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COAS demands US target TTP, Fazlullah in Afghanistan


May 19, 2016
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RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif has urged the US to target the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its chief Mullah Fazlullah in Afghanistan, from where he is known to operate and launch attacks against Pakistani forces with impunity.

The Pakistani army chief said this in a meeting with US General John Nicholson, the top commander of the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, and US Ambassador Richard Olson, who called on General Raheel Sharif at the General Headquarters (GHQ) here today.

According to an ISPR press release, the regional security situation came under discussion during the meeting, "with particular reference to border management and peace and stability in Afghanistan in the post-21 May US drone strike environment".

General Raheel Sharif was referring to the US drone attack near Noushki area of Balochistan last month which killed former Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour.

"Expressing his serious concern on the US drone strike as a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty, the army chief highlighted as to how it had impacted the mutual trust and respect [between the US and Pakistan] and was counter-productive in consolidating the gains of Operation Zarb-e-Azb," said the ISPR statement.

"All efforts for durable peace in the region have to be synergized with shared commitment and responsibility in order to make them successful,” the army chief was quoted as saying.

Gen Raheel Sharif said that, "while Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched against terrorists of all hues and sanctuaries of terrorists have been dismantled without discrimination, all stakeholders need to understand Pakistan’s challenges with regard to porous border, inter-tribal linkages and decades-old presence of over 3 million refugees.

"Blaming Pakistan for instability in Afghanistan is unfortunate," he told the US officials.

Raising the demand to target TTP and Mullah Fazlullah in their bases in Afghanistan, the Army chief reiterated Pakistan’s resolve "not to allow hostile intelligence agencies' efforts, especially RAW and NDS, of fomenting terrorism".

The army chief further reaffirmed the need to continue harmonized efforts against terrorists and effective border management as ways to regional peace and stability.

"Pakistan is committed to work for a long term peace process for Afghanistan under the QCG framework," he said.

United states does not have any option now other than killing TTP militants now. United states cannot afford to lose an ally like Pakistan because of its strategic location and a regional power of South Asia.one more factor is economy which is improving after WOT and after CPEC Americans know they can make hell lot of money from Pakistan by selling defence equipments.
Sometimes the best avenue to move forward is a TIMEOUT


1. Closure of US embassy in Pakistan

2. 4-5 Years , in reduced contact with USA in order to rebuild the value of Pakistani Confidence. 95-98% Reduction in Terrorism proven figures looking at neighboring countries

3. Pre Emptive Attack on Militant in Afghanistan (All Option Open). STERN WARNING to Afghanistan any militant caught from their border will mean a heavy response

4. Focus on N A T I O N A L AGENDA

5. Clean up of Political Parties & Personnel involved in corruption charges

And in due time may be 6-7 Years , perhaps we can get back to a situation where the embassy can be reopened, once it is established , US head of state has to visit Pakistan in order to have such diplomatic ties

There is no point on having a Embassy when USA head of state has not visited Pakistan in 5-10 years and he keeps sending , #93 in command chain or #276 in command chain

Diplomatic ties should only be maintained with Nations whose HEAD of state visits your nation in last 1-2 year period

Either Respect , other nation's borders and their culture or don't bother sending #93 or #276 in command
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Good :tup: but why our PM didn't said this? and pls keep politics out of it i am just asking a question.
United states does not have any option now other than killing TTP militants now. United states cannot afford to lose an ally like Pakistan because of its strategic location and a regional power of South Asia.one more factor is economy which is improving after WOT and after CPEC Americans know they can make hell lot of money from Pakistan by selling defence equipments.
Is this comment is really coming from an indian? or it's just a sarcastic post?:blink:
its a waste of time meeting these yanks they will NEVER target these TTP scum in that country. WE need to target them and eliminate them, acquire CH-5 drones and target the mofos.
Good :tup: but why our PM didn't said this? and pls keep politics out of it i am just asking a question.

Who?...the Panama leakian fraud babboon who after getting free from the "hospital" is off to KSA to perform "ummra"? :omghaha:
Sometimes the best avenue to move forward is a TIMEOUT


1. Closure of US embassy in Pakistan

2. 4-5 Years , in reduced contact with USA in order to rebuild the value of Pakistani Confidence. 95-98% Reduction in Terrorism proven figures looking at neighboring countries

3. Pre Emptive Attack on Militant in Afghanistan (All Option Open)

4. Focus on N A T I O N A L AGENDA

5. Clean up of Political Parties & Personnel involved in corruption charges

And in due time may be 6-7 Years , perhaps we can get back to a situation where the embassy can be reopened, once it is established , US head of state has to visit Pakistan in order to have such diplomatic ties

There is no point on having a Embassy when USA head of state has not visited Pakistan in 5-10 years and he keeps sending , #93 in command chain or #276 in command chain

Diplomatic ties should only be maintained with Nations whose HEAD of state visits your nation in last 1-2 year period
Why will you acquire CH-5 when you already have Burraq ? Burraq can do the job for you.
Burraq is not a MALE UAV.
Cannot perform strike mission into deep hostile territory ....... Plus, it's navigation and tracking capabilities along with armaments are also limited......
US stance is just a soap opera

  • Military command has different opinion
  • Senate churns a different tune 500 people vote in favor of Pakistan then 1 guy goes against an issue and all effort we did is lost , this is stupid
  • News papers state different stories, lives lost in Pakistan are never reported in US news paper and that is an ISSUE a big issue
If Pakistan's effort is not seen EQUALLY on all 3 Fronts in USA then effort is wasted on our part !!!

We have lost 100-120 Billion , since last 10 years , and perhaps Trillion worth of revenue since 70's

The fact their 3 Agencies / institutes are clueless or are intentionally ignoring the Sovereign right of Pakistan perhaps indicates a scenario where perhaps we need to step back

Until there is sincerity in their 3 institutes becasue we will put in 1000% effort for global peace but their institutes will remain out of sync and it will just be a colossal waste of effort.

The best approach for Pakistan is Pull OUT
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