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'Comfort women' get a memorial statue in Glendale, California


Feb 21, 2012
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'Comfort women' get memorial

Updated: 2013-07-31 11:22
By Chen Jia in San Francisco and Liu Yiyi in Glendale, California

China Daily


Bok Dong Kim, a victim of Japanese military during WWII from South Korea, sits in the empty chair of the statue on the official unveiling ceremony in City of Glendale, California on Tuesday. The statue stands for the human rights of Asian comfort women who were sexually abused by Japanese soldiers in WWII. Liu Yiyi / China Daily

The West Coast unveiled its first public memorial to WWII-era "comfort women" in Glendale City, California on Tuesday.

The 1,100-pound statue of a woman in Korean dress sitting next to an empty chair has won high praise from both Korean Americans and Chinese Americans, who consider it a moving tribute to the tens of thousands of Asian women who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during the war.

"We received thousands of protest e-mails, but history cannot be denied. This is a testament to the history and to the will of Korean people," city councilwoman Laura Friedman said at the unveiling ceremony.

"We are proud to be the first city on the west coast to have the memorial. We care about the Korean population in the US," she said. "The comfort women were innocent victims of the war. The sexual abuse was horrible."

City officials rejected an unexpected request from the Japanese consulate general in Los Angeles days ago to not display the statue in a public park.

A similar onslaught from Japanese lobbyists trying to get a monument to the comfort women removed in New Jersey happened last year.

Peter Li, a professor emeritus at Rutgers University, said the recent actions by Japanese politicians reflect "a total rejection of any responsibility" by Tokyo for the establishment and administration of the comfort women system.

"This is morally abhorrent," he said, "the Japanese government should unambiguously assume responsibility and admit their wrong doing."

There is no governmental legislation which officially apologizes for the enslavement of the "comfort women" or official governmental compensation for the victims, he said.

The Japanese are good at expressing their "regrets" for the suffering that occurred, but they do not assume the responsibility, which is rightfully theirs, he added.

On Tuesday, three Chinese women in their 80s joined with 174 local supporters in Osaka to request disciplinary action against Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, whose recent remarks on "comfort women" seriously damaged their sense of dignity and caused them mental anguish, said a report in the Xinhua News Agency.

A surviving Chinese "comfort woman" abducted by the Japanese military, 86-year-old Li Xiumei and two other women now live in the northern Chinese province of Shanxi.

The Chinese victims said this Japanese mayor, though born in peaceful times after the war, had hurt them with his insensitive message defending acts of aggression by the Japanese military during the war.

According to the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia, Japanese ultra-rightists voted down an official apology resolution in 1995 after then Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama of the Socialist Party made a personal apology to WWII victims.

"What the Japanese military did in WWII also influenced Japanese American's human rights and freedoms in the US," said Kathy Masaoka, co-chair of the Japanese American organization Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress. "The Japanese government owes an apology to everyone who was a victim of what they did in the war."

The apology was very important as the victims would finally be able to heal their deep wounds, she said, adding that learning from the past was the only way to move forward.

Statue Brings Friction Over WWII Comfort Women To California
July 29, 2013 5:08 PM


For decades, Koreans have been pushing to preserve the legacy of women forced to provide sex to Japanese army soldiers during World War II. Glendale, Calif., will dedicate a statue memorializing the victims, known as "comfort women," on Tuesday. But the statue has spurred controversy in this Southern California city, where some area residents say it is a divisive reminder of the horrors of war.

The sculpture is a bronze statue of a young girl. She looks about 14 — around the same age as many comfort women when they were forced into military brothels run by Japan's imperial army.

Ok-seon Lee, 86, was one of them. She's in California, visiting with Korean-American activists. These activists don't say "comfort women" when she's around. Instead, they call her halmoni, Korean for "grandmother."

As she tells her story, Lee stares out at no one through her red-tinted glasses. She's back inside her darkest days, decades ago. Lee says she was taken to a facility in Yanji, China, at age 15, where she was abused for three years until the end of the war.

"The comfort station where we were taken was not a place for human beings to live," Lee says through an interpreter. "It was a slaughterhouse. I'm telling you, it was killing people."

Lee, who lives near Seoul with several other former comfort women in a facility called House of Sharing, has many disturbing stories. She tells one about being stabbed by a Japanese officer, and raises her arm to expose a scar a few inches long just below her right wrist.

"So I blocked the blade like this," she recalls. "And I was enraged, because I didn't die. You can't imagine how agonizing it was."

Historians say as many as 200,000 women from East Asia were trafficked as comfort women during the war.

"It is really necessary that we remember the rights that were violated, and the monument will be there to remind people not to repeat that history," says Won Choi, coordinator for the Korean American Forum of California, the group that raised the funds for the Glendale memorial.

The statue in Glendale is an exact replica of one in Seoul, South Korea, that sits right across from the Japanese embassy there. That "peace monument," as it is called, has become a focal point for dissent between Japanese leaders and Korean victims.


South Korean women who were forced into sexual slavery by Japan during World War II embrace the "Peace Monument" dedicated to them in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 14 (Credit: Yonhap News Agency)


Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., and Ok-seon Lee, who says she was forced into sex slavery during World War II, celebrate the anniversary of a 2007 House resolution that asks the Japanese government to apologize to comfort women.
Courtesy of Won Choi
Echoes Of An International Controversy

When Frank Quintero, a Glendale City Council member, announced a plan to put the very same statue in his city's central park, hundreds of angry emails flooded his inbox — mostly from Japan.

"The tone of probably 98 percent, 99 percent of the email was total denial," Quintero says. "Not just of the comfort women issue, but the Rape of Nanking and all of the other atrocities. They're in total denial."

"The story told by Koreans about comfort women is not based on the fact. It's a kind of, say, manufactured story," says Koichi Mera, one of a few dozen Japanese-Americans who showed up at a recent City Council meeting to oppose the monument.

Yoshi Miyake, who also attended the meeting, says the women were working voluntarily. That claim flies in the face of the evidence, but has even been suggested by Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

"These girls were allowed to refuse customers if they want to," Miyake says. "You call this sex slave?"

This isn't the first time the comfort women dispute has flared up on U.S. soil. Last year, Japanese officials lobbied Palisades Park, N.J., to remove a similar monument that was dedicated in 2010. And Buena Park, Calif., is reconsidering plans to build a comfort women memorial after a spate of emails opposing the proposal.

Japan and South Korea clash on many details about the history of comfort women. They're also at odds over Japan's responsibility to the victims. Japan did issue an apology 20 years ago, but many of its leaders have since tried to take it back.

Thomas Berger, a professor of international relations at Boston University, says some in Japan long to promote a positive image, even if that means revising the past.

"There is a belief among many conservatives in Japan that history has been used as a tool against Japan, that Japan suffers not from too much patriotism, but too little," Berger says.

But the victims say they need that history to be accepted — and taught. There are only 58 "halmonies" like Ok-seon Lee left. And like Lee, many are still traveling and speaking out.

"Why didn't I die? Why am I alive? I lived for this long, and that's why I can at least say something about this," Lee says. "But think of what sorrows the other women must have died with. We need to speak for them, too."

But Ok-seon Lee can't do this forever. She hopes monuments like the one in Glendale will be around to tell this story when she and the other women can't.

If you want to know the horror stories from these women:


Wainem, born 1925, Mojogedang, Central Java Wainem was taken from home and forced into prostitution. During the day in a warehouse, she had to weave mats with other women and cook her own food. Sometimes she was raped right then and there, but most of the time was taken by soldiers to their rooms in the barracks compound.
Photos by Jan Banning; Original captions edited for length


Iyoh, born 1924, Baros, West Java Iyoh worked as a cleaning lady in a Japanese household. A member of the Japanese military, who was a steady visitor there, regularly assaulted the female personnel. He entered Iyoh's room regularly, too, and raped her so brutally that she sustained internal injuries. Credit: npr and photos by Jan Banning; Original captions edited for length

Find the stories and pix here:

Stories and Pictureshow: Comfort-women-untold-stories-of-wartime-abuse
Japanese were mentally sick..... thank God our soldiers played a part in screwing them!

more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

by the way @shuttler,why did you open 2 threads on same topic???you should ask MOD to merge them..
Last edited by a moderator:
more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

by the way @shuttler,why did you open 2 threads on same topic???you should ask MOD to merge them..

Search about their war crimes,cannibalism,killing/beheading people for sport etc... or the infamous "Rape of Nanjing" etc etc..although i agree no doubt they were good soldiers.. but screwed in the head!

Just type "Japanese war crimes" in google images n check yourself..

Knights of boshido:




Trophy of a Pakistani soldier who killed several japanese soldiers and despite being seriously injured because of Machine gun fire and mortar fire snatched the sword of a Japanese army officer and beheaded him....killed several of em... and was awarded Victoria Cross.... Baluch regiment.
Last edited by a moderator:
more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

Nazis were also "brave" and "dsiciplined", they were perfect and über organised killing machines, particularly in the concentration camps. Please don't paint them as some bloodthirsty monsters.

more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

by the way @shuttler,why did you open 2 threads on same topic???you should ask MOD to merge them..
He just wanna tell u why Japs got Nukes at the end of WWII.
Last edited by a moderator:
Search about their war crimes,cannibalism,killing/beheading people for sport etc... or the infamous "Rape of Nanjing" etc etc..although i agree no doubt they were good soldiers.. but screwed in the head!

Just type "Japanese war crimes" in google images n check yourself..

Knights of boshido:




Trophy of a Pakistani soldier who killed several japanese soldiers and despite being seriously injured because of Machine gun fire and mortar fire snatched the sword of a Japanese army officer and beheaded him....killed several of em... and was awarded Victoria Cross.... Baluch regiment.

Baloch regiment fought aganist Japan???where???

by the way,I know this kind of history..but as I said,if you see the whole WW II period,every major power performed this kind of crime..After winning,Russia sent huge amount of soldiers from defeated countries to gulag,executed entire polish army's officers and so on..Germany,performed holocaust.USA,simply decimated germany and used nukes on Japan..so,everybody violated the humanity..

but you know what,entire Japanese army's atrocity against woman is far surpassed by USA..ever saw "Invisible War",documentary on sexually assualt on soldiers by felow soldiers(both men and women)??victims aren't in thousands here,but hundreds of thousands..this documentary showed that approximately 1/3 of entire US armed force's personnel is sexually assaulted during service..thats much more than what Japanese atrocities during WW 2..

Götterdämmerung;4584848 said:
Nazis were also "brave" and "dsiciplined", they were perfect and über organised killing machines, particularly in the concentration camps. Please don't paint them as some bloodthirsty monsters.

actually I don't do..soldiers are simply human..they do what they're bread to do..if you bread him for war,he'll do that..you bread them for mass killing,thats same for them..tell me,what actually soldiers do,apart from killing another human???aint that one of the most ancient profession of human society???
Baloch regiment fought aganist Japan???where???
Many did... :


Fazal Din was 24 years old, and an Acting Naik in the 7th Battalion 10th Baluch Regiment, British Indian Army (now 15th Battalion The Baloch Regiment of Pakistan Army) during World War II when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC:
During the Second World War, Fazal Din's battalion, 7/10th Baluch, fought against the Japanese Army in the Burmese Campaign. On 2 March 1945, near Meiktila, Burma, No. 18602 Naik Fazal Din was commanding a section during a company attack on a Japanese bunkered position. His section was held up by machine-gun fire and grenades from several bunkers. Unhesitatingly, he attacked the nearest position with grenades and silenced it; but as he led his men against the other bunkers, six Japanese soldiers rushed from a nearby house, led by two officers wielding swords. The section Bren gunner shot one officer and an enemy soldier, but ran out of ammunition and was killed by the second officer. Naik Fazal Din rushed to the assistance of his stricken comrade but the Japanese ran his sword through his chest. As he withdrew the sword, Fazal Din, despite his terrible wound, seized the sword from the Japanese officer and killed him with it. He then killed two more Japanese soldiers with the sword. Continuing to encourage his men, he staggered to his Platoon Headquarters to make his report. He collapsed there, and died soon after reaching the Regimental Aid Post. His action was seen by the whole platoon, who, inspired by his gallantry, continued the attack and annihilated the Japanese garrison of fifty-five men. Such supreme devotion to duty even when fatally wounded, presence of mind and outstanding courage have seldom been equalled and reflect the unquenchable spirit of a singularly brave and gallant NCO. For his incredible feat of valour, Naik Fazal Din was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.[1][2][3]
He was born in Hoshiarpur in the East Punjab. He belonged to the Arain clan of Punjabi Muslims.

Baluch Regiment:

Pakistan: The Baloch Regiment
The present Baloch Regiment is the result of an amalgamation of three very distinguished Infantry Regiments of Old Indian Army i.e., 8 Punjab, 10 Baloch and Bahawalpur Regiments. The amalgamation took place in 1956. Brief histories of each group are mentioned in the succeeding paras.

Old 8 Punjab RegimentThe history of the Regiment dates back to the year 1798 when “McLeod Ki Paltan”, the present one of the battalion of the Baloch Regiment, was raised at Masulipattam. After some time, it came to be known as 89th Punjabis. Later 90th, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis (presently Baloch Battalions of the Regiment) were also raised and the group got the name of “Madras Native Infantry”, as these battalions were raised at Madras.

In 1903, the original names of the battalions i.e. 89th, 90th, 91st, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis were restored by Lord Kitchner on re-organization of the Indian Army. In 1922, on adoption of the group system in Indian Army, these battalions were grouped as 8 Punjab Regiment with its Training Centre at Lahore. This Centre was designated as 10/8 Punjab Regiment and the battalions were renamed as 1/8 Punjab (1 Baloch) Regiment, 2/8 Punjab (2 Baloch Regiment) etc. Some battalions were raised during World War I and II but were disbanded after the Wars and the Centre was left with only eight battalions. In 1943, the Centre was renamed as 8 Punjab Regimental Centre. The battalions of 8 Punjab Regiment served with distinction at many places and fought many battles during World Wars I and II, winning many gallantry awards and battle honours.

Old 10 Baloch RegimentThe first battalion of the old 10 Baloch Regiment, presently one of the Baloch Regiment, was raised in 1820 as 2nd battalion of the 12 Regiment of the Bombay Infantry. In 1825, another battalion was raised as 2nd extra Battalion of the Bombay Native Infantry. These battalions were renamed as 24th and 26th (6 and 7 Baloch) Regiment in 1826. They fought with great distinction during World War I and became famous as Bombay Toughs. The 3rd and 4th battalions of the Baloch Regiment were raised in 1844 and 1846 respectively (presently two Baloch Regiments). In addition Jacob's men brought own rifles and equipment raised 5th battalion. This battalion was known as Jacob's Rifles (presently one of the Baloch Regiment).

The group of battalions was known as Bombay Infantry till 1891, after which these were renamed as Balochistan Light Infantry. For sometimes, only the Balochis were taken into these battalions. In 1905, these battalions were re-organized as 124th, 126th, 127th, 129th and 130th Rifle (Presently Baloch Regiments).

During World War I, 124th became famous as "War Babies", while fighting in Palestine in 1918. It was renamed as 10th battalion and stationed at Karachi as a training battalion in 1921. The battalions were renamed as 1/10, 2/10,3/10 and 4/10 Baloch etc. The 1st, 3rd and 5th battalions were the Royal Battalions. Their attire, however, was not royal blue but green and cherry, and the Regiment adopted these colours. In 1923, the training Centre shifted to Rajkot, Kathiawar but was again brought to Karachi in 1929. The group expanded during World War II, and its units fought with distinction in many theatres of War, winning awards and contributing to the galaxy of the Battle honours.

The Old Bahawalpur RegimentHis Highness Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan Abbasi IV raised the first Bahawalpur Battalion in 1826. Another battalion, the 2nd Bahawalpur, was raised in 1827. These battaions became part of Indian State Forces later and came to be known as 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Light Infantry respectively. Both these battalions fought with distinction during the first and second Kabul Wars in 1837 and 1879 and later during the both World Wars. During World War II, two more battalions were raised. Thus the Bahawalpur Regiment had four battalions at the time of Independence. The 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Battalions were effective in subduing Mulraj during 1848/49, which helped to restore Multan to Muslims influence later on.

As a sequel to the general reorganization of the Pakistan Army, the 6th (Bahawalpur) Division was disbanded during 1955 and the four battalions of the Bahawalpur Regiment were amalgamated with the Baluch (present Baloch) Regiment in April 1956.

After IndependenceThe Baloch Regiment played very significant role at the time of independence in 1947. A number of its battalions became famous for escorting refugee families safely to Pakistan. In Kashmir War of 1948 one of the Battalions of the Regiment captured the dominating height called "PANDU Feature" and evicted the Indians from there

One of the battalions has the unique honour of presenting the first GUARD OF HONOUR to Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah immediately after Independence and in return being awarded the First Pakistani Flag by the Quaid-i-Azam personally.

At the time of Independence, the Centre of 10 Baloch Regiment was located at Karachi. It had nine battalions. Immediately after Independence, the Centre was moved to Quetta where it remained till April 1956, when it was shifted to Multan. On 7th May 1956, the present Baloch Regiment came into being by the amalgamation of 8th Punjab Regiment and Bahawalpur Regiment into the Baloch Regiment at Multan and this day is called the BALOCH DAY in the history. 8th Punjab Centre and Bahawalpur Centre were closed at Quetta and Dera Nawab Sahib respectively and their records were brought to Multan. The 8th Punjab Regiment added eight battalions.

