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COAS visits Strike Corps - Briefed on state of operational preparedness. ISPR

What are you going on about? Do you think they would not have made sure that this is not bugged. ? Goodness me

You know a lot about military grade encryption, yeah?
Yes, I know lot about it in theoretical sense. I studied both at university postgraduate level and still self studying/learning topics in advanced abstract algebra. I learned about encryption under such studies, since it is just a specialist application of abstract algebra including what is known as "number theory".
Raw cannot intercept even local calls between important military personals in Pakistan. Pakistan is far too technologically competent to allow that.

Even CIA personal staying in Islamabad Guest houses trying to intercept and/or analyze nearby communications channels or data/intelligence from elsewhere were raided and cleared off by ISI. Those CIA agents were sent back to US, humiliated and looked like totally incompetent fools in front of our ISI.

Even US embassy was stopped as for as intercepting or analyzing any communication data was concerned, despite the fact that Embassy staff has diplomatic freedom to do lots of things (e.g. roam around on vehicles with wireless communication interception capabilities)

Pervasiv Musharraf's call was intercepted on an on unsecure hotel phone in Beijing (in a foreign country that failed to provide such security on its soil).

Pakistan military uses multi layer encryption, filtering and verification technology that is even theoretically impossible to intercept with current technology.

Military briefing rooms are impossible to bug.

P.S. Hollywood movies and real world are totally different things.
@ps3linux bahi yeah post parah.
That happened over the telephone lines and it was due to the collusion of our own traitor who was kicked out by Musharraf.

Wasn't that a satellite phone convo that was intercepted ?
I am recruit of NO ONE. NOT even ISI. Recruits don't go around mentioning ISI nor have time to keep writing post on topics that hardly few hundred people read that too mostly bored people from india, with no effect on masses.

They work on things that have influence on a large scale. ISI does not hire people with average writing abilities like me. They hire people with vast geopolitical knowledge as well as technical expertise in their respective area.

I don’t have even Pakistan citizenship or even Pakistan origin card (though I have applied for it recently). I get visa to visit Pakistan.

Nor ISI hires post doctoral researchers to type little essays. They would rather use them to do some technical work and not spend time writing average level posts (like mine) that too based on general news items such as news on deported dozens and dozens of of US personal staying in Pakistani guest houses with "yanki" surveillance equipment on several occasion during this decade (search on this website here, it is somewhere here). It was also in the news all those "god Yanks" and their surveillance vehicles were routinely tailed and send back to their embassies. Often they were caught red handed using specific detection technologies by Pakistan.

I don't have time to search on your behalf. If you can't find its your problem. Such news were widely publicized in Pakistan.

NOT every one in or from Pakistan, is a US slave that believes in American Magical powers. We compete and outperform them whatever we do in our job. If we are temporarily behind in some specific technical ability, we master the field and move ahead, rather then accepting their dominance. So we don't have such mentality.

Pakistan military and security agencies don't believe in american magical power either. If they did, they would DO NOTHING and Pakistan would end up being worse than a colony.

They are very successful in keeping national secrets and thwarting American attempts to harm Pakistan's national interests. Some people project their mental slavery on others. They think everyone must believe in it too. There are free people who like to compete. Pakistan military and our intelligence agencies use state of art equipment and technologies to defend Pakistan whenever and wherever possible. Using more does not mean Yanks have magical power that Pakistan cannot counter.

All equipment that so called CIA uses is commercially available. Even UAE uses those. Now other alternatives including software are available from china, just as advanced as "yanks". Pakistan can and does uses such equipment and technologies in all important areas. Its not the same Pakistan anymore.

ONCE again, US personal using those equipment were deported from Pakistan on several occasions from rented houses in Islamabad, Peshawar ALONG with their "the equipment" they use more than anyone else. It was in the news on several occasions and it is even here on this website somewhere. I can't be bothered looking up for other people.

SO stop discussing me and talk about the topic. IF my style or writing irritates you than just ignore it, nobody is forcing you to read it. Or if you have some insecurity, anti social disorder, passive aggression problem, see a psychiatrist or instead of writing here, just PM me your name, and address anywhere in the world and we will settled things like man to man (and not like coward keyboard warriors), or I will let you deal with some other and violent family members who are there where you live and love to pick fight. That's all many of them do.

But on this forum stay away from me. I don't have time to deal with judgements past on me as a person. You don't know me so stop projecting your stuff on me. Stick to the topic.

I don't like to attack personally, though I do attack individual nations and "groups of people" since they collectively represent threat to my fundamental values.

Pakistan military and our national security agencies have served this nation under very difficult circumstances. Highlighting their successes is something I will always do.

P.S. I have asked Arsalan to delete my account. Since on the forum once personal judgement start, they don't just stop. I don't like and never did.

USA goes for a juglar vein. I guess you read this report where NSA Hacked the Pakistan VIP communication backbone 6-7 years ago ?

USA goes for a juglar vein. I guess you read this report where NSA Hacked the Pakistan VIP communication backbone 6-7 years ago ?

Pakistan is a fast learner. Most of the so called hacking is not remote hacking. More often than not, someone is physically used to insert appropriate software on site, a mole of some sort (to hide the identity of the mole, often news portrays it as remote hacking when it was really done on site by some hired help). paying some one in national telecommunications services to insert appropriate surveillance equipment or software is being done by even smaller nations (without needing to hack it remotely). Even UAE is doing to say Qatar, in africa etc. Its not US specific anymore.

Commercial equipment to eves drop including various software now widely available and even used by large corporations. Its very common now. That's how large corporations spies on their competitors (corporate espionage).
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I am recruit of NO ONE. NOT even ISI. Recruits don't go around mentioning ISI nor have time to keep writing post on topics that hardly few hundred people read that too mostly bored people from india, with no effect on masses.

