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CNN Journalist ‘Governments Pay Us To Fake Stories’, Shocking Exposé

The obvious example is that when Chinese people first visit US, they think the country is just like what they thought about it. but when Americans first visit China, most of them are totally shocked, eye popping and jaw dropping, that's nothing like what US media tells them about China on a daily basis at all.
When I first visited China in 2013, I was pleasantly shocked by the progress China has made. It was way much better than I had expected. My view and opinion changed after that. Prior to my visit, the info I got was from the local Australian and western media. It is also because my main language is English, so I am only able to access English language sites.

Since my visit in 2013, I have become more skeptical about I read in the western media.

Since then, I have made 2 more visits to China and also Taiwan. The other thing that surprises me is that some of China's rural areas are quite well developed and managed. Credit should go to the local authorities.

Also, China's HSR and metro are fantastic. I am a fan.
When I first visited China in 2013, I was pleasantly shocked by the progress China has made. It was way much better than I had expected. My view and opinion changed after that. Prior to my visit, the info I got was from the local Australian and western media. It is also because my main language is English, so I am only able to access English language sites.

Since my visit in 2013, I have become more skeptical about I read in the western media.

Since then, I have made 2 more visits to China and also Taiwan. The other thing that surprises me is that some of China's rural areas are quite well developed and managed. Credit should go to the local authorities.

Also, China's HSR and metro are fantastic. I am a fan.

Any personal experiences on HSR?
Although a bit old, but look how dumb the think their audience are. People who buy this fake are certainly the same idiots who would come to defend the "free American press". :lol:

Americans’ trust in media hits record low: Gallup survey

“Americans’… confidence in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32 percent saying they have a great deal… of trust in the media”, Gallup stated on Wednesday.According to Gallup’s data, only 26 percent of A18-49 voters and 38 percent of A50 voters trust mass media outlets. Similarly, a poll from June revealed that Americans’ confidence in newspapers and television news as “trustworthy or reliable USA institutions” experienced a steep decline over the past decade. This is “the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years”, a Gallup spokesman said.Gallup’s research on the subject of trust in media began in 1972. Only 32 percent of Americans place a great deal to a fair amount of trust in the media, marking a sharp eight percentage point decline since only a year ago, when at least four in ten Americans said that they believed in the media to report on all sides of a story. Beverage industry, others sue to block Philadelphia soda tax
The city has retained private counsel, including former City Solicitor Ken Trujillo, to assist in with the legal defense. Kenney, in a statement on Wednesday, said the tax was levied on beverage distributors, not directly on consumers. Democrats’ and independents’ trust in the media, too, has dropped, but not as significantly.On the opposite side, 51 percent of Democrats told Gallup they believe the press is fair, down slightly from 55 percent the last time the polling firm asked the question.Trust in the media reached an all-time high in 1976 as American journalists developed an adversarial relationship with the government and politicians, producing seminal work and investigating scandals like Watergate – which brought down Republican President Richard Nixon – as well as producing compelling stories about the Vietnam War, Gallup said.It is also possible that Republicans think less of the media as a result of Trump’s sharp criticisms of the press, Gallup says. Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14% from 32% a year ago. But confidence has been below 50 percent since 2007. Clinton aide defies Congress subpoena and won’t testify on her private server
Pagliano refused to answer questions previous year before a House panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. All of the content on the old mobile devices was first backed up and transferred to the new devices, Cooper told the committee. “Now, only about a third of the US has any trust in the Fourth Estate, a stunning development for an institution created to inform the public”, it said. The pollsters also speculated that, with the “prevalence of blogs, vlogs and social media, perhaps Americans decry lower standards for journalism”, a complaint that’s become a familiar refrain in recent years.The Gallup results validate findings of the Breitbart/Gravis pollconducted September 7 and September 8, wherein 52 percent of respondents said the media treats GOP nominee for president Donald J. Trump negatively compared to how other politicians are treated and 44 percent said the media treats Democratic nominee Hillary R. Clinton positively compared to others.The survey’s margin of error is plus or minus four percentage points. South Sudan challenges US watchdog’s report on corruption
But Machar fled again this year to an undisclosed location when fighting broke out between his forces and Kiir’s in July. Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Congo and Central African Republic also have received tens of thousands of people fleeing.