The Bloch Centre moved to Abbottabad in the last week of December 1957 and there it has remained ever since. The Regimental Centre was last to arrive in Abbottabad. Today, it has added into the glories of Abbottabad. The Centre has magnificent buildings, which depict its history and culture. The Balochis, as painted by R D Mackenzie, a British artist of the late Nineteenth Century, are fierce looking, stern featured, eagle eyed, turbaned horsemen with long hair and flowing beards, all armed with guns.

v.1.0 September 11, 2002
Babar Mahmud

Editor’s Note: This regiment was earlier called the Baluch Regiment, after the Pakistan province of Baluchistan. This spelling and pronunciation were, however, inherited from colonial days. The Pakistani pronounciation of the Baluch is Baloch, with the ch as in change.

The Baloch regiment is second in seniority after the Punjab Regiment in the Pakistan Army. Its oldest battalion was raised more than two hundred years ago, in 1798 AD at Masulipattam, as the Macleod Ki Paltan [Macleod’s force], now the 1st Baloch. After raising, it later became the 89th Punjabis and was followed by 90th, 91st and 93rd Punjab Battalions. Combined these arms were given the title of the Madras Native Infantry.

‘It was the Madras Army’ says the regimental historian, ‘that was responsible to oust the French from the India. The battalions fought valiantly in expeditions that resulted in the unification of the territories which now make up India and modern Burma’.

Storming through the jungles of Burma in the same century, uttering their blood-chilling battle cries, the Baluchis also led the fight to conquer that country and their name became immortalized as the ‘Burma’ battalions. In honor of their courage and valor the battalions were presented with an image of the mythical Burmese god, Chinthe, Which they adopted as their cap badge.

The Baluchis are formidable fighting men. Through two centuries their lustrous deeds in campaigns throughout the sub-continent and in World War I and afterwards are writ large in the history of valor.

One of the battalions raised in the first half of 19th century so distinguished itself on the battlefields of Europe and Palestine; it earned the name of the ‘Bombay Toughs’. Another, the 124th, raised in 1905, became the ‘War Babies’- for their youth and the courage they displayed in Palestine in 1918.

Many awards for courage were won the Baluchis in the First World War and subsequently in campaigns across the sub-continent and in the Second World War.
These including the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to an Indian soldier, not only a Muslim but also a Balochi: Lance Naik Khudad Dad Khan of the old
4th Baloch, now 11th Baloch. For their fighting distinction and sheer courage in WWI, the British Government in India bestowed a noble monument in the gardens of Frere Hall, Karachi commemorating the officers, JCOs and men of the 10th Baloch Regiment who fell in battle which still stands.

Another unique distinction in the regimental honor is that of the George Cross, Britain’s peacetime equivalent of the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to Captain Durrani of the 1st Bahawalpur Regiment, now the 8th Baloch.
Altogether in its first 150 years, the regiment gathered one of the most distinguished records for bravery in military history, including fourteen Victoria Crosses, one George Cross, one CMC, 36 DSOs, 158 MCs, Service medals and civil honors and more than 350 mentions in dispatches.

The Baloch Regiment like the Punjab Regiment and the Frontier Force Regiment are three British origin infantry regiments in Pakistan Army. The British ruled this area nearly 200 years and an Army Commander-in-Chief was always number two in rank after the Viceroy/Governor General in the sub-Continent. “Sub-Continent” means present day Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma. The British originally had three different armies to control this region, Bengal Army, Bombay Army and Madras Army. These three armies were united in 1895 as British Indian Army. More than 500 states were also working under British India, most of them, especially big states, had their own state forces.
Present Baloch Regiment have its origin in Bombay Army, Madras Army and in State Forces of Bahawalpur in southern Punjab.

Part of the Baluch Regiment’s origin is from the old Bombay Army raised in early nineteenth century , the senior battalion originated in the 2nd (Marine) Bn of the 12th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry raised in 1820. In 1838, as the 24th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry, they stormed Aden (Yemen), bringing that hotbed of pirates under the British flag. The 26th Bombay Native Infantry was raised in 1825 as the 2nd Extra Bn of Bombay Native Infantry, changing its name a year later. Sir Charles Napier raised two regiments in Karachi - the 1st and 2nd Baloch Regiments - for local service within Sind in 1844 and 1846 respectively.

The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Baloch to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Independence War of Indian People (Great Mutiny by British) in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi, the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into the regular line for its services in Central India and it became the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in the post-Mutiny realignment.

The 2nd Baloch, in the meantime, had qualified for a similar change in status for their work on the NW Frontier and became the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. In 1858, Major John Jacob raised a local battalion, soon to be known as Jacob's Rifles and they made such a reputation in and around Jacobabad that they, too, were accorded regular status, becoming the 30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry or Jacob's Rifles in 1861. In the years which followed, the subsidiary title lapsed and does not appear to have been officially revived until 1910, by which time, the 24th, the 26th, the 27th, the 29th, and the 30th had all had one hundred added to their numbers in 1903, emerging as the 124th, the 126th, the 127th, the 129th and the 130th.

A distinction shared by no other regiment was a spell in Japan by the 29th in 1864. They were summoned from Shanghai to Yokohama in September to protect Queen Victoria's British and Indian subjects. The British force remained in Japan until September the following year.

The Baloch Regiment also owed its origins to the old Madras Army due to amalgamation of 8 Punjab in 1956 after re-organization of all Pakistan Infantry regiments. The 29th Madras Infantry was mustered out on 15 Oct 1893 and was reconstituted the next day at Meiktila in Central Burma as the 29th (7th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, made up of Punjabis and Sikhs. Similarly, the 30th Madras Infantry became the 30th (5th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 31st became the 31st (6th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 32nd became the 32nd (4th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry and the 33rd the 33rd (3rd Burma Bn) Madras Infantry. In 1901, all these titles were simplified by removal of all mention of Madras and the five regiments were styled 29th Burma Infantry, 30th Burma Infantry, 31st Burma Light Infantry, 32nd Burma Infantry and 33rd Burma Infantry.

These Burma battalions were to police the troublesome new territories acquired in the Third Burma War. In 1903, when all Madras regiments had sixty added to their numbers, the 29th and 30th became 89th and 90th Punjabis, the 31st became the 91st Punjabis (Light Infantry), the 32nd became the 92nd Punjabis whilst the 33rd only performed a half-change, entering the new Line as the 93rd Burma Infantry. It may be said that it was the Afghan Campaign of 1878-80 which set the seal on the future of the Madras soldier. The 30th Madras Native Infantry served in the Khyber Pass but suffered so much from extremes of cold that it put into doubt the suitability of the Southern soldier for service in what was clearly to be a recurring trouble spot.

Performance of present Baloch Regiment’s units in FIRST WORLD WAR

124th Duchess of Connaught's Baluchistan Infantry - India, Mesopotamia, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916)- Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917)- India, Persia, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia. 2/126th (formed in 1918) - India.
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt.
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th King George's Own Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles) - India, East Africa.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.

Only the 2nd Bn of the 124th of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th in the 3rd (Lahore) Division, was the only battalion of the regiment to serve on the Western Front, the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans, the first also on two other counts - to lose the first British officer and to earn the first Victoria Cross, this by Sepoy Khudadad Khan at Hollebeke. Wounded, he recovered to enjoy the distinction of being the first Indian soldier to receive the King Emperor's most coveted gift. Prior to 1911, Indian soldiers had not been eligible to receive the Cross.

89th Punjabis - India, Aden, Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Mesopotamia, Greece, Russia.
2/89th Punjabis (raised in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia 90th Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia
2/90th Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India
91st Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
2/91st Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India, Egypt
92nd Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
93rd Burma Infantry - India, Egypt, France, Mesopotamia, Burma
Following the return of Indian troops after the war, all the second battalions were disbanded with the exception of the 2/89th Punjabis.

After the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded and merged with each other. A new Regiment in the name of 10 Baloch was formed in 1922/23
At Rajkot (Rajasthan) with composition of Punjabi Muslims, Pathans, Baluchis and Brahuis. Balochi and Brahuis are two great tribal origin peoples of Balochistan province (now in Pakistan). Balochies are also constituted a major part of population of Sindh Province (also in Pakistan). Pathans are great warriors from the NWFP and West Punjab (both are also in Pakistan). The Baloch Regiment is the only one which represents all of Pakistan’s provinces.

The badge chosen for the 10th Baluch Regiment in 1923 was a Roman 'Ten' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below.

The line-up of battalions for the new regiment was as under:
124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry redesignated as1st Bn.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as2nd Bn
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - redesignated as 3rd Bn (Queen Mary's Own)
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 4th Bn (Duke of Connaught's Own)
130th King George's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 5th Bn (King George's Own) (Jacobs Rifles) 10th Baluch Regiment.
2/124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as 10th Bn

There was no Territorial battalion but the 5/10th was selected for Indianisation. It was not among the initial six infantry battalions nominated in 1923, but it featured in a supplementary list in 1933.

8 Punjab (now part of Baloch regiment) was also formed by the union of the following regiments of Punjabis:
The new line-up was as follows:

89th Punjabis redesignated as 1st Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
90th Punjabis redesignated as 2nd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
91st Punjabis (Light Infantry) redesignated as 3rd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
92nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Punjabis redesignated as 4th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
93rd Burma Infantry redesignated as 5th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Burma)
2/89th Punjabis redesignated as 10th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
The 92nd had been made 'Prince of Wales's Own' in 1921 for their services during the war.

The 5th Bn of the new regiment was nominated in the early 1930s as one of the battalions chosen for Indianization.

There was no Territorial battalion raised for the 8th Punjab Regiment
The badge chosen for the 8th Punjab Regiment on its creation in 1923 was probably one of the most interesting and heraldically appealing. In the light of the former history of the constituent regiments, it was appropriate that the new regiment should adopt the Chinthe, the mythical lion-dragon, the guardian of Buddhist pagodas, above the numerical '8' and the title scroll.

Performance of the 10 Baloch and 8 Punjab Regiments in World War II

10 Baloch

* 1st Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured in Singapore in February 1942.
Reformed in April 1946 from cadre of 9/10 Baluch.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sicily, Italy. On return to India, the battalion was nominated for conversion to a parachute role to join 2 Indian Airborne Division.
* 4th Battalion - India, East Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma.
* 6th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Jan 40. India. Disbanded 1 Feb. 47.
* 7th Battalion - raised in Benares on 10 Oct 40. India. Burma.
* 8th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma. Disbanded 22 Dec 1946.
* 9th Battalion - raised in Nasirabad on 1 Feb. 41. India. Disbanded 25 Apr 46 but almost 500 men went to reform the regular 2nd Bn.
* 14th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 15 Sep 46.
* 16th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Oct 41. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded March 1946.
* 17th Battalion - raised November 1942 by conversion of 53 Regt IAC, India, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
* 18th Battalion - raised originally as 25 Garrison Bn, it became an active battalion and was redesignated 18/10th. India. Disbanded May 1944.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in July 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated the 18/10th.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in March 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
* Machine Gun Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Apr 42. Converted to 53 Regt IAC August 1942. Redesignated 17/10th November 1942.

In common with many other Indian Infantry regiments, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and, at the end of 1945, became The Baluch Regiment.

8 Punjab

* 1st Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/8 Punjab.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Burma.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Persia, Egypt, Italy.
* 4th Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 6th Battalion (Machine Gun) - raised in August 1940. India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 7th Battalion - raised in August 1940. India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
* 8th Battalion - raised in May 1941. India, Burma.
* 9th Battalion - raised in May 1941. Joined 6/15 Punjab and 6/16 Punjab in 39 Indian Infantry Brigade, the only all-Punjab brigade in the Indian Army. India, Ceylon, Cyprus. Redesignated 1/8 Punjab in 1946.
* 14th Battalion - redesignated 9th (Punjab) HAA Regt Indian Artillery in June 1942.
* 15th Battalion - Raised in January 1942. India. Became a training battalion for VCOs and NCOs.
* 16th Battalion - Raised in August 1943. India.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in April 1941. India.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in March 1942. India.

The Regiment's pipes and drums went to London in 1946 to march in the Victory parade, their claim being that they were the best in the Indian Army.

Battle Honors before 1947
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Koosh-ab, Persia. Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Cochin, Maheidpore, Ava, Afghanistan 1878-80, Egypt 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900, , Messiness 1914, Armentieres 1914, Ypres 1914-15, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, St. Julian, Loos, France and Flanders 1915, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut-al-Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18, Afghanistan 1919.Macedonia 1918, Helles, Krithia, Gallipoli 1915, Suez Canal, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Tigris 1916, Kut-al-Amara 1917,
North Malaya, Jitra, Gurun, Malaya 1941-42, The Trigno, Perano, The Sangro, Villa Grande, Gustav Line, Monte Grande, The Senio, Italy 1943-45, Gallabat, Barentu, Massawa, The Cauldron, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Monte Calvo, Gothic Line, Plan di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, San Paulo-Monte Spacata, Monte Cavallo, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45 Donbaik, North Arakan, The Shweli, Myitson, Kama, Burma 1942-45; Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arkan, Point 551, Maungdaw, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defense of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.


In August 1947, the sub-continent was freed from British rule and dived between Pakistan and India. 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab, and Bahawalpur State Forces were allotted to Pakistan. Dogra companies of 10 Baloch remained in India and transferred to, among other regiments, The Indian Grenadiers. The Regimental center was shifted to Quetta in 1946.

10 Baloch Regimental Center was at Quetta had 50% Punjabi Muslims [PMs], 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras. After the departure of Dogras, new composition was 50% each PMs and Pathans.

On transfer of power, the active battalions were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th.

* 1 Baloch had 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Secunderabad , in Aug 1947 moved to Kasur/Lahore. PMs from 5/6 Rajputana Rifles replaced Dogras.
* 2 Baloch consisted of 3 companies of PMs and one of Dogras was stationed at Razmak.
* 3 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Quetta.
* 4 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Nowshera. In 1948 it moved to Kashmir.
* 5 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed in Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In March it moved to Quetta and in Dec in Sialkot.
* 7 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Kanpur when it received orders to move to Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In July, the unit received orders to move Karachi before 7 August and prepare for ceremonies in connection with Independence of Pakistan.

The Battalion had the distinction of providing the first guard of honor to the Quaid-I-Azam as he stepped on the soil of Pakistan. Major Shukat Ali commanded the guard of honor. On 14th August the Subedar Major [the battalion’s senior warrant officer] unfurled the first flag at the Governor General’s residence. The flag was later presented to 7/10 Baloch by Quaid-I-Azam.

The 8th Punjab Regiment was allocated to Pakistan and the Sikh companies returned to India, principally to replace Punjabi Muslim companies in battalions of The Sikh Regiment and to help in creation of new Sikh battalions.

The regular battalions on transfer of power were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Bahawalpur Regiment was raised among the Bahawlpur state forces. The Bahawalpur Regiment had two active battalions 1 Bahawalpur, 3 Bahawalpur. 4 Bahawalpur was raised from the officers and men from 2 Patiala (raised in 1919) in July 1948.

In 1947, men of Baloch Regiment were assigned the task of escorting the weary refugees fleeing India, earning the regiment-honored name of Ghazi Balochi.
Based at Abbottabad since Dec 1957, the Baloch fought with great courage in the 1947-48 Kashmir Conflict, and in the two wars with India in 1965 and 1971, winning 279 awards for bravery- Including three Hilal-e-Jurats, one of Pakistan’s highest awards for valor and 73 Sitara-e-Jurat.

The Regiment’s long list of battle honors dates from the battle of Cochin in 1809 to battle of Qaiser-I-Hind in 1971.

In 1957, a major re-organization took place in infantry Regiments of Pakistan most of the regiments organized in 1922/23 were re-organized and the regimental centers reduced from 11 to 5.

The Baloch Regiment was re-organized by merging the 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments.

The new regimental center was set up at Abbottabad in December 1957. The new line up of the regiment was:

Old New
Baloch Regiment
1 Baloch 6 Baloch
2 Baloch 7 Baloch
3 Baloch 10 Baloch
4 Baloch 11 Baloch
5 Baloch 12 Baloch
6 Baloch 14 Baloch
7 Baloch 15 Baloch
8 Baloch 16 Baloch
17 Baloch 19 Baloch

8 Punjab Regiment
1/8 Punjab 1 Baloch
2/8 Punjab 2 Baloch
3/8 Punjab 3 Baloch
4/8 Baloch 4 Baloch
5/8 Baloch 5 Baloch
6/8 Baloch 13 Baloch
8/8 Baloch 17 Baloch
9/8 Baloch 18 Baloch

Bahawalpur Regiment
1 Bahawalpur 8 Baloch
2 Bahawalpur 9 Baloch
3 Bahawalpur 20 Baloch
4 Bahawalpur 21 Baloch

In 1958 Pakistan Raised SSG (Special Services Group) Commandos from 19 Baluch (old 17/10 Baluch) at Cherat, a hill station not far from Peshawar, Dedicated CIA and US Special Forces personnel trained the SSG as part of US ‘Military Aid to Pakistan’ Programme (US MAP), among the instructors Chuck Lord, Robert Buckley, Robert Dunn, Maj. Murray, Lt. Hicks, Sommers, etc. Pakistani SSG officers traveled to Fort Bragg and/or Fort Benning for advanced training. Robert Dunn knew most SSG personnel by name, having spent almost his whole life in this area. Casey chose him to be CIA’s Operations Chief for the Afghan War.

Orders of Battle - Orbat.com News (America Goes to War)

(Thanks XERIC)
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10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment
The 10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment [1] was a regiment of the British Indian Army from 1922 to 1947. After the Partition of India, it was transferred to the Pakistan Army. In 1956, it was amalgamated with the 8th Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments. During more than a hundred years of military service, the 10th Baluch Regiment acquired an enviable reputation as one of the most distinguished among the fabled regiments of the British Indian Army. Its long list of honours and awards includes four Victoria Crosses.