They work on things that have influence on a large scale. ISI does not hire people with average writing abilities like me. They hire people with vast geopolitical knowledge as well as technical expertise in their respective area.

I don’t have even Pakistan citizenship or even Pakistan origin card (though I have applied for it recently). I get visa to visit Pakistan.

Nor ISI hires post doctoral researchers to type little essays. They would rather use them to do some technical work and not spend time writing average level posts (like mine) that too based on general news items such as news on deported dozens and dozens of of US personal staying in Pakistani guest houses with "yanki" surveillance equipment on several occasion during this decade (search on this website here, it is somewhere here). It was also in the news all those "god Yanks" and their surveillance vehicles were routinely tailed and send back to their embassies. Often they were caught red handed using specific detection technologies by Pakistan.

I don't have time to search on your behalf. If you can't find its your problem. Such news were widely publicized in Pakistan.

NOT every one in or from Pakistan, is a US slave that believes in American Magical powers. We compete and outperform them whatever we do in our job. If we are temporarily behind in some specific technical ability, we master the field and move ahead, rather then accepting their dominance. So we don't have such mentality.

Pakistan military and security agencies don't believe in american magical power either. If they did, they would DO NOTHING and Pakistan would end up being worse than a colony.

They are very successful in keeping national secrets and thwarting American attempts to harm Pakistan's national interests. Some people project their mental slavery on others. They think everyone must believe in it too. There are free people who like to compete. Pakistan military and our intelligence agencies use state of art equipment and technologies to defend Pakistan whenever and wherever possible. Using more does not mean Yanks have magical power that Pakistan cannot counter.

All equipment that so called CIA uses is commercially available. Even UAE uses those. Now other alternatives including software are available from china, just as advanced as "yanks". Pakistan can and does uses such equipment and technologies in all important areas. Its not the same Pakistan anymore.

ONCE again, US personal using those equipment were deported from Pakistan on several occasions from rented houses in Islamabad, Peshawar ALONG with their "the equipment" they use more than anyone else. It was in the news on several occasions and it is even here on this website somewhere. I can't be bothered looking up for other people.

SO stop discussing me and talk about the topic. IF my style or writing irritates you than just ignore it, nobody is forcing you to read it. Or if you have some insecurity, anti social disorder, passive aggression problem, see a psychiatrist or instead of writing here, just PM me your name, and address anywhere in the world and we will settled things like man to man (and not like coward keyboard warriors), or I will let you deal with some other and violent family members who are there where you live and love to pick fight. That's all many of them do.

But on this forum stay away from me. I don't have time to deal with judgements past on me as a person. You don't know me so stop projecting your stuff on me. Stick to the topic.

I don't like to attack personally, though I do attack individual nations and "groups of people" since they collectively represent threat to my fundamental values.

Pakistan military and our national security agencies have served this nation under very difficult circumstances. Highlighting their successes is something I will always do.

P.S. I have asked Arsalan to delete my account. Since on the forum once personal judgement start, they don't just stop. I don't like and never did.

Excellent post.

May Allah grant health to your mother.
its very important to note that biggest problem Pakistan faces is "traitors". That's one big reason US is so successful. US is able to hire traitors from developing countries far easily and far widely (as pointed by War&peace though I thought musharaf Beijing hotel was tapped, I was wrong perhapes, it was a traitor). US can hire anyone to put some something in Pakistan national telecommunication carriers or any other place without needing to hack anything. One doctor afridi is far better in providing US intelligence than any equipment US has. its cheaper and faster to pay someone to do it. Pakistan finds it hard to deal with traitors than technology US brings in.

I have sense that from phen di sister posture of 27th Feb... we, Paks, have now entered into ma di k*ss doctorine.

We stand with Our Armed Forces.

GanguDaesh is going down!


Trust me bro i have nothing against you. But i was just amused by the fact that its been 4 hours that you posted this and yet not a single mod declared you “outsider” by banning you or giving you warning for using such words on an international forum. Khair, let it be.
Thats goods it Keeps the morale high

one Question : Do Pak armed forces have secure briefing rooms ? so that it can completely rule out electronic bugging.

Pervaiz mushraff's call to 10 CORPS commander was intercepted by india during Kargil war. We must have learned a lot by that I hope.
Best thing is to send "phantom" messages back to the Indian High Command...


I have sense that from phen di sister posture of 27th Feb... we, Paks, have now entered into ma di k*ss doctorine.

We stand with Our Armed Forces.

GanguDaesh is going down!


Or who is it that could be an army for you to aid you other than the Most Merciful? The disbelievers are not but in delusion. - Sura El Mulk (Ayet#20)

I am pretty sure Pak won't be alone this time by HIS PERMISSION!!! Some hearts in far away lands are burning with the same rage!!!

This raging thunder storm is the Turk/Pak Army O LORD
This is the Army to die for YOUR sake O LORD
Let them raise with Adhan the Sanctity of YOUR NAME
Render them victorious for they are the Last Army of ISLAM

*Paraphrasing Yahya Kemal, the first Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan

Pakistan is a fast learner. Most of the so called hacking is not remote hacking. More often than not, someone is physically used to insert appropriate software on site, a mole of some sort (to hide the identity of the mole, often news portrays it as remote hacking when it was really done on site by some hired help). paying some one in national telecommunications services to insert appropriate surveillance equipment or software is being done by even smaller nations (without needing to hack it remotely). Even UAE is doing to say Qatar, in africa etc. Its not US specific anymore.

Commercial equipment to eves drop including various software now widely available and even used by large corporations. Its very common now. That's how large corporations spies on their competitors (corporate espionage).
These scums spy with the aid of the Sheyatin!!!! However, the Muslims know how to burn them....
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