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Conflict fear: Beijing outguns US in 'war games' simulating Taiwan invasion - ex-official


Nov 4, 2011
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Conflict fear: Beijing outguns US in 'war games' simulating Taiwan invasion - ex-official
CHINA'S splurge on defence spending and military arms has caused US officials and experts to raise concerns they will not be able to defend Taiwan in a war.
PUBLISHED: 00:49, Sun, Mar 28, 2021

David Ochmanek, former senior Defence Department official and war games assistant for the Pentagon at the RAND Corp think tank, said the US often loses in simulated conflicts with China. Beijing views Taiwan as a breakaway province to be reunited with mainland China, and has threatened to do so by military force.

Mr Ochmanek shared the sobering results of simulated conflicts between China and the US over Taiwan, with America serving as ‘the blue team’ versus Beijing’s ‘red team’.

The official said simulations of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan often see the island’s Air Force wiped out within minutes.

Mr Ochmanek also said the simulations held US air bases across the Pacific will come under attack and American warships and aircraft will be held at bay by China's vast missile arsenal.

He added: “Even when the blue teams in our simulations and war games intervened in a determined way, they don't always succeed in defeating the invasion.”

Speaking to NBC News, Mr Ochmanek added China’s military strength has been progressing dramatically for the last decade.

He told the outlet: “You bring in lieutenant colonels and commanders, and you subject them for three or four days to this war game.

“They get their asses kicked, and they have a visceral reaction to it.

"You can see the learning happen.”

Admiral Philip Davidson, outgoing head of the US’ Indo-Pacific Command, recently warned Senator’s the US is losing its military edge over China.

He told the Senate Armed Services Committee: “We are accumulating risk that may embolden China to unilaterally change the status quo before our forces may be able to deliver an effective response.

"Taiwan is clearly one of their ambitions. ... And I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years."

Adm. John Aquilino, a potential successor to Adm. Davidson, also told Senators on Tuesday Taiwan is Beijing’s “No 1 priority”.

He added: “My opinion is that this problem is much closer to us than most think and we have to take this on.”

China’s defence spending this year is set to rise by 6.8 percent, slightly up from last years increase.

Premier Li Keqiang said the funding would strengthen China’s forces “through reform, science and technology and the training of capable personnel”.

He added, according to a read out from the Chinese Government: “We will boost military training and preparedness across the board, make overall plans for responding to security risks in all areas and for all situations, and enhance the military’s strategic capacity to protect the sovereignty, security and development interests of our country.:

Xi Jinping, Chinese Communist Party chairman, has also repeatedly told People’s Liberation Army troops to be ready for war “at all times” this year.

US President Joe Biden has acknowledged China as America’s biggest rival.

In his first phone call with Mr Xi as President, the White House claimed Mr Biden "underscored his fundamental concerns about Beijing's coercive and unfair economic practices, crackdown in Hong Kong, human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and increasingly assertive actions in the region, including toward Taiwan".

Taiwan said on Friday they had recorded the largest incursion yet reported by the island’s defence ministry from China.

The ministry said 20 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, and added the air force deployed missiles to “monitor” the incursion into the south-western part of its air defence identification zone.

The strategy is simple. Make China an aggressor while the US keeps bombing multiple countries.

My suggestion to China will be to directly launch a diplomatic offensive which includes introducing anti white supremacist resolutions in UN which was earlier shot down by US.

Use the white supremacist card as a tool just like they are using Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang.

Anti Asian violence in US can also be highlighted. China must speak for all asians living in US.



Taiwan itself is more than enough for China. The Chinese are also forgetting that they won't be facing Taiwan or the US....but both combined, along with South Korea and Japan.

Most of the fighting will also be fought on China's turf. Thus damaging China more.

Kids and old nationalist grandpas on PDF can post whatever but the reality is that China has no actual naval combat experience since 1950's. It has one air craft carrier which is used more for research than for combat.

Most of its navy will be scrap metal if an actual war starts. Which is why China hasn't and will not make a move on Taiwan. Cue the Chinese trolls and their Pakistani simps...
Most of its navy will be scrap metal if an actual war starts. Which is why China hasn't and will not make a move on Taiwan.

Even if China does not take Taiwan China is powerful enough to be Numero Uno. Biggest population. Biggest economy. Biggest military. Fairly big area.
It's not about China vs US everywhere, it's China vs US near Taiwan strait, check the article again and then post. and the war games' simulation was done by US, not China, if you guys have any questions, go to the Pentagon and ask.
It's not about China vs US everywhere, it's China vs US near Taiwan strait, check the article again and then post. and the war games' simulation was done by US, not China, if you guys have any questions, go to the Pentagon and ask.

Not the first time Pentagon made such reports lol

They make them for PR consumption.....to get more $$$ out of Congress. Actual reports are never shown to the public...
Not the first time Pentagon made such reports lol

They make them for PR consumption.....to get more $$$ out of Congress. Actual reports are never shown to the public...


And the two Admirals , one outgoing Chief and one incoming Chief of US Navy was also making statements to the congress for Public Relation exercise!!!
Grow up dude.

And the two Admirals , one outgoing Chief and one incoming Chief of US Navy was also making statements to the congress for Public Relation exercise!!!
Grow up dude.

Calm down grandma. Leave military stuff to those that know about it...
Calm down grandma. Leave military stuff to those that know about it...

Well it proves you run out of arguments.
I am sure you are an authority on military stuff.
Right !!! :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Another delusional character masquerading as an "Expert"on PDF.
Well it proves you run out of arguments.
I am sure you are an authority on military stuff.
Right !!! :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Another delusional character masquerading as an "Expert"on PDF.

Never said I was an expert. But I do know more about US internal stuff than a Brit.
Never said I was an expert. But I do know more about US internal stuff than a Brit.

Yeah sure you do.
I am sure you know more than the two Admirals as well.
You may also know that those Congress Committee members are also duffers to accept "Public Relation" statements from heads of US Navy.

I am sure you also know the legal ramifications of such statements to Congress.

What do you know about the Brit!! Food for thought.
Yeah sure you do.
I am sure you know more than the two Admirals as well.
You may also know that those Congress Committee members are also duffers to accept "Public Relation" statements from heads of US Navy.

I am sure you also know the legal ramifications of such statements to Congress.

What do you know about the Brit!! Food for thought.

Lmao guess you never heard of issuing semi true statements for the sake of making the enemy think something you want them to all along...

If the Chinese Navy believes in such "reports" then why don't they try to take Taiwan?? Let's see what happens. :lol:
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