Contents [hide]
1 The Bombay Army
2 First World War
3 Inter-War Period
4 Second World War
5 Post-independence
6 Battle Honours
7 References & Notes
8 Further reading
9 External links
10 See also

[edit] The Bombay ArmyThe Baluch Regiment originated in the Army of Bombay Presidency in 1844, when Sir Charles Napier raised the 1st Belooch (old spelling of Baluch) Battalion (raised as the Scinde Beloochee Corps and designated as 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861) for local service in the newly conquered province of Sindh. Two years later, another Belooch battalion was raised (designated as the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861), while in 1858, John Jacob raised Jacob's Rifles (30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry), which would soon become the 3rd Belooch Regiment. The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Beloochees to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May, to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi; the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into line for its services in North India as the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. Meanwhile, the 2nd Beloochees were also regularized as the 29th Regiment. In 1862, the 2nd Beloochees were dispatched to China to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. Two years later, they became the first foreign troops to be stationed in Japan, when two companies were sent to Yokohama to guard the British legation. The 1st Beloochees greatly distinguished themselves in the tough Abyssinian Campaign of 1868 and were made Light Infantry as a reward. All Baloch battalions took part in the Second Afghan War of 1878-80, where the Jacob's Rifles suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Maiwand. The 1st Belooch Regiment again distinguished itself in 1885-87 during the Third Burma War.[2][3]

In 1891, two battalions of Bombay Infantry also became "Baluchi," when they were reconstituted with Baluchis, Hazaras and Pathans from Baluchistan and localized in the province. The first of these, the 24th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1820, while the other, 26th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1825.[4] Following the Kitchener Reforms of 1903, these battalions were redesignated as the 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry, 126th Baluchistan Infantry, 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry , 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis and 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles). In 1914, their full dress uniforms included red trousers worn with rifle green or drab tunics.[3]

FIRST WORLD WAR:1/124th - India, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916) - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917) - Persia, India, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia.
127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry
1/127th - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt, Palestine.
129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis
1/129th - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles)
1/130th - India, East Africa, Palestine.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.
During the First World War, most of the regiments raised second battalions, while the 124th Baluchistan Infantry raised two battalions. Only 2/124th Baluchistan Infantry of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th DCO Baluchis served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, where they became the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans and the only Indian regiment to fight in both the First & Second Battles of Ypres. At Hollebeke, during the First Ypres, Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first Indian to win the Victoria Cross; Britain's highest decoration for valour. Prior to 1911 Indian soldiers had not been eligible for the Victoria Cross. The battalion would go on to serve with distinction in German East Africa alongside the 127th QMO Baluch Light Infantry and 130th KGO Baluchis. Meanwhile, the 1st and 3rd Battalions of 124th DCO Baluchistan Infantry served in Persia, while the 2nd distinguished itself in Mesopotamia and Palestine.[5]

Inter-War PeriodAfter the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded, while the remaining single-battalion regiments were merged to form large regimental groups of 4-6 battalions each. Among these was the 10th Baluch Regiment, formed in 1922 at Rajkot (Rajasthan) from the five old Baluch battalions and the second battalion of 124th Baluchistan Infantry. The regimental depot later shifted to Karachi. The distinctive rifle green and red uniform of the old Baluch battalions was adopted by the entire regiment. The officers wore a cherry boss surmounted by a silver 'X' on field and forage caps, while the old battalion badges continued to be worn on pagris and helmets by the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Battalions. It was not until 1945 that a single cap badge was adopted by the regiment on introduction of berets during the Second World War. It consisted of a Roman numeral 'X' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below, all in white metal. The badges of rank were in black metal with red edging, while the lanyard was of rifle green cord with two red runners. Another distinctive feature of Baluchi uniforms were plain silver ball buttons worn on service and mess dresses
The line up of the new regiment was:[3]

1st Battalion (DCO) - 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.
2nd Battalion - 126th Baluchistan Infantry.
3rd Battalion (QMO) - 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry.
4th Battalion (DCO) - 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis.
5th Battalion (KGO) - 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles).
10th (Training) Battalion - 2/124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.

Second World WAR:
1st Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured at Singapore in 1942. Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/10th Baluch.
3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece.
4th Battalion - India, Italian East Africa, North Africa, Cyprus, Italy.
5th Battalion - India, Burma.
6th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India. Disbanded 1947; re-raised 1948.
7th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India, Burma.
8th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma. Disbanded 1946; re-raised 1948.
9th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India. Redesignated as 2/10th Baluch in 1946.
10th Battalion - Converted into Regimental Centre in 1942.
14th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 1946.
15th Battalion - Raised in 1941. Became a training battalion. India. Disbanded 1946.
16th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded 1946.
17th Battalion - Raised in 1942 by conversion of 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps. India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
18th Battalion - Raised as 25th Garrison Battalion in 1941. Redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943. India. Disbanded 1944.
25th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943.
26th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
Machine Gun Battalion - Raised on 15 April 1942. Converted into 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps in August 1942. Redesignated as 17/10th Baluch in November 1942.[2][7][8]
The regiment's record of service in the war was once again most impressive. It suffered 6572 casualties and won numerous gallantry awards including two Victoria Crosses to Naik Fazal Din and Sepoy Bhandari Ram. During the Second World War, the regiment raised another ten battalions, although most of them were disbanded after the war. At the end of 1945, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and became The Baluch Regiment.
Battle Honours
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Khoosh-ab, Persia, Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Afghanistan 1878-80, Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt 1882, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900.
World War I: Messines 1914, Armentières 1914, Ypres 1914, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres 1915, St Julien, France and Flanders 1914-15, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18.
Afghanistan 1919.
World War II: Gallabat, Barentu, Keren, Massawa, Abyssinia 1940-41, The Cauldron, Mersa Matruh, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Gothic Line, Monte Calvo, Pian di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, Monte Farneto, San Paolo-Monte Spaccato, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45, Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arakan, Maungdaw, Point 551, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defence of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.
Kashmir 1948.[5][9]

by the way,I know this kind of history..but as I said,if you see the whole WW II period,every major power performed this kind of crime..After winning,Russia sent huge amount of soldiers from defeated countries to gulag,executed entire polish army's officers and so on..Germany,performed holocaust.USA,simply decimated germany and used nukes on Japan..so,everybody violated the humanity..

but you know what,entire Japanese army's atrocity against woman is far surpassed by USA..ever saw "Invisible War",documentary on sexually assualt on soldiers by felow soldiers(both men and women)??victims aren't in thousands here,but hundreds of thousands..this documentary showed that approximately 1/3 of entire US armed force's personnel is sexually assaulted during service..thats much more than what Japanese atrocities during WW 2..

Are you justifyin their acts man? they massacred millions ... raped n killed women... killed kids,eat soldiers ... used POWs for target practise and for sports by torturing them... stabbing them... etc etc... as for russia,usa there crimes were such massive... and rape in US army... yes but you cant justy the genocide japs commited everywhere they went...

actually I don't do..soldiers are simply human..they do what they're bread to do..if you bread him for war,he'll do that..you bread them for mass killing,thats same for them..tell me,what actually soldiers do,apart from killing another human???aint that one of the most ancient profession of human society???

Dude stands like "Iwo jima" etc are examples of bravery... but just like the german guy above said.. if tht was the case... Nazis should also be appreciated..

I posted the details with pics on baluch regiment on a "sino" defence forum... with pictures,badges etc...:wink:

Baloch regiment fought aganist Japan???where???
Many did... :


Fazal Din was 24 years old, and an Acting Naik in the 7th Battalion 10th Baluch Regiment, British Indian Army (now 15th Battalion The Baloch Regiment of Pakistan Army) during World War II when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC:
During the Second World War, Fazal Din's battalion, 7/10th Baluch, fought against the Japanese Army in the Burmese Campaign. On 2 March 1945, near Meiktila, Burma, No. 18602 Naik Fazal Din was commanding a section during a company attack on a Japanese bunkered position. His section was held up by machine-gun fire and grenades from several bunkers. Unhesitatingly, he attacked the nearest position with grenades and silenced it; but as he led his men against the other bunkers, six Japanese soldiers rushed from a nearby house, led by two officers wielding swords. The section Bren gunner shot one officer and an enemy soldier, but ran out of ammunition and was killed by the second officer. Naik Fazal Din rushed to the assistance of his stricken comrade but the Japanese ran his sword through his chest. As he withdrew the sword, Fazal Din, despite his terrible wound, seized the sword from the Japanese officer and killed him with it. He then killed two more Japanese soldiers with the sword. Continuing to encourage his men, he staggered to his Platoon Headquarters to make his report. He collapsed there, and died soon after reaching the Regimental Aid Post. His action was seen by the whole platoon, who, inspired by his gallantry, continued the attack and annihilated the Japanese garrison of fifty-five men. Such supreme devotion to duty even when fatally wounded, presence of mind and outstanding courage have seldom been equalled and reflect the unquenchable spirit of a singularly brave and gallant NCO. For his incredible feat of valour, Naik Fazal Din was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.[1][2][3]
He was born in Hoshiarpur in the East Punjab. He belonged to the Arain clan of Punjabi Muslims.

Baluch Regiment:

Pakistan: The Baloch Regiment
The present Baloch Regiment is the result of an amalgamation of three very distinguished Infantry Regiments of Old Indian Army i.e., 8 Punjab, 10 Baloch and Bahawalpur Regiments. The amalgamation took place in 1956. Brief histories of each group are mentioned in the succeeding paras.

Old 8 Punjab RegimentThe history of the Regiment dates back to the year 1798 when “McLeod Ki Paltan”, the present one of the battalion of the Baloch Regiment, was raised at Masulipattam. After some time, it came to be known as 89th Punjabis. Later 90th, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis (presently Baloch Battalions of the Regiment) were also raised and the group got the name of “Madras Native Infantry”, as these battalions were raised at Madras.

In 1903, the original names of the battalions i.e. 89th, 90th, 91st, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis were restored by Lord Kitchner on re-organization of the Indian Army. In 1922, on adoption of the group system in Indian Army, these battalions were grouped as 8 Punjab Regiment with its Training Centre at Lahore. This Centre was designated as 10/8 Punjab Regiment and the battalions were renamed as 1/8 Punjab (1 Baloch) Regiment, 2/8 Punjab (2 Baloch Regiment) etc. Some battalions were raised during World War I and II but were disbanded after the Wars and the Centre was left with only eight battalions. In 1943, the Centre was renamed as 8 Punjab Regimental Centre. The battalions of 8 Punjab Regiment served with distinction at many places and fought many battles during World Wars I and II, winning many gallantry awards and battle honours.

Old 10 Baloch RegimentThe first battalion of the old 10 Baloch Regiment, presently one of the Baloch Regiment, was raised in 1820 as 2nd battalion of the 12 Regiment of the Bombay Infantry. In 1825, another battalion was raised as 2nd extra Battalion of the Bombay Native Infantry. These battalions were renamed as 24th and 26th (6 and 7 Baloch) Regiment in 1826. They fought with great distinction during World War I and became famous as Bombay Toughs. The 3rd and 4th battalions of the Baloch Regiment were raised in 1844 and 1846 respectively (presently two Baloch Regiments). In addition Jacob's men brought own rifles and equipment raised 5th battalion. This battalion was known as Jacob's Rifles (presently one of the Baloch Regiment).

The group of battalions was known as Bombay Infantry till 1891, after which these were renamed as Balochistan Light Infantry. For sometimes, only the Balochis were taken into these battalions. In 1905, these battalions were re-organized as 124th, 126th, 127th, 129th and 130th Rifle (Presently Baloch Regiments).

During World War I, 124th became famous as "War Babies", while fighting in Palestine in 1918. It was renamed as 10th battalion and stationed at Karachi as a training battalion in 1921. The battalions were renamed as 1/10, 2/10,3/10 and 4/10 Baloch etc. The 1st, 3rd and 5th battalions were the Royal Battalions. Their attire, however, was not royal blue but green and cherry, and the Regiment adopted these colours. In 1923, the training Centre shifted to Rajkot, Kathiawar but was again brought to Karachi in 1929. The group expanded during World War II, and its units fought with distinction in many theatres of War, winning awards and contributing to the galaxy of the Battle honours.

The Old Bahawalpur RegimentHis Highness Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan Abbasi IV raised the first Bahawalpur Battalion in 1826. Another battalion, the 2nd Bahawalpur, was raised in 1827. These battaions became part of Indian State Forces later and came to be known as 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Light Infantry respectively. Both these battalions fought with distinction during the first and second Kabul Wars in 1837 and 1879 and later during the both World Wars. During World War II, two more battalions were raised. Thus the Bahawalpur Regiment had four battalions at the time of Independence. The 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Battalions were effective in subduing Mulraj during 1848/49, which helped to restore Multan to Muslims influence later on.

As a sequel to the general reorganization of the Pakistan Army, the 6th (Bahawalpur) Division was disbanded during 1955 and the four battalions of the Bahawalpur Regiment were amalgamated with the Baluch (present Baloch) Regiment in April 1956.

After IndependenceThe Baloch Regiment played very significant role at the time of independence in 1947. A number of its battalions became famous for escorting refugee families safely to Pakistan. In Kashmir War of 1948 one of the Battalions of the Regiment captured the dominating height called "PANDU Feature" and evicted the Indians from there

One of the battalions has the unique honour of presenting the first GUARD OF HONOUR to Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah immediately after Independence and in return being awarded the First Pakistani Flag by the Quaid-i-Azam personally.

At the time of Independence, the Centre of 10 Baloch Regiment was located at Karachi. It had nine battalions. Immediately after Independence, the Centre was moved to Quetta where it remained till April 1956, when it was shifted to Multan. On 7th May 1956, the present Baloch Regiment came into being by the amalgamation of 8th Punjab Regiment and Bahawalpur Regiment into the Baloch Regiment at Multan and this day is called the BALOCH DAY in the history. 8th Punjab Centre and Bahawalpur Centre were closed at Quetta and Dera Nawab Sahib respectively and their records were brought to Multan. The 8th Punjab Regiment added eight battalions.

The Bloch Centre moved to Abbottabad in the last week of December 1957 and there it has remained ever since. The Regimental Centre was last to arrive in Abbottabad. Today, it has added into the glories of Abbottabad. The Centre has magnificent buildings, which depict its history and culture. The Balochis, as painted by R D Mackenzie, a British artist of the late Nineteenth Century, are fierce looking, stern featured, eagle eyed, turbaned horsemen with long hair and flowing beards, all armed with guns.

v.1.0 September 11, 2002
Babar Mahmud

Editor’s Note: This regiment was earlier called the Baluch Regiment, after the Pakistan province of Baluchistan. This spelling and pronunciation were, however, inherited from colonial days. The Pakistani pronounciation of the Baluch is Baloch, with the ch as in change.

The Baloch regiment is second in seniority after the Punjab Regiment in the Pakistan Army. Its oldest battalion was raised more than two hundred years ago, in 1798 AD at Masulipattam, as the Macleod Ki Paltan [Macleod’s force], now the 1st Baloch. After raising, it later became the 89th Punjabis and was followed by 90th, 91st and 93rd Punjab Battalions. Combined these arms were given the title of the Madras Native Infantry.

‘It was the Madras Army’ says the regimental historian, ‘that was responsible to oust the French from the India. The battalions fought valiantly in expeditions that resulted in the unification of the territories which now make up India and modern Burma’.

Storming through the jungles of Burma in the same century, uttering their blood-chilling battle cries, the Baluchis also led the fight to conquer that country and their name became immortalized as the ‘Burma’ battalions. In honor of their courage and valor the battalions were presented with an image of the mythical Burmese god, Chinthe, Which they adopted as their cap badge.

The Baluchis are formidable fighting men. Through two centuries their lustrous deeds in campaigns throughout the sub-continent and in World War I and afterwards are writ large in the history of valor.

One of the battalions raised in the first half of 19th century so distinguished itself on the battlefields of Europe and Palestine; it earned the name of the ‘Bombay Toughs’. Another, the 124th, raised in 1905, became the ‘War Babies’- for their youth and the courage they displayed in Palestine in 1918.

Many awards for courage were won the Baluchis in the First World War and subsequently in campaigns across the sub-continent and in the Second World War.
These including the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to an Indian soldier, not only a Muslim but also a Balochi: Lance Naik Khudad Dad Khan of the old
4th Baloch, now 11th Baloch. For their fighting distinction and sheer courage in WWI, the British Government in India bestowed a noble monument in the gardens of Frere Hall, Karachi commemorating the officers, JCOs and men of the 10th Baloch Regiment who fell in battle which still stands.

Another unique distinction in the regimental honor is that of the George Cross, Britain’s peacetime equivalent of the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to Captain Durrani of the 1st Bahawalpur Regiment, now the 8th Baloch.
Altogether in its first 150 years, the regiment gathered one of the most distinguished records for bravery in military history, including fourteen Victoria Crosses, one George Cross, one CMC, 36 DSOs, 158 MCs, Service medals and civil honors and more than 350 mentions in dispatches.

The Baloch Regiment like the Punjab Regiment and the Frontier Force Regiment are three British origin infantry regiments in Pakistan Army. The British ruled this area nearly 200 years and an Army Commander-in-Chief was always number two in rank after the Viceroy/Governor General in the sub-Continent. “Sub-Continent” means present day Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma. The British originally had three different armies to control this region, Bengal Army, Bombay Army and Madras Army. These three armies were united in 1895 as British Indian Army. More than 500 states were also working under British India, most of them, especially big states, had their own state forces.
Present Baloch Regiment have its origin in Bombay Army, Madras Army and in State Forces of Bahawalpur in southern Punjab.

