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Clinical human trials begin for COVID-19 vaccine in China

Global Times @globaltimesnews
China state-affiliated media

Chinese vaccine producer #Sinopharm signed a COVID19 inactivated vaccine cooperation agreement with #Morocco on Thursday, a new partnership after its phase-3 clinical trials cooperation with #UAE and #Peru.

9:23 PM · Aug 20, 2020
@easyworldnews @EasyWorldNews

Re: Morocco says Covid-19 vaccine will be free to all citizens: Morocco's King Mohammed VI ordered that all Moroccans should receive a coronavirus vaccine for free, the Royal palace said on Tuesday. Morocco plans to roll out China's Sinopharm vaccine in…
Chinese COVID-19 vaccine registered in UAE with 86% efficacy, no serious safety concerns
By Hu Yuwei Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/9 16:53:53

A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei)

Chinese-developed inactivated COVID-19 vaccine has 86 percent efficacy against the virus, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) health ministry said on Wednesday, based on their interim analysis of phase three clinical trials.

"It is a significant and very positive indicator of the vaccine's effectiveness," a source close to the vaccine producer Sinopharm told the Global Times on Wednesday. "The UAE government adopts internationally recognized criteria for clinical trials, which indicates that our data are recognized by a third party."

The UAE's Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has announced the official registration of inactivated COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed by the Sinopharm in a remarkable step to combat the deadly virus.

The Sinopharm has submitted the experimental data and results of late-stage trials to both Chinese and UAE regulators around the same time, and the Chinese regulator is still in the process of assessing the results, according to the source.

UAE regulator's analysis also shows the vaccine to have 99 percent seroconversion rate of neutralizing antibody and 100 percent effectiveness in preventing moderate and severe cases of the disease. Furthermore, the analysis shows no serious safety concerns, the Emirates News Agency reported on Wednesday, saying the announcement is a significant vote of confidence by the UAE's health authority in the safety and efficacy of this vaccine.

US pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna had previously released their mRNA vaccine candidates' protection rates in November through their own channels that were not presented in detail.

Sinopharm's late-stage vaccine trials had the largest number of participants with more than 50,000 volunteers, higher than that of Pfitzer (over 43,000) and Moderna (30,000). However, it is not necessary to compare various vaccine candidates as they are developed using different technologies and have different designs of the experiment and expected number of infections, said the source from the Sinopharm.

The UAE in September granted emergency approval for the use of the vaccine candidate. The vaccine will be available to the frontline medical workers who are at the highest risk of contracting the virus, in order to protect them from any dangers and provide safety precautions, according to the UAE authority.

Phase three clinical trials of the vaccine kicked off in the UAE on July 16, which is the world's first phase three clinical trial program for a COVID-19 candidate vaccine.

It has been administered to 31,000 volunteers representing 125 nationalities since the start of the clinical trials in the UAE. Mild and expected side effects have occurred but no severe side effects have been encountered, according to the authority in September.

Clinical trials of the vaccine tested in the UAE are also being conducted in Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt at the same time, Ashish Koshy, chief executive officer of Sinopharm's UAE trials co-developer Group 42 (G42) Healthcare, told the Global Times in a previous written response.
Government to pay 200 yuan per dose of Chinese COVID-19 inactivated vaccines
Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/16 14:14:30

A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei)

Leading Chinese COVID-19 vaccine producers including Sinopharm and Sinovac will charge the government 200 yuan ($30.57) per dose, as East China’s Jiangsu becomes the latest province to purchase two types of domestically developed inactivated vaccines for emergency use at this wholesale price, according to a public document posted on the official website on Tuesday.

The price is the same as the one several other provinces, such as East China’s Zhejiang Province and Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, previously paid for COVID-19 vaccines.

The latest document shows that two inactivated vaccines negotiated in a government contract are from two leading producers -- Sinopharm and Sinovac, but did not specify the number of doses from each manufacturer.

Southwest China's Sichuan Province has begun coronavirus vaccine emergency use for 12 types of high-risk groups -- about 2 million people -- with inoculation scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, media reported.

It was reported that inactivated COVID-19 vaccines were the main vaccines to be administered in Sichuan. The vaccine costs 200 yuan ($30.62) per dose, the same as the one used in Zhejiang Province launched in October.

In a recent online poll involving around 150 participants on Sina Weibo, more than 80 percent people believed the price is affordable and acceptable.

US pharmaceutical firm Pfizer recently announced its wholesale price negotiated in a government contract at $20 per dose, while Moderna will charge governments between $10 and $50 per dose, media reported.

CanSino, another Chinese frontrunner vaccine producer, has not yet disclosed its vaccine price.
After the coronavirus research race, vaccine producers face new hurdles
  • Production challenges differ widely between the traditional vaccines developed in China and advanced mRNA products
  • Chinese vaccines have advantage in the short-term until supply chain issues for new technology versions are resolved
I just read this interesting article.

China claimed that it has leaped ahead the US in research and technology, why hasn't China introduced the vaccine for the Coronavirus despite an early start?
You should ask your government why good news from China are not reported by any of your news agencies.
China is developing several vaccines, of which five are undergoing large-scale global trials. One of China’s top coronavirus experts, Zhong Nanshan, said China’s Covid vaccine is about 90 percent effective. However, an official announcement will only be made when all trials are finished.
SinoPharm's chairman told media that nearly a million people have now received their vaccine for emergency use. "We have not received a single report of severe adverse reaction, and only a few had some mild symptoms," Liu Jingzhen said in an interview. No other Covid vaccine under development, anywhere in the world, has been tested in as many people, making the SinoPharm test results significant.
Already, numerous countries have ordered vast amounts of these Chinese vaccines after being given the green light by independent third party regulators in every country that has trialed and acquired them.
Countries that have ordered these vaccines so far include Indonesia, the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey, the Philippines and others.
The number of countries to receive donations from Beijing is also likely to be ramped up as China intensifies its multilateral cooperation to fight the COVID-19. China has committed to donate two billion doses of Covid vaccines in 2021. Most of it will go to African countries.
China’s vaccines have an advantage because they don’t need to be frozen (making transportation easy) and they are cheaper than other vaccines.

China has also joined the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility, an effort led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the global Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to make sure that any products are proven to be safe and effective and quickly reach rich and poor countries alike. 172 countries have registered as COVAX members.
The US is not supporting COVAX. I wonder why!

By Ridwan Abdul Rahman @ Quora Dec 7, 2020

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