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Clinical human trials begin for COVID-19 vaccine in China

China-developed COVID-19 vaccine to enter late-stage trial in Uzbekistan
Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-14 17:37:12|Editor: huaxia

TASHKENT, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Uzbek government has recently told media that the country will carry out a phase-3 trial of a China-developed vaccine for COVID-19, which makes the vaccine China's fifth candidate to enter late-stage human tests overseas.

The ministry has announced that 5,000 Uzbek volunteers aged between 18 and 59 will attend the third phase of the pilot process, which will continue for a year.

Developed by China's Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical, the trial vaccine has been transported to Uzbekistan along with several Chinese specialists who will work on the monitoring of participants and training of Uzbek doctors.

Uzbekistan has so far confirmed 69,830 COVID-19 cases and 594 deaths, with 67,092 patients recovered.
One more Chinese COVID-19 vaccine enters late-stage human trials
Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-20 17:01:56|Editor: huaxia

A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei)

HEFEI, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese vaccine maker Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has commenced phase-3 clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine, planning to recruit 29,000 volunteers across the world.

This is China's first phase-3 efficacy study for a recombinant subunit COVID-19 vaccine candidate, the company said in a statement on Thursday.

Jointly developed by the company and the Institute of Microbiology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the vaccine was issued with a clinical research permit from the National Medical Products Administration on June 19.

Researchers started phase-1 and phase-2 clinical trials on June 23, which were randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. Volunteers, aged between 18 and 59 from Beijing, Chongqing and Hunan, received the vaccine to determine whether it is safe for use on humans.

The results of the early-stage trials support the safety and immunogenicity of this vaccine, suggesting the potential for further clinical tests. The Chinese drug regulator granted the developers permission to conduct global multi-center research on Nov. 4.

The company said the research, which plans to enroll up to 29,000 adults aged 18 and up, was launched on Wednesday in Xiangtan County, central China's Hunan Province. Global trials are expected to begin in Uzbekistan late this month, followed by trials in Indonesia, Pakistan and Ecuador.

A COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing plant of the company was put into use in September. The annual production capacity for the COVID-19 vaccine will top 300 million doses, according to the company.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday that China had five COVID-19 vaccine candidates undergoing phase-3 trials in the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Pakistan and Peru.
China likely to approve a COVID-19 vaccine by year end to meet the need of epidemic-stricken countries: experts
By Leng Shumei Source: Global Times Published: 2020/11/25 4:17:48

Health worker and volunteer Fabiana Souza receives a COVID-19 vaccine produced by Chinese company SinoVac Biotech at the Sao Lucas Hospital, in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil on August 8. Photo: AFP

As Brazilian health officials expressed hope for China to hasten approval process for a China developed vaccine and more countries are laying out vaccination plan, some experts said that it is possible for China to approve a vaccine by the end of this year to meet the urgent need of some countries severely hit by the epidemic.

Brazil has gathered enough infection data from a late-stage trial of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac Biotech (SINOVAC) and expects to have interim results on its efficiency in the first week of December based on analysis of the data from an independent committee, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing trial organizers.

João Gabbardo, head of the Sao Paulo's COVID-19 contingency committee, said the same day that he expects China's health regulator to approve SINOVAC's CoronaVac in December, which could hasten approval in Brazil, according to the Reuters report.

SINOVAC confirmed the plan with the Global Times on Tuesday but appears to be more cautious than their Brazilian partners as the company stressed that it is only a preliminary result.

"It not something that could be rushed," Liu Peicheng, a spokesperson from SINOVAC told the Global Times.

According to Liu, the independent committee is constituted of members from international organizations like the World Health Organization and the Performance Assessment Tool for Quality Improvement in Hospitals.

Some Chinese analysts also prefer to stay cautious. They said that they understand Brazil's urgent need for a vaccine given the severe epidemic situation in the country, but they do not think Chinese authorities will hasten approval process at the cost of safety and efficacy.

