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Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

I would rather support a party that gives food than temple...

You want temple more than food?

WTF!! When I said I want Temple?? What the fu*k is wrong with you? All I said was let the court decide whether Temple will be made or not. And stop this food thing. Its nothing but one the last attempt from congi regime for a big loot. Fact is even in current situation they don't have proper godowns to store grains let alone the vast amount of grains promised in food bill.
Is this temple going to solve problems of this country?

There is no short cuts to solve problems of the Country ,in my knowledge there is no such thing where Temples ,mosque or Church solved any countries problem ....

Temple is a issue of Hindus and we will never let it go
These BJP vs Congress threads are becoming childish day by day. Let the country decide who it wants in 2014
There is no short cuts to solve problems of the Country ,in my knowledge there is no such thing where Temples ,mosque or Church solved any countries problem ....

Temple is a issue of Hindus and we will never let it go

Temple is an issue for BJP/RSS not all Hindus support it.
And what mr shah said was 'I pray'...not these secularists will even stop us hindus to pray??
Obviously the reason why these idiots keep failing is because these @##holes don't know what the people really need:

We will build a grand temple in Ayodhya, says Narendra Modi's confidante Amit Shah | NDTV.com

Neither BJP will give temple not Congress will give food...BJP did not give temple when it was in power for 6 year...And Congress made our country to such a sitution that majority of our people do not get a food 2 times a day....The question should be asked to Congress that inspite of leading the nation for more than 60 year, why we have poor which is more in number than Sub Sahara nation of Africa??? So it is not a achievement for Congress???...
Temple is an issue for BJP/RSS not all Hindus support it.

temple is not RSS/VHP issue ,its a Hindu issue ,Ayodhya issue stated before Sangh's creation so dont spew such stupidity here ,its an issue for every Hindu who worshipSri Ram ,Ayodhya is one of the most scared place for Hindus........
Is this temple going to solve problems of this country?

Yes, it will solve the problem of Hindu non-assertiveness which is the biggest problem in the country today...

As for food... which party is responsible for non availability of food to the poor so many decades after independence...

Temple is an issue for BJP/RSS not all Hindus support it.

One who does not support a temple at Lord Ram's birthplace is not a Hindu...
temple is not RSS/VHP issue ,its a Hindu issue ,Ayodhya issue stated before Sangh's creation so dont spew such stupidity here ,its an issue for every Hindu who worshipSri Ram ,Ayodhya is one of the most scared place for Hindus........

All Hindus today don't support temple,people are not that illiterate as they were in 1992.

Yes, it will solve the problem of Hindu non-assertiveness which is the biggest problem in the country today...

As for food... which party is responsible for non availability of food to the poor so many decades after independence...

One who does not support a temple at Lord Ram's birthplace is not a Hindu...

Who says that khaki chaddi brigade?
the need of the hour is inclusive growth , not a temple or masjid.

have you ever been hungry? if so you would not make this stupid statement. those who call for the temple or masjid are people who eat three times a day and enjoy all the comforts of life. not the poor.

Asking for temple is a pure BS idea...BJP should think that who cares for Mandir and Masjid....But that does not justify the food security bill.....Remember food security bill is a good initiative. We are not against it...but based on the histroy of Congress, it will not act in such a way that food security bill is functional rather it is using it as a gimmick for the poll.

I would like to ask, of congress is serious why it did not bring that bill in 2009?...Of course i donot expect anything from public too....Our public wants if some one wears Sindoor or Muslim cap then he is a saviour of the nation? So what more i can expect from the Congress....At least in that aspect Communist are far better socialist people that Congress Party.....

Will this bl00dy political class stop making a darn fool of themselves?

Pllleasse God, deliver us from these IDIOTS!!

All Hindus today don't support temple,people are not that illiterate as they were in 1992.

every Hindu want Temple. Its just that Temple is not our first priority as for Hindus its always the nation first.
All Hindus today don't support temple,people are not that illiterate as they were in 1992.

All devout Hindus will ,There may be many with Hindu names or with Hindu parents objecting it but i am sure they are few
What is literacy got to do with worship of Ram.. are you one of those semi educated idiots who think that science has made religion redundant?

No iam the one who just doesnt buy that Ram Lalla magically appeared in the disputed structure prior to its demolition.
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