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Congrats China and the rest of the involved nations. I strategic coup by China. RCEP is the biggest economic bloc in the world. Makes the "Quad" look conceptually stupid. Quad wants "free and open global shipping" yet its biggest members don't want free and open trade. :rofl:

RCEP countries should in the long term focus on a bloc reserve currency like a regional SDR.
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China didn't force India to anything,China provide jobs, expertise and investment in exchange of profit,and India gladly accepted that.

Do you seriously believe it has the technology and economic backing to compete at xiaomi's pricepoint?
If anything ,the firm will import most of its parts from china and sell the less innovative tech at a higher margin.
What you mean with all parts imported from China? Nonsense. Just very few. As said if India provides the money then we can build.
Why do you think India withdrew last years after years of negotiations ..

Loosers are those who never got invited to be part of it..like Pakistan

India rejected it dude...India rejected it.

When you are not under the pressure to compete, you are more likely to fall further behind. When China sign up to the WTO, it's industry were in a very weak state, but we all see the end result.

RCEP is headed by ASEAN, it is pretty obvious why they didn't invite Pakistan or Bangladesh as both are at the same stage as most ASEAN countries.
How is it worse? We saw the deal, we analyzed it and we rejected it as not good for us. Last I learbt, GT is soar like a rejected lady.
I think it's Japan that pushed India to be invited . However it seems Japan failed to realise that India's economic/national policies are complex and different. Hence this deal got delayed only for India to pull out at the end. Once India pulled out, the deal got sign quite fast as Indian objections was the only thing holding such a deal from being signed years ago. However I think Modi made a mistake , even if he knew India had no intention of signing this deal, he should have remain and not pulled out so he can delay this deal as much as possible and stop it from being signed. That way his adversary (China) wouldn't get this deal going. Lol. Nasty move I know. But I'm Looking at things from India's perspective. :D

Funny enough despite being snubbed , Japan is still pushing for India to come back into this deal just to balance Chinas dominance in this. However, seems Japan's still fails to understand India's realities, India will never sign onto this deal the way it is now. Many things will need to be change for India to sign on, and I'm sure the other countries are not ready to go back to the drawing board. So Japan should give up on this .:chilli:
I think it's Japan that pushed India to be invited . However it seems Japan failed to realise that India's economic/national policies are complex and different. Hence this deal got delayed only for India to pull out at the end. Once India pulled out, the deal got sign quite fast as Indian objections was the only thing holding such a deal from being signed years ago. However I think Modi made a mistake , even if he knew India had no intention of signing this deal, he should have remain and not pulled out so he can delay this deal as much as possible and stop it from being signed. That way his adversary (China) wouldn't get this deal going. Lol. Nasty move I know. But I'm Looking at things from India's perspective. :D

Funny enough despite being snubbed , Japan is still pushing for India to come back into this deal just to balance Chinas dominance in this. However, seems Japan's still fails to understand India's realities, India will never sign onto this deal the way it is now. Many things will need to be change for India to sign on, and I'm sure the other countries are not ready to go back to the drawing board. So Japan should give up on this .:chilli:

