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Comparison of Asian national space programs


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Several Asian countries have space programs and are actively competing to achieve scientific and technological advancements in space, a situation sometimes referred to as the Asian space race in the popular media[1] as a reference to the earlier space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Like the previous space race, issues involved in the current push to space include national security, which has spurred many countries to send artificial satellites as well as humans into Earth orbit and beyond.[2] A number of Asian countries are seen as contenders in the ongoing race to be the pre-eminent power in space.

Asian space powers :

1.1 China
1.2 India
1.3 Japan
1.4 Iran
1.5 Israel
1.6 Pakistan

Of the nine countries that have independently successfully launched a satellite into orbit, five are Asian: Japan, Israel, Iran, India, and China.
Kazakhstan does not have its own rocket technology; however, it contains the Baikonur Cosmodrome launch facility, used by Russia under a permanenet lease agreement valued at US$ 150 million annually. Iraq developed and tested the Tammouz space launch vehicle without a satellite on 5 December 1989. According to a press release by the Iraqi News Agency, the warhead completed 6 orbits, but this report was not confirmed by international observers. North Korea claims to have launched Kwangmyŏngsŏng satellites twice (31 August 1988 and in 5 April 2009); according to international observers, those rockets fell into the North Pacific without deploying their payloads. South Korea planned to commence launches in 2009 and Indonesia, Taiwan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Turkey claim to have space programs as well.[citation needed]
China's first manned spacecraft entered orbit in October 2003, making China the first Asian nation to send a human into space.[4]
India expects to demonstrate independent human spaceflight by 2015,[5] and Iran and Japan have plans for independent manned spaceflights around 2020.
While the achievements of space programs run by the main Asian space players (China, India, and Japan) pale in comparison to the milestones set by the United States and the former Soviet Union, some experts believe Asia may soon lead the world in space exploration.[6] China was the leader of Asia's space race at the beginning of the 21st century.[7] The first Chinese manned spaceflight, in 2003, marked the beginning of a space race in the region. At the same time, the existence of a space race in Asia is still debated. China, for example, denies that there is an Asian space race.[8] In January 2007 China became the first Asian military-space power to send an anti-satellite missile into orbit, to destroy an aging Chinese Feng Yun 1C weather satellite in polar orbit. The resulting explosion sent a wave of debris hurtling through space at more than 6 miles per second.[9][10] A month later, Japan's space agency launched an experimental communications satellite designed to enable super high-speed data transmission in remote areas.[9] After successful achievement of geostationary technology, India launched its first Chandrayaan-1 moon mission, which discovered water on the moon.[11] On 21 February 2008 the US Navy destroyed a disabled spy satellite USA 193. The US denied the destruction of the satellite was a response to an anti-satellite test carried out by China in 2007.[12] The first Korean astronaut, Yi So-yeon, spent 11 days aboard the International Space Station in April 2008.[13]
In addition to increasing national pride, countries are commercially motivated to enter space. Commercial satellites are launched for communications, weather forecasting, and atmospheric research. According to a report by the Space Frontier Foundation released in 2006, the "space economy" is estimated to be worth about $180 billion, with more than 60 percent of space-related economic activity coming from commercial goods and services.[2] China and India propose the initiation of a commercial launch service.


China has a burgeoning space program. It is the only Asian space program with an independent human spaceflight capability. China has developed a sizable family of successful Long March rockets. It has launched two lunar orbiters, Chang'e 1 and Chang'e 2, and intends to land a rover on the moon to retrieve samples. In 2011, China embarked on a program to established a manned space station, starting with the launch of Tiangong 1. China attempted to send a Mars probe (Yinguo 1) in 2011 on a mission with Russia which failed.[4] China has collaborative projects with Russia, ESA, and Brazil, and has launched commercial satellites for other countries. Some analysts suggest that the Chinese space program is linked to the nation's efforts at developing advanced military technology.[14]
China's advanced technology was the result of the integration of various related technological experiences. Early Chinese satellites, such as the FSW series, have undergone many atmospheric reentry tests. In the 1990s China had commercial launches, resulting in more launch experiences and a high success rate after the 1990s. China has aimed to undertake scientific development in fields like solar system exploration. China successfully performed an EVA in September 2008.


