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CM-400AKG: A tough job for the Indian Navy

Nope don't run away because CM-400AKG is supposed to be used from jf-17,so its perfectly viable topic.How are u going to get close to a carrier at far out at sea without a launching platform?
There is nothing to correct all data i gave are correct,u can't accept that jf-17 is no match for mig-29k.

You know tht the range of CM-400 is more than 240kms right? and JF-17s backed by AWACs and BVR are capable of doing it... its not really a rocket science... as for mig-29.... even the mig CEO called JF a competitor of mig-29 and extremely close ... and tht was in 2007 or something?
You know tht the range of CM-400 is more than 240kms right? and JF-17s backed by AWACs and BVR are capable of doing it... its not really a rocket science... as for mig-29.... even the mig CEO called JF a competitor of mig-29 and extremely close ... and tht was in 2007 or something?

Big difference between mig-29 and mig-29k which first flew in 2008.Just compare the stats and ull see for urself.Correct me if i'm wrong.Jf-17s primary advantage is cheapness.
With its current block -1 version its no match for mig-29k.
It needs better radar,far better engine,new high off boresight WVR missile,IRST tracker and use of advanced composites in construction material to compete.
But it should able to fire the missile.

The CM400 AKG has confirmed deployment on the JFT . Just because you do not know about it or aren't willing to believe that the aircraft in question has evolved rapidly integrating more weapons , doesn't change anything . :azn:

The CM-400AKG is now part of the operational weapon set of the PAF's JF-17 Thunder multirole fighter. "This is a mature weapon which has been fully tested . It is not conceptual. It is in service," Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, PAF JF-17 Deputy Project Director stated. "The CM-400AKG is a very high-speed missile that is very difficult to intercept. It hits the target at Mach 4 or above and its kinetic impact alone is enough to destroy any high-value target, like an aircraft carrier."

I think I will take the word of the people who actually manage the project anyday over those of people on a forum denying its existence , its operational status , the ability of the said aircraft to field or fire it or declaring it a " ghost missile " :D .
Can any of the Pakistanis post a vidio of JF-17 carrying a Cm 400
Or even a test launch of CM 400

Nahi heh Kya chalo jab hogi tab baat karna
The CM400 AKG has confirmed deployment on the JFT . Just because you do not know about it or aren't willing to believe that the aircraft in question has evolved rapidly integrating more weapons , doesn't change anything . :azn:

The CM-400AKG is now part of the operational weapon set of the PAF's JF-17 Thunder multirole fighter. "This is a mature weapon which has been fully tested . It is not conceptual. It is in service," Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, PAF JF-17 Deputy Project Director stated. "The CM-400AKG is a very high-speed missile that is very difficult to intercept. It hits the target at Mach 4 or above and its kinetic impact alone is enough to destroy any high-value target, like an aircraft carrier."

I think I will take the word of the people who actually manage the project anyday over those of people on a forum denying its existence , its operational status , the ability of the said aircraft to field or fire it or declaring it a " ghost missile " :D .

Real question is will it ever be able to get close enough to actually launch a large number of those.Answer is in all probability no.
Even forgetting IN layered defense.How will jf-17 beat MIg-29K ?PN needs j-11b Type aircraft for naval aviation to seriously challenge mig-29k.
so now after when pakistanies dont have any thing to answer by facts about there devine JF17 and its ultimate wepon the super duper, mighty, unstopable CM-400AKG and how it will sink Indian CGB after avading Indian ground based & airiel radars , MIG 29Ks , Multi layered SAMS ...they are now asking webbiies help to close the thread good ...so it means pakistanies have given up :yahoo::nana::victory:

Yea sure because if you bring all brigade of trollers from INDIA and with facts from Wikipedia.
Can any of the Pakistanis post a vidio of JF-17 carrying a Cm 400
Or even a test launch of CM 400

Nahi heh Kya chalo jab hogi tab baat karna

hm toh baat karte rahengey, agar tmhe nahi sunna toh apne kaanon me **** rakh lo
Real question is will it ever be able to get close enough to actually launch a large number of those.Answer is in all probability no.

There was no real question in my post in the first place . I just wanted a ' reality check ' for people who had some serious doubts on the existence , capability and the status of the missile .

I will make it simple for you , forget the ' carrier sinking part ' here for a moment which has a huge psychological effect on the enemy , you do not have a Battle Group ready as we speak , the new aircraft carrier hasn't been delivered and the old one is just good for training . Our naval doctrine is very simple and known as AA/AD ( Anti Access / Area Denial ) , we aren't going to let any navy enforce a blockade on our Sea Lines of Communication ( SLOC ) and the defensive gear we have bought in accordance with that , is more than capable of ensuring that . Enforcing a blockade despite what some may believe is a really tough job . The CM400 AKG is another potent weapon in the Pakistani arsenal for the strategy of sea denial . Low cost so to be procured in large numbers and highly effective against threats . What if a naval ship and not the carrier itself ? You want to enforce an effective blockade , logic dictates that you have to come close and in this case , that distance is relatively just too low .

