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Come May 16, Bangladeshi immigrants must pack up: Narendra Modi

@Roybot - Does this mean that @levina Ma'am would have to pack up and leave as well ? :unsure:

Or are Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants with Post-Graduate Qualifications in Veterinary Studies allowed to stay ? :what:

I never could understand why Levina had to become a qualified vet to be able to treat herself; she could always go to the Cow section at the local Veterinary Hospital ! :whistle:
Ok Ji at least there are still some "spine " left in evil banya yaindoo ;)

now im waiting for my "hero" @ Zaid Zaman Hamids response :guns:.....:haha:
will be good riddance. But in reality i am sure nothing gonna happen, we must have tighter check at border and solve this problem once and for all.
Throw Bangladeshis from Mumbai.
Throw Bangladeshis from Delhi
Throw Bangladeshis from Assam
No more Al Quaeda Supporters Here...
so u are calling them alqueeda members bcoz they are muslims .. btw if we go by that logic .. u have 20 croro more alqeeda members .. throw them in the sea as well
All big talk before an election but do we REALLY think he will stick by his word if he is elected PM on this matter? I am cynical...
Even if he tries to do 50% of things he is saying(hopefully he will provided BJP gets good number of seats say 220-230), India will do wonders in next 5 years. I am sure even if not all illigal BDians get deported, he can work on some sort of mechanism so that it could be stopped any further.
some people here want an ideal law for (illegal)immigrants,where they are not discriminated on the basis of religion..

the thing is the ancestors of the muslim bangladeshis thought that they are separate and hence separated from us..

and now,if any illegal muslim bangladeshi comes to my land and stays there illegally,he deserves a bullet to his head.
simple.we have to practical here.u cannot compare us to other developed democracies(especially given the past of Two nation theory).

heck,even after having such a vibrant democracy where each and every citizen has the same right,freedom etc.(the illegals who thought that they are different don't deserve this) ,we get laughed at for our democracy/failure to implement secularism(and of course we receive appreciation too).

we need to be practical
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Are you sure he'll send all the refugees back??
From what I've gleaned he said ""As soon as we come to power... detention camps housing Hindu migrants from Bangladesh will be done away with..the Hindus have been displaced from their land because of harassment. India is the land for Hindus across the globe and they are welcome to stay here. ... We have a responsibility toward Hindus who are harassed and suffer in other countries. Where will they go? India is the only place for them. Our government cannot continue to harass them. We will have to accommodate them here.”
As such, he has called for the expulsion of Bangladeshi Muslims, smugglers and criminals, and, in sharp contrast, for the embrace of Bangladeshi Hindus.

This is sheer hypocrisy
India’s 2014 Elections: Narendra Modi Says Some Illegal Immigrants From Bangladesh Are Better Than Others
Narendra modi is doing exactly what he accused Mamta Banerjee of, the vote bank politics.
Yes I do agree that hindus have nowhere else to go and ergo should be accommodated in India.
But then should we discriminate on the basis of religion??

No dee, you misunderstood. These are the practical issues at hand :

i. Illegal immigration has reached epic proportions - there is no doubt about that

ii. The illegal immigrants are of two types - one who come for economic reasons, the other for seeking asylum. Now whether we like it or not, those seeking asylum are predominantly Hindus and Buddhists. If we don't give them the right to live, they will probably be killed in their home country. According to International Law India is bound to give shelter to those seeking asylum. So whether Modi says or not is secondary - people fleeing BD from persecution will have to be sheltered by India. The other kind, that is those who come for economic reasons alone are considered illegal infiltrators. I know it's semantics but it's similar to the difference between killing a man in sleep and killing another who tries to kill you. One is a crime, the other is not.

iii. It's not hypocrisy - it is coming to terms with reality. Wait for some time and even Bangladeshi Muslim atheists will also come to India. These are difficult choices. We may follow a procedure that is in place in the EU for granting asylum.

iv. So you agree that their minorities need to be accommodated here. We are their last hope - they have left everything in their own country. When they come with nothing but their sorry lives to just survive in India, I will have no choice but to welcome them in.

Like I said - the European countries have an asylum program, we can emulate that with modifications. For that we need a starting point.

The Starting Point should help us begin from a Ground Zero that we define. By that the minorities will stay and the rest will be thrown out.From then the VISA process should be eased and BSF either reformed or replaced with Citizen's Corps if necessary. This will allow BD people (including Muslims) to come to India for treatment, jobs etc but will prevent them from becoming Indians.

Vote bank politics is expected during the time of election, but at least he is showing some concern about stopping this menace.

But your statements in blue and red are contradicting each other, are you suggesting that Hindus should be accommodated in India, and since we shouldn't discriminate on the basis of religion; we should also accommodate all other Bangladeshis in India?

What a dilemma!! :D
This moral dilemma is real. :(
Can't help it. I don't mind even Pakistanis to work in India but first we should have enough for ourselves and second we should make sure they don't become Indians in a few weeks. :D

And those doubting the possibility of such a massive undertaking when and if Modi comes to power -

Trust me it is possible and can be done if there is political will. If NDA gets a considerable vote share and Mamta remains adamantly anti Modi, you can expect Modi to take a hard stance. If there is a Central Directive to apprehend and deport Bangladeshis there is nothing individual States can do. Once they lose the political umbrella that shields them (Congress/TMC etc) they WILL receive the flak from the Indians. This is Narendra Modi. Not Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
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@Roybot - Does this mean that @levina Ma'am would have to pack up and leave as well ? :unsure:

Or are Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants with Post-Graduate Qualifications in Veterinary Studies allowed to stay ? :what:

I never could understand why Levina had to become a qualified vet to be able to treat herself; she could always go to the Cow section at the local Veterinary Hospital ! :whistle:

Nope I have this huge HIPPO pet who has an obnoxious mouth so I had to treat him. And ergo the Vet studies.:coffee:

Will you please put up a signature which reads " Kindly skip my posts about Levina bcoz Whatever I post about Levina on the forum are all rumors."
Andddd I am an engineer.:angry:
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You tell me? The bangladeshi muslims demanded, infact killed and rioted for a separate country because they could'nt live with us. Why should their hindus/buddhists etc be punished for that? Too much political correctness will doom us, just as it doomed Ned Stark :undecided:

By the way I believe Modijee is just playing to the gallery on this issue (I hope I am wrong :D)
Vote bank politics is expected during the time of election, but at least he is showing some concern about stopping this menace.

But your statements in blue and red are contradicting each other, are you suggesting that Hindus should be accommodated in India, and since we shouldn't discriminate on the basis of religion; we should also accommodate all other Bangladeshis in India?

What a dilemma!! :D
I think either all of them should be sent back or none of them should be retained.But why should we discriminate on the basis of religion??

I think either all of them should be sent back or none of them should be retained.But why should we discriminate on the basis of religion??
Case of priorities. Why does a guy from the EU get easy access to an American green card rather than an Indian/Mexican/African/Middle Eastern o_O. As I said it may not be politically correct but then we do not live in an ideal world

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