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COAS, DG ISI & DGMO Briefing to Parliament

The US won't attack.

Instead, they will increase the frequency of "accidental" and deniable incursions by NATO helicopters into Pakistani airspace to inflame public opinion and keep the Pakistan army under constant public pressure.
I know some people will think its only North Waziristan, its no where near my home in Pakistan, but each and every inch of Pak Sarzameen is equally important for Pakistan. Theres so much value in our western provinces especially FATA. We can not have any country's army invading that precious land.
India will put pressure on eastern border. This will tie most of pak army.
Pakistani army posts on the NW will be target practice for US Helicaptor gunship.

Kayani may announce operation in NW or pasha may rush to pentagon for discussion.

what would be the point? once one bit of strategic depth goes, another one is created. if the americans leave what would be the point of destabilizing pakistan also?
what would be the point? once one bit of strategic depth goes, another one is created. if the americans leave what would be the point of destabilizing pakistan also?

Why not now and only after 2yrs. Because there are some objective and USA hoping to get in 2 yrs. If the pakistan is the hurdle in achieving them, they will take out.

If USA threatens to attack pakistan and India puts pressure on eastern border. pak army will capitulate and agrees to NW operation. or we may hear news like mulla omar arrested in pakistan and in army custody.
Why not now and only after 2yrs. Because there are some objective and USA hoping to get in 2 yrs. If the pakistan is the hurdle in achieving them, they will take out.

If USA threatens to attack pakistan and India puts pressure on eastern border. pak army will capitulate and agrees to NW operation. or we may hear news like mulla omar arrested in pakistan and in army custody.

by that reason, the us should have invaded pakistan a year, 2 years, three years ago, if pakistan was the hurdle.perhaps it's not the hurdle, the us may know it?
by that reason, the us should have invaded pakistan a year, 2 years, three years ago, if pakistan was the hurdle.perhaps it's not the hurdle, the us may know it?

As long as pak army is obeying what US wants to do, they will not attack. so far pak army did not show any spine.

Soon you will see operation in NW. with slight indication of attack, pasha took first flight to usa

Pasha meets Petraeus in Washington to discuss Haqqani network – The Express Tribune
As long as pak army is obeying what US wants to do, they will not attack. so far pak army did not show any spine.

Soon you will see operation in NW. with slight indication of attack, pasha took first flight to usa

Pasha meets Petraeus in Washington to discuss Haqqani network – The Express Tribune

it's possible that pakistan is not the problem and the afghan taliban are an afghan movement. in which case invading waziristan is pointless. i dont see why you think a waziristan invasion is likely. i see it as very unlikely.

The army chief did not rule out the possibility of a US ground offensive in North Waziristan, but told parliamentarians at a briefing on Tuesday that Washington will think ‘many times’ before launching such an attack.

“They [the US] might do it but they will have to think ten times because Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan,” Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was quoted as telling members of parliament’s defence committees at a briefing at the General Headquarters that went on for over three hours.

Acknowledging that the US is pressing Pakistan to launch a military operation in North Waziristan, Kayani said that the ongoing build-up of Afghan and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) troops along the Pak-Afghan border is a tactic to intensify that pressure.

“We have made it clear to the US that we will decide the timing of any such action according to our situation and capabilities. We have also told them that the problem lies within Afghanistan. If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,” a parliamentarian, requesting anonymity, quoted Kayani as saying.

General Kayani’s statement came hours after senior Afghan defence officials said the country’s security forces and their Nato allies have launched a new push against the Haqqani network.

Leaving no ambiguity over reasons for the operation, an Afghan defence ministry official told AFP on condition of anonymity that the action was tied to recent spats between Washington and Islamabad. While he declined to specify the operation’s scope, another senior official from the ministry said it was “largely against the Haqqani network”.

According to Afghan Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, the operation has been codenamed “Knife Edge” and was launched two days ago. “This operation is launched along the border because the enemy lately operates along the border on both sides. Sometimes on this side and sometimes on the other side,” Afghan Chief of Army Staff Sher Mohammad Karimi said.

General Kayani said that Pakistan had handed over its position on Afghanistan to the Obama administration in writing in 2010 and had asked the Americans to elaborate on their position but they had not done so. “We have long-term interests in Afghanistan, others might have short … For short-term gains, we cannot lose [sight of] our long-term interests,” the army chief said.

But responding to a question on Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan, Kayani sought to dispel the perception that Pakistan was seeking so-called strategic depth in Afghanistan.

“We cannot leave both our eastern and western borders insecure,” Kayani asserted. “It is wishful thinking to achieve strategic depth in Afghanistan. The Russians tried, the Brits tried, the Americans are trying. We don’t have a magic wand,” a participant quoted Kayani’s response.

However, Kayani did not deny that Pakistani secret agencies maintained contacts with ‘certain elements’ within the hierarchy of Afghan insurgent groups. “That is where we get our information, the intelligence, from,” he yielded. “The important thing is how we use the information gathered from these elements. You can do it positively and negatively.”

‘No need for US aid’

In a press release issued by the military after a recent corps commanders’ meeting, Kayani is said to have stressed that the Pakistan Army does not need US aid and that he had told American officials that he means what he said.

“We got only 25% of the aid from the Kerry-Lugar Act. Pakistan Army has no objection if the US converts its military aid into civilian assistance,” he said. Stressing on civilian responsibility for peace, he said that the military can only secure areas where it conducts operations, but civilians need to take control and maintain law and order.

North Waziristan:

A real eye opener.

COAS admits that North Waziristan is a safe-heaven for terror organisations, but he is happily ready to let them endure.

COAS admits that the army and ISI have connections to terror organisations, but excuse it as collecting information.

