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Concept of Ethnicity in Islam

In Islam ethnicity doesn't matter what matter is how much some one follow Islam or not if some one doesn't follow Islam doesn't matter even if he is king or something he will not be considered a good person

that again sounds good, to judge a person by his merits. but i think ethnicity is extended family. family/tribe bonds are important, but its not ok to say every indian/white/gypsy/pakistani person is good and all others are bad.
that again sounds good, to judge a person by his merits. but i think ethnicity is extended family. family/tribe bonds are important, but its not ok to say every indian/white/gypsy/pakistani person is good and all others are bad.
That is exactly what Islam says Islam has the standard of who follow ALLAH more the one who follows more is good person
In Islam ethnicity doesn't matter what matter is how much some one follow Islam or not if some one doesn't follow Islam doesn't matter even if he is king or something he will not be considered a good person

Really..? Then why was the King of Abyssinia praised by those Muslims whose lives he saved from the Quraish ?
Please, learn more about your religion.. There are and have been good people in this world who did not receive the call to Islam.
While God's mercy at the day of judgement is reserved for those who believe in him and his last messenger.. his mercy and compassion in this world is for all.
which is why everybody who calls out for help wherever they are in this world are heard by god.. and he answers them as he sees fit.
Your being just a Muslim wont do you any good.. there are no great rewards for people who otherwise pray five times a day and fast but are cruel and unjust to the rest of the world.
Being a Muslim means being a good person..the former does not guarantee that you will be one of the best of the latter if given the chance..
but the latter does increase the possibly of being one of the best of the former if given a chance.

Im surprised that all of you who "wave" the flag of Islam seem to only want to potray Allah as unjust and as a tyrant to the rest of humanity except for Muslims.
This is not how Islam was spread or propagated.. the life of the Prophet is witness to that.. the timeline of early Islamic history is witness to that.
You are to help the needy regardless of their beliefs and race.. period.

There is no ethnicity in Islam.. there is only deeds and their rewards for what you do in this life.
You deeds are not limited your prayers,your fasts.. your zakat .. as these are for ensuring your afterlife.
Your deeds are how you treat your fellow living beings.. and how these help you depends on whether you are a Muslim or not.
If you are a Muslim perhaps god will reward you for these in this world or in the afterlife.
If you are not a Muslim.. quite possible you will be rewarded for them in this world.

Your being an Arab.. or one of Mayan decent is irrelevant.
Contrary to some idiots who were promoting that we must detach completely from Arabic as this is an arabic takeover..
that is nonsense.. the Prophet may have been born an Arab but he was "Rehmat-ullil- Aalameen".. Mercy and Compassion for the entire universe..what he preached and taught is for all the realms.
At the day of judgement.. all humanity will be judged equally regardless of their race. What will count will be their beliefs and deeds... that is the criteria.

As for the quoted paragraph in the first post..
The reason why he feels comfortable is because he is from their community..their religion has nothing to do with it.
I feel more comfortable abroad when I see an Indian Hindu because he looks like me, talks somewhat like me..and may even help me find a good meal..That does not mean that I am not aware of his status as "kafir"... but that does also not deter me for praying that many of those "kafirs" whom I do consider good people are given guidance in their beliefs and come into the fold of Islam.
Would I choose a cruel Muslim's life over Good Hindu or Christians? Yes.. because any Muslim who is not a good human being is not a Muslim in my view. That is a prerequisite to me for Islam, otherwise there is no need for such people to falsly bang their heads five times a day on the ground or go hungry in Ramadan.

So to cast someone out just because he is not a Muslim is idiotic.. perhaps a good person who is not a Muslim but gets to know you as a friend, gets to hear about Islam might even find it suits his mindset.. and convert.

Not "In the name of god.. the wrathful and punisher"
Really..? Then why was the King of Abyssinia praised by those Muslims whose lives he saved from the Quraish ?
Please, learn more about your religion.. There are and have been good people in this world who did not receive the call to Islam.
While God's mercy at the day of judgement is reserved for those who believe in him and his last messenger.. his mercy and compassion in this world is for all.
which is why everybody who calls out for help wherever they are in this world are heard by god.. and he answers them as he sees fit.
Your being just a Muslim wont do you any good.. there are no great rewards for people who otherwise pray five times a day and fast but are cruel and unjust to the rest of the world.
Being a Muslim means being a good person..the former does not guarantee that you will be one of the best of the latter if given the chance..
but the latter does increase the possibly of being one of the best of the former if given a chance.