But some others noted that it is actually hopeful that a vaccine candidate would be approved by Chinese authorities by the end of this year considering the growing need of many foreign countries and China's promise to provide affordable COVID-19 vaccines and drugs for "all people".

According to media reports, Spain will begin a comprehensive coronavirus vaccination program in January and expects to have covered a substantial part of the population within three months.

Russia also announced on Tuesday to kick off massive coronavirus vaccination in 2021.

"Although the epidemic in China is under control, China would very likely hasten vaccine research and development for other countries," Tao Lina, a Shanghai-based expert on vaccine and immunology, told the Global Times.

Foreign countries can decide whether to use China-developed vaccines based on their own situation, but it will enhance their confidence on China-developed vaccines if Chinese authorities approve them first, said Tao.

Tao also said he believed that some Chinese vaccine producers have actually collected enough data that shows positive results.

China's leading vaccine producer Sinopharm previously told the Global Times that it has reported the phase-III clinical data to China's relevant regulators and is improving the data as requested. The vaccine maker, claiming it is in the final stage before marketing, stressed that it is not under pressure to reveal its vaccine data and will do so in a more scientific and controlled way.

Animal trials of COVID-19 nanoparticle vaccines show promising results
Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-27 22:13:30|Editor: huaxia

Photo taken on July 15, 2020 shows researchers of Sun Yat-sen University testing new nanoparticle vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (Provided by Sun Yat-sen University)

GUANGZHOU, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Two new nanoparticle vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can elicit potent neutralizing antibodies and cellular immune responses in animals, sources with the Guangzhou-based Sun Yat-sen University said Friday.

The university researchers formulated two nanoparticle vaccines based on the receptor binding domain and heptad repeat of the SARS-CoV-2. They could induce a high level of antibodies against COVID-19 in mice and rhesus macaques, presenting a promising vaccination approach against the virus.

The results of the animal tests were published this week in the international journal Immunity.

Lead researcher Zhang Hui said the nanoparticle vaccines were generated by conjugating multi antigenic recombinant proteins to 24-mer nanoparticles that tend to generate stronger immune responses compared with the monomers used in conventional vaccines.

The nanoparticle vaccines were potentially safe and did not cause severe side effects such as organ damage in mice. Besides, no antibody-dependent enhancement of infection was detected in the experiment, according to the study.

"We made 161 trial-and-error attempts over three months before the vaccine's effectiveness and safety were validated in animals," Zhang said.

The vaccines are being applied for clinical approval from the National Medical Products Administration.

"Strengthening vaccine research and development is the fundamental solution to eliminate public health threats," Zhang added.

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First Chinese have to produce reliable baby milk powder and trial it on thir citizens.
Then we will think about using Chinese vaccines.
The thought makes me shudder.
This is a country that has not allowed independent WHO scientists into wuhan from the last 10 months.
Chinese vaccines progress steadily as more nations mull mass inoculation
By Hu Yuwei and Zhang Han Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/3 22:08:40 Last Updated: 2020/12/3 22:20:40

Chinese vaccines progress steadily for approval

Photo: VCG

As more countries, including the UK, Japan and Russia, are eager to roll out mass vaccination programs to combat the deadly coronavirus, China stressed a scientific and diversified pathway to mass vaccination that can satisfy global criteria.

Chinese-developed vaccines report steady progress domestically, while also hearing good news from outside partners. Turkey on Thursday announced a vaccination plan with China's inactivated vaccine later this month, with the first shipment of the Chinese vaccines arriving in Turkey after December 11.

China's fifth vaccine entering Phase III trials - recombinant subunit vaccine - has started recruiting 29,000 volunteers worldwide to the trials in China, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ecuador, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on Thursday.

The Global Times learned from the co-developer of the vaccine, Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical, that the multi-centered trial aims to test some indicators designed in the trials at home, while others are best verified overseas. The bridging experiments linking the domestic and overseas ones are valued for the scientific marketing of vaccine.

So far, 14 diverse Chinese vaccines using five different technology methods are in clinical trials, and five vaccines are undergoing Phase III trials.