True. For Japan, US dropped out of TPP and India dropped out of RCEP. China is its only option now. Economically RCEP is much needed for Japan, but strategically, Japan is in a bind.
No not a loss at all, boycott chinese products, buy our products instead. Why India not sign Fta with Vietnam? Win win.
India will be as worried to sign a FTA with Vietnam almost as much as with China. Since Vietnam imports majority of it's manufacturing parts/equipments through China, VIETNAM relies on it's close proximity with China to have access to it's huge supply chain, and foreign companies are setting up factories I'm Vietnam to cut costs and export more. So if India signs a FTA with Vietnam, India knows that it will be flooded with goods from Vietnam almost same way India is flooded with cheap Chinese goods, thereby affecting its own market . This is same reason India backed off from this RCEP deal in the first place. So why will they repeat the same mistake with Vietnam of all countries. They know that Vietnam will be the one to benefit immensely from such a deal at India's expense. So it will never happen. Not the way you think anyway .
True. For Japan, US dropped out of TPP and India dropped out of RCEP. China is its only option now. Economically RCEP is much needed for Japan, but strategically, Japan is in a bind.
India knows they can't even compete against ASEAN nations that's why they backed out.But the biggest winner of this trade deal are japan and S.korea,meanwhile china gains more in political leverage,rather than pure monetary gain.
That is what I was thinking as well. S.Korea and most of all Japan are the biggest winner of this deal economically speaking. China will also benefit but more so politically and strategically than economically. Leaders in Beijing are Looking at things not from a short term instant perspective but a long term one. This will morphed with time into a Chinese dominated trade group in Asia just due to China's sheer size and market, just like the US dominated NAFTA in the Americas. Overall, a strategic win for Beijing.
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True. For Japan, US dropped out of TPP and India dropped out of RCEP. China is its only option now. Economically RCEP is much needed for Japan, but strategically, Japan is in a bind.

Yes, all of them (Japan, SK, South east asian countries, Australia) All target 1.4 Billion People Market of China.
In the next year, China will become The Largest Importer Country in this world. With higher and higher GDP percapita with Booming Economic Environment, there is no one to be left behind to promote their commodity to China Market.

And this also will make South east asian Economic more Integrated with East Asian Economic, creating Asian Economic Zone.

What a Win-win Development for All sides, thats why Not only China happy with this winning. But also, japanese, South Korean, Cambodian, Australian, Malaysian, etc.

Who is the biggest loser? You guessed it -- Taiwan. They can buy more bombs from the US, or mouth cannons from India. But other than that they are fvked:no:

RCEP likely to deal blow to Taiwanese companies

Yes indeed, the biggest losers in this day are Taiwanese companies and Indian companies.
They are really fvked this time
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India will be as worried to sign a FTA with Vietnam almost as much as with China. Since Vietnam imports majority of it's manufacturing parts/equipments through China, VIETNAM relies on it's close proximity with China to have access to it's huge supply chain, and foreign companies are setting up factories I'm Vietnam to cut costs and export more. So if India signs a FTA with Vietnam, India knows that it will be flooded with goods from Vietnam almost same way India is flooded with cheap Chinese goods, thereby affecting its own market . This is same reason India backed off from this RCEP deal in the first place. So why will they repeat the same mistake with Vietnam of all countries. They know that Vietnam will be the one to benefit immensely from such a deal at India's expense. So it will never happen. Not the way you think anyway .


That is what I was thinking as well. S.Korea and most of all Japan are the biggest winner of this deal economically speaking. China will also benefit but more so politically and strategically than economically. Leaders in Beijing are Looking at things not from a short term instant perspective but a long term one. This will morphed with time into a Chinese dominated trade group in Asia just due to China's sheer size and market, just like the US dominated NAFTA in the Americas. Overall, a strategic win for Beijing.
No we will not benefit much from this pact. It’s the Chinese that will make most profits from it. Tpp is a different story. We will benefit most, but only if the US joins it.
I agree on this. That's what differentiates you guys from South Asia or even the middle East. Something like this will never happen in that region.
What we lack of is a security aspect. China is like a hooligan living next door, too dangerous to ignore. That is why we need the US security umbrella.
Economic wise we have no problem to hand over the region into the hands of Chinese. We follow our tradition we do so since hundreds of years.
It’s not a good thing though.
I see dark cloud coming on the horizon. We all will become economic slaves.
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I think it's Japan that pushed India to be invited . However it seems Japan failed to realise that India's economic/national policies are complex and different. Hence this deal got delayed only for India to pull out at the end. Once India pulled out, the deal got sign quite fast as Indian objections was the only thing holding such a deal from being signed years ago. However I think Modi made a mistake , even if he knew India had no intention of signing this deal, he should have remain and not pulled out so he can delay this deal as much as possible and stop it from being signed. That way his adversary (China) wouldn't get this deal going. Lol. Nasty move I know. But I'm Looking at things from India's perspective. :D

Funny enough despite being snubbed , Japan is still pushing for India to come back into this deal just to balance Chinas dominance in this. However, seems Japan's still fails to understand India's realities, India will never sign onto this deal the way it is now. Many things will need to be change for India to sign on, and I'm sure the other countries are not ready to go back to the drawing board. So Japan should give up on this .:chilli:

This video in 2 min explains. India can join anytime. The door is always open to the 3rd largest economy in the region. India will first work on making its sectors competitive. The past experience ( refer link above) was not good. Plus India's concern on service sector was not addressed.

