courts judge are not that qualified to give judgement on such issue. If you have money and link ,you can buy these judge. (have seen this example where my friend father who is advocate, paid 9 lac to get decision in his favor)

Absolutely right!

SO whether legalised or not minor sex is still taking place. :)

Yes, so are pedophilia, rape and other sexual crimes. :undecided:
Absurd observation by court, there have been changes in criminal law after in famous Delhi bus rape case then how came these comments ?
One day consensual incest will not be deemed as crime in India, I predict.
girls above 14 is pretty much fit to have sex but not to have baby. they should learn proper contraceptive....
Perhaps we shouldn't comment without knowing details. Journalists tend to simplify/exaggerate according to their own bias. Anyway, still there should be a minimum age for that say 12 or 14 so that pervs can't take advantage of the girl's ignorance.

you're making everything out of anything...

if a girl is ready for sex at age of 8 with another boy at age of 10,then she'll do it anyway..there is no rules that can stop that,isn't it??rules is only applicable if its get reportednow tell me,if that boy or that girl is criminal???

Indian Law has several flaw in this field..In India,a man can't file a rape case against any woman,only sexual harassment can be filed..while,even if a consensual sex happened,one woman can easily file a rape case and if can't be proved otherwise,the man is guilty..there are several other flaws..now,back to the topic,concensual sex with underage isn't a rare thing..open your eye,it happens everywhere..and none of the boy of girl is doing a huge crime,as its happening everywhere..what the judge should have to decide is what should be the lowest age for sex.now,that age is still in debate..

Perhaps we shouldn't comment without knowing details. Journalists tend to simplify/exaggerate according to their own bias. Anyway, still there should be a minimum age for that say 12 or 14 so that pervs can't take advantage of the girl's ignorance.

o please,girl in age of 14 knows more than you can imagine..In India,most girl of age 10 knows more than what needed to know..and thats a fact.if you see Japan,their consensual sex age is 13..that means they know about the level of knowledge of girls of age 13..
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Perhaps we shouldn't comment without knowing details. Journalists tend to simplify/exaggerate according to their own bias. Anyway, still there should be a minimum age for that say 12 or 14 so that pervs can't take advantage of the girl's ignorance.

:lol: ...... now we all know who is the perv. here.

you're making everything out of anything...

if a girl is ready for sex at age of 8 with another boy at age of 10,then she'll do it anyway..there is no rules that can stop that,isn't it??rules is only applicable if its get reportednow tell me,if that boy or that girl is criminal???

Indian Law has several flaw in this field..In India,a man can't file a rape case against any woman,only sexual harassment can be filed..while,even if a consensual sex happened,one woman can easily file a rape case and if can't be proved otherwise,the man is guilty..there are several other flaws..now,back to the topic,concensual sex with underage isn't a rare thing..open your eye,it happens everywhere..and none of the boy of girl is doing a huge crime,as its happening everywhere..what the judge should have to decide is what should be the lowest age for sex.now,that age is still in debate..

o please,girl in age of 14 knows more than you can imagine..In India,most girl of age 10 knows more than what needed to know..and thats a fact.if you see Japan,their consensual sex age is 13..that means they know about the level of knowledge of girls of age 13..

1. Enemy may be a pakistani but he is right. Even consensual sex between minor girl and a guy who is NOT a minor should most certainly be illegal.

Rules and laws do not stop rape, theft, fraud, cheating etc .....that does not mean there shouldn't be a law against it. :disagree:

2. Kindly do not make absurd post's about what a 10 year old girl may know or may not know, unless you are a 10 year old girl, or even a girl or women yourself. For a 20+ year old man to make comments on the mindsets of 10 year old girls comes across as sick.

3. The judgement in this case may be right but the logical reasoning given and critical thinking exercised by the judge is totally insufficient and hence open for ridicule. If this ruling was by a 'khap panchayat' the 'secular' Indians would have been all over them. By a judge seems all kosher :tdown:
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o please,girl in age of 14 knows more than you can imagine..In India,most girl of age 10 knows more than what needed to know..and thats a fact.

Ironically boys at that age have no clue about sex whatsoever but thanks to internet most of them now are a bit more informed than their counterparts 10-15 years back :lol:

seriously speaking I doubt your claim of age 10 when most of them are in third or fourth grade its hard to believe they know much even if they I guess it would be mostly limited to urban regions case will be a bit different in rural areas

Posting media reports about a judgment is as hilarious as watching a movie trailer and deciding whether the movie is worthwhile watching or not. May I suggest that you post the written judgment and until then stop assuming from media reports what the effect of the judgment is ?
Below the age of 18, consensual sex not being a crime is a welcome move. But the caveat should be that it should be limited to sex between consenting individuals who are both under the age of 18, and the age difference should not be greater than 2 years. Also there should be a lower age limit which I believe should be set at 14, which is perfectly practical.
@Enemy ..calm down dear.. try harder next time... :yay:

I think there should be minimum age for consensual sex.

Age 16, in Sri Lanka.

it was 15 in India.. they recently changed to 18...
its 13 in england.
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@Enemy ..calm down dear.. try harder next time... :yay:

it was 15 in India.. they recently changed to 18...
its 13 in england.

To be honest, 18 is BS. Typical sarkari head in sand attitude. Kids are having sex. Lots of it. When we were in school, it was by the 9th/10th. I am sure it is earlier now. So what is sense in making it a crime? Don't police have more important things to do? Keep the age as 14, i.e. high school kids, the moment they hit the 8th grade.
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