If people from "commie authoritarian regime" are buying up our properties that are out of our reach, taking up slots in our top private schools that we can not afford, and building up infrastructures in their own country that we can only dream of, in retrospect, Americans are going to ask what our media has been feeding us all this time.

After all, what the heck "democracy and freedom" is for, if the average income remains unchanged for 20 years?

Although a bit old, but look how dumb the think their audience are. People who buy this fake are certainly the same idiots who would come to defend the "free American press". :lol:

Over 50% of Americans believe the background us real and the "reporter" actually over there
It's a brain tradding business. Easy, ppl.

CNN Journalist ‘Governments Pay Us To Fake Stories’, Shocking Exposé

According to Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, CNN is routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report on certain events. Furthermore, the Obama administration pay CNN for editorial control over some of their content.

Redflagnews.com report:

Back in March 2011, CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring. Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage. As Glenn Greenwald of the UK's Guardian writes in his blockbuster article from September 4th 2012:

“In the segment, Lyon interviewed activists as they explicitly described their torture at the hands of government forces, while family members recounted their relatives' abrupt disappearances. She spoke with government officials justifying the imprisonment of activists. And the segment featured harrowing video footage of regime forces shooting unarmed demonstrators, along with the mass arrests of peaceful protesters. In sum, the early 2011 CNN segment on Bahrain presented one of the starkest reports to date of the brutal repression embraced by the US-backed regime.

Despite these accolades, and despite the dangers their own journalists and their sources endured to produce it, CNN International (CNNi) never broadcast the documentary. Even in the face of numerous inquiries and complaints from their own employees inside CNN, it continued to refuse to broadcast the program or even provide any explanation for the decision. To date, this documentary has never aired on CNNi.

Having just returned from Bahrain, Lyon says she ”saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn't believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.“

Here is a segment of the Bahrain report that Amber Lyon and her team put together. CNNi refused to allow it to air because the Bahrain Government had paid them not to show it.

When Amber Lyon recognized the extent of the reasoning, she challenged CNN. CNN told her to be quiet, and began to view her as a risk. She knew, and found out, too much.

Amber is now trying to tell the story, the real story, of what is going on behind the closed doors of US Media entities. Amber has created her own website, and additionally as noted in the Guardian Article she is trying to share the truth of the deceptions.

What Amber Lyon describes is exactly the reason why CNN never aired the Nick Robertson interview with Muhammed Al Zawahiri in Egypt.

Amber recently did a web interview with Alex Jones on InfoWars. Generally the TreeHouse does not appreciate Alex Jones. He is wound up tighter than piano wire, and unfortunately much of his truth is diminished because of the hype he places upon it.

Alex Jones is easy to disregard as a ”conspiracy theorist“, not because of what he says, but because of how he says it. Everything is desperate and dangerous with him.

That said, the words and explanations of Ms. Lyon in the discussion/interview are poignant and vastly informative. So I share the video with you so you can hear from Amber herself exactly what is being described and articulated.

It is critical to listen to what she says, not just about Bahrain but also about what the Obama administration is specifically doing.

i will respond in a few hours to this. but having read just the headline, it's "old news" to me to be honest.
Nothing new. Mainstream media is a sellout.
There is a reason why AP poll found just 6% of people trusting the MSM.
Let them live in their own bubble and act all arrogant and try to shove their agenda into people. Only low IQ people take them seriously. Their ratings are plundering year on year.
Shocking to those who do not know how Western Media works.

Does anyone still has any doubt about state owned BBC and so many "privately" owned media enterprises such as CNN, WP, NYT, Fox etc etc.?
Shocking to those who do not know how Western Media works.

Does anyone still has any doubt about state owned BBC and so many "privately" owned media enterprises such as CNN, WP, NYT, Fox etc etc.?
Private yes, but they all share the same agenda.
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