Part of the Baluch Regiment’s origin is from the old Bombay Army raised in early nineteenth century , the senior battalion originated in the 2nd (Marine) Bn of the 12th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry raised in 1820. In 1838, as the 24th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry, they stormed Aden (Yemen), bringing that hotbed of pirates under the British flag. The 26th Bombay Native Infantry was raised in 1825 as the 2nd Extra Bn of Bombay Native Infantry, changing its name a year later. Sir Charles Napier raised two regiments in Karachi - the 1st and 2nd Baloch Regiments - for local service within Sind in 1844 and 1846 respectively.

The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Baloch to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Independence War of Indian People (Great Mutiny by British) in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi, the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into the regular line for its services in Central India and it became the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in the post-Mutiny realignment.

The 2nd Baloch, in the meantime, had qualified for a similar change in status for their work on the NW Frontier and became the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. In 1858, Major John Jacob raised a local battalion, soon to be known as Jacob's Rifles and they made such a reputation in and around Jacobabad that they, too, were accorded regular status, becoming the 30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry or Jacob's Rifles in 1861. In the years which followed, the subsidiary title lapsed and does not appear to have been officially revived until 1910, by which time, the 24th, the 26th, the 27th, the 29th, and the 30th had all had one hundred added to their numbers in 1903, emerging as the 124th, the 126th, the 127th, the 129th and the 130th.

A distinction shared by no other regiment was a spell in Japan by the 29th in 1864. They were summoned from Shanghai to Yokohama in September to protect Queen Victoria's British and Indian subjects. The British force remained in Japan until September the following year.

The Baloch Regiment also owed its origins to the old Madras Army due to amalgamation of 8 Punjab in 1956 after re-organization of all Pakistan Infantry regiments. The 29th Madras Infantry was mustered out on 15 Oct 1893 and was reconstituted the next day at Meiktila in Central Burma as the 29th (7th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, made up of Punjabis and Sikhs. Similarly, the 30th Madras Infantry became the 30th (5th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 31st became the 31st (6th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 32nd became the 32nd (4th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry and the 33rd the 33rd (3rd Burma Bn) Madras Infantry. In 1901, all these titles were simplified by removal of all mention of Madras and the five regiments were styled 29th Burma Infantry, 30th Burma Infantry, 31st Burma Light Infantry, 32nd Burma Infantry and 33rd Burma Infantry.

These Burma battalions were to police the troublesome new territories acquired in the Third Burma War. In 1903, when all Madras regiments had sixty added to their numbers, the 29th and 30th became 89th and 90th Punjabis, the 31st became the 91st Punjabis (Light Infantry), the 32nd became the 92nd Punjabis whilst the 33rd only performed a half-change, entering the new Line as the 93rd Burma Infantry. It may be said that it was the Afghan Campaign of 1878-80 which set the seal on the future of the Madras soldier. The 30th Madras Native Infantry served in the Khyber Pass but suffered so much from extremes of cold that it put into doubt the suitability of the Southern soldier for service in what was clearly to be a recurring trouble spot.

Performance of present Baloch Regiment’s units in FIRST WORLD WAR

124th Duchess of Connaught's Baluchistan Infantry - India, Mesopotamia, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916)- Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917)- India, Persia, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia. 2/126th (formed in 1918) - India.
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt.
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th King George's Own Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles) - India, East Africa.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.

Only the 2nd Bn of the 124th of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th in the 3rd (Lahore) Division, was the only battalion of the regiment to serve on the Western Front, the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans, the first also on two other counts - to lose the first British officer and to earn the first Victoria Cross, this by Sepoy Khudadad Khan at Hollebeke. Wounded, he recovered to enjoy the distinction of being the first Indian soldier to receive the King Emperor's most coveted gift. Prior to 1911, Indian soldiers had not been eligible to receive the Cross.

89th Punjabis - India, Aden, Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Mesopotamia, Greece, Russia.
2/89th Punjabis (raised in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia 90th Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia
2/90th Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India
91st Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
2/91st Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India, Egypt
92nd Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
93rd Burma Infantry - India, Egypt, France, Mesopotamia, Burma
Following the return of Indian troops after the war, all the second battalions were disbanded with the exception of the 2/89th Punjabis.

After the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded and merged with each other. A new Regiment in the name of 10 Baloch was formed in 1922/23
At Rajkot (Rajasthan) with composition of Punjabi Muslims, Pathans, Baluchis and Brahuis. Balochi and Brahuis are two great tribal origin peoples of Balochistan province (now in Pakistan). Balochies are also constituted a major part of population of Sindh Province (also in Pakistan). Pathans are great warriors from the NWFP and West Punjab (both are also in Pakistan). The Baloch Regiment is the only one which represents all of Pakistan’s provinces.

The badge chosen for the 10th Baluch Regiment in 1923 was a Roman 'Ten' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below.

The line-up of battalions for the new regiment was as under:
124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry redesignated as1st Bn.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as2nd Bn
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - redesignated as 3rd Bn (Queen Mary's Own)
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 4th Bn (Duke of Connaught's Own)
130th King George's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 5th Bn (King George's Own) (Jacobs Rifles) 10th Baluch Regiment.
2/124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as 10th Bn

There was no Territorial battalion but the 5/10th was selected for Indianisation. It was not among the initial six infantry battalions nominated in 1923, but it featured in a supplementary list in 1933.

8 Punjab (now part of Baloch regiment) was also formed by the union of the following regiments of Punjabis:
The new line-up was as follows:

89th Punjabis redesignated as 1st Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
90th Punjabis redesignated as 2nd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
91st Punjabis (Light Infantry) redesignated as 3rd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
92nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Punjabis redesignated as 4th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
93rd Burma Infantry redesignated as 5th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Burma)
2/89th Punjabis redesignated as 10th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
The 92nd had been made 'Prince of Wales's Own' in 1921 for their services during the war.

The 5th Bn of the new regiment was nominated in the early 1930s as one of the battalions chosen for Indianization.

There was no Territorial battalion raised for the 8th Punjab Regiment
The badge chosen for the 8th Punjab Regiment on its creation in 1923 was probably one of the most interesting and heraldically appealing. In the light of the former history of the constituent regiments, it was appropriate that the new regiment should adopt the Chinthe, the mythical lion-dragon, the guardian of Buddhist pagodas, above the numerical '8' and the title scroll.

Performance of the 10 Baloch and 8 Punjab Regiments in World War II

10 Baloch

* 1st Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured in Singapore in February 1942.
Reformed in April 1946 from cadre of 9/10 Baluch.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sicily, Italy. On return to India, the battalion was nominated for conversion to a parachute role to join 2 Indian Airborne Division.
* 4th Battalion - India, East Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma.
* 6th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Jan 40. India. Disbanded 1 Feb. 47.
* 7th Battalion - raised in Benares on 10 Oct 40. India. Burma.
* 8th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma. Disbanded 22 Dec 1946.
* 9th Battalion - raised in Nasirabad on 1 Feb. 41. India. Disbanded 25 Apr 46 but almost 500 men went to reform the regular 2nd Bn.
* 14th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 15 Sep 46.
* 16th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Oct 41. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded March 1946.
* 17th Battalion - raised November 1942 by conversion of 53 Regt IAC, India, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
* 18th Battalion - raised originally as 25 Garrison Bn, it became an active battalion and was redesignated 18/10th. India. Disbanded May 1944.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in July 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated the 18/10th.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in March 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
* Machine Gun Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Apr 42. Converted to 53 Regt IAC August 1942. Redesignated 17/10th November 1942.

In common with many other Indian Infantry regiments, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and, at the end of 1945, became The Baluch Regiment.

8 Punjab

* 1st Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/8 Punjab.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Burma.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Persia, Egypt, Italy.
* 4th Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 6th Battalion (Machine Gun) - raised in August 1940. India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 7th Battalion - raised in August 1940. India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
* 8th Battalion - raised in May 1941. India, Burma.
* 9th Battalion - raised in May 1941. Joined 6/15 Punjab and 6/16 Punjab in 39 Indian Infantry Brigade, the only all-Punjab brigade in the Indian Army. India, Ceylon, Cyprus. Redesignated 1/8 Punjab in 1946.
* 14th Battalion - redesignated 9th (Punjab) HAA Regt Indian Artillery in June 1942.
* 15th Battalion - Raised in January 1942. India. Became a training battalion for VCOs and NCOs.
* 16th Battalion - Raised in August 1943. India.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in April 1941. India.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in March 1942. India.

The Regiment's pipes and drums went to London in 1946 to march in the Victory parade, their claim being that they were the best in the Indian Army.

Battle Honors before 1947
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Koosh-ab, Persia. Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Cochin, Maheidpore, Ava, Afghanistan 1878-80, Egypt 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900, , Messiness 1914, Armentieres 1914, Ypres 1914-15, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, St. Julian, Loos, France and Flanders 1915, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut-al-Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18, Afghanistan 1919.Macedonia 1918, Helles, Krithia, Gallipoli 1915, Suez Canal, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Tigris 1916, Kut-al-Amara 1917,
North Malaya, Jitra, Gurun, Malaya 1941-42, The Trigno, Perano, The Sangro, Villa Grande, Gustav Line, Monte Grande, The Senio, Italy 1943-45, Gallabat, Barentu, Massawa, The Cauldron, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Monte Calvo, Gothic Line, Plan di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, San Paulo-Monte Spacata, Monte Cavallo, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45 Donbaik, North Arakan, The Shweli, Myitson, Kama, Burma 1942-45; Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arkan, Point 551, Maungdaw, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defense of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.


In August 1947, the sub-continent was freed from British rule and dived between Pakistan and India. 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab, and Bahawalpur State Forces were allotted to Pakistan. Dogra companies of 10 Baloch remained in India and transferred to, among other regiments, The Indian Grenadiers. The Regimental center was shifted to Quetta in 1946.

10 Baloch Regimental Center was at Quetta had 50% Punjabi Muslims [PMs], 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras. After the departure of Dogras, new composition was 50% each PMs and Pathans.

On transfer of power, the active battalions were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th.

* 1 Baloch had 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Secunderabad , in Aug 1947 moved to Kasur/Lahore. PMs from 5/6 Rajputana Rifles replaced Dogras.
* 2 Baloch consisted of 3 companies of PMs and one of Dogras was stationed at Razmak.
* 3 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Quetta.
* 4 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Nowshera. In 1948 it moved to Kashmir.
* 5 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed in Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In March it moved to Quetta and in Dec in Sialkot.
* 7 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Kanpur when it received orders to move to Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In July, the unit received orders to move Karachi before 7 August and prepare for ceremonies in connection with Independence of Pakistan.

The Battalion had the distinction of providing the first guard of honor to the Quaid-I-Azam as he stepped on the soil of Pakistan. Major Shukat Ali commanded the guard of honor. On 14th August the Subedar Major [the battalion’s senior warrant officer] unfurled the first flag at the Governor General’s residence. The flag was later presented to 7/10 Baloch by Quaid-I-Azam.

The 8th Punjab Regiment was allocated to Pakistan and the Sikh companies returned to India, principally to replace Punjabi Muslim companies in battalions of The Sikh Regiment and to help in creation of new Sikh battalions.

The regular battalions on transfer of power were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Bahawalpur Regiment was raised among the Bahawlpur state forces. The Bahawalpur Regiment had two active battalions 1 Bahawalpur, 3 Bahawalpur. 4 Bahawalpur was raised from the officers and men from 2 Patiala (raised in 1919) in July 1948.

In 1947, men of Baloch Regiment were assigned the task of escorting the weary refugees fleeing India, earning the regiment-honored name of Ghazi Balochi.
Based at Abbottabad since Dec 1957, the Baloch fought with great courage in the 1947-48 Kashmir Conflict, and in the two wars with India in 1965 and 1971, winning 279 awards for bravery- Including three Hilal-e-Jurats, one of Pakistan’s highest awards for valor and 73 Sitara-e-Jurat.

The Regiment’s long list of battle honors dates from the battle of Cochin in 1809 to battle of Qaiser-I-Hind in 1971.

In 1957, a major re-organization took place in infantry Regiments of Pakistan most of the regiments organized in 1922/23 were re-organized and the regimental centers reduced from 11 to 5.

The Baloch Regiment was re-organized by merging the 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments.

The new regimental center was set up at Abbottabad in December 1957. The new line up of the regiment was:

Old New
Baloch Regiment
1 Baloch 6 Baloch
2 Baloch 7 Baloch
3 Baloch 10 Baloch
4 Baloch 11 Baloch
5 Baloch 12 Baloch
6 Baloch 14 Baloch
7 Baloch 15 Baloch
8 Baloch 16 Baloch
17 Baloch 19 Baloch

8 Punjab Regiment
1/8 Punjab 1 Baloch
2/8 Punjab 2 Baloch
3/8 Punjab 3 Baloch
4/8 Baloch 4 Baloch
5/8 Baloch 5 Baloch
6/8 Baloch 13 Baloch
8/8 Baloch 17 Baloch
9/8 Baloch 18 Baloch

Bahawalpur Regiment
1 Bahawalpur 8 Baloch
2 Bahawalpur 9 Baloch
3 Bahawalpur 20 Baloch
4 Bahawalpur 21 Baloch

In 1958 Pakistan Raised SSG (Special Services Group) Commandos from 19 Baluch (old 17/10 Baluch) at Cherat, a hill station not far from Peshawar, Dedicated CIA and US Special Forces personnel trained the SSG as part of US ‘Military Aid to Pakistan’ Programme (US MAP), among the instructors Chuck Lord, Robert Buckley, Robert Dunn, Maj. Murray, Lt. Hicks, Sommers, etc. Pakistani SSG officers traveled to Fort Bragg and/or Fort Benning for advanced training. Robert Dunn knew most SSG personnel by name, having spent almost his whole life in this area. Casey chose him to be CIA’s Operations Chief for the Afghan War.

Orders of Battle - Orbat.com News (America Goes to War)

(Thanks XERIC)
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10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment
The 10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment [1] was a regiment of the British Indian Army from 1922 to 1947. After the Partition of India, it was transferred to the Pakistan Army. In 1956, it was amalgamated with the 8th Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments. During more than a hundred years of military service, the 10th Baluch Regiment acquired an enviable reputation as one of the most distinguished among the fabled regiments of the British Indian Army. Its long list of honours and awards includes four Victoria Crosses.

Contents [hide]
1 The Bombay Army
2 First World War
3 Inter-War Period
4 Second World War
5 Post-independence
6 Battle Honours
7 References & Notes
8 Further reading
9 External links
10 See also

[edit] The Bombay ArmyThe Baluch Regiment originated in the Army of Bombay Presidency in 1844, when Sir Charles Napier raised the 1st Belooch (old spelling of Baluch) Battalion (raised as the Scinde Beloochee Corps and designated as 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861) for local service in the newly conquered province of Sindh. Two years later, another Belooch battalion was raised (designated as the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861), while in 1858, John Jacob raised Jacob's Rifles (30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry), which would soon become the 3rd Belooch Regiment. The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Beloochees to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May, to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi; the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into line for its services in North India as the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. Meanwhile, the 2nd Beloochees were also regularized as the 29th Regiment. In 1862, the 2nd Beloochees were dispatched to China to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. Two years later, they became the first foreign troops to be stationed in Japan, when two companies were sent to Yokohama to guard the British legation. The 1st Beloochees greatly distinguished themselves in the tough Abyssinian Campaign of 1868 and were made Light Infantry as a reward. All Baloch battalions took part in the Second Afghan War of 1878-80, where the Jacob's Rifles suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Maiwand. The 1st Belooch Regiment again distinguished itself in 1885-87 during the Third Burma War.[2][3]

In 1891, two battalions of Bombay Infantry also became "Baluchi," when they were reconstituted with Baluchis, Hazaras and Pathans from Baluchistan and localized in the province. The first of these, the 24th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1820, while the other, 26th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1825.[4] Following the Kitchener Reforms of 1903, these battalions were redesignated as the 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry, 126th Baluchistan Infantry, 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry , 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis and 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles). In 1914, their full dress uniforms included red trousers worn with rifle green or drab tunics.[3]

FIRST WORLD WAR:1/124th - India, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916) - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917) - Persia, India, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia.
127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry
1/127th - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt, Palestine.
129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis
1/129th - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles)
1/130th - India, East Africa, Palestine.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.
During the First World War, most of the regiments raised second battalions, while the 124th Baluchistan Infantry raised two battalions. Only 2/124th Baluchistan Infantry of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th DCO Baluchis served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, where they became the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans and the only Indian regiment to fight in both the First & Second Battles of Ypres. At Hollebeke, during the First Ypres, Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first Indian to win the Victoria Cross; Britain's highest decoration for valour. Prior to 1911 Indian soldiers had not been eligible for the Victoria Cross. The battalion would go on to serve with distinction in German East Africa alongside the 127th QMO Baluch Light Infantry and 130th KGO Baluchis. Meanwhile, the 1st and 3rd Battalions of 124th DCO Baluchistan Infantry served in Persia, while the 2nd distinguished itself in Mesopotamia and Palestine.[5]

Inter-War PeriodAfter the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded, while the remaining single-battalion regiments were merged to form large regimental groups of 4-6 battalions each. Among these was the 10th Baluch Regiment, formed in 1922 at Rajkot (Rajasthan) from the five old Baluch battalions and the second battalion of 124th Baluchistan Infantry. The regimental depot later shifted to Karachi. The distinctive rifle green and red uniform of the old Baluch battalions was adopted by the entire regiment. The officers wore a cherry boss surmounted by a silver 'X' on field and forage caps, while the old battalion badges continued to be worn on pagris and helmets by the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Battalions. It was not until 1945 that a single cap badge was adopted by the regiment on introduction of berets during the Second World War. It consisted of a Roman numeral 'X' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below, all in white metal. The badges of rank were in black metal with red edging, while the lanyard was of rifle green cord with two red runners. Another distinctive feature of Baluchi uniforms were plain silver ball buttons worn on service and mess dresses
The line up of the new regiment was:[3]

1st Battalion (DCO) - 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.
2nd Battalion - 126th Baluchistan Infantry.
3rd Battalion (QMO) - 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry.
4th Battalion (DCO) - 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis.
5th Battalion (KGO) - 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles).
10th (Training) Battalion - 2/124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.

