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Congrats! IK & TUQ visit of China President is cancelled

Here we go again. A very sensitive and important discussion just got derailed into politics.

1) This government has ONLY been in active for the 14 months (Nationally)
2) The provincial government did a LOT of work, but in the previous government's times, it couldn't do as much compared to now as the money wasn't flowing into Punjab. In fact, I know Chief of WAPDA and I also know that Zardari had given orders for Power Outages in Punjab for three times as much duration as Sindh. To bring down the buisnesses and to gain politically.

Only in Pakistan people and politicians put their national focus aside and play politics. Surprises me as to how the country still manages to run.

3) I can actually provide you with a LIST of project that the Punjab government is undertaking and another list of projects that have been completed in record time. Which the international auditing bodies have outlined and appreciated.

There is a REASON why there is over a 100 Billion $ investment being poured into Pakistan and it is because of the current government's reputation to get things done clean. No other politician can bring 10% of what has come to Pakistan and what is coming (irrespective of some grandiose claims that are far from reality).

People who think the Chinese premier's visit was bringing "loans".....please show me the proof of 7 or 9%. Majority of these were financed by China as the Silk Road is being built to support their part of the country. They give Pakistan "Soft Loans" which are much lower in interest and length you have to pay the loan back in.

This investment (loan for IK and Mullah) will create three times the size of Tax and Revenue base. Will give many millions jobs and all kinds of jobs, from street work to Engineering, Technology, Meteorology to Computer Science and Engineering. If you start to receive a Billion in Taxes, you can easily afford a 100 Million loan payment. But your economy starts to run with millions and millions employed. How is this bad????

Second, your OWN State Bank issues 10-12% commercial loans. Over billions of dollars, even 7% is actually low. In the US, we pay 7-10% on Commercial loans even in somewhat bad economy.
You need capital to grow the economy. If I listen to Mullah or IK.....you won't have any investment coming in and no one will be employed. The country will remain in darkness forever and people like Mullah will keep using religion to fool people. Its time that PEOPLE progress in Pakistan, attain a better future for themselves and for their generations to come, Pakistan to rise as a modern nation and all these negative, dark-minded politicians can go to hell. Its Pakistan that matters. Not these corrupted politicians, some of which want the money, others want the power and other just want to topple governments because some "X-General" and a "Big Shot Doctor" said so. NO to these fractions and yes to a modern, economically growing Pakistan!!

You were the one who wanted to complete the sentence and talked about trillions. Let me tell you Mullah will not be ruling Pakistan nor IK is but these dirty politicians will. You talk trillions, investments and say that in the 5 years they weren't in federal and this is the reason they couldn't do anything, you are wrong, their own minister has admitted we take kickbacks at the start of every project, you think investments is coming cuz of them, wrong again. Pakistan has been blessed with a landlocked countries which have potential China, Central East Asia etc. The reason investment is coming due to the operation against terrorists which have rebuild the faith of investors. You know that they were opposition party during Zardari's era and if a common man like you and me know that Zardari had given orders for Power Outages in Punjab for three times as much duration as Sindh then these people also know that. Yet they never raised a voice in Parliament. I live in Punjab and I know that they did nothing in our province, heck army makes better cities than them (DHA, askari etc). What you think is a bright and good future for Pakistan is actually a dirty and dull future for us, sorry but this is my opinion and I don't think it will change. They came in power during 90s too, projects under there belt Motorway and that's it, that too in coming to power two times. You are saying they have projects which others can name all their projects are mostly in Lahore and Lahore isn't the whole Punjab. The loans on china I don't think both Mullah or IK ever criticized that, don't know why are you talking about it.

You know we both can be wrong or right but only time will tell and as you wished so no more on politics.

Since you are talking about moral values, now that Pakistan is reeling with floods, you think IK and the good doctor from canada will postpone their dharna.

They will try to help and press their demands at the same time. Doctor has announced that please donate and something should be done for IDPs and flood victims.
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