Im surprised that all of you who "wave" the flag of Islam seem to only want to potray Allah as unjust and as a tyrant to the rest of humanity except for Muslims.
This is not how Islam was spread or propagated.. the life of the Prophet is witness to that.. the timeline of early Islamic history is witness to that.
You are to help the needy regardless of their beliefs and race.. period.

There is no ethnicity in Islam.. there is only deeds and their rewards for what you do in this life.
You deeds are not limited your prayers,your fasts.. your zakat .. as these are for ensuring your afterlife.
Your deeds are how you treat your fellow living beings.. and how these help you depends on whether you are a Muslim or not.
If you are a Muslim perhaps god will reward you for these in this world or in the afterlife.
If you are not a Muslim.. quite possible you will be rewarded for them in this world.

Your being an Arab.. or one of Mayan decent is irrelevant.
Contrary to some idiots who were promoting that we must detach completely from Arabic as this is an arabic takeover..
that is nonsense.. the Prophet may have been born an Arab but he was "Rehmat-ullil- Aalameen".. Mercy and Compassion for the entire universe..what he preached and taught is for all the realms.
At the day of judgement.. all humanity will be judged equally regardless of their race. What will count will be their beliefs and deeds... that is the criteria.

As for the quoted paragraph in the first post..
The reason why he feels comfortable is because he is from their community..their religion has nothing to do with it.
I feel more comfortable abroad when I see an Indian Hindu because he looks like me, talks somewhat like me..and may even help me find a good meal..That does not mean that I am not aware of his status as "kafir"... but that does also not deter me for praying that many of those "kafirs" whom I do consider good people are given guidance in their beliefs and come into the fold of Islam.
Would I choose a cruel Muslim's life over Good Hindu or Christians? Yes.. because any Muslim who is not a good human being is not a Muslim in my view. That is a prerequisite to me for Islam, otherwise there is no need for such people to falsly bang their heads five times a day on the ground or go hungry in Ramadan.

So to cast someone out just because he is not a Muslim is idiotic.. perhaps a good person who is not a Muslim but gets to know you as a friend, gets to hear about Islam might even find it suits his mindset.. and convert.

Not "In the name of god.. the wrathful and punisher"
Sir Shirk is the biggest Sin yes that man was good person kind by heart still he committed Shirk and ALLAH will never forgive Shirk he can forgive any other Sin but he doesn't like those who commit Shirk read Quran sir
So killing your father in the name of an believe is the same as stealing and lying?
Why do you want to read "killing in the name of a belief" when I write "kill" or "kill for justice"?

Islam cannot be a good religion if it wants you to kill your father or son over an faith/ideology/book.

And your nation or race or country is a great nation or race or country when it asks to kill in the name of nation or race or country?

Anyhow, "wants to kill" is an improvement you made to my propos. I'll just have your fan following know, e.g. Mr. K* who thanked you. Still, killing is just an act, it is good when it is just and bad when it is unjust. When you murder, for example, the family of the victim has the right to ask the State apparatus to have you killed, and that will be just.
that again sounds good, to judge a person by his merits. but i think ethnicity is extended family. family/tribe bonds are important, but its not ok to say every indian/white/gypsy/pakistani person is good and all others are bad.
Good. Let's take that just a bit further.

We in Islam believe that everyone is part of the family, literally not figuratively, because we are all banii-Aadam (children of Adam) 3A.S.. However, God made disparities in our phenotypes and in our languages so it is easier for us to classify ourselves e.g. "Here comes AW the Roma". That's it and no more. And it is perfectly alright for anyone to be happy (I'm avoiding the word 'pride') to belong to a certain lineage etcetera. The Last Messenger S.A.W of God gave us the definition of pride (fakhr/faxr) which is somewhat thus: 'when you feel you're better than someone else or they are inferior' (ref. Y. Qadhi's speech), unless you do that you can be proud being Aryan or African or whatever.

But whenever something becomes an obsession, as you have with races, that violates our axiom of central-tendency (i.e. being the middle nation - the group that avoids the two extremes and remains moderate), then we have to say thanks but no thanks we're happy not being nationalists.

