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COLD START=Indian Threat To PakistanAnd China?


Do your cousins & brother discuss these things at home ? If so, I suggest you keep their names closely guarded.

There must be an equivalent of the ' Official Secrets Act in Pak too.

No, we nor they talk in detail, but do touch the topic once in a while and discuss a few things.

They are much smarter then us, so they know what to say and what not.
First of all Pakistani members damn care about the CSD, as its not yet fully operational, nor it would be that easy for the Indians to mount it with 100% success.

Of course, evidently Pakistani members care a damn about Cold Start. The number of threads in PDF with Cold start in its name would belie your assertion. And all of them, including this one has been started by Pakistani members. Take a look.






I think what people need to understand is that its a war-time strategy and will be used in case of a war. No point getting all hysterical about it. Its not like its a declaration of war itself and India is going to use it tomorrow.

Its fine to discuss the doctrine but the kind of emotional comments that people throw around whenever cold start is mentioned is hilarious.
Once in four years, the doctrines are revisited by IA and subsequent refining is done based on the percieved threat at that point of time. I am sure all armies of the world do that periodically.

Based on the inputs, IA thought it is necessary to prepare for defending two fronts. So this necessiates the new refined mantra of two front capability. Never IA has said it is going to attack both countries.
How does it affect Pakistan or China. China has never uttered a word on this. Pakistan is jumping and crying foul. What should India do ? have no strategy ? or no status review ? The secret has been stated in media. You should appreciate this. Only a few countries do this.

If you look at history written by neutral people you might be surprised that India did not attack any of the neighbours first. The whole doctrine is based on RESPONSE.

By virtue of shape, Pakistan is naturally blessed with Cold Start option. India suffered a lot in this regards (being such a complacent country) during Kargil and thereafter. So they came out with the need to faster mobilization of support. Earlier it was months now it is 96 hours. But again this is based on RESPONSE principle.

Please let us know why should India allow Pakistan to Cold Start (naturally gifted) and hold India to ransom for months on till the support is mobilized. Do not say that nothing of that should be expected - then remember Kargil (for the present generation) at least if not the earlier wars.

So please remember, the safety and defence of the nation is the job of the army of any country. They need to be prepared for the worst scenarios and hope for the best.

Yes nothing will happen but where there is a lack of faith, better be prepared. Till then :cheers:
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