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Close combat is so last century. China will use drones, PGMs, high-end tech against India: Gen Panag


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
In the last three decades, there has been a quantum jump in military technology in fields of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, air-delivered Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) and weapon platforms. Military technology is dependent on extensive use of computers, electronics and satellites. Hence, in addition to the traditional domains of warfare — land, sea and air — three more domains — cyber, electronic and space — have been added.

Since Gulf War I in 1990, the PLA has adopted and adapted to this Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). The PLA also adopted comprehensive tri-services integration in the form of theatre commands controlled by a joint headquarters in Beijing in February 2016. Today, it is a close second to the US in exploitation of high-end military technology in all six domains.

The PLA will neutralise the ‘predominance of the defence’ in high altitude terrain by not getting involved in “close infantry combat” over unfavourable terrain. If at all it chooses to use force, its pattern of attack will be driven by high-end technology with overwhelming use of PGMs, cyber and electronic warfare. The much romanticised ‘blood and guts’ close combat is a relic of the last century.

The high altitude terrain is devoid of any vegetation. Satellites, drones, and cyber/electronic surveillance/reconnaissance will accurately plot the details of the defences, headquarters, weapon systems and logistic and communications infrastructure across the entire depth of the defence zone. Depending on the military aim and level of operations, a PGM-based air and missile campaign may precede the ground attack along with cyber and electronic counter measures to neutralise the command and control systems of formations/units and weapon systems. Alternatively, the scale of the operations may be restricted in terms of space. The area to be captured will be subjected to a similar attack of much higher intensity. Weather and climate have little or no effect on such an attack. Hence, the same can be undertaken even during the winters when operations in high altitude get restricted.
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The "high altitude terrain" are also mountainous and you can ask the Soviets and Americans about that in Afghanistan. It just helps build more tunnels and offers better protection from missiles.

And in the 1990 Gulf War, the US rather used accurate strikes against chosen Iraqi military infrastructure to cause a complete breakdown in ranks.
The "high altitude terrain" are also mountainous and you can ask the Soviets and Americans about that in Afghanistan. It just helps build more tunnels and offers better protection from missiles.

And in the 1990 Gulf War, the US rather used accurate strikes against chosen Iraqi military infrastructure to cause a complete breakdown in ranks.

That is true for a non conventional conflict.
Neither the indian nor the Chinese are going to dig tunnels.
These are standard forces, which have to stand their ground and achieve objectives.
Someone remind General Panag, that 1 months ago china ditched Drones and simply use spears to kill 20 Indian soldiers. Anything is possible.
Why is Lieutenant General Panag the only competent high ranking officer in the entire Indian Military establishment?
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