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Condemn antisemitic "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series, part II


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Simon Wiesenthal Center Slams ‘Khaybar’ Miniseries After Video of Actors Spewing Hate Surfaces (VIDEO)
JULY 9, 2013 5:24 PM
Author: Zach Pontz


Scene during filming of upcoming Khaybar series.

Actors from an anti-Semitic miniseries set to air this month in the Arab world have further confirmed their show’s hateful message in a series of interviews compiled by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

MEMRI released video Tuesday of the stars of “Khaybar,” set to air in Egypt this month, that captures them making inflammatory and anti-Semitic remarks. One actor says that all Jews think about “is making money.” Another says that Jews “have no moral values,” while another explains that the purpose of the show is to portray Jews as the enemy of Islam.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Algemeiner that the mainstream appeal is deeply unsettling and that it proves that “Jew has become a dirty word in the world.”

“The fact that we now have the proliferation–and if you will the fine-tuning–of this kind of hateful imagery on satellite TV and on the internet is devastating. To undo that kind of hatred will take at least a generation. And the spillover is dramatic,” he said.

“We’re not talking about rabble rousers in the streets. This is a sophisticated production that will have commercials attached to it and it shows its becoming embedded in their cultures,” he added.

One of the show’s writers, Yusri al-Jindy, attempted further to validate the corrosive intent of the series, saying in an interview in June with Al-Masry Al-Youm , an Egypt-based daily news*paper, that it is meant “to expose the naked truth about the Jews and stress that they can*not be trusted.”

Anonymous blogger Elder of Ziyon has written extensively about the program and has even spearheaded a petition against it. In an email to The Algemeiner he slammed the international community for its silence on the issue.

“The video shows clearly that the series is not meant to be a historical drama, but a thin excuse to incite Arabs and Muslims against Jews. The screenwriter says so and the actors know it. This is a violation of international law, as specified in The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which states that ‘Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.’”

Last month he oversaw the delivery of the petition to the New York City headquarters of both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Thus far he says that both organizations have failed to respond to his overtures.

“It is outrageous that such blatant incitement stirs so little interest from human rights organizations. This is not just a speech, or a newspaper article, or a book – this is a highly anticipated media event. The hype in the Arabic media resembles the week before Iron Man 3 was released in the US. In only the past week, Al Jazeera has written three different articles about Khaybar.”

Cooper similarly criticized both organizations for not vocally condemning the show.

“We can come with the ‘J’accuse’ for two reasons. If they would say something it might have some impact in our own society, and secondly it would send a signal to civil societies in the Arab countries.”

Neither Human Rights Watch nor Amnesty International had responded to detailed requests from The Algemeiner for comment as of this writing.

Watch the video of the hateful comments of ‘Khaybar’ actors below:

Solomon2: I don't doubt that the true purpose of the video is to camouflage the fact that today, while Muslim-majority countries are currently suffering from bloody civil wars, revolutions, and multiplying terror havens Jews - even in embattled Israel - stand for peace, justice, prosperity and inclusiveness. The series is meant to blank all that fact out by promoting blind hatred and rage. If you don't speak out against it, you accept its influence on your society.
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‘Khaybar’ Miniseries After Video of Actors Spewing Hate Surfaces (VIDEO)[/URL][/SIZE]
JULY 9, 2013 5:24 PM
Author: Zach Pontz

Actors from an anti-Semitic miniseries set to air this month in the Arab world have further confirmed their show’s hateful message in a series of interviews compiled by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)..

Being anti-Semitic in 2013 is simply $tupid nay injurious to the health of the anti-Smetic person.

People who believe in tolerance for other faiths and religions will survive in the long run,

And the rest? well we all know what happened to Nazis.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

As for the show, it should only be interested in historical facts, and that's it.
Yawn! As far as I'm concerned the original poster can go take a hike. The series portrays factual events recorded in arab history. For the traits of jewery settled in Arabia were recorded from before Islamic times. Their penchant for playing tribes of against one another, lending & trading using the chaos at exorbitant terms was well known even before Islam.
How the Jewish tribes of Medina after signing a citizenship charter on equal terms with muslims on one hand courted the Quraish of Mecca on the other leading to many smaller incidents & finally the Battle Of The Trench is well recorded in history.
How the Jews at Khaybar would harrass the trade caravans of Muslims is also recorded. Their Machiavelian politiking is also a matter of historical record not only by Muslims but also western oxidentalist/orientalist historian.
Search for your ownself OP, get their books read up & educate yourself.
& Yeah calling arabs anti-semitic is like an oxymoron of the highest order.
Arabs = Semitic you psuedo semitic white boy nitwit. Now take a hike & peddle this snake oil where it will sell like the world affairs board or some dingy Israeli/Zionist forum.
Why Jews killed Hazrat Isa Alai Salam?

And not just him, but many other naabi and rasool.

Why Jews betrayed Muhammad saw?

Jews should own up to their sins, instead of hiding them.
Although I don't agree with the OP on many issues including Israel.
You have to agree that whatever that was, it was a shameful display. Pure bigotry.

Bravo. Well stated.

Thank you.

Sadly many Muslims today are behaving just like medieval Christians.

And thus the ignorance and arrogance is aplenty among such bigoted groups.

Yawn! As far as I'm concerned the original poster can go take a hike. The series portrays factual events recorded in arab history...

Arab history in 2013 and "factual".

hahahahah. It is like calling a crow white.

Rest of your bigoted post gives plenty of evidence as to what sort of religious $hit you would call "factual".

Oh man.

At least consider the sacred month of Ramzan before spewing out lies.

What a shameful post.
Being anti-Semitic in 2013 is simply $tupid nay injurious to the health of the anti-Smetic person. People who believe in tolerance for other faiths and religions will survive in the long run,And the rest? well we all know what happened to Nazis.
Have you ever considered the number of Germans killed before and after WWII who were not Nazis? Don't you think they would have appreciated it if the evil of Nazism had been combated sooner rather than later?

As I see it, antisemitic or not, Pakistanis today are content to go along for the ride rather than grab an oar to avoid the dangerous waters ahead.
Memri is purely an anti Islamic propaganda arm of the Zionists.... Anything from these scums must be disregarded for the rubbish they are
Have you ever considered the number of Germans killed before and after WWII who were not Nazis? Don't you think they would have appreciated it if the evil of Nazism had been combated sooner rather than later?

As I see it, antisemitic or not, Pakistanis today are content to go along for the ride rather than grab an oar to avoid the dangerous waters ahead.

yeap. Right on.

we gotta avoid the hellish future that will come our way unless we as a nation (and individuals) move away from intolerance, hate, and other pathetic trends.

Oh so when the goy are made fun of in the media,especially muslim/arab goyim...its all sweet and dandy.
And when som1 makes a silly special that apparently hurts the feelings of God's chosen,its a crime of the highest degree?

Not that im approving of this show, but why should we care if the west doesn't care in the first place?
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