Why exactly are some members forgetting that ' aircraft's radar range ' is just one factor , it can be increased by other force multipliers besides the missile itself has its own guidance/radar hence the ' fire and forget ' part ? This whole probability calculation of yours is based on one fallacy - that the aircraft carrier can stay far enough and yet do the trick . How close enough are you talking about when we are just too close to each other ? Besides that , where is that JFT cant beat the Mig29K's coming from ? Forget the J11B , its just in another league if I am to discount your underestimation of the Chinese weapons and their capabilities , the continued evolution and the point they are in the learning curve .

The CM-400AKG missile is a fire and forget weapon with range of 180 to 250 kilometers. It is available with different seeker options depending upon the mission profile. Chinese side seems to be offering an active radar seeker and an imaging infrared seeker capable of target-recognition (TR).CM-400AKG can be pre-programmed to destroy the ground targets with percision by uploading the digital imagery of the target or it can be retargeted using its active radar seeker.
Only one thing,with huge combat radius of mig-29k,carrier really doesn't need to come too close to enforce blockade.

Only one more thing , you underestimate the ' airforce ' on the other side of the border . A naval blockade is not enforced by getting a dozen fighters in the air , you need to research again the whole thing .
Only one more thing , you underestimate the ' airforce ' on the other side of the border . A naval blockade is not enforced by getting a dozen fighters in the air , you need to research again the whole thing .

Completely agreed. But can you please inform a few compatriots of yours that the missile in question is not hypersonic..unless its an aircraft launched DTBM..or worse a BM itself. Conventionally shaped objects cannot sustain a hypersonic cruise within atmosphere..the very reason why countries like the US are spending millions if not billions in mastering the shaping regime for hypersonic CMs. Itna toh kar de yaar ek yaar ke liye...at least let them have their facts right..then people from both sides can continue dick measuring.

The CM-400AKG missile is a fire and forget weapon with range of 180 to 250 kilometers. It is available with different seeker options depending upon the mission profile. Chinese side seems to be offering an active radar seeker and an imaging infrared seeker capable of target-recognition (TR).CM-400AKG can be pre-programmed to destroy the ground targets with percision by uploading the digital imagery of the target or it can be retargeted using its active radar seeker.

not really. What you are talking off is range. seeker acquisition will be much lower. Now, I am not going to debate on effectiveness and whether the ac will get knocked off.

If an aircraft launches the missile, it needs to guide the missile till its own seeker kicks in. And this is definitely not 180/250 kms. Feel free to correct my assumption. Your assumption of imaging also works on terra not in aqua environments. simple things like wave height, tidal variations are not predictable.
There was no real question in my post in the first place . I just wanted a ' reality check ' for people who had some serious doubts on the existence , capability and the status of the missile .

I will make it simple for you , forget the ' carrier sinking part ' here which comes has a huge psychological effect for the enemy , you do not have a Battle Group ready as we speak , the new aircraft carrier hasn't been delivered and the old one is just good for training . Our naval doctrine is very simple and known as AA/AD ( Anti Access / Area Denial ) , we aren't going to let any navy enforce a blockade on our Sea Lines of Communication ( SLOC ) and the defensive gear we have bought in accordance with that , is more than capable of ensuring that . Enforcing a blockade despite what some may believe is a really tough job . The CM400 AKG is another potent weapon in the Pakistani arsenal for the strategy of sea denial . Low cost so to be procured in large numbers and highly effective against threats . What if a naval ship and not the carrier itself ? You want to enforce an effective blockade , logic dictates that you have to come close and in this case , that distance is relatively just too low .

Why exactly are some members forgetting that ' aircraft's radar range ' is just one factor , it can be increased by other force multipliers besides the missile itself has its own guidance/radar hence the ' fire and forget ' part ? This whole probability calculation of yours is based on one fallacy - that the aircraft carrier can stay far enough and yet do the trick . How close enough are you talking about when we are just too close to each other ? Besides that , where is that JFT cant beat the Mig29K's coming from ? Forget the J11B , its just in another league if I am to discount your underestimation of the Chinese weapons and their capabilities , the continued evolution and the point they are in the learning curve .

The CM-400AKG missile is a fire and forget weapon with range of 180 to 250 kilometers. It is available with different seeker options depending upon the mission profile. Chinese side seems to be offering an active radar seeker and an imaging infrared seeker capable of target-recognition (TR).CM-400AKG can be pre-programmed to destroy the ground targets with percision by uploading the digital imagery of the target or it can be retargeted using its active radar seeker.

End of Discussion Only Foolish people will continue discussion After such an Effective answer .. well said :closed:
End of Discussion Only Foolish people will continue discussion After such an Effective answer .. well said :closed:

lol pakistanis cleared no facts...gave no links and want to close discussion! at-least provide some info on the type of propulsion which enables it to achieve hyper-sonic speeds in terminal phase, type of highly sophisticated material developed which can sustain such high temperatures and type of warhead and guidance system? ;)
lol pakistanis cleared no facts...gave no links and want to close discussion! at-least provide some info on the type of propulsion which enables it to achieve hyper-sonic speeds in terminal phase, type of highly sophisticated material developed which can sustain such high temperatures and type of warhead and guidance system? ;)
As I said Foolish people !
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