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Congressman: US should nuke Iran nuclear facilities if needed


Jan 27, 2010
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A hawkish US congressman calls on Washington to use “tactical nuclear weapons” to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities if military action becomes necessary.

In an interview with C-SPAN on Wednesday morning, House Armed Services Committee member Rep. Duncan Hunter warned Tehran with a military attack despite a nuclear agreement.

When asked whether attacking Iran is inevitable, the Republican lawmaker said, “I sure as Hell hope not.”

However, he suggested that in case of military action, any American strike would be a “massive aerial bombing campaign,” the Army Times reported.

Hunter said the potential military strike should not feature any “boots on ground” and the US should use its “tactical nuclear weapons” on Iranian targets.

He also lashed out at the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and six major powers in Geneva on November 24.

“Iran has to do nothing,” Hunter said, adding that the US and other UN Security Council countries made a mistake when they inked the preliminary deal that allows Tehran to enrich uranium.

Citing the Iran deal, the Republican lawmaker said the Obama administration is “making friends with our former enemies” while purposely distancing America from allies in the Middle East especially Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Last week, another Republican member of the House of Representatives, Rep. Michele Bachmann said Iran’s nuclear facilities “must be bombed.”

Republican lawmakers have started an anti-Iran campaign to formally challenge President Barack Obama over the nuclear agreement with Iran.

House Republicans are considering several possible responses to the agreement. One option would be pressuring the Senate to consider new sanctions on Iran and the other would be including language in a bill to formally express disapproval of the deal.

Meanwhile, Kingston Reif of the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation said that “the preventative, first-use of nuclear weapons against Iran would have a devastating impact on US national security and dismember US power and standing in the world.”

“That a senior Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee is even suggesting such a possible course of action is the height of reckless irresponsibility and so far out of bounds it is astonishing,” Reif said.

PressTV - Congressman: US should nuke Iran nuclear facilities if needed
lol , yes the biggest terrorist country who used the Nukes before can use it again... that is why USA should not have nukes as they are not responsible state..

some one tell this to USA that the day they use Nuke on IRAN that will be the start of end of Israel for sure ...

lets see if they can do that or not ?
well , I don't know why we didn't make nuke till now .... after all , Americans want nuke us and they have Veto power and UNSC can't do any thing agaisnt them ....
well , I don't know why we didn't make nuke till now .... after all , Americans want nuke us and they have Veto power and UNSC can't do any thing agaisnt them ....

Because of people like him have made US committed genocide in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is clearly a dangerous sign from the US, Iran has to think twice about of not going nuclear.
Because of people like him have made US committed genocide in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is clearly a dangerous sign from the US, Iran has to think twice about of not going nuclear.

well , we have some guys who saying " We don't need nuclear technology " , " we shouldn't spend for army and IRGC " , " we don't need missiles " and some thing like this ...

we have internal problems ... some of Iranians think that they are living in isolated island , not in ME ...
some american still think they are the sole power on earth like this congressman, he forgot the humiliation Russia made them suffer in recent syria case
well , we have some guys who saying " We don't need nuclear technology " , " we shouldn't spend for army and IRGC " , " we don't need missiles " and some thing like this ...

we have internal problems ... some of Iranians think that they are living in isolated island , not in ME ...

Now it is clear that the US doesn't want peace with you.

US fears the hawk and will keep bullying the weakling, with a pro-West soft leader like Rouhani, they will not stop until you become one of their slaves.
When these nutjobs make their way to U.S congress, we should be seriously afraid, they have the potential to set the world on fire.

Just imagine if one Iranian MP had threatened to use nuclear weapons against U.S, guess how the mainstream media would go mad about it.
When these nutjobs make their way to U.S congress, we should be seriously afraid, they have the potential to set the world on fire.

Just imagine if one Iranian MP had threatened to use nuclear weapons against U.S, guess how the mainstream media would go mad about it.

Don't just think these people only represent the minority in the US, since they had the power to make US invading Afghanistan and Iraq.

Then you should imagine how potentially dangerous these people are.
Now it is clear that the US doesn't want peace with you.
US fears the hawk and will keep bullying the weakling, with a pro-West soft leader like Rouhani, they will not stop until you become one of their slaves.

well , we knew this , but pro westerns are ... just ignore them ....

today Zarif said "do you think Americans are Afraid of us when they can disable our defensive system with a bomb ? " and he means conventional weaponry not forbidden weapons like nukes ...

( I like to know the name of this super bomb .... )

he simply encouraged Americans to attack Iran ...

when our FM is acting like coward , then I think we have no right to blame Americans congressman for this ...
well , we knew this , but pro westerns are ... just ignore them ....

today Zarif said "do you think Americans are Afraid of us when they can disable our defensive system with a bomb ? " and he means conventional weaponry not forbidden weapons like nukes ...

( I like to know the name of this super bomb .... )

he simply encouraged Americans to attack Iran ...

when our FM is acting like coward , then I think we have no right to blame Americans congressman for this ...

Both democrat and republican are wolves, just one is acting more aggressively than the other one.

We can't blame them for being meat-eating, since it is part of their nature.

Does the Rouhani government lift the sanction from Iran? Nope, yet the US has beaten the war drum harder. It is about the time to change the leader in the next election.
Both democrat and republican are wolves, just one is acting more aggressively than the other one.

We can't blame them for being meat-eating, since it is part of their nature.

Does the Rouhani government lift the sanction from Iran? Nope, yet the US has beaten the war drum harder. It is about the time to change the leader in the next election.

for me , Amercian politicians are same ....

well , Rouhani and his group have power for 4 years ... so we just sit and watch them and complain ( after all we have to respect people will ) .... this is democracy after all ...
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