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Congress Asks Obama to Challenge Turkey over New Ties with Iran and Hamas


Dec 27, 2009
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-Congress Asks Obama to Challenge Turkey over New Ties with Iran and Hamas | Before It's News

Members of Congress recently sent a bipartisan letter to President Obama concerning Turkey’s new ties and support of Iran and Hamas.

Turkey has been a major ally of the US and Israel and a part of NATO since the end of WWII. Congress is calling on the President and his administration to confront Turkey over some of their recent actions.

Now the formerly secular government seems to be drifting towards radical Islam under PM Erdogan and recently completed treaties with Iran and Syria. Now Turkey is turning away from Israel and offering open support for Hamas.

Turkey recently showed their real colors by opposing sanctions for Iran and by their recent involvement and support of Palestinian flotillas trying to break the Israel weapons blockade of Gaza. In the midst of that confrontation they recalled their ambassador from Israel and sent Israeli ambassador packing.

Leaders in Congress are wondering if the US should continue to give Turkey military support and weapons in light of this new alignment. They are asking the President and his administration to address and confront Turkey over some of these issues.

Rep. Mike Pence observed:

“The complicity of Turkey in launching a flotilla to challenge the blockade in Gaza, the ensuing violence that occurred, the grievous loss of life is deeply troubling to those of us who have supported the U.S. Turkish alliance in the past. Turkey needs to decide whether its present course is in its long-term interest.”

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates responded to Congressional concerns:

“I’ll be honest, I was disappointed in Turkey’s decision on the Iranian sanctions. That said, Turkey is a decades-long ally of the United States and other members of NATO. Turkey continues to play a critical part in the alliance. We have a strong military-to-military relationship with Turkey. We obviously have facilities in Turkey. So allies don’t always agree on things.”
Here you go, the zionist lobby has now started its compaign against turkey. Anyone daring to challenge the cruelty of israeli gov must face AIPAK and their buddies.
poor guy
It's a wake up call for the US
Blindly supporting Israel is not for free.
They must decide to continue supporting a failed project or seek to achieve its own interests. Interests that are getting challenged each day, by new emerging powers.
The clock is ticking America, what will you do?
poor guy
It's a wake up call for the US
Blindly supporting Israel is not for free.
They must decide to continue supporting a failed project or seek to achieve its own interests. Interests that are getting challenged each day, by new emerging powers.
The clock is ticking America, what will you do?

They can support israel, they can be friends with israel, there is nothing wrong with that. they are both 2 sovergn countries, but to give israel a free hand to supres palesinians, take their land forcefully and unlawfully while blaming everything on the palestine is completely out of line and colaboration with an agressor.
it is obvious that jewish lobby is working, but im not concerned much because congress never liked turkey. it is expected for me
1) Jewish lobby in US in action against Turks
2) Congress was never in favor of Turkey in past, so their old disliking towards Turkey is flourishing under current issues between Turkey and Israel.
Let them do what they can. It will only harden the stance of the Turkish people against Israel, and they will soon add the US to the list if Congress continues to insist that Obama interfere in Turkey's internal and bilateral issues with others.

The Turks are no pushovers, and I think America is plagued with constant strategic over-reach... try to stop China from delivering Nuclear energy to Pakistan, try to prevent Turkey from independent foreign policy, try to get the Afghan people to like the former UNOCAL employee etc. etc. It doesn't appear to be going to well for them.
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