Congress I had signed MOU agreement with CCCP ( weird for a Party to sign MOU) and so it was pushing to further its agenda. Modi is a nationalist. For him India is first.
signing the free trade agreement is one thing, but good luck implementing this "free" trade deal. this deal reminds me of the shining example of Asean free trade deal. everyone signs up for it, but when it's time to implement it, everyone finds all sort of ways to circumvent the tariff free enforcement by coming up with safety issues of their competitors' products or raise local "fee" (not tariff) to make the products of the competitors so expensive that it won't be able to sell in their home markets.
Free trade never works between states that are competing to sell the exact same products (south korea vs japan), free trade never works between states that are trying to sell almost similar products (china vs asean), free trade never works between states that are trying to develop their own industries vs countries with developed industries (south korea, jpan vs china and asean).
For state like vietnam that are building more steel mills to curb the steel imports from china, free trade won't work; free trade between vietnam and south korea with jpan won't work either because vietnam is trying to build an automotive industry and consumer electronic products. free trade between Thailand and the rest of the block doesn't work either because the pinnacle of Thailand's industry is the automotive part industry and it competes heads on with japan and any Japanese car sold in Thailand has to be at least 80% of value from Thai suppliers Jpan can't go to Thailand and flood the Thai market with 100% Jpanese built cars. Free trade between Malaysia and the rest of the block won't work either because it will threaten to destroy the 2 national car brands of Malaysia which is Proton and Perodua etc, you get the idea
True. For Japan, US dropped out of TPP and India dropped out of RCEP. China is its only option now. Economically RCEP is much needed for Japan, but strategically, Japan is in a bind.
Exactly, I wrote on this before https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indi...largest-trade-pact-simple-explanation.642431/

Third: Was the deal not good enough? No! India got the best, and most incredible concessions out of everybody in writing:

India really got the most concessions out of everybody including the unreal labour mobility agreement.

And the commenter above really gets to the core of it when he said that later Indian participation was more of a stalling for time, and sabotage, rather than genuine involvement. They knew the day it is signed, will be Modi's undoing, because India's entrance to RCEP negotiations was a political project of his enemy party.
No we will not benefit much from this pact. It’s the Chinese that will make most profits from it. Tpp is a different story. We will benefit most, but only if the US joins it.

What we lack of is a security aspect. China is like a hooligan living next door, too dangerous to ignore. That is why we need the US security umbrella.
Economic wise we have no problem to hand over the region into the hands of Chinese. We follow our tradition we do so since hundreds of years.
It’s not a good thing though.
I see dark cloud coming on the horizon. We all will become economic slaves.

But your government disagree with your opinion.
They looks very happy to have market access to one third of World Population





Opsss, my fault..you are south vietnamese which is the enemy of Vietnam today (North Vietnam).
So you will have opinion against the interest of North Vietnam

China-Led Mega Trade Bloc RCEP Takes Off


The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a mega trade bloc comprising 15 countries led by China that came into existence on Sunday, said India would have to write expressing “intention” to join the organisation to restart negotiation for membership.

Also read: Asia forms world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S.

“The RCEP, which consists of the 10 ASEAN members and Australia, China, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand. The China-backed group is expected to represent at least 30% of the global GDP and will emerge as the largest free trade agreement in the world.

