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Congress MP: Fortunate to have never gone to Pakistan, proud to be Indian muslim

While 7 hundred thousand security personals are deployed in Kashmir to stop Kashmir from merging with pakistan. Hundred of thousands have been killed and still are being targated, a father is charged with terrorism and his crime was demanding the body of his son killed by your security personals. People are tied in front of the cars to stop protestors from throwing stones, mothers are raped in front of theif daughters, houses are blown up, looted by your coward personals and i can go more but all this i said is just to tell What this kashmiri leader said is utter bullshit. Cheers!!
No wonder Santa Claus is shedding crocodile tears.
No such acting after Pulwama Drama.


Yes, now you can live under their boot heels forever.
By the way, normal Kashmiris hate you.
No wonder Santa Claus is shedding crocodile tears.
No such acting after Pulwama Drama.

One ba$tard praises a kunjar sellout.
It's seen the world over.
Yep that's y Supa powa had to deploy
1. Close to one million troops
2. Every now and then curfew in the valley
3. Curfew for last 1.5 year
4. Independent journalist and UN security councel members not allowed to enter
5. Pallet guns, rapes, fake encounters and what not..
Wow, what a striking story
Inhone ne toh ek hi bare mein two nation theory pe gutter ka pani fenk diya ! :lol:

Sure, he is. He must be proud to see youtube videos, where Hindutva goons beat up Indian Muslims. When eating beaf becomes a crime and you lose your life. When you are asked to pronounce that your religion is wrong and praise Hindu gods.

He must be proud of those Indian Army's goons who kill innocent little kids, take away their eye sights through use of pallet guns. When they rape Kashmiri women.

Real proud this man is. Let him live and die in his pride, as miserable and condemned.
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