Second World WAR:
1st Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured at Singapore in 1942. Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/10th Baluch.
3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece.
4th Battalion - India, Italian East Africa, North Africa, Cyprus, Italy.
5th Battalion - India, Burma.
6th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India. Disbanded 1947; re-raised 1948.
7th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India, Burma.
8th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma. Disbanded 1946; re-raised 1948.
9th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India. Redesignated as 2/10th Baluch in 1946.
10th Battalion - Converted into Regimental Centre in 1942.
14th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 1946.
15th Battalion - Raised in 1941. Became a training battalion. India. Disbanded 1946.
16th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded 1946.
17th Battalion - Raised in 1942 by conversion of 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps. India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
18th Battalion - Raised as 25th Garrison Battalion in 1941. Redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943. India. Disbanded 1944.
25th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943.
26th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
Machine Gun Battalion - Raised on 15 April 1942. Converted into 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps in August 1942. Redesignated as 17/10th Baluch in November 1942.[2][7][8]
The regiment's record of service in the war was once again most impressive. It suffered 6572 casualties and won numerous gallantry awards including two Victoria Crosses to Naik Fazal Din and Sepoy Bhandari Ram. During the Second World War, the regiment raised another ten battalions, although most of them were disbanded after the war. At the end of 1945, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and became The Baluch Regiment.
Battle Honours
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Khoosh-ab, Persia, Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Afghanistan 1878-80, Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt 1882, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900.
World War I: Messines 1914, Armentières 1914, Ypres 1914, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres 1915, St Julien, France and Flanders 1914-15, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18.
Afghanistan 1919.
World War II: Gallabat, Barentu, Keren, Massawa, Abyssinia 1940-41, The Cauldron, Mersa Matruh, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Gothic Line, Monte Calvo, Pian di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, Monte Farneto, San Paolo-Monte Spaccato, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45, Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arakan, Maungdaw, Point 551, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defence of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.
Kashmir 1948.[5][9]

by the way,I know this kind of history..but as I said,if you see the whole WW II period,every major power performed this kind of crime..After winning,Russia sent huge amount of soldiers from defeated countries to gulag,executed entire polish army's officers and so on..Germany,performed holocaust.USA,simply decimated germany and used nukes on Japan..so,everybody violated the humanity..

but you know what,entire Japanese army's atrocity against woman is far surpassed by USA..ever saw "Invisible War",documentary on sexually assualt on soldiers by felow soldiers(both men and women)??victims aren't in thousands here,but hundreds of thousands..this documentary showed that approximately 1/3 of entire US armed force's personnel is sexually assaulted during service..thats much more than what Japanese atrocities during WW 2..

Are you justifyin their acts man? they massacred millions ... raped n killed women... killed kids,eat soldiers ... used POWs for target practise and for sports by torturing them... stabbing them... etc etc... as for russia,usa there crimes were such massive... and rape in US army... yes but you cant justy the genocide japs commited everywhere they went...

actually I don't do..soldiers are simply human..they do what they're bread to do..if you bread him for war,he'll do that..you bread them for mass killing,thats same for them..tell me,what actually soldiers do,apart from killing another human???aint that one of the most ancient profession of human society???

Dude stands like "Iwo jima" etc are examples of bravery... but just like the german guy above said.. if tht was the case... Nazis should also be appreciated..

I posted the details with pics on baluch regiment on a "sino" defence forum... with pictures,badges etc...:wink:
Japanese fought for Japan, the Baloch regiment fought for the British. Huge difference.
actually I don't do..soldiers are simply human..they do what they're bread to do..if you bread him for war,he'll do that..you bread them for mass killing,thats same for them..tell me,what actually soldiers do,apart from killing another human???aint that one of the most ancient profession of human society???

In a civilise society soldiers are taught to have a conscience, slavish obedience are taught by fascist society. That's why many commanders of the Wehrmacht were punished for obeying barbarity after the war. There is no excuse for just taking orders.
Götterdämmerung;4585153 said:
In a civilise society soldiers are taught to have a conscience, slavish obedience are taught by fascist society. That's why many commanders of the Wehrmacht were punished for obeying barbarity after the war. There is no excuse for just taking orders.

Its not like allies were any better.
Baloch regiment fought aganist Japan???where???
Many did... :


Fazal Din was 24 years old, and an Acting Naik in the 7th Battalion 10th Baluch Regiment, British Indian Army (now 15th Battalion The Baloch Regiment of Pakistan Army) during World War II when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC:
During the Second World War, Fazal Din's battalion, 7/10th Baluch, fought against the Japanese Army in the Burmese Campaign. On 2 March 1945, near Meiktila, Burma, No. 18602 Naik Fazal Din was commanding a section during a company attack on a Japanese bunkered position. His section was held up by machine-gun fire and grenades from several bunkers. Unhesitatingly, he attacked the nearest position with grenades and silenced it; but as he led his men against the other bunkers, six Japanese soldiers rushed from a nearby house, led by two officers wielding swords. The section Bren gunner shot one officer and an enemy soldier, but ran out of ammunition and was killed by the second officer. Naik Fazal Din rushed to the assistance of his stricken comrade but the Japanese ran his sword through his chest. As he withdrew the sword, Fazal Din, despite his terrible wound, seized the sword from the Japanese officer and killed him with it. He then killed two more Japanese soldiers with the sword. Continuing to encourage his men, he staggered to his Platoon Headquarters to make his report. He collapsed there, and died soon after reaching the Regimental Aid Post. His action was seen by the whole platoon, who, inspired by his gallantry, continued the attack and annihilated the Japanese garrison of fifty-five men. Such supreme devotion to duty even when fatally wounded, presence of mind and outstanding courage have seldom been equalled and reflect the unquenchable spirit of a singularly brave and gallant NCO. For his incredible feat of valour, Naik Fazal Din was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.[1][2][3]
He was born in Hoshiarpur in the East Punjab. He belonged to the Arain clan of Punjabi Muslims.

Baluch Regiment:

Pakistan: The Baloch Regiment
The present Baloch Regiment is the result of an amalgamation of three very distinguished Infantry Regiments of Old Indian Army i.e., 8 Punjab, 10 Baloch and Bahawalpur Regiments. The amalgamation took place in 1956. Brief histories of each group are mentioned in the succeeding paras.

Old 8 Punjab RegimentThe history of the Regiment dates back to the year 1798 when “McLeod Ki Paltan”, the present one of the battalion of the Baloch Regiment, was raised at Masulipattam. After some time, it came to be known as 89th Punjabis. Later 90th, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis (presently Baloch Battalions of the Regiment) were also raised and the group got the name of “Madras Native Infantry”, as these battalions were raised at Madras.

In 1903, the original names of the battalions i.e. 89th, 90th, 91st, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis were restored by Lord Kitchner on re-organization of the Indian Army. In 1922, on adoption of the group system in Indian Army, these battalions were grouped as 8 Punjab Regiment with its Training Centre at Lahore. This Centre was designated as 10/8 Punjab Regiment and the battalions were renamed as 1/8 Punjab (1 Baloch) Regiment, 2/8 Punjab (2 Baloch Regiment) etc. Some battalions were raised during World War I and II but were disbanded after the Wars and the Centre was left with only eight battalions. In 1943, the Centre was renamed as 8 Punjab Regimental Centre. The battalions of 8 Punjab Regiment served with distinction at many places and fought many battles during World Wars I and II, winning many gallantry awards and battle honours.

Old 10 Baloch RegimentThe first battalion of the old 10 Baloch Regiment, presently one of the Baloch Regiment, was raised in 1820 as 2nd battalion of the 12 Regiment of the Bombay Infantry. In 1825, another battalion was raised as 2nd extra Battalion of the Bombay Native Infantry. These battalions were renamed as 24th and 26th (6 and 7 Baloch) Regiment in 1826. They fought with great distinction during World War I and became famous as Bombay Toughs. The 3rd and 4th battalions of the Baloch Regiment were raised in 1844 and 1846 respectively (presently two Baloch Regiments). In addition Jacob's men brought own rifles and equipment raised 5th battalion. This battalion was known as Jacob's Rifles (presently one of the Baloch Regiment).

The group of battalions was known as Bombay Infantry till 1891, after which these were renamed as Balochistan Light Infantry. For sometimes, only the Balochis were taken into these battalions. In 1905, these battalions were re-organized as 124th, 126th, 127th, 129th and 130th Rifle (Presently Baloch Regiments).

During World War I, 124th became famous as "War Babies", while fighting in Palestine in 1918. It was renamed as 10th battalion and stationed at Karachi as a training battalion in 1921. The battalions were renamed as 1/10, 2/10,3/10 and 4/10 Baloch etc. The 1st, 3rd and 5th battalions were the Royal Battalions. Their attire, however, was not royal blue but green and cherry, and the Regiment adopted these colours. In 1923, the training Centre shifted to Rajkot, Kathiawar but was again brought to Karachi in 1929. The group expanded during World War II, and its units fought with distinction in many theatres of War, winning awards and contributing to the galaxy of the Battle honours.

The Old Bahawalpur RegimentHis Highness Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan Abbasi IV raised the first Bahawalpur Battalion in 1826. Another battalion, the 2nd Bahawalpur, was raised in 1827. These battaions became part of Indian State Forces later and came to be known as 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Light Infantry respectively. Both these battalions fought with distinction during the first and second Kabul Wars in 1837 and 1879 and later during the both World Wars. During World War II, two more battalions were raised. Thus the Bahawalpur Regiment had four battalions at the time of Independence. The 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Battalions were effective in subduing Mulraj during 1848/49, which helped to restore Multan to Muslims influence later on.

As a sequel to the general reorganization of the Pakistan Army, the 6th (Bahawalpur) Division was disbanded during 1955 and the four battalions of the Bahawalpur Regiment were amalgamated with the Baluch (present Baloch) Regiment in April 1956.

After IndependenceThe Baloch Regiment played very significant role at the time of independence in 1947. A number of its battalions became famous for escorting refugee families safely to Pakistan. In Kashmir War of 1948 one of the Battalions of the Regiment captured the dominating height called "PANDU Feature" and evicted the Indians from there

One of the battalions has the unique honour of presenting the first GUARD OF HONOUR to Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah immediately after Independence and in return being awarded the First Pakistani Flag by the Quaid-i-Azam personally.

At the time of Independence, the Centre of 10 Baloch Regiment was located at Karachi. It had nine battalions. Immediately after Independence, the Centre was moved to Quetta where it remained till April 1956, when it was shifted to Multan. On 7th May 1956, the present Baloch Regiment came into being by the amalgamation of 8th Punjab Regiment and Bahawalpur Regiment into the Baloch Regiment at Multan and this day is called the BALOCH DAY in the history. 8th Punjab Centre and Bahawalpur Centre were closed at Quetta and Dera Nawab Sahib respectively and their records were brought to Multan. The 8th Punjab Regiment added eight battalions.

The Bloch Centre moved to Abbottabad in the last week of December 1957 and there it has remained ever since. The Regimental Centre was last to arrive in Abbottabad. Today, it has added into the glories of Abbottabad. The Centre has magnificent buildings, which depict its history and culture. The Balochis, as painted by R D Mackenzie, a British artist of the late Nineteenth Century, are fierce looking, stern featured, eagle eyed, turbaned horsemen with long hair and flowing beards, all armed with guns.

v.1.0 September 11, 2002
Babar Mahmud

Editor’s Note: This regiment was earlier called the Baluch Regiment, after the Pakistan province of Baluchistan. This spelling and pronunciation were, however, inherited from colonial days. The Pakistani pronounciation of the Baluch is Baloch, with the ch as in change.

The Baloch regiment is second in seniority after the Punjab Regiment in the Pakistan Army. Its oldest battalion was raised more than two hundred years ago, in 1798 AD at Masulipattam, as the Macleod Ki Paltan [Macleod’s force], now the 1st Baloch. After raising, it later became the 89th Punjabis and was followed by 90th, 91st and 93rd Punjab Battalions. Combined these arms were given the title of the Madras Native Infantry.

‘It was the Madras Army’ says the regimental historian, ‘that was responsible to oust the French from the India. The battalions fought valiantly in expeditions that resulted in the unification of the territories which now make up India and modern Burma’.

Storming through the jungles of Burma in the same century, uttering their blood-chilling battle cries, the Baluchis also led the fight to conquer that country and their name became immortalized as the ‘Burma’ battalions. In honor of their courage and valor the battalions were presented with an image of the mythical Burmese god, Chinthe, Which they adopted as their cap badge.

The Baluchis are formidable fighting men. Through two centuries their lustrous deeds in campaigns throughout the sub-continent and in World War I and afterwards are writ large in the history of valor.

One of the battalions raised in the first half of 19th century so distinguished itself on the battlefields of Europe and Palestine; it earned the name of the ‘Bombay Toughs’. Another, the 124th, raised in 1905, became the ‘War Babies’- for their youth and the courage they displayed in Palestine in 1918.

Many awards for courage were won the Baluchis in the First World War and subsequently in campaigns across the sub-continent and in the Second World War.
These including the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to an Indian soldier, not only a Muslim but also a Balochi: Lance Naik Khudad Dad Khan of the old
4th Baloch, now 11th Baloch. For their fighting distinction and sheer courage in WWI, the British Government in India bestowed a noble monument in the gardens of Frere Hall, Karachi commemorating the officers, JCOs and men of the 10th Baloch Regiment who fell in battle which still stands.

Another unique distinction in the regimental honor is that of the George Cross, Britain’s peacetime equivalent of the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to Captain Durrani of the 1st Bahawalpur Regiment, now the 8th Baloch.
Altogether in its first 150 years, the regiment gathered one of the most distinguished records for bravery in military history, including fourteen Victoria Crosses, one George Cross, one CMC, 36 DSOs, 158 MCs, Service medals and civil honors and more than 350 mentions in dispatches.

The Baloch Regiment like the Punjab Regiment and the Frontier Force Regiment are three British origin infantry regiments in Pakistan Army. The British ruled this area nearly 200 years and an Army Commander-in-Chief was always number two in rank after the Viceroy/Governor General in the sub-Continent. “Sub-Continent” means present day Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma. The British originally had three different armies to control this region, Bengal Army, Bombay Army and Madras Army. These three armies were united in 1895 as British Indian Army. More than 500 states were also working under British India, most of them, especially big states, had their own state forces.
Present Baloch Regiment have its origin in Bombay Army, Madras Army and in State Forces of Bahawalpur in southern Punjab.

Part of the Baluch Regiment’s origin is from the old Bombay Army raised in early nineteenth century , the senior battalion originated in the 2nd (Marine) Bn of the 12th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry raised in 1820. In 1838, as the 24th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry, they stormed Aden (Yemen), bringing that hotbed of pirates under the British flag. The 26th Bombay Native Infantry was raised in 1825 as the 2nd Extra Bn of Bombay Native Infantry, changing its name a year later. Sir Charles Napier raised two regiments in Karachi - the 1st and 2nd Baloch Regiments - for local service within Sind in 1844 and 1846 respectively.

The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Baloch to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Independence War of Indian People (Great Mutiny by British) in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi, the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into the regular line for its services in Central India and it became the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in the post-Mutiny realignment.

The 2nd Baloch, in the meantime, had qualified for a similar change in status for their work on the NW Frontier and became the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. In 1858, Major John Jacob raised a local battalion, soon to be known as Jacob's Rifles and they made such a reputation in and around Jacobabad that they, too, were accorded regular status, becoming the 30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry or Jacob's Rifles in 1861. In the years which followed, the subsidiary title lapsed and does not appear to have been officially revived until 1910, by which time, the 24th, the 26th, the 27th, the 29th, and the 30th had all had one hundred added to their numbers in 1903, emerging as the 124th, the 126th, the 127th, the 129th and the 130th.

A distinction shared by no other regiment was a spell in Japan by the 29th in 1864. They were summoned from Shanghai to Yokohama in September to protect Queen Victoria's British and Indian subjects. The British force remained in Japan until September the following year.

The Baloch Regiment also owed its origins to the old Madras Army due to amalgamation of 8 Punjab in 1956 after re-organization of all Pakistan Infantry regiments. The 29th Madras Infantry was mustered out on 15 Oct 1893 and was reconstituted the next day at Meiktila in Central Burma as the 29th (7th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, made up of Punjabis and Sikhs. Similarly, the 30th Madras Infantry became the 30th (5th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 31st became the 31st (6th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 32nd became the 32nd (4th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry and the 33rd the 33rd (3rd Burma Bn) Madras Infantry. In 1901, all these titles were simplified by removal of all mention of Madras and the five regiments were styled 29th Burma Infantry, 30th Burma Infantry, 31st Burma Light Infantry, 32nd Burma Infantry and 33rd Burma Infantry.