I'll open your eyes to an aspect of our world-view that comes from the above principles, and God knows best, that we take pride in everybody's achievements - we are all as humans heirs of the civilisations of the Nile just as well as those of the Mississippi. There's nothing left for contention!
I feel more comfortable abroad when I see an Indian Hindu because he looks like me, talks somewhat like me..and may even help me find a good meal..That does not mean that I am not aware of his status as "kafir"...
Kaafir is a specific technical term. A Hindu is not a kaafir by default, he's a non-Muslim.

k-f-r (to cover up) means just as it sounds: when you know something is true but your ego can't let you accept it and you cover it up and say no that ain't true. Your average non-Muslim is not a kaafir, wAllahu a3lam.

And I'd place (worthless personal opinion, totally discard-able) the ahl kitaab, usually understood to encompass the Jews and the Christians, somewhere between schismatics and heretics (to borrow Catholic vocabulary), not even complete non-Muslims. wAllahu a3lam.
. .
there is no ethnicity in islam prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made it clear during his last khutba. and to those who are saying muslims are treated differently in the eyes of GOD then non muslims shirk aside the one thing GOD loves above all is loving his creations in a number of times our prophet emphasized that love GOD,S creations. GOD himself stated that he can forgive those that disobey him but he CANNOT FORGIVE THOSE THAT DONOT LOVE HIS CREATIONS..... keep this in mind haqoq ul abad are extremely important and who knows may earn him his mercy as santro said IN THE NAME OF THE MERCIFUL AND THE BENEVOLENT..
Nationalism is haram in ISLAM. A muslim has to put always ISLAM first more than anyting else even
his/her own parents. A muslim has to always stand for justice even if it means going against their
own country or ethnic group. That's why there is the concept of Chaliphate in ISLAM rather than
individual nations.

Allah(swt) judges a person by the person's piety & god consciousness not on his race,colour or
ethinecity. As Allah(swt) says in the quran that he has divided Human beings in to nations & tribes
not so that we despise each other but rather so that we can understand each other. Muslim has to
always remember that this life is a test for the life hereafter.
Better to ask this question on religious forum. No one would gonna answer u in the way u want.

thank yoU!
Sir Shirk is the biggest Sin yes that man was good person kind by heart still he committed Shirk and ALLAH will never forgive Shirk he can forgive any other Sin but he doesn't like those who commit Shirk read Quran sir

How about we just not read it, but understand it.
Sir Shirk is the biggest Sin yes that man was good person kind by heart still he committed Shirk and ALLAH will never forgive Shirk he can forgive any other Sin but he doesn't like those who commit Shirk read Quran sir

In Islam, shirk is the sin of idolatry or polytheism. i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God, or more literally the establishment of "partners" placed beside God.

Going off that definition not a single sect in islam commits Shirk.........now if you want to expand the meaning to suit your interests thats another matter.
I cant read the page 3 properly. Im stick to page 2. But i used anonymous to read a few comments.

From Belligerent Pacifist--> "killing for justice", so spreading the islamic caliphate is justice? thats what i talked about, if an islamic force attacks your country if you would kill the muslims who spread the islamic caliphate or the "kuffars" who defend themselfes? the muminins you talk about kill their father if he is against the teachings of islam, maybe he is an atheist and a free spirit? i had arguments with my mum about religion, because she doesnt believe God is just and good. But i never thought of killing her.
I cant read the page 3 properly. Im stick to page 2. But i used anonymous to read a few comments.

From Belligerent Pacifist--> "killing for justice", so spreading the islamic caliphate is justice? thats what i talked about, if an islamic force attacks your country if you would kill the muslims who spread the islamic caliphate or the "kuffars" who defend themselfes? the muminins you talk about kill their father if he is against the teachings of islam, maybe he is an atheist and a free spirit? i had arguments with my mum about religion, because she doesnt believe God is just and good. But i never thought of killing her.

WTF is this post?
Let me clear few things first ,

  1. Islamic caliphate has different interpretation , caliphate of turkey was not ideal Islamic caliphate it was a dictatorship, Holy Prophet didn't specified any system to adopt so we are fee to choose better system and Islamic Democracy is going good.
  2. No we would not kill any one in normal circumstances , there are courts and justice system no one is allowed to take law in hand .
  3. No muders no killing take this killing word out of your mind only extremists do these kind of stuff.
  4. If your mom dont believe in GOD the maximum thing you could do is give her advice (and don't annoy her again and again) that enough , it her own doing or sin you have nothing to do about it .

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