COAS reaffirm Pakistan's "long-term interests" in Afghanistan (e.g. reinstating the friendly Taliban regime in Kabul) against the "short-terms interests" of the US and NATO. And we all know that the long-term interests are more important and are about to ruin everything the US and the West struggled for in Afghanistan since 9/11.

IF this the US "ally" in the War on Terror, then who is exactly a US enemy?

And another interesting fact - the briefing of the standing committee is taken place in GHQ, not in Parliament. Just to let everyone knows who has the real power: the armed forces, not the representatives of the people.
How many times he said this? More than thousand times. :hitwall:

Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani also said Pakistan alone will decide if and when to launch a full-scale offensive in the North Waziristan region to attack Islamist militants.

10 times think? what about 11th times?

Drones is now moving freely toward North Wazirisitan permitted by Kiyani. Creating more enemies for Pakistan internal matters, where is action of Kiyani ?? or joking himself ?

He has failed to protect Pakistan and saved many innocent people dying so far. He shouldn't use this baseless stupid comments.

He didn't learned anything from OBL raid and Mehran Attack.
The army chief did not rule out the possibility of a US ground offensive in North Waziristan, but told parliamentarians at a briefing on Tuesday that Washington will think ‘many times’ before launching such an attack.

US attack in N. Waziristan unlikely
Defusing tension: US rules out ground action in Waziristan

Which one to believe :lazy:
"We have made it clear to the US that we will decide the timing of any such action according to our situation and capabilities. We have also told them that the problem lies within Afghanistan. If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,”

Couple of things we can derive from this statement

a. Pak knows the Haqquini network safe havens are in NW and that they are attacking US and Afghans (AF being a sovereign country)

b. Nothing, in terms of military logistics is holding back Pak's military from taking on NW

What I find troublesome here is that The General is basically saying that if some guarantee is in place of a utopia of sorts in another country! That and only that criteria being met- he will take “immediate action" on terrorists within his country..

Here is an example of the flawed logic. (Hypothetical example):
Say Pakistan complains that Bloch terrorists have a safe haven inside Gujarat. And say that is a fact, just like we / world knows that Haqquini is in NW attacking Americans/ Afghans in AF. Would it be okay for India to say “well if you guarantee us no more terror attacks within and from Pakistan, we will take immediate action on terrorist’s safe havens in Gujarat attacking Pakistan weekly??”

You see the troublesome logic in this case? Why does that matter Mr. Kayani? What happens inside AF should not be the basis of eliminating terrorist’s safe havens in your own country
Stick to the topic everyone - this thread is not about India, so don't drag it in.

If you feel like discussing Indian influence in Afghanistan going forward, and its impact on Pakistan, there are separate threads for that in Strategic Affairs section
That sounds like my kind of meal! Go for it!

well here is a classic example, there are many but this one is most animated and direct and leaves no room for a doubt.

(talk revolves around the army operation against BLA that resulted in the death of Nawab Akbar Bughti)

News anchor : we have Gen. Musharraf’s spokesman Gen Rashid Quershi on the phone,

News Anchor: Gen, we have this new controversy that’s being stirred up by political parties that the killing of Akber Bughti was unlawful & Gen Musharaf is responsible for that do you agree?

Gen Rashid: lies and nonsense, it wasn’t a political murder, the Muslim league Q government at that time was engaged in dialog with Akber Bughti but his men started attacking civilian and military personal, destroying infrastructure, gas and electric pylons. The provincial government requested the help of the army which started its operation and when he was cornered, he was given the choice to surrender and come out of the cave he was hiding..

Anchor: … (interrupts) so you think Gen Musharraf is not responsible? (for Akber’s murder)

Gen Rashid: no. not at all
Anchor (to Nawaz league member of parliament) Khawaja Asif, you were listening to what the general said whatdo you have to say about it?

Khawaja Asif: At general is a fake & I don’t think he was really a general when he retired” I am shocked that why he has used inappropriate language by calling the politicians claim about Akber’s death as a lie. That General is a fraud , he is a fake that |general is a fake, why he has insulted the politicians by calling their statements a lie (Gen Asif tries to interrupt) , that fake general, fraud general desecrated the constitution my raiding the PM house (during the coup on Nawaz) so how he can say we are telling a lie. Army commits a crime by staging a coup and dislodging a democratically elected government, what does this army think of itself? Fake general, fraud general, fake, fraud, (Anchor tells Gen Asif to let Khawaja continue…) doesn’t he have manners to address the politicians? Why the army doesn’t realise that it is committing a crime against the state by raiding the PM house and suspending the constitution. The generals that jump the fence of the PM house and drag the PM off have no right to murder a Patriotic Pakistani like Akber Bughti… (Gen Asif speaking in the back ground).. so they kill him after giving him the warning, these all generals are criminals & they are the lackeys of Gen Mussharaf & have committed a crime against the nation .

(.Ancor tells Khawaja to stop and let Gen Asif respond).. Khawaja continues talking about previous coups and martial laws and formation of Bangladesh. And questions how the general can call us a lier when they are actually responsible for all the crimes against the state)..

Gen Rashid: what kind of politics is that when they (politicians) are told the truth they cant handle it.. .. (khawaja interrupts).

Khawaja: you are a fake general and a fraud we all know how you became a general, you are a fraud...

Gen Rashid : shut up and listen…

Khawaja : what is your qualification, tell us your qualifications, you are afake you are a fraud.

(Gen Rashid compares Khawaja Asif with a female private part and hangs up)
(khawaja Asif gives out a triumphant sound and the video ends)

no more translation requests please I offered to do one and I've done it. I will let other people take a lead now.

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