These Burma battalions were to police the troublesome new territories acquired in the Third Burma War. In 1903, when all Madras regiments had sixty added to their numbers, the 29th and 30th became 89th and 90th Punjabis, the 31st became the 91st Punjabis (Light Infantry), the 32nd became the 92nd Punjabis whilst the 33rd only performed a half-change, entering the new Line as the 93rd Burma Infantry. It may be said that it was the Afghan Campaign of 1878-80 which set the seal on the future of the Madras soldier. The 30th Madras Native Infantry served in the Khyber Pass but suffered so much from extremes of cold that it put into doubt the suitability of the Southern soldier for service in what was clearly to be a recurring trouble spot.

Performance of present Baloch Regiment’s units in FIRST WORLD WAR

124th Duchess of Connaught's Baluchistan Infantry - India, Mesopotamia, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916)- Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917)- India, Persia, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia. 2/126th (formed in 1918) - India.
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt.
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th King George's Own Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles) - India, East Africa.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.

Only the 2nd Bn of the 124th of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th in the 3rd (Lahore) Division, was the only battalion of the regiment to serve on the Western Front, the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans, the first also on two other counts - to lose the first British officer and to earn the first Victoria Cross, this by Sepoy Khudadad Khan at Hollebeke. Wounded, he recovered to enjoy the distinction of being the first Indian soldier to receive the King Emperor's most coveted gift. Prior to 1911, Indian soldiers had not been eligible to receive the Cross.

89th Punjabis - India, Aden, Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Mesopotamia, Greece, Russia.
2/89th Punjabis (raised in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia 90th Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia
2/90th Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India
91st Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
2/91st Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India, Egypt
92nd Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
93rd Burma Infantry - India, Egypt, France, Mesopotamia, Burma
Following the return of Indian troops after the war, all the second battalions were disbanded with the exception of the 2/89th Punjabis.

After the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded and merged with each other. A new Regiment in the name of 10 Baloch was formed in 1922/23
At Rajkot (Rajasthan) with composition of Punjabi Muslims, Pathans, Baluchis and Brahuis. Balochi and Brahuis are two great tribal origin peoples of Balochistan province (now in Pakistan). Balochies are also constituted a major part of population of Sindh Province (also in Pakistan). Pathans are great warriors from the NWFP and West Punjab (both are also in Pakistan). The Baloch Regiment is the only one which represents all of Pakistan’s provinces.

The badge chosen for the 10th Baluch Regiment in 1923 was a Roman 'Ten' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below.

The line-up of battalions for the new regiment was as under:
124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry redesignated as1st Bn.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as2nd Bn
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - redesignated as 3rd Bn (Queen Mary's Own)
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 4th Bn (Duke of Connaught's Own)
130th King George's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 5th Bn (King George's Own) (Jacobs Rifles) 10th Baluch Regiment.
2/124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as 10th Bn

There was no Territorial battalion but the 5/10th was selected for Indianisation. It was not among the initial six infantry battalions nominated in 1923, but it featured in a supplementary list in 1933.

8 Punjab (now part of Baloch regiment) was also formed by the union of the following regiments of Punjabis:
The new line-up was as follows:

89th Punjabis redesignated as 1st Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
90th Punjabis redesignated as 2nd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
91st Punjabis (Light Infantry) redesignated as 3rd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
92nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Punjabis redesignated as 4th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
93rd Burma Infantry redesignated as 5th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Burma)
2/89th Punjabis redesignated as 10th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
The 92nd had been made 'Prince of Wales's Own' in 1921 for their services during the war.

The 5th Bn of the new regiment was nominated in the early 1930s as one of the battalions chosen for Indianization.

There was no Territorial battalion raised for the 8th Punjab Regiment
The badge chosen for the 8th Punjab Regiment on its creation in 1923 was probably one of the most interesting and heraldically appealing. In the light of the former history of the constituent regiments, it was appropriate that the new regiment should adopt the Chinthe, the mythical lion-dragon, the guardian of Buddhist pagodas, above the numerical '8' and the title scroll.

Performance of the 10 Baloch and 8 Punjab Regiments in World War II

10 Baloch

* 1st Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured in Singapore in February 1942.
Reformed in April 1946 from cadre of 9/10 Baluch.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sicily, Italy. On return to India, the battalion was nominated for conversion to a parachute role to join 2 Indian Airborne Division.
* 4th Battalion - India, East Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma.
* 6th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Jan 40. India. Disbanded 1 Feb. 47.
* 7th Battalion - raised in Benares on 10 Oct 40. India. Burma.
* 8th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma. Disbanded 22 Dec 1946.
* 9th Battalion - raised in Nasirabad on 1 Feb. 41. India. Disbanded 25 Apr 46 but almost 500 men went to reform the regular 2nd Bn.
* 14th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 15 Sep 46.
* 16th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Oct 41. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded March 1946.
* 17th Battalion - raised November 1942 by conversion of 53 Regt IAC, India, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
* 18th Battalion - raised originally as 25 Garrison Bn, it became an active battalion and was redesignated 18/10th. India. Disbanded May 1944.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in July 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated the 18/10th.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in March 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
* Machine Gun Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Apr 42. Converted to 53 Regt IAC August 1942. Redesignated 17/10th November 1942.

In common with many other Indian Infantry regiments, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and, at the end of 1945, became The Baluch Regiment.

8 Punjab

* 1st Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/8 Punjab.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Burma.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Persia, Egypt, Italy.
* 4th Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 6th Battalion (Machine Gun) - raised in August 1940. India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 7th Battalion - raised in August 1940. India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
* 8th Battalion - raised in May 1941. India, Burma.
* 9th Battalion - raised in May 1941. Joined 6/15 Punjab and 6/16 Punjab in 39 Indian Infantry Brigade, the only all-Punjab brigade in the Indian Army. India, Ceylon, Cyprus. Redesignated 1/8 Punjab in 1946.
* 14th Battalion - redesignated 9th (Punjab) HAA Regt Indian Artillery in June 1942.
* 15th Battalion - Raised in January 1942. India. Became a training battalion for VCOs and NCOs.
* 16th Battalion - Raised in August 1943. India.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in April 1941. India.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in March 1942. India.

The Regiment's pipes and drums went to London in 1946 to march in the Victory parade, their claim being that they were the best in the Indian Army.

Battle Honors before 1947
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Koosh-ab, Persia. Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Cochin, Maheidpore, Ava, Afghanistan 1878-80, Egypt 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900, , Messiness 1914, Armentieres 1914, Ypres 1914-15, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, St. Julian, Loos, France and Flanders 1915, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut-al-Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18, Afghanistan 1919.Macedonia 1918, Helles, Krithia, Gallipoli 1915, Suez Canal, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Tigris 1916, Kut-al-Amara 1917,
North Malaya, Jitra, Gurun, Malaya 1941-42, The Trigno, Perano, The Sangro, Villa Grande, Gustav Line, Monte Grande, The Senio, Italy 1943-45, Gallabat, Barentu, Massawa, The Cauldron, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Monte Calvo, Gothic Line, Plan di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, San Paulo-Monte Spacata, Monte Cavallo, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45 Donbaik, North Arakan, The Shweli, Myitson, Kama, Burma 1942-45; Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arkan, Point 551, Maungdaw, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defense of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.


In August 1947, the sub-continent was freed from British rule and dived between Pakistan and India. 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab, and Bahawalpur State Forces were allotted to Pakistan. Dogra companies of 10 Baloch remained in India and transferred to, among other regiments, The Indian Grenadiers. The Regimental center was shifted to Quetta in 1946.

10 Baloch Regimental Center was at Quetta had 50% Punjabi Muslims [PMs], 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras. After the departure of Dogras, new composition was 50% each PMs and Pathans.

On transfer of power, the active battalions were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th.

* 1 Baloch had 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Secunderabad , in Aug 1947 moved to Kasur/Lahore. PMs from 5/6 Rajputana Rifles replaced Dogras.
* 2 Baloch consisted of 3 companies of PMs and one of Dogras was stationed at Razmak.
* 3 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Quetta.
* 4 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Nowshera. In 1948 it moved to Kashmir.
* 5 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed in Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In March it moved to Quetta and in Dec in Sialkot.
* 7 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Kanpur when it received orders to move to Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In July, the unit received orders to move Karachi before 7 August and prepare for ceremonies in connection with Independence of Pakistan.

The Battalion had the distinction of providing the first guard of honor to the Quaid-I-Azam as he stepped on the soil of Pakistan. Major Shukat Ali commanded the guard of honor. On 14th August the Subedar Major [the battalion’s senior warrant officer] unfurled the first flag at the Governor General’s residence. The flag was later presented to 7/10 Baloch by Quaid-I-Azam.

The 8th Punjab Regiment was allocated to Pakistan and the Sikh companies returned to India, principally to replace Punjabi Muslim companies in battalions of The Sikh Regiment and to help in creation of new Sikh battalions.

The regular battalions on transfer of power were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Bahawalpur Regiment was raised among the Bahawlpur state forces. The Bahawalpur Regiment had two active battalions 1 Bahawalpur, 3 Bahawalpur. 4 Bahawalpur was raised from the officers and men from 2 Patiala (raised in 1919) in July 1948.

In 1947, men of Baloch Regiment were assigned the task of escorting the weary refugees fleeing India, earning the regiment-honored name of Ghazi Balochi.
Based at Abbottabad since Dec 1957, the Baloch fought with great courage in the 1947-48 Kashmir Conflict, and in the two wars with India in 1965 and 1971, winning 279 awards for bravery- Including three Hilal-e-Jurats, one of Pakistan’s highest awards for valor and 73 Sitara-e-Jurat.

The Regiment’s long list of battle honors dates from the battle of Cochin in 1809 to battle of Qaiser-I-Hind in 1971.

In 1957, a major re-organization took place in infantry Regiments of Pakistan most of the regiments organized in 1922/23 were re-organized and the regimental centers reduced from 11 to 5.

The Baloch Regiment was re-organized by merging the 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments.

The new regimental center was set up at Abbottabad in December 1957. The new line up of the regiment was:

Old New
Baloch Regiment
1 Baloch 6 Baloch
2 Baloch 7 Baloch
3 Baloch 10 Baloch
4 Baloch 11 Baloch
5 Baloch 12 Baloch
6 Baloch 14 Baloch
7 Baloch 15 Baloch
8 Baloch 16 Baloch
17 Baloch 19 Baloch

8 Punjab Regiment
1/8 Punjab 1 Baloch
2/8 Punjab 2 Baloch
3/8 Punjab 3 Baloch
4/8 Baloch 4 Baloch
5/8 Baloch 5 Baloch
6/8 Baloch 13 Baloch
8/8 Baloch 17 Baloch
9/8 Baloch 18 Baloch

Bahawalpur Regiment
1 Bahawalpur 8 Baloch
2 Bahawalpur 9 Baloch
3 Bahawalpur 20 Baloch
4 Bahawalpur 21 Baloch

In 1958 Pakistan Raised SSG (Special Services Group) Commandos from 19 Baluch (old 17/10 Baluch) at Cherat, a hill station not far from Peshawar, Dedicated CIA and US Special Forces personnel trained the SSG as part of US ‘Military Aid to Pakistan’ Programme (US MAP), among the instructors Chuck Lord, Robert Buckley, Robert Dunn, Maj. Murray, Lt. Hicks, Sommers, etc. Pakistani SSG officers traveled to Fort Bragg and/or Fort Benning for advanced training. Robert Dunn knew most SSG personnel by name, having spent almost his whole life in this area. Casey chose him to be CIA’s Operations Chief for the Afghan War.

Orders of Battle - Orbat.com News (America Goes to War)

(Thanks XERIC)
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10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment
The 10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment [1] was a regiment of the British Indian Army from 1922 to 1947. After the Partition of India, it was transferred to the Pakistan Army. In 1956, it was amalgamated with the 8th Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments. During more than a hundred years of military service, the 10th Baluch Regiment acquired an enviable reputation as one of the most distinguished among the fabled regiments of the British Indian Army. Its long list of honours and awards includes four Victoria Crosses.

Contents [hide]
1 The Bombay Army
2 First World War
3 Inter-War Period
4 Second World War
5 Post-independence
6 Battle Honours
7 References & Notes
8 Further reading
9 External links
10 See also

[edit] The Bombay ArmyThe Baluch Regiment originated in the Army of Bombay Presidency in 1844, when Sir Charles Napier raised the 1st Belooch (old spelling of Baluch) Battalion (raised as the Scinde Beloochee Corps and designated as 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861) for local service in the newly conquered province of Sindh. Two years later, another Belooch battalion was raised (designated as the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861), while in 1858, John Jacob raised Jacob's Rifles (30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry), which would soon become the 3rd Belooch Regiment. The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Beloochees to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May, to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi; the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into line for its services in North India as the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. Meanwhile, the 2nd Beloochees were also regularized as the 29th Regiment. In 1862, the 2nd Beloochees were dispatched to China to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. Two years later, they became the first foreign troops to be stationed in Japan, when two companies were sent to Yokohama to guard the British legation. The 1st Beloochees greatly distinguished themselves in the tough Abyssinian Campaign of 1868 and were made Light Infantry as a reward. All Baloch battalions took part in the Second Afghan War of 1878-80, where the Jacob's Rifles suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Maiwand. The 1st Belooch Regiment again distinguished itself in 1885-87 during the Third Burma War.[2][3]

In 1891, two battalions of Bombay Infantry also became "Baluchi," when they were reconstituted with Baluchis, Hazaras and Pathans from Baluchistan and localized in the province. The first of these, the 24th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1820, while the other, 26th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1825.[4] Following the Kitchener Reforms of 1903, these battalions were redesignated as the 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry, 126th Baluchistan Infantry, 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry , 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis and 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles). In 1914, their full dress uniforms included red trousers worn with rifle green or drab tunics.[3]

FIRST WORLD WAR:1/124th - India, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916) - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917) - Persia, India, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia.
127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry
1/127th - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt, Palestine.
129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis
1/129th - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles)
1/130th - India, East Africa, Palestine.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.
During the First World War, most of the regiments raised second battalions, while the 124th Baluchistan Infantry raised two battalions. Only 2/124th Baluchistan Infantry of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th DCO Baluchis served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, where they became the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans and the only Indian regiment to fight in both the First & Second Battles of Ypres. At Hollebeke, during the First Ypres, Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first Indian to win the Victoria Cross; Britain's highest decoration for valour. Prior to 1911 Indian soldiers had not been eligible for the Victoria Cross. The battalion would go on to serve with distinction in German East Africa alongside the 127th QMO Baluch Light Infantry and 130th KGO Baluchis. Meanwhile, the 1st and 3rd Battalions of 124th DCO Baluchistan Infantry served in Persia, while the 2nd distinguished itself in Mesopotamia and Palestine.[5]

Inter-War PeriodAfter the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded, while the remaining single-battalion regiments were merged to form large regimental groups of 4-6 battalions each. Among these was the 10th Baluch Regiment, formed in 1922 at Rajkot (Rajasthan) from the five old Baluch battalions and the second battalion of 124th Baluchistan Infantry. The regimental depot later shifted to Karachi. The distinctive rifle green and red uniform of the old Baluch battalions was adopted by the entire regiment. The officers wore a cherry boss surmounted by a silver 'X' on field and forage caps, while the old battalion badges continued to be worn on pagris and helmets by the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Battalions. It was not until 1945 that a single cap badge was adopted by the regiment on introduction of berets during the Second World War. It consisted of a Roman numeral 'X' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below, all in white metal. The badges of rank were in black metal with red edging, while the lanyard was of rifle green cord with two red runners. Another distinctive feature of Baluchi uniforms were plain silver ball buttons worn on service and mess dresses
The line up of the new regiment was:[3]

1st Battalion (DCO) - 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.
2nd Battalion - 126th Baluchistan Infantry.
3rd Battalion (QMO) - 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry.
4th Battalion (DCO) - 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis.
5th Battalion (KGO) - 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles).
10th (Training) Battalion - 2/124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.

Second World WAR:
1st Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured at Singapore in 1942. Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/10th Baluch.
3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece.
4th Battalion - India, Italian East Africa, North Africa, Cyprus, Italy.
5th Battalion - India, Burma.
6th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India. Disbanded 1947; re-raised 1948.
7th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India, Burma.
8th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma. Disbanded 1946; re-raised 1948.
9th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India. Redesignated as 2/10th Baluch in 1946.
10th Battalion - Converted into Regimental Centre in 1942.
14th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 1946.
15th Battalion - Raised in 1941. Became a training battalion. India. Disbanded 1946.
16th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded 1946.
17th Battalion - Raised in 1942 by conversion of 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps. India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
18th Battalion - Raised as 25th Garrison Battalion in 1941. Redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943. India. Disbanded 1944.
25th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943.
26th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
Machine Gun Battalion - Raised on 15 April 1942. Converted into 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps in August 1942. Redesignated as 17/10th Baluch in November 1942.[2][7][8]
The regiment's record of service in the war was once again most impressive. It suffered 6572 casualties and won numerous gallantry awards including two Victoria Crosses to Naik Fazal Din and Sepoy Bhandari Ram. During the Second World War, the regiment raised another ten battalions, although most of them were disbanded after the war. At the end of 1945, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and became The Baluch Regiment.
Battle Honours
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Khoosh-ab, Persia, Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Afghanistan 1878-80, Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt 1882, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900.
World War I: Messines 1914, Armentières 1914, Ypres 1914, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres 1915, St Julien, France and Flanders 1914-15, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18.
Afghanistan 1919.
World War II: Gallabat, Barentu, Keren, Massawa, Abyssinia 1940-41, The Cauldron, Mersa Matruh, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Gothic Line, Monte Calvo, Pian di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, Monte Farneto, San Paolo-Monte Spaccato, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45, Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arakan, Maungdaw, Point 551, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defence of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.
Kashmir 1948.[5][9]

Are you justifyin their acts man? they massacred millions ... raped n killed women... killed kids,eat soldiers ... used POWs for target practise and for sports by torturing them... stabbing them... etc etc... as for russia,usa there crimes were such massive... and rape in US army... yes but you cant justy the genocide japs commited everywhere they went...

