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Coffee cultivation gaining popularity among tea gardeners.

Each Indonesian Island has uniquely different type of coffee beans to offer, such as Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi.

Indonesia has large amount of Coffee bean exports.

@Indos would you know if Coffee drinking was a long tradition in Indonesia, before the arrival of the Dutch?

I bet it is since our relationship with Middle East is much earlier than the first contact and relationship with Dutch. Our first contact with Middle East was in the period of Egyptian pharaoh where the ingredient to preserve their mummy comes from North Sumatra region called Barrus.
I bet it is since our relationship with Middle East is much earlier than the first contact and relationship with Dutch. Our first contact with Middle East was in the period of Egyptian pharaoh where the ingredient to preserve their mummy comes from North Sumatra region called Barrus.
coffee is native from Yemen/Ethiopia not egypt.
Each Indonesian Island has uniquely different type of coffee beans to offer, such as Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi.

Indonesia has large amount of Coffee bean exports.

@Indos would you know if Coffee drinking was a long tradition in Indonesia, before the arrival of the Dutch?
I do not think it was so. Coffee cultivation started post dutch and is fairly recent relatively speaking.

My preference for coffee is solely - Javanese or Tanzanian beans; DRC or Rwanda have excellent coffee. I avoid any south american coffee - poor quality and bad bitter taste especially the columbian - the sourness makes my stomach hurt badly.
Coffee is drank by every tom, dick and harry in the coffee drinking countries. There is nothing "upper class" about it. It's just that we are a tea drinking nation and coffee is slowly gaining popularity, these people haven't traveled across the world to know enough that coffee is not some elite people's drink.
In our country coffee remains an elite people's drink only because it is imported and thus is expensive. When produced in the country, as you said, every tom, dick and harry will certainly drink it with love, the same in other countries.
Each Indonesian Island has uniquely different type of coffee beans to offer, such as Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi.

Indonesia has large amount of Coffee bean exports.
That’s very interesting to me. Would like to try some Indonesian coffee one of these days.

I’m not a big coffee drinker. One to 3 cups a day, but I do enjoy those cups

I’m mostly a light blend Kind of guy
There is lot of research about history of coffee in Indonesia, and they indeed came along with the Dutch who had coffee drinking habit. The seedling came in 1696 and planted at estate of governor general at the Willem Van Ousthoorn but failed due to flooding and successfull cultivation came around a decade later. Western Java and Batavia is the first place to have coffee plantation in Indonesia, and Gayo along with Aceh stocks coffee is came very late around 1900, as the Dutch war against Aceh Sultanate, the soldier bring their coffee there and trying to plant their much loved coffee there.

Sure coffee is came from Ethiopia and popularized by Muslim trader and in turn very popular among Christian protestan curch follower although they had been banned repeatedly (by the likes of Ottoman Empire in around 1511, Prussian Charles the Great and so on) but coffee popularity is keep growing and even the likes of Benjamin Franklin enjoyed them

Among the numerous luxuries of the table ... coffee may be considered as one of the most valuable. It excites cheerfulness without intoxication; and the pleasing flow of spirits which it occasions...is never followed by sadness, languor or debility.
-Benjamin Franklin​
That’s very interesting to me. Would like to try some Indonesian coffee one of these days.

I’m not a big coffee drinker. One to 3 cups a day, but I do enjoy those cups

I’m mostly a light blend Kind of guy

Not black coffee drinker, a mild coffee like capuccino and the likes
There is lot of research about history of coffee in Indonesia, and they indeed came along with the Dutch who had coffee drinking habit. The seedling came in 1696 and planted at estate of governor general at the Willem Van Ousthoorn but failed due to flooding and successfull cultivation came around a decade later. Western Java and Batavia is the first place to have coffee plantation in Indonesia, and Gayo along with Aceh stocks coffee is came very late around 1900, as the Dutch war against Aceh Sultanate, the soldier bring their coffee there and trying to plant their much loved coffee there.

Sure coffee is came from Ethiopia and popularized by Muslim trader and in turn very popular among Christian protestan curch follower although they had been banned repeatedly (by the likes of Ottoman Empire in around 1511, Prussian Charles the Great and so on) but coffee popularity is keep growing and even the likes of Benjamin Franklin enjoyed them

-Benjamin Franklin​

As far as I know coffee came from Yemen.
As far as I know coffee came from Yemen.

They came from Kaffa area in Ethiopia

coffee is native from Yemen/Ethiopia not egypt.
You may be correct that Yemen is the fatherland of coffee. But, it does not mean that Egypt cannot import or even produce it in historical times when Nile water is available there.

Nowadays, Egypt imports about 70% of its coffee from Indonesia. Generally speaking, Arabs prefer coffee over the tea.
Sorry my bad. I mistakenly typed coffee instead of tea. There are some cafes-restaurants charge Tk200-300+ for a cup of tea. So if elites want to stand out and make a statement, they can do with tea too.
Why not import coffee from Vietnam?
We are the second largest coffee export of the world after Brazil. Just a matter of time we overtake Brazil thanks to higher productivity.
The massive volumes bring down prices.
We make coffee affordable for the mass, not only for the rich.
you are a coffee drinker.

How about you mate ??? Any good Iranian coffee ???

@Bilal9 @DalalErMaNodi

Coffee is the best drink when having talk to old friends or in some serious business conversation/work

Jco Coffee, this Indonesian donuts and coffee restaurant is one of my favorite when I do hang out, although not present in all of Jakarta malls.

The process to make a cup of coffee there

Here is traditional Indonesian coffee @KAL-EL , Aceh Coffee, this is why I doubt coffee culture is brought by Dutch since Aceh is relatively only included into Dutch indies in early 1900. Aceh and other Sumatran region has ancient relation with middle east since the region is located in Malacca strait.

Aceh Coffee sold in Greater Jakarta region.

One of Aceh Coffee shops in Aceh province which operates whole day (24 hours), the shop also has branch in Slipi, Jakarta (near Binus University)

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I bet it is since our relationship with Middle East is much earlier than the first contact and relationship with Dutch. Our first contact with Middle East was in the period of Egyptian pharaoh where the ingredient to preserve their mummy comes from North Sumatra region called Barrus.

That is my understanding
How about you mate ??? Any good Iranian coffee ???

@Bilal9 @DalalErMaNodi

Coffee is the best drink when having talk to old friends or in some serious business conversation/work

Jco Coffee, this Indonesian donuts and coffee restaurant is one of my favorite when I do hang out, although not present in all of Jakarta malls.

The process to make a cup of coffee there

Here is traditional Indonesian coffee @KAL-EL , Aceh Coffee, this is why I doubt coffee culture is brought by Dutch since Aceh is relatively only included into Dutch indies in early 1900. Aceh and other Sumatran region has ancient relation with middle east since the region is located in Malacca strait.

Aceh Coffee sold in Greater Jakarta region.

I am an occasional Espresso and more of a Cappuccino drinker brother.

@DalalErMaNodi back in the day mom used to make a Cappuccino sort of drink with Nestle coffee, powdered milk and "Dal-Ghutni" (Dal swizzle stick) back home. That's where I get my taste for Cappuccino. If you use the stick properly, then you can make plenty of froth without a Cappuccino steamer even. :-)


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