India's interest in space travel began in the early 1960s, when scientists launched a small rocket above Kerala.[15] Under Vikram Sarabhai, the program focused on the practical uses of space in increasing the standard of living. Remote sensing and communications satellites were placed into orbit.[16] Under Indira Gandhi, India sent its first human—Rakesh Sharma—into space, through Soviet Intercosmos Program. Just a few days after China said that it would send a human into orbit in the second half of 2003, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee publicly urged his country's scientists to work towards sending a man to the moon.[17] India now has its own space launch vehicles, has launched several satellites, sent its Chandrayaan-1 probe to the moon in October 2008,[18], and demonstrated its re-entry technology. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning its second moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, in 2013.[19] India expects a manned space mission after 2016,[20] and ISRO has begun preparations for a mission to Mars.[21]
India has gained significant expertise in space technologies and has successfully conducted many commercial launches. In 2008, India had 10 satellites launched simultaneously. The first probe designed for lunar impact in Asia was completed in the same year. The GSLV MK III, planned to launch in 2010, was expected to be commercially competitive due to its heavy and low-cost launch vehicle. India is aiming to position itself as the second country to successfully execute an indigenous manned spaceflight in Asia.


Japan has been cooperating with the United States on missile defence since 1999. North Korean nuclear and Chinese military programs represent a serious issue for Japan's foreign relations.[22] Japan is working on military and civilian space technologies, developing missile defence systems, new generations of military spy satellites, and planning for manned stations on the moon.[23] Japan started to construct spy satellites after North Korea test fired a Taepodong missile over Japan in 1998. The North Korean government claimed the missile was merely launching a satellite to space, and accused Japan of causing an arms race.[24] The Japanese constitution adopted after World War II limits military activities to defensive operations. On May 2007 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for a bold review of the Japanese Constitution to allow the country to take a larger role in global security and foster a revival of national pride.[25] Japan has not yet developed its own manned spacecraft and does not have a program in place to develop one. The Japanese space shuttle HOPE-X, to be launched by the conventional space launcher H-II, was developed but the program was postponed and eventually cancelled. Then the simpler manned capsule Fuji was proposed but not adopted. Pioneer projects of single-stage to orbit, reusable launch vehicle horizontal takeoff and landing ASSTS and vertical takeoff and landing Kankoh-maru were developed but have not been adopted. A more conservative new (JAXA manned spacecraft) project is expected to launch by 2025 as part of the Japanese plan to send manned missions to the moon. Shin'ya Matsuura is doubtful about the Japanese manned moon project, and suspects the project is a euphemism for participation in the American Constellation program.[26] JAXA planned to send a Humanoid robot (such as ASIMO) to the moon.[26]
The first Japanese orbital launch was achieved by a university institute rather than a national space agency. Most of the early Japanese satellites were for scientific exploration, resulting in many scientific achievements. Because the national space agency had to catch up to the university, various American space technologies, including geosynchronous launch and weather/communication satellites, were imported early on. Because of this, a strong yen and the Trade policy of Japan put Japanese commercial launches at a disadvantage. Japan would have fewer launch opportunities as a result, and a decrease in spaceflight experience led to a deterioration of the success rate after the 1990s. Most Japanese indigenous launches, excluding governmental satellites, are limited to technological experiments and scientific satellites, aimed at producing achievements on an international scale.


Iran has developed its own satellite launch vehicle, named the Safir SLV, based on the Shahab series of IRBMs. On 2 February 2009, Iranian state television reported that Iran's first domestically made satellite Omid (from the Persian امید, meaning "Hope") had been successfully launched into low Earth orbit by a version of Iran's Safir rocket, the Safir-2.[27] The launch coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. Iran is working on a series of indigenous satellites. Iranian universities play a very active role in the development of the country's space science and industry. Rasad-1, Iran's first imaging student nano-satellite, was launched successfully on 15 June 2011. The Iranian Space Agency has disclosed plans for a manned space program intended to put humans in space by 2021; planning has commenced on building an Iranian space town. No specific date has been announced for the launch.


Israel became the eighth country in the world to build its own satellite and launch it with its own launcher on 19 September 1988. Israel launched its first satellite, Ofeq-1, using an Israeli-built Shavit three-stage launch vehicle.[28] The launching was the high point of a process that began in 1983 with the establishment of the Israel Space Agency under the aegis of the Ministry of Science. Space research by university-based scientists began in the 1960s, providing a ready-made pool of experts for Israel's foray into space. Since then, local universities, research institutes, and private industry, backed by the Israel Space Agency, have made progress in space technology. The agency's role is to support "private and academic space projects, coordinate their efforts, initiate and develop international relations and projects, head integrative projects involving different bodies, and create public awareness for the importance of space development.