Dude stands like "Iwo jima" etc are examples of bravery... but just like the german guy above said.. if tht was the case... Nazis should also be appreciated..

I posted the details with pics on baluch regiment on a "sino" defence forum... with pictures,badges etc...:wink:

Baloch regiment fought aganist Japan???where???
Many did... :


Fazal Din was 24 years old, and an Acting Naik in the 7th Battalion 10th Baluch Regiment, British Indian Army (now 15th Battalion The Baloch Regiment of Pakistan Army) during World War II when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC:
During the Second World War, Fazal Din's battalion, 7/10th Baluch, fought against the Japanese Army in the Burmese Campaign. On 2 March 1945, near Meiktila, Burma, No. 18602 Naik Fazal Din was commanding a section during a company attack on a Japanese bunkered position. His section was held up by machine-gun fire and grenades from several bunkers. Unhesitatingly, he attacked the nearest position with grenades and silenced it; but as he led his men against the other bunkers, six Japanese soldiers rushed from a nearby house, led by two officers wielding swords. The section Bren gunner shot one officer and an enemy soldier, but ran out of ammunition and was killed by the second officer. Naik Fazal Din rushed to the assistance of his stricken comrade but the Japanese ran his sword through his chest. As he withdrew the sword, Fazal Din, despite his terrible wound, seized the sword from the Japanese officer and killed him with it. He then killed two more Japanese soldiers with the sword. Continuing to encourage his men, he staggered to his Platoon Headquarters to make his report. He collapsed there, and died soon after reaching the Regimental Aid Post. His action was seen by the whole platoon, who, inspired by his gallantry, continued the attack and annihilated the Japanese garrison of fifty-five men. Such supreme devotion to duty even when fatally wounded, presence of mind and outstanding courage have seldom been equalled and reflect the unquenchable spirit of a singularly brave and gallant NCO. For his incredible feat of valour, Naik Fazal Din was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.[1][2][3]
He was born in Hoshiarpur in the East Punjab. He belonged to the Arain clan of Punjabi Muslims.

Baluch Regiment:

Pakistan: The Baloch Regiment
The present Baloch Regiment is the result of an amalgamation of three very distinguished Infantry Regiments of Old Indian Army i.e., 8 Punjab, 10 Baloch and Bahawalpur Regiments. The amalgamation took place in 1956. Brief histories of each group are mentioned in the succeeding paras.

Old 8 Punjab RegimentThe history of the Regiment dates back to the year 1798 when “McLeod Ki Paltan”, the present one of the battalion of the Baloch Regiment, was raised at Masulipattam. After some time, it came to be known as 89th Punjabis. Later 90th, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis (presently Baloch Battalions of the Regiment) were also raised and the group got the name of “Madras Native Infantry”, as these battalions were raised at Madras.

In 1903, the original names of the battalions i.e. 89th, 90th, 91st, 92nd and 93rd Punjabis were restored by Lord Kitchner on re-organization of the Indian Army. In 1922, on adoption of the group system in Indian Army, these battalions were grouped as 8 Punjab Regiment with its Training Centre at Lahore. This Centre was designated as 10/8 Punjab Regiment and the battalions were renamed as 1/8 Punjab (1 Baloch) Regiment, 2/8 Punjab (2 Baloch Regiment) etc. Some battalions were raised during World War I and II but were disbanded after the Wars and the Centre was left with only eight battalions. In 1943, the Centre was renamed as 8 Punjab Regimental Centre. The battalions of 8 Punjab Regiment served with distinction at many places and fought many battles during World Wars I and II, winning many gallantry awards and battle honours.

Old 10 Baloch RegimentThe first battalion of the old 10 Baloch Regiment, presently one of the Baloch Regiment, was raised in 1820 as 2nd battalion of the 12 Regiment of the Bombay Infantry. In 1825, another battalion was raised as 2nd extra Battalion of the Bombay Native Infantry. These battalions were renamed as 24th and 26th (6 and 7 Baloch) Regiment in 1826. They fought with great distinction during World War I and became famous as Bombay Toughs. The 3rd and 4th battalions of the Baloch Regiment were raised in 1844 and 1846 respectively (presently two Baloch Regiments). In addition Jacob's men brought own rifles and equipment raised 5th battalion. This battalion was known as Jacob's Rifles (presently one of the Baloch Regiment).

The group of battalions was known as Bombay Infantry till 1891, after which these were renamed as Balochistan Light Infantry. For sometimes, only the Balochis were taken into these battalions. In 1905, these battalions were re-organized as 124th, 126th, 127th, 129th and 130th Rifle (Presently Baloch Regiments).

During World War I, 124th became famous as "War Babies", while fighting in Palestine in 1918. It was renamed as 10th battalion and stationed at Karachi as a training battalion in 1921. The battalions were renamed as 1/10, 2/10,3/10 and 4/10 Baloch etc. The 1st, 3rd and 5th battalions were the Royal Battalions. Their attire, however, was not royal blue but green and cherry, and the Regiment adopted these colours. In 1923, the training Centre shifted to Rajkot, Kathiawar but was again brought to Karachi in 1929. The group expanded during World War II, and its units fought with distinction in many theatres of War, winning awards and contributing to the galaxy of the Battle honours.

The Old Bahawalpur RegimentHis Highness Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan Abbasi IV raised the first Bahawalpur Battalion in 1826. Another battalion, the 2nd Bahawalpur, was raised in 1827. These battaions became part of Indian State Forces later and came to be known as 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Light Infantry respectively. Both these battalions fought with distinction during the first and second Kabul Wars in 1837 and 1879 and later during the both World Wars. During World War II, two more battalions were raised. Thus the Bahawalpur Regiment had four battalions at the time of Independence. The 1st and 2nd Bahawalpur Battalions were effective in subduing Mulraj during 1848/49, which helped to restore Multan to Muslims influence later on.

As a sequel to the general reorganization of the Pakistan Army, the 6th (Bahawalpur) Division was disbanded during 1955 and the four battalions of the Bahawalpur Regiment were amalgamated with the Baluch (present Baloch) Regiment in April 1956.

After IndependenceThe Baloch Regiment played very significant role at the time of independence in 1947. A number of its battalions became famous for escorting refugee families safely to Pakistan. In Kashmir War of 1948 one of the Battalions of the Regiment captured the dominating height called "PANDU Feature" and evicted the Indians from there

One of the battalions has the unique honour of presenting the first GUARD OF HONOUR to Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah immediately after Independence and in return being awarded the First Pakistani Flag by the Quaid-i-Azam personally.

At the time of Independence, the Centre of 10 Baloch Regiment was located at Karachi. It had nine battalions. Immediately after Independence, the Centre was moved to Quetta where it remained till April 1956, when it was shifted to Multan. On 7th May 1956, the present Baloch Regiment came into being by the amalgamation of 8th Punjab Regiment and Bahawalpur Regiment into the Baloch Regiment at Multan and this day is called the BALOCH DAY in the history. 8th Punjab Centre and Bahawalpur Centre were closed at Quetta and Dera Nawab Sahib respectively and their records were brought to Multan. The 8th Punjab Regiment added eight battalions.

The Bloch Centre moved to Abbottabad in the last week of December 1957 and there it has remained ever since. The Regimental Centre was last to arrive in Abbottabad. Today, it has added into the glories of Abbottabad. The Centre has magnificent buildings, which depict its history and culture. The Balochis, as painted by R D Mackenzie, a British artist of the late Nineteenth Century, are fierce looking, stern featured, eagle eyed, turbaned horsemen with long hair and flowing beards, all armed with guns.

v.1.0 September 11, 2002
Babar Mahmud

Editor’s Note: This regiment was earlier called the Baluch Regiment, after the Pakistan province of Baluchistan. This spelling and pronunciation were, however, inherited from colonial days. The Pakistani pronounciation of the Baluch is Baloch, with the ch as in change.

The Baloch regiment is second in seniority after the Punjab Regiment in the Pakistan Army. Its oldest battalion was raised more than two hundred years ago, in 1798 AD at Masulipattam, as the Macleod Ki Paltan [Macleod’s force], now the 1st Baloch. After raising, it later became the 89th Punjabis and was followed by 90th, 91st and 93rd Punjab Battalions. Combined these arms were given the title of the Madras Native Infantry.

‘It was the Madras Army’ says the regimental historian, ‘that was responsible to oust the French from the India. The battalions fought valiantly in expeditions that resulted in the unification of the territories which now make up India and modern Burma’.

Storming through the jungles of Burma in the same century, uttering their blood-chilling battle cries, the Baluchis also led the fight to conquer that country and their name became immortalized as the ‘Burma’ battalions. In honor of their courage and valor the battalions were presented with an image of the mythical Burmese god, Chinthe, Which they adopted as their cap badge.

The Baluchis are formidable fighting men. Through two centuries their lustrous deeds in campaigns throughout the sub-continent and in World War I and afterwards are writ large in the history of valor.

One of the battalions raised in the first half of 19th century so distinguished itself on the battlefields of Europe and Palestine; it earned the name of the ‘Bombay Toughs’. Another, the 124th, raised in 1905, became the ‘War Babies’- for their youth and the courage they displayed in Palestine in 1918.

Many awards for courage were won the Baluchis in the First World War and subsequently in campaigns across the sub-continent and in the Second World War.
These including the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to an Indian soldier, not only a Muslim but also a Balochi: Lance Naik Khudad Dad Khan of the old
4th Baloch, now 11th Baloch. For their fighting distinction and sheer courage in WWI, the British Government in India bestowed a noble monument in the gardens of Frere Hall, Karachi commemorating the officers, JCOs and men of the 10th Baloch Regiment who fell in battle which still stands.

Another unique distinction in the regimental honor is that of the George Cross, Britain’s peacetime equivalent of the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to Captain Durrani of the 1st Bahawalpur Regiment, now the 8th Baloch.
Altogether in its first 150 years, the regiment gathered one of the most distinguished records for bravery in military history, including fourteen Victoria Crosses, one George Cross, one CMC, 36 DSOs, 158 MCs, Service medals and civil honors and more than 350 mentions in dispatches.

The Baloch Regiment like the Punjab Regiment and the Frontier Force Regiment are three British origin infantry regiments in Pakistan Army. The British ruled this area nearly 200 years and an Army Commander-in-Chief was always number two in rank after the Viceroy/Governor General in the sub-Continent. “Sub-Continent” means present day Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma. The British originally had three different armies to control this region, Bengal Army, Bombay Army and Madras Army. These three armies were united in 1895 as British Indian Army. More than 500 states were also working under British India, most of them, especially big states, had their own state forces.
Present Baloch Regiment have its origin in Bombay Army, Madras Army and in State Forces of Bahawalpur in southern Punjab.

Part of the Baluch Regiment’s origin is from the old Bombay Army raised in early nineteenth century , the senior battalion originated in the 2nd (Marine) Bn of the 12th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry raised in 1820. In 1838, as the 24th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry, they stormed Aden (Yemen), bringing that hotbed of pirates under the British flag. The 26th Bombay Native Infantry was raised in 1825 as the 2nd Extra Bn of Bombay Native Infantry, changing its name a year later. Sir Charles Napier raised two regiments in Karachi - the 1st and 2nd Baloch Regiments - for local service within Sind in 1844 and 1846 respectively.

The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Baloch to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Independence War of Indian People (Great Mutiny by British) in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi, the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into the regular line for its services in Central India and it became the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in the post-Mutiny realignment.

The 2nd Baloch, in the meantime, had qualified for a similar change in status for their work on the NW Frontier and became the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. In 1858, Major John Jacob raised a local battalion, soon to be known as Jacob's Rifles and they made such a reputation in and around Jacobabad that they, too, were accorded regular status, becoming the 30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry or Jacob's Rifles in 1861. In the years which followed, the subsidiary title lapsed and does not appear to have been officially revived until 1910, by which time, the 24th, the 26th, the 27th, the 29th, and the 30th had all had one hundred added to their numbers in 1903, emerging as the 124th, the 126th, the 127th, the 129th and the 130th.

A distinction shared by no other regiment was a spell in Japan by the 29th in 1864. They were summoned from Shanghai to Yokohama in September to protect Queen Victoria's British and Indian subjects. The British force remained in Japan until September the following year.

The Baloch Regiment also owed its origins to the old Madras Army due to amalgamation of 8 Punjab in 1956 after re-organization of all Pakistan Infantry regiments. The 29th Madras Infantry was mustered out on 15 Oct 1893 and was reconstituted the next day at Meiktila in Central Burma as the 29th (7th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, made up of Punjabis and Sikhs. Similarly, the 30th Madras Infantry became the 30th (5th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 31st became the 31st (6th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry, the 32nd became the 32nd (4th Burma Bn) Madras Infantry and the 33rd the 33rd (3rd Burma Bn) Madras Infantry. In 1901, all these titles were simplified by removal of all mention of Madras and the five regiments were styled 29th Burma Infantry, 30th Burma Infantry, 31st Burma Light Infantry, 32nd Burma Infantry and 33rd Burma Infantry.

These Burma battalions were to police the troublesome new territories acquired in the Third Burma War. In 1903, when all Madras regiments had sixty added to their numbers, the 29th and 30th became 89th and 90th Punjabis, the 31st became the 91st Punjabis (Light Infantry), the 32nd became the 92nd Punjabis whilst the 33rd only performed a half-change, entering the new Line as the 93rd Burma Infantry. It may be said that it was the Afghan Campaign of 1878-80 which set the seal on the future of the Madras soldier. The 30th Madras Native Infantry served in the Khyber Pass but suffered so much from extremes of cold that it put into doubt the suitability of the Southern soldier for service in what was clearly to be a recurring trouble spot.

Performance of present Baloch Regiment’s units in FIRST WORLD WAR

124th Duchess of Connaught's Baluchistan Infantry - India, Mesopotamia, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916)- Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917)- India, Persia, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia. 2/126th (formed in 1918) - India.
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt.
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th King George's Own Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles) - India, East Africa.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.

Only the 2nd Bn of the 124th of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th in the 3rd (Lahore) Division, was the only battalion of the regiment to serve on the Western Front, the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans, the first also on two other counts - to lose the first British officer and to earn the first Victoria Cross, this by Sepoy Khudadad Khan at Hollebeke. Wounded, he recovered to enjoy the distinction of being the first Indian soldier to receive the King Emperor's most coveted gift. Prior to 1911, Indian soldiers had not been eligible to receive the Cross.

89th Punjabis - India, Aden, Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Mesopotamia, Greece, Russia.
2/89th Punjabis (raised in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia 90th Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia
2/90th Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India
91st Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
2/91st Punjabis (raised in 1918) - India, Egypt
92nd Punjabis - India, Mesopotamia, Egypt
93rd Burma Infantry - India, Egypt, France, Mesopotamia, Burma
Following the return of Indian troops after the war, all the second battalions were disbanded with the exception of the 2/89th Punjabis.

After the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded and merged with each other. A new Regiment in the name of 10 Baloch was formed in 1922/23
At Rajkot (Rajasthan) with composition of Punjabi Muslims, Pathans, Baluchis and Brahuis. Balochi and Brahuis are two great tribal origin peoples of Balochistan province (now in Pakistan). Balochies are also constituted a major part of population of Sindh Province (also in Pakistan). Pathans are great warriors from the NWFP and West Punjab (both are also in Pakistan). The Baloch Regiment is the only one which represents all of Pakistan’s provinces.

The badge chosen for the 10th Baluch Regiment in 1923 was a Roman 'Ten' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below.

The line-up of battalions for the new regiment was as under:
124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry redesignated as1st Bn.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as2nd Bn
127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry - redesignated as 3rd Bn (Queen Mary's Own)
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 4th Bn (Duke of Connaught's Own)
130th King George's Own Baluchis - redesignated as 5th Bn (King George's Own) (Jacobs Rifles) 10th Baluch Regiment.
2/124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry - redesignated as 10th Bn

There was no Territorial battalion but the 5/10th was selected for Indianisation. It was not among the initial six infantry battalions nominated in 1923, but it featured in a supplementary list in 1933.

8 Punjab (now part of Baloch regiment) was also formed by the union of the following regiments of Punjabis:
The new line-up was as follows:

89th Punjabis redesignated as 1st Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
90th Punjabis redesignated as 2nd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
91st Punjabis (Light Infantry) redesignated as 3rd Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
92nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Punjabis redesignated as 4th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
93rd Burma Infantry redesignated as 5th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment (Burma)
2/89th Punjabis redesignated as 10th Bn 8th Punjab Regiment
The 92nd had been made 'Prince of Wales's Own' in 1921 for their services during the war.

The 5th Bn of the new regiment was nominated in the early 1930s as one of the battalions chosen for Indianization.

There was no Territorial battalion raised for the 8th Punjab Regiment
The badge chosen for the 8th Punjab Regiment on its creation in 1923 was probably one of the most interesting and heraldically appealing. In the light of the former history of the constituent regiments, it was appropriate that the new regiment should adopt the Chinthe, the mythical lion-dragon, the guardian of Buddhist pagodas, above the numerical '8' and the title scroll.

