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Condemn antisemitic "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series, part II

Freedom of Speech works both ways.

Personally, I wouldn't support the tone adopted in the series, but I wouldn't condemn it either. If anything, we should all do what Europe did when anti-Muslim garbage was spewing out from them; take a back seat.

My jaw dropped. What a bunch of racist custards.

The civilized world must consider what respect these sordid religious minds full of so much shyte deserve.

However I have to say this video does a great job of showing how ''these people'' have no moral values and are intolerant because they are teaching their children all kinds of horrible weird things since childhood and bringing them up to become such damned angry fools full of idiocy : now isn't that offensive???
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Though I don't agree with the message in the video at ALL... however AIPAC needs not raise "anti-semitism" flags at every arab-fart. It's just a stupid TV show, and those people are nobodies... Live with it. Sissies.
My jaw dropped when I read those wonderful words, coming from your lordship:

Aren't we getting very sticky to uncle Sam's arse, nowadays? :D

Religious bigotry, one openly patronized by state and society has no place in civilized world as I conceptualize it. Our disagreement on that concept does not have to mean I'm sticking to uncle sam's arse or most of the Pakistanis here are sticking to Arab one.

I've seen Pakistani cricket stars and heroes make such racist comments against hindus too, looks like showing disgust at such sordid behavior by public figures will make me a Brahmin arse kisser or something...
Nope, it doesn't make you any of those. Just a softer approach where religions are involved would do you good. And no, I'm not one of those who come shooting for evil yindus.

Btw, let's not get into "religious bigotry"..by state and society....... you seriously don't want to go there..... or do you?

Religious bigotry, one openly patronized by state and society has no place in civilized world as I conceptualize it. Our disagreement on that concept does not have to mean I'm sticking to uncle sam's arse or most of the Pakistanis here are sticking to Arab one.

I've seen Pakistani cricket stars and heroes make such racist comments against hindus too, looks like showing disgust at such sordid behavior by public figures will make me a Brahmin arse kisser or something...
@Aeronaut... did you notice.... whenever I post in Hazrat Suleyman's thread.... it dies a natural death? :D
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Nope, it doesn't make you any of those. Just a softer approach where religions are involved would do you good. And no, I'm not one of those who come shooting for evil yindus.

Btw, let's not get into "religious bigotry"..by state and society....... you seriously don't want to go there..... or do you?

I certainly want to go there, I'm all for complete eradication of such disease and free all the millions and millions of victims who never got a chance to think independently.

While I appreciate why you say a ''softer approach'' to be adopted where religion is concerned, my own theory on the matter is using a sledgehammer to demolish childhood damage :P
Dude, your "sledgehammer" approach tells me that you grew up in Singapore! :D

I certainly want to go there, I'm all for complete eradication of such disease and free all the millions and millions of victims who never got a chance to think independently.

While I appreciate why you say a ''softer approach'' to be adopted where religion is concerned, my own theory on the matter is using a sledgehammer to demolish childhood damage :P
BTW @Hyperion I don't think we necessarily disagree, I've seen you use sledgehammers in Taliban threads.

In Singapore they use a 4 foot long rattan cane.
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LMAO... it's funny actually.... he get's pissed with Arabs, and then comes here bashes us Pakistanis..... I have had it with him.... next time he opens a new thread, he'll have to deal with me. EVERYTIME..... :D

@Hyperion Someone needs to vent frustration.

Dude, you don't know those ****** ******.... nothing but a sledgehammer can fix them.... trust you me...... rest of these people are at level zero of indoctrination...... they are all still redeemable......... :D

BTW @Hyperion I don't think we necessarily disagree, I've seen you use sledgehammers in Taliban threads.
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Abbay, change your avatar.... that cat gives me the creeps.... :pissed:

Although I don't agree with the OP on many issues including Israel.
You have to agree that whatever that was, it was a shameful display. Pure bigotry.
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