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Cold Start? Mutually Assured Destruction by Lt. Gen (R) Tariq Khan


Yes you can argue if you haven't seen images or videos or the places where these wars actually fought

Only then someone can argue on that foolishness

No offence meant
war against disciplined forces are fought on tactics and battle formation, tanks and aircraft precision artillery and bombing.
it is completely different than hide and seek war against militants.
I seriously wish and hope that you become the chief officer of your nuclear establishment....So, you ignite war with us and then your wish comes true

Pakistanis will love to fulfill your wish of rebuilding India...Please allow us to turn your people, architecture into history...

Attack us and then go for good bye kiss to your loved ones...

Then you can rebuild your country with the help of Intl' community...:)

Incorrect. The only war we will fight is a two front war. A war where China's cities and infrastructure are at stake as well.

Let me be straight here with you as the same is going to hurt a lot of education earned from Indian Media and tall claims. That was US and NATO that invaded countries like Afghanistan & Iraq. Except the bombing and making it a mess, still, invaders are only bound to rule the Kabul in Afghanistan and Baghdad in Iraq which is a fact contrary to the Tall claims as the rest of areas are still under control of resistant. Now coming to India and Pakistan episode and while looking at your comprehension, those skills are only in India indeed. That is what NaMO and Company tells the populace that compares the IA with Israeli Defence Forces and then People thinks of India as US or NATO so wake up out of such senseless bravado and prove it unlike the continuous war monger.

Next time, think more then twice while attacking personally and the same is proof for the time being that you have nothing in your hand or mind but dreaming to be spoon fed every time while stooping to such level. You need learning, search yourself or ask the people you pay your money for. This is the last post to remind you about the attitude and ethics of conversation rather don't quote and live your dreams in the call centers. Go and educate the NaMO about Nuclear War, your survival tactics and all that education so he may dare to do so. No need to quote me further to come with such senseless, full of bravado and unethical posting. Agree to disagree and prepare for whatever you want to and during these times read ABABEEL-1 to understand further.

I have no clue what you said.
Incorrect. The only war we will fight is a two front war. A war where China's cities and infrastructure are at stake as well.

Absolute Bullshit....You will never fight war with China...Never...Your mentality and instincts are only for smaller countries around you...
Neither. The word starts with a C and ends with A.

US pressure failed. They had resigned to a war. The Indian leadership decided not to wage it. In fact, war was inevitable. One of the strike corps commanders had already moved his army to the assault position before orders.
Did that corps commander told u him self lol it's just propaganda simple answer India chest thump to force Pak to give in and tried USA to get it's demand met USA gave a few assurances India backed off the military power difference on ground between India and Pak isn't as decisive as the one between Russia and Ukraine
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