Performance of the 10 Baloch and 8 Punjab Regiments in World War II

10 Baloch

* 1st Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured in Singapore in February 1942.
Reformed in April 1946 from cadre of 9/10 Baluch.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sicily, Italy. On return to India, the battalion was nominated for conversion to a parachute role to join 2 Indian Airborne Division.
* 4th Battalion - India, East Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma.
* 6th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Jan 40. India. Disbanded 1 Feb. 47.
* 7th Battalion - raised in Benares on 10 Oct 40. India. Burma.
* 8th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma. Disbanded 22 Dec 1946.
* 9th Battalion - raised in Nasirabad on 1 Feb. 41. India. Disbanded 25 Apr 46 but almost 500 men went to reform the regular 2nd Bn.
* 14th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 1 Feb. 41. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 15 Sep 46.
* 16th Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Oct 41. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded March 1946.
* 17th Battalion - raised November 1942 by conversion of 53 Regt IAC, India, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
* 18th Battalion - raised originally as 25 Garrison Bn, it became an active battalion and was redesignated 18/10th. India. Disbanded May 1944.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in July 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated the 18/10th.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in Karachi in March 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
* Machine Gun Battalion - raised in Karachi on 15 Apr 42. Converted to 53 Regt IAC August 1942. Redesignated 17/10th November 1942.

In common with many other Indian Infantry regiments, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and, at the end of 1945, became The Baluch Regiment.

8 Punjab

* 1st Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/8 Punjab.
* 2nd Battalion - India, Burma.
* 3rd Battalion - India, Persia, Egypt, Italy.
* 4th Battalion - India, Iraq, Iran.
* 5th Battalion - India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 6th Battalion (Machine Gun) - raised in August 1940. India, Burma, Malaya, Dutch East Indies.
* 7th Battalion - raised in August 1940. India, Malaya. Captured on Singapore Island in February 1942.
* 8th Battalion - raised in May 1941. India, Burma.
* 9th Battalion - raised in May 1941. Joined 6/15 Punjab and 6/16 Punjab in 39 Indian Infantry Brigade, the only all-Punjab brigade in the Indian Army. India, Ceylon, Cyprus. Redesignated 1/8 Punjab in 1946.
* 14th Battalion - redesignated 9th (Punjab) HAA Regt Indian Artillery in June 1942.
* 15th Battalion - Raised in January 1942. India. Became a training battalion for VCOs and NCOs.
* 16th Battalion - Raised in August 1943. India.
* 25th Garrison Battalion - raised in April 1941. India.
* 26th Garrison Battalion - raised in March 1942. India.

The Regiment's pipes and drums went to London in 1946 to march in the Victory parade, their claim being that they were the best in the Indian Army.

Battle Honors before 1947
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Koosh-ab, Persia. Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Cochin, Maheidpore, Ava, Afghanistan 1878-80, Egypt 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900, , Messiness 1914, Armentieres 1914, Ypres 1914-15, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, St. Julian, Loos, France and Flanders 1915, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut-al-Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18, Afghanistan 1919.Macedonia 1918, Helles, Krithia, Gallipoli 1915, Suez Canal, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Tigris 1916, Kut-al-Amara 1917,
North Malaya, Jitra, Gurun, Malaya 1941-42, The Trigno, Perano, The Sangro, Villa Grande, Gustav Line, Monte Grande, The Senio, Italy 1943-45, Gallabat, Barentu, Massawa, The Cauldron, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Monte Calvo, Gothic Line, Plan di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, San Paulo-Monte Spacata, Monte Cavallo, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45 Donbaik, North Arakan, The Shweli, Myitson, Kama, Burma 1942-45; Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arkan, Point 551, Maungdaw, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defense of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.


In August 1947, the sub-continent was freed from British rule and dived between Pakistan and India. 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab, and Bahawalpur State Forces were allotted to Pakistan. Dogra companies of 10 Baloch remained in India and transferred to, among other regiments, The Indian Grenadiers. The Regimental center was shifted to Quetta in 1946.

10 Baloch Regimental Center was at Quetta had 50% Punjabi Muslims [PMs], 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras. After the departure of Dogras, new composition was 50% each PMs and Pathans.

On transfer of power, the active battalions were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th.

* 1 Baloch had 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Secunderabad , in Aug 1947 moved to Kasur/Lahore. PMs from 5/6 Rajputana Rifles replaced Dogras.
* 2 Baloch consisted of 3 companies of PMs and one of Dogras was stationed at Razmak.
* 3 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Quetta.
* 4 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Nowshera. In 1948 it moved to Kashmir.
* 5 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed in Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In March it moved to Quetta and in Dec in Sialkot.
* 7 Baloch 50% PMs, 25% Pathans and 25% Dogras was stationed at Kanpur when it received orders to move to Fort Sandeman (Zhob). In July, the unit received orders to move Karachi before 7 August and prepare for ceremonies in connection with Independence of Pakistan.

The Battalion had the distinction of providing the first guard of honor to the Quaid-I-Azam as he stepped on the soil of Pakistan. Major Shukat Ali commanded the guard of honor. On 14th August the Subedar Major [the battalion’s senior warrant officer] unfurled the first flag at the Governor General’s residence. The flag was later presented to 7/10 Baloch by Quaid-I-Azam.

The 8th Punjab Regiment was allocated to Pakistan and the Sikh companies returned to India, principally to replace Punjabi Muslim companies in battalions of The Sikh Regiment and to help in creation of new Sikh battalions.

The regular battalions on transfer of power were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Bahawalpur Regiment was raised among the Bahawlpur state forces. The Bahawalpur Regiment had two active battalions 1 Bahawalpur, 3 Bahawalpur. 4 Bahawalpur was raised from the officers and men from 2 Patiala (raised in 1919) in July 1948.

In 1947, men of Baloch Regiment were assigned the task of escorting the weary refugees fleeing India, earning the regiment-honored name of Ghazi Balochi.
Based at Abbottabad since Dec 1957, the Baloch fought with great courage in the 1947-48 Kashmir Conflict, and in the two wars with India in 1965 and 1971, winning 279 awards for bravery- Including three Hilal-e-Jurats, one of Pakistan’s highest awards for valor and 73 Sitara-e-Jurat.

The Regiment’s long list of battle honors dates from the battle of Cochin in 1809 to battle of Qaiser-I-Hind in 1971.

In 1957, a major re-organization took place in infantry Regiments of Pakistan most of the regiments organized in 1922/23 were re-organized and the regimental centers reduced from 11 to 5.

The Baloch Regiment was re-organized by merging the 10 Baloch, 8 Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments.

The new regimental center was set up at Abbottabad in December 1957. The new line up of the regiment was:

Old New
Baloch Regiment
1 Baloch 6 Baloch
2 Baloch 7 Baloch
3 Baloch 10 Baloch
4 Baloch 11 Baloch
5 Baloch 12 Baloch
6 Baloch 14 Baloch
7 Baloch 15 Baloch
8 Baloch 16 Baloch
17 Baloch 19 Baloch

8 Punjab Regiment
1/8 Punjab 1 Baloch
2/8 Punjab 2 Baloch
3/8 Punjab 3 Baloch
4/8 Baloch 4 Baloch
5/8 Baloch 5 Baloch
6/8 Baloch 13 Baloch
8/8 Baloch 17 Baloch
9/8 Baloch 18 Baloch

Bahawalpur Regiment
1 Bahawalpur 8 Baloch
2 Bahawalpur 9 Baloch
3 Bahawalpur 20 Baloch
4 Bahawalpur 21 Baloch

In 1958 Pakistan Raised SSG (Special Services Group) Commandos from 19 Baluch (old 17/10 Baluch) at Cherat, a hill station not far from Peshawar, Dedicated CIA and US Special Forces personnel trained the SSG as part of US ‘Military Aid to Pakistan’ Programme (US MAP), among the instructors Chuck Lord, Robert Buckley, Robert Dunn, Maj. Murray, Lt. Hicks, Sommers, etc. Pakistani SSG officers traveled to Fort Bragg and/or Fort Benning for advanced training. Robert Dunn knew most SSG personnel by name, having spent almost his whole life in this area. Casey chose him to be CIA’s Operations Chief for the Afghan War.

Orders of Battle - Orbat.com News (America Goes to War)

(Thanks XERIC)
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10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment
The 10th Baluch or Baluch Regiment [1] was a regiment of the British Indian Army from 1922 to 1947. After the Partition of India, it was transferred to the Pakistan Army. In 1956, it was amalgamated with the 8th Punjab and Bahawalpur Regiments. During more than a hundred years of military service, the 10th Baluch Regiment acquired an enviable reputation as one of the most distinguished among the fabled regiments of the British Indian Army. Its long list of honours and awards includes four Victoria Crosses.

Contents [hide]
1 The Bombay Army
2 First World War
3 Inter-War Period
4 Second World War
5 Post-independence
6 Battle Honours
7 References & Notes
8 Further reading
9 External links
10 See also

[edit] The Bombay ArmyThe Baluch Regiment originated in the Army of Bombay Presidency in 1844, when Sir Charles Napier raised the 1st Belooch (old spelling of Baluch) Battalion (raised as the Scinde Beloochee Corps and designated as 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861) for local service in the newly conquered province of Sindh. Two years later, another Belooch battalion was raised (designated as the 29th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in 1861), while in 1858, John Jacob raised Jacob's Rifles (30th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry), which would soon become the 3rd Belooch Regiment. The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Beloochees to the Persian War in 1856-57, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere dispatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sindh desert in May, to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi; the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The regiment was brought into line for its services in North India as the 27th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry. Meanwhile, the 2nd Beloochees were also regularized as the 29th Regiment. In 1862, the 2nd Beloochees were dispatched to China to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. Two years later, they became the first foreign troops to be stationed in Japan, when two companies were sent to Yokohama to guard the British legation. The 1st Beloochees greatly distinguished themselves in the tough Abyssinian Campaign of 1868 and were made Light Infantry as a reward. All Baloch battalions took part in the Second Afghan War of 1878-80, where the Jacob's Rifles suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Maiwand. The 1st Belooch Regiment again distinguished itself in 1885-87 during the Third Burma War.[2][3]

In 1891, two battalions of Bombay Infantry also became "Baluchi," when they were reconstituted with Baluchis, Hazaras and Pathans from Baluchistan and localized in the province. The first of these, the 24th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1820, while the other, 26th (Baluchistan) Infantry was raised in 1825.[4] Following the Kitchener Reforms of 1903, these battalions were redesignated as the 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry, 126th Baluchistan Infantry, 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry , 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis and 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles). In 1914, their full dress uniforms included red trousers worn with rifle green or drab tunics.[3]

FIRST WORLD WAR:1/124th - India, Persia.
2/124th (formed in 1916) - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, India.
3/124th (formed in 1917) - Persia, India, Mesopotamia.
126th Baluchistan Infantry - India, Egypt, Muscat, Aden, Mosopotamia.
127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry
1/127th - India, East Africa, Persia.
2/127th (formed in 1918) - India, Egypt, Palestine.
129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis
1/129th - India, France, East Africa.
2/129th (formed in 1917) - India, Mesopotamia.
130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles)
1/130th - India, East Africa, Palestine.
2/130th (formed in 1918) - India.
During the First World War, most of the regiments raised second battalions, while the 124th Baluchistan Infantry raised two battalions. Only 2/124th Baluchistan Infantry of the wartime raisings was retained after the post-war reforms.

The 129th DCO Baluchis served on the Western Front in France and Belgium, where they became the first Indian regiment to attack the Germans and the only Indian regiment to fight in both the First & Second Battles of Ypres. At Hollebeke, during the First Ypres, Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first Indian to win the Victoria Cross; Britain's highest decoration for valour. Prior to 1911 Indian soldiers had not been eligible for the Victoria Cross. The battalion would go on to serve with distinction in German East Africa alongside the 127th QMO Baluch Light Infantry and 130th KGO Baluchis. Meanwhile, the 1st and 3rd Battalions of 124th DCO Baluchistan Infantry served in Persia, while the 2nd distinguished itself in Mesopotamia and Palestine.[5]

Inter-War PeriodAfter the First World War, a major re-organization of British Indian Army took place. Most of the wartime units were disbanded, while the remaining single-battalion regiments were merged to form large regimental groups of 4-6 battalions each. Among these was the 10th Baluch Regiment, formed in 1922 at Rajkot (Rajasthan) from the five old Baluch battalions and the second battalion of 124th Baluchistan Infantry. The regimental depot later shifted to Karachi. The distinctive rifle green and red uniform of the old Baluch battalions was adopted by the entire regiment. The officers wore a cherry boss surmounted by a silver 'X' on field and forage caps, while the old battalion badges continued to be worn on pagris and helmets by the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Battalions. It was not until 1945 that a single cap badge was adopted by the regiment on introduction of berets during the Second World War. It consisted of a Roman numeral 'X' within a crescent moon, a crown above and title scroll below, all in white metal. The badges of rank were in black metal with red edging, while the lanyard was of rifle green cord with two red runners. Another distinctive feature of Baluchi uniforms were plain silver ball buttons worn on service and mess dresses
The line up of the new regiment was:[3]

1st Battalion (DCO) - 124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.
2nd Battalion - 126th Baluchistan Infantry.
3rd Battalion (QMO) - 127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluch Light Infantry.
4th Battalion (DCO) - 129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis.
5th Battalion (KGO) - 130th (King George's Own) Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles).
10th (Training) Battalion - 2/124th (Duchess of Connaught's Own) Baluchistan Infantry.

Second World WAR:
1st Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
2nd Battalion - India, Malaya. Captured at Singapore in 1942. Reformed in 1946 by redesignation of 9/10th Baluch.
3rd Battalion - India, Iran, Iraq, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece.
4th Battalion - India, Italian East Africa, North Africa, Cyprus, Italy.
5th Battalion - India, Burma.
6th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India. Disbanded 1947; re-raised 1948.
7th Battalion - Raised in 1940. India, Burma.
8th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma. Disbanded 1946; re-raised 1948.
9th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India. Redesignated as 2/10th Baluch in 1946.
10th Battalion - Converted into Regimental Centre in 1942.
14th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya, Siam. Disbanded 1946.
15th Battalion - Raised in 1941. Became a training battalion. India. Disbanded 1946.
16th Battalion - Raised in 1941. India, Burma, Malaya. Disbanded 1946.
17th Battalion - Raised in 1942 by conversion of 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps. India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Greece, Libya.
18th Battalion - Raised as 25th Garrison Battalion in 1941. Redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943. India. Disbanded 1944.
25th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1941. On conversion to active status, it was redesignated as 18/10th Baluch in 1943.
26th Garrison Battalion - Raised in 1942. India. Disbanded 1946.
Machine Gun Battalion - Raised on 15 April 1942. Converted into 53rd Regiment, Indian Armoured Corps in August 1942. Redesignated as 17/10th Baluch in November 1942.[2][7][8]
The regiment's record of service in the war was once again most impressive. It suffered 6572 casualties and won numerous gallantry awards including two Victoria Crosses to Naik Fazal Din and Sepoy Bhandari Ram. During the Second World War, the regiment raised another ten battalions, although most of them were disbanded after the war. At the end of 1945, the 10th Baluch Regiment lost its number and became The Baluch Regiment.
Battle Honours
Aden, Reshire, Bushire, Khoosh-ab, Persia, Delhi 1857, Central India, Abyssinia, Kandahar 1880, Afghanistan 1878-80, Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt 1882, Burma 1885-87, British East Africa 1896, British East Africa 1897-99, China 1900.
World War I: Messines 1914, Armentières 1914, Ypres 1914, Gheluvelt, Festubert 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres 1915, St Julien, France and Flanders 1914-15, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Persia 1915-18, NW Frontier, India 1917, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, East Africa 1915-18.
Afghanistan 1919.
World War II: Gallabat, Barentu, Keren, Massawa, Abyssinia 1940-41, The Cauldron, Mersa Matruh, Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Sicily 1943, Castel Frentano, Orsogna, Arezzo, Monte Cedrone, Citta di Castello, Gothic Line, Monte Calvo, Pian di Castello, Croce, Gemmano Ridge, San Marino, Monte Farneto, San Paolo-Monte Spaccato, Cesena, Savio Bridgehead, Casa Bettini, Idice Bridgehead, Italy 1943-45, Athens, Greece 1944-45, North Malaya, Machang, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, Kuzeik, North Arakan, Maungdaw, Point 551, Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung Bridgehead, Mandalay, Capture of Meiktila, Defence of Meiktila, The Irrawaddy, Pegu 1945, Sittang 1945, Burma 1942-45.
Kashmir 1948.[5][9]

Are you justifyin their acts man? they massacred millions ... raped n killed women... killed kids,eat soldiers ... used POWs for target practise and for sports by torturing them... stabbing them... etc etc... as for russia,usa there crimes were such massive... and rape in US army... yes but you cant justy the genocide japs commited everywhere they went...

Dude stands like "Iwo jima" etc are examples of bravery... but just like the german guy above said.. if tht was the case... Nazis should also be appreciated..

I posted the details with pics on baluch regiment on a "sino" defence forum... with pictures,badges etc...:wink:

Thanks for the info. Never knew Fazal Din was from my tribe and an Arian Chaudhry like me.
Götterdämmerung;4585153 said:
In a civilise society soldiers are taught to have a conscience, slavish obedience are taught by fascist society. That's why many commanders of the Wehrmacht were punished for obeying barbarity after the war. There is no excuse for just taking orders.

Not all were Nazis - Leaving aside the Gestapo & others...I think it would be wrong to write off the many soldiers in the German Army who were fighting for their Sacred Germany & weren't linked to the War Crimes of the Nazi Regime - Take Rommel & his Afrika Corp for one !

I'm sure there would be other Army Units in the Germany Army who weren't involved in the sadistic barbarity that the Nazis are accused & responsible of.

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