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Comedy nights with Altaf bhai ...

The real comedy (or tragedy), which is thought provoking, is that this clown was considered a Messiah, by a large number of people, for a long period of time.
The real comedy (or tragedy), which is thought provoking, is that this clown was considered a Messiah, by a large number of people, for a long period of time.
Yes. That is something that is inexplicable. This guy was made the King of Karachi for decades by millions of supporters. He even ruled Karachi and not long ago even had presence in the Musharaf's ruling junta.
Yes. That is something that is inexplicable. This guy was made the King of Karachi for decades by millions of supporters. He even ruled Karachi and not long ago even had presence in the Musharaf's ruling junta.

And, he is not the only example. History, and even current state of affairs, are replete with such instances and this demonstrates the susceptibility of the common folks to the instruments of propaganda, indoctrination and psychological exploitation.
He is not a comedian or politician but murder of thousands of people including his own party.
Altaf Zardari Nawaz are same as traitor and enemies of PAKISTAN.
Please stop sharing such people.
Yes. That is something that is inexplicable. This guy was made the King of Karachi for decades by millions of supporters. He even ruled Karachi and not long ago even had presence in the Musharaf's ruling junta.
This proves only one thing that the western democracy is a flopped system.
This proves only one thing that the western democracy is a flopped system.
Is that why your living in one? What did I say before to you about relaxing in a alcohol infused club but touting virtues of teetotalism?
Is that why your living in one? What did I say before to you about relaxing in a alcohol infused club but touting virtues of teetotalism?
The system has failed everywhere...it is just the different stage of rot
The system has failed everywhere...it is just the different stage of rot
Failed by what benchmark? I know your not madaris educated and having sufficient cognitive ability to understand that 'failed' is a relative concept.

When you say 'failed' is that against the castle in the air or the pipedream you have in your head or is their a existing, functional, measurable template we can guage this by? There are 140 countries listed at UN please do name one, just one that we can emulate?

Or is it a pipedream you smoking here?

The system has failed everywhere...it is just the different stage of rot
And we assume by your 'walk' Sweden is the least failed?
Failed by what benchmark? I know your not madaris educated and having sufficient cognitive ability to understand that 'failed' is a relative concept.

When you say 'failed' is that against the castle in the air or the pipedream you have in your head or is their a existing, functional, measurable template we can guage this by? There are 140 countries listed at UN please do name one, just one that we can emulate?

Or is it a pipedream you smoking here?
Right winger terrorists are on the rise..
Sweden was doing pretty good under the kings.
Right winger terrorists are on the rise..
You obfuscated the questions I put to you -

  • is Sweden the least bad of the failed/
  • is your referance to the 'failed' a pipedream* or do you have country in mind with whom we can compare?

*if it's pipedream I got some grand castles in the air. Maybe we can exchange our eldarados.
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