East China's Jiangsu Province announced on Thursday it would start vaccine procurement from leading producers, including Sinopharm and Sinovac. It became the latest province to secure its doses after Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces.

Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan stressed a scientific and rigorous preparation for the mass production of the vaccine during an inspection tour of vaccine production lines in Beijing on Wednesday, the same day the UK became the first Western country to approve Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine for mass use.

Sun called for data review and approval work to progress in accordance with strict rules and internationally recognized technical standards.

The visit was seen as a prelude for the vaccine coming to the market following a rigorous and scientific path, despite some countries rushing to mass inoculation to handle new outbreaks that may get worse in winter.

Russia and the UK announced on Wednesday they would start mass vaccinations next week. Japan passed a bill to provide free coronavirus vaccines to every single citizen, with secured offers from US pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott also announced on Wednesday that the state will receive over 1.4 million doses of the vaccine. It is part of US efforts to begin vaccinating US citizens as early as mid-December, as the pandemic hit the highest daily death toll on Wednesday in six months.

China International Capital Corporation, one of the country's top investment banks, predicted in a report on Thursday that there is a high probability to hear a Chinese-developed vaccine getting official approval before the yearend.

China is very likely to introduce its first officially approved vaccine for mass use in December. It will either be the inactivated vaccine from Sinovac or state-owned Sinopharm, a Beijing-based immunological professor who asked not to be named told the Global Times.

With competitive costs and easier logistics, Chinese-developed vaccines have been favored by some Latin American countries, including Mexico and Brazil.

The Global Times learned from the Sinovac's Brazilian partner Butantan Institute that the data from the vaccine trials across Brazil have been sent to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency. Sinovac told the Global Times that analysis of the clinical data will take some time.

Outside Latin America, Turkey on Thursday announced a vaccination plan starting with Chinese-developed inactivated vaccine later this month, after local trial results revealed zero serious adverse reactions.

Such normal cooperation was tagged by the US media as China's "vaccine diplomacy" to win support in Latin America, which again proved the US is gauging China's generosity with its own mean measure, analysts said.

The US has long seen Latin America as its "backyard," and even though it cannot supply them with vaccines, it does not allow China to do so, Lü Xiang, a research fellow on US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday.

However, US media's "arms race" discourse is unnecessary as in the next six months global vaccine manufacturers can hardly meet the global demand, given that the pandemic has caused 64.5 million infections worldwide, Lü said. He added that countries with capability should try to produce as many as possible.

It is the US that is in urgent need to boast its success in vaccines because it had lost face for its failure in epidemic control, Lü said.

The expert stressed that if there is a vaccine race, "it is not between China and the US, but a race against time to save lives."

The deadly pandemic has killed nearly 1.5 million people globally so far.

The US can feel free to continue its "America first" strategy, prioritizing domestic needs and supplying its allies, but it should not be narrow-minded and hinder China's cooperation and aid to other countries, the expert said.

Politicizing vaccine issues would harm the vulnerable groups more than others, experts said, noting that the Chinese vaccine would be an ideal choice for places that cannot guarantee quick logistics and ultra-freezing equipments.
Chinese vaccines progress steadily as more nations mull mass inoculation
By Hu Yuwei and Zhang Han Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/3 22:08:40 Last Updated: 2020/12/3 22:20:40

Chinese vaccines progress steadily for approval

Photo: VCG

As more countries, including the UK, Japan and Russia, are eager to roll out mass vaccination programs to combat the deadly coronavirus, China stressed a scientific and diversified pathway to mass vaccination that can satisfy global criteria.

Chinese-developed vaccines report steady progress domestically, while also hearing good news from outside partners. Turkey on Thursday announced a vaccination plan with China's inactivated vaccine later this month, with the first shipment of the Chinese vaccines arriving in Turkey after December 11.

China's fifth vaccine entering Phase III trials - recombinant subunit vaccine - has started recruiting 29,000 volunteers worldwide to the trials in China, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ecuador, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on Thursday.

