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congratulations my dear Indian fellows

They will never learn lesson because only mature and sensible people show some grace in win ..people with narrow mind and heart jump up and down like monkeys as if they have conquered the world by winning one match
Great, does this hold good when Pak wins??
Thank you all for all good words and positive attitude towards game!

Guys, last night I watched a movie called Picket 43 on youtube, I got so emotional...I don't understand why are we fighting on historical issues....let it rest in peace and lets live in peace....

Indo-Pak Bhai Bhai!
How intelligent of you to generalize the whole nation by the actions of a few. Some random people on the internet doesn't represent our country, our cricket team does. Have you seen the team even celebrating after the win, they were very professional. And by the way, idiots aren't confined to any boundary. They can be found everywhere in the world.
How intelligent of you to not even read the context of my post or whom we were responding . You should have quote the stupid post of your country man third eye than quoting my post because I was responding to people like him. Who care if you win all matches or lose all if you don't behave with others. People will not respect you for winning or losing game but how you will behave with others..

I appreciate the mature and professionalism of Indian cricketers but my reply was for stupid fans who look for such win just to vent their anger by ridiculing, trolling and taunting the other side.

Great, does this hold good when Pak wins??
Yes its true for some of our fans as well who go overboard in celebration or defeat but you guys taunt and provoke them with stupid mauka mauka ad and by bringing low father son talk in sport. Read what younas khan said after champion trophy final

any such message from Indian side ?
LOL, so much love and ignorance around. It makes feel laugh on those spinless, clueless and useless Indians who are embracing this high level of drama. After losing so many compatriot civilian and military personnel in hand of those jahil jihadis, getting backstabbed after every peace initiative, they have a hope for a kind of "peace". Nevertheless, it's Pakistan for whom this "peace" is vital for its survival and not that much India. Ignorantly forgetting everything, just using word "love" and "no to war" makes them feel "mature".:lol: Politicians are far more mindful people than these petty player who are concerned about nothing at all except their game.

Here it was necessity by ICC to play with Pakistan and nothing else. Don't expect anything more.

Harmony & love? Partition was done because of hate. So the country who is the ultimate result of partition and wouldn't have been there on map otherwise is the reason of the ruckus. Coincidently, this is the same country who's responsible for proliferation all kind of terrorism around its neighborhood. It's now asking for peace only after losing the teeth. But it won't change ever.

Mumbai, Pulwama, that bloody Jaish and LeT they shamelessly defend, the dumbos here will forget everything. They aren't asking for peace because they want peace but because they can't afford conflict. If given chance, next time Taliban will hit India.
Did you forget to take your communal shit in the field today?

Great, does this hold good when Pak wins??


Look at the dumpster fire on any comment section.
Indians behaving like monkeys.

I challenge you to find anything close to that by Pakistanis.

How intelligent of you to not even read the context of my post or whom we were responding . You should have quote the stupid post of your country man third eye than quoting my post because I was responding to people like him. Who care if you win all matches or lose all if you don't behave with others. People will not respect you for winning or losing game but how you will behave with others..

I appreciate the mature and professionalism of Indian cricketers but my reply was for stupid fans who look for such win just to vent their anger by ridiculing, trolling and taunting the other side.

Yes its true for some of our fans as well who go overboard in celebration or defeat but you guys taunt and provoke them with stupid mauka mauka ad and by bringing low father son talk in sport. Read what younas khan said after champion trophy final

any such message from Indian side ?
For most Indians this is the only happiness in their lives.
LOL, so much love and ignorance around. It makes feel laugh on those spinless, clueless and useless Indians who are embracing this high level of drama. After losing so many compatriot civilian and military personnel in hand of those jahil jihadis, getting backstabbed after every peace initiative, they have a hope for a kind of "peace". Nevertheless, it's Pakistan for whom this "peace" is vital for its survival and not that much India. Ignorantly forgetting everything, just using word "love" and "no to war" makes them feel "mature".:lol: Politicians are far more mindful people than these petty player who are concerned about nothing at all except their game.

Here it was necessity by ICC to play with Pakistan and nothing else. Don't expect anything more.

Harmony & love? Partition was done because of hate. So the country who is the ultimate result of partition and wouldn't have been there on map otherwise is the reason of the ruckus. Coincidently, this is the same country who's responsible for proliferation all kind of terrorism around its neighborhood. It's now asking for peace only after losing the teeth. But it won't change ever.

Mumbai, Pulwama, that bloody Jaish and LeT they shamelessly defend, the dumbos here will forget everything. They aren't asking for peace because they want peace but because they can't afford conflict. If given chance, next time Taliban will hit India.

Ignore....this freak ....
Did you forget to take your communal shit in the field today?
I don't have to be communal to hate Pakistan. Pakistan came into existence because of communalism.
Ignore....this freak ....
Me & you both know that my mood will be that of rest of Indians after this bit drama of sports settles. Your country will always do anything to screw up things.

For most Indians this is the only happiness in their lives.
They got a lot more than you could imagine. Less miserable, lower chances to get blasted in street.
Hostility aside, I miss the good old days when India had the best batsmen and Pak had the best bowlers in the cricketing world. Wasim & Waqar are still my fav bowlers apart from Aussies like Mcgrath, Bret Lee, Gillespie etc
I don't have to be communal to hate Pakistan. Pakistan came into existence because of communalism.

Me & you both know that my mood will be that of rest of Indians after this bit drama of sports settles. Your country will always do anything to screw up things.

They got a lot more than you could imagine. Less miserable, lower chances to get blasted in street.
And India was created by the British, what's your point?

And I bet those 40 Indian troops were also thinking they had less chance of getting blown up:cheesy:
And India was created by the British, what's your point?
British never fostered India into existence. If regime change makes nationalism exclusive then China before 1949 isn't China and Japan before 1947 isn't Japan.

Unlike artificial states in West and Africa, Eastern nationalism is real and bases on civilizations.

People who call India a British creation are ignorant AF, mostly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis suffering from identity crisis. British created Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma, India is real country by default. It still forms 75% of subcontinent for a reason.
Given the kind of inclusiveness that had formed against invaders by Indians even before British reached, there is no reason to say that India wouldn't have reunified.
And I bet those 40 Indian troops were also thinking they had less chance of getting blown up:cheesy:
Yes off course they were. They weren't in a crisis state.
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