Modi’s silence
The mega trade bloc is a landmark trade initiative which is expected to boost commerce among the member-countries spread across the Asia-Pacific region. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the ASEAN Summit on November 12 and highlighted the necessity for peace and stability in the region but maintained silence regarding RCEP, indicating India’s difficulty in welcoming the China-backed grouping. India’s ties with China in recent months have been disturbed by the military tension in eastern Ladakh along the LAC. In the meantime, India has also held maritime exercise with Japan, Australia, United States for the “Quad” that was interpreted as an anti-China move. However, these moves did not influence Japanese and Australian plans regarding RCEP. Experts are interpreting the beginning of RCEP as a major development that will help China and trade in Asia-Pacific region in the post-COVID-19 scenario.

Also read: India and ASEAN to expand trade despite RCEP walkout

‘Leverage for China’
“The agreement means a lot for China, as it will give it access to Japanese and South Korean markets in a big way, as the three countries have not yet agreed on their FTA,” said Amitendu Palit, Senior Research Fellow and Research Lead (Trade and Economics), at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. “The fact this happened, despite the pandemic, is certainly leverage for China, and shows the idea of decoupling from China is not a substantive issue in a regional sense.”

India had ended negotiation on RCEP last November over terms that were perceived to be against its interests. In May, The Hindu had reported that according to senior official sources, concerns regarding China in the post-coronavirus world scenario had prevented Delhi from restarting negotiation for membership of RCEP. India did not return to the negotiation despite request from the RCEP members who have discussed the trade pact for nearly eight years.


From our indian friend :D
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signing the free trade agreement is one thing, but good luck implementing this "free" trade deal. this deal reminds me of the shining example of Asean free trade deal. everyone signs up for it, but when it's time to implement it, everyone finds all sort of ways to circumvent the tariff free enforcement by coming up with safety issues of their competitors' products or raise local "fee" (not tariff) to make the products of the competitors so expensive that it won't be able to sell in their home markets.
Free trade never works between states that are competing to sell the exact same products (south korea vs japan), free trade never works between states that are trying to sell almost similar products (china vs asean), free trade never works between states that are trying to develop their own industries vs countries with developed industries (south korea, jpan vs china and asean).
For state like vietnam that are building more steel mills to curb the steel imports from china, free trade won't work; free trade between vietnam and south korea with jpan won't work either because vietnam is trying to build an automotive industry and consumer electronic products. free trade between Thailand and the rest of the block doesn't work either because the pinnacle of Thailand's industry is the automotive part industry and it competes heads on with japan and any Japanese car sold in Thailand has to be at least 80% of value from Thai suppliers Jpan can't go to Thailand and flood the Thai market with 100% Jpanese built cars. Free trade between Malaysia and the rest of the block won't work either because it will threaten to destroy the 2 national car brands of Malaysia which is Proton and Perodua etc, you get the idea

The restriction will still be there, but it will be less restrictive compared to before the FTA is signed. Actually I dont see any problem with ASEAN-China FTA, more restriction and issuing dumping accusition is more prevalent within WTO cooperation.

There were negotiations for the last 8 years so there could be some clauses that can be used to protect each nation domestic industry just like what we see on WTO agreement. Actually, I dont see any detail yet on this deal but it will be opened soon as gov will try to get parliament support before it can become effective. That is a ratification process that could take some time in any democratic countries, possibly around 2 years.

Country with less people like Malaysia hopes that the market opening will create more demand for their products while countries with more people like Indonesia hope to get more investment and become ASEAN production center. We would see which nation will benefit the most, but in term of making greater and efficient value chain, all nations will likely get the benefit of this FTA.

With this more free trade and free competition, the government and companies will be pushed to work more efficiently so that in the end the region could produces more competitive companies that can compete better globally.

Talking about bringing other new member, according to my opinion it is better to keep the block within current members instead of expanding it in the future. India still has enormous FDI last year and also has severe trade deficit despite having more protective domestic market. India has more interest to have FTA with US or European nations, the places where they get more export market.
While the entire Western world is sliding into a COVID-induced Great Depression, China creates the world's largest trading bloc with the entire Western Pacific Region.

The PDF anti-China trolls (you know who they are) must be having a heart attack today.






Meanwhile, at the White House...:pop:
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