Pakistan established the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) on 16 September 1961. On 7 June 1961, under the leadership of Air Force's Air Commodore (Brigadier-General) Władysław Józef Marian Turowicz, a two-stage rocket, Rehbar-I, was launched from the Sonmiani Flight Test Center. Pakistan was the third country in Asia and the tenth in the world to conduct such a launch. SUPARCO currently has many satellites in orbit and is planning to launch more. SUPARCO launched the multifunctioning satellite PAKSAT-IR into space. Suparco has set up the SUPARCO Satellite Ground Station as an earth observation and remote sensing satellite control center.

Other nations

Indonesia was one of the first Asian countries to operate their own communication satellites purchased abroad, and intends to join the Asian space powers by developing and using their own small space launch vehicle Pengorbitan (RPS-420) in 2012–2014.
North Korea has many years of experience with rocket technology, which it has passed along to Pakistan and other countries. On 12 March 2009 North Korea signed the Outer Space Treaty and the Registration Convention,[30] after a previous declaration of preparations for the launch of Kwangmyongsong-2. North Korea twice announced satellite launches: Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 on 31 August 1998 and Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 on 5 April 2009. Neither of these claims were confirmed by the rest of the world, but the United States and South Korea believe there were tests of military ballistic missiles. The North Korean space agency is the Korean Committee of Space Technology, which operates the Musudan-ri and Tongch'ang-dong Space Launch Center rocket launching sites and has developed the Baekdusan-1 and Unha (Baekdusan-2) space launchers and Kwangmyŏngsŏng satellites. In 2009 North Korea announced several future space projects, including manned space flights and the development of a manned partially reusable launch vehicle.[31]
South Korea is a newer player in the Asian space race.[32] In August 2006 South Korea launched its first military communications satellite, the Mugunghwa-5. The satellite was placed in geosynchronous orbit and collects surveillance information about North Korea.[33] The South Korean government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in space technology and was due to launch its first space launcher, the Korea Space Launch Vehicle, in 2008.[34] South Korea's government justifies the cost for reasons of long-term commercial benefits and national pride. South Korea has long seen North Korea's significantly longer missile range as a serious threat to its national security. With the nation's first astronaut launched into Space, Lee So-yeon, South Korea gained confidence in entering the Asian space race. They are completing the construction of Naro Space Center. Once it is operational, South Korea will be able to build satellites and missiles with local technology.[35] South Korea is pursuing a space program that could defend the peninsula while lessening their dependency on the United States.
Other space players are Malaysia and Turkey, that announced multi-task space programs in 2006 and 2007. They intends to develop their own satellites and launchers in the near future, and manned space facilities further down the road. As of 2012 Turkey is developing its own military satellite. The first Göktürk satellite is planned to be launched in 2013. The Turkish satellite is planned to be capable of taking satellite images of greater than two meters per pixel resolution, thus making Turkey the second nation in the world capable of such a feat, after the United States.[36] The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, promised as a part of his 2011 election campaign to achieve the first Turkish manned spaceflight before the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, which is 29 October 2023.
Taiwan has made some sojourns into space, including space launchers. Thailand, Vietnam and some other countries have launched satellites.
In 2009 Bangladesh announced plans to launch its first satellite into orbit by 2011. At a cost of $150 million, the communications satellite is part of a wider scheme to develop the country's telecommunications sector. Bangladesh's government stressed that the country seeks an "entirely peaceful and commercial" role in space.
Why so many posts on space capabilities? Should name Pakistan Defence Forum to Pakistan Space Forum
Why so many posts on space capabilities? Should name Pakistan Defence Forum to Pakistan Space Forum

this is a defence forum just for namesake various kinds of issues are discussed over here
A proper list would be-
The leaders
1. China
2. Japan
3. India
The Emerging Ones
4. Israel
5. Iran
6./7.North Korea
6./7. South Korea
The Minnows

Expect India, Iran and Pakistan to rise further as India launches humans in 2015 and Pakistan and Iran develop better SLV's
Not sure about NK or SK, though....
does anyone know about future launches of Nk and SK??
please share if you do......
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