The Global Times learned from the co-developer of the vaccine, Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical, that the multi-centered trial aims to test some indicators designed in the trials at home, while others are best verified overseas. The bridging experiments linking the domestic and overseas ones are valued for the scientific marketing of vaccine.

So far, 14 diverse Chinese vaccines using five different technology methods are in clinical trials, and five vaccines are undergoing Phase III trials.

East China's Jiangsu Province announced on Thursday it would start vaccine procurement from leading producers, including Sinopharm and Sinovac. It became the latest province to secure its doses after Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces.

Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan stressed a scientific and rigorous preparation for the mass production of the vaccine during an inspection tour of vaccine production lines in Beijing on Wednesday, the same day the UK became the first Western country to approve Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine for mass use.

Sun called for data review and approval work to progress in accordance with strict rules and internationally recognized technical standards.

The visit was seen as a prelude for the vaccine coming to the market following a rigorous and scientific path, despite some countries rushing to mass inoculation to handle new outbreaks that may get worse in winter.

Russia and the UK announced on Wednesday they would start mass vaccinations next week. Japan passed a bill to provide free coronavirus vaccines to every single citizen, with secured offers from US pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott also announced on Wednesday that the state will receive over 1.4 million doses of the vaccine. It is part of US efforts to begin vaccinating US citizens as early as mid-December, as the pandemic hit the highest daily death toll on Wednesday in six months.

China International Capital Corporation, one of the country's top investment banks, predicted in a report on Thursday that there is a high probability to hear a Chinese-developed vaccine getting official approval before the yearend.

China is very likely to introduce its first officially approved vaccine for mass use in December. It will either be the inactivated vaccine from Sinovac or state-owned Sinopharm, a Beijing-based immunological professor who asked not to be named told the Global Times.

With competitive costs and easier logistics, Chinese-developed vaccines have been favored by some Latin American countries, including Mexico and Brazil.

The Global Times learned from the Sinovac's Brazilian partner Butantan Institute that the data from the vaccine trials across Brazil have been sent to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency. Sinovac told the Global Times that analysis of the clinical data will take some time.

Outside Latin America, Turkey on Thursday announced a vaccination plan starting with Chinese-developed inactivated vaccine later this month, after local trial results revealed zero serious adverse reactions.

Such normal cooperation was tagged by the US media as China's "vaccine diplomacy" to win support in Latin America, which again proved the US is gauging China's generosity with its own mean measure, analysts said.

The US has long seen Latin America as its "backyard," and even though it cannot supply them with vaccines, it does not allow China to do so, Lü Xiang, a research fellow on US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday.

However, US media's "arms race" discourse is unnecessary as in the next six months global vaccine manufacturers can hardly meet the global demand, given that the pandemic has caused 64.5 million infections worldwide, Lü said. He added that countries with capability should try to produce as many as possible.

It is the US that is in urgent need to boast its success in vaccines because it had lost face for its failure in epidemic control, Lü said.

The expert stressed that if there is a vaccine race, "it is not between China and the US, but a race against time to save lives."

The deadly pandemic has killed nearly 1.5 million people globally so far.

The US can feel free to continue its "America first" strategy, prioritizing domestic needs and supplying its allies, but it should not be narrow-minded and hinder China's cooperation and aid to other countries, the expert said.

Politicizing vaccine issues would harm the vulnerable groups more than others, experts said, noting that the Chinese vaccine would be an ideal choice for places that cannot guarantee quick logistics and ultra-freezing equipments.
I have been vaccinated last month with SinoPharm vaccine. No side effects and developed required immunity.
Good job SinoPharm.
Disappointed by delayed Chinese vaccines which started much earlier than moderna pfizer :(
Indonesia in cooperation with Chinese firm to produce COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021
Source: Xinhua| 2020-07-13 22:25:07|Editor: huaxia

JAKARTA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Monday that the country would most likely commence producing COVID-19 vaccine at the beginning of next year in cooperation with Chinese firm Sinovac Biotech Ltd.

President Jokowi, the popular name of the president, said about 170 million doses of vaccine will be produced next year, although it was short of the country's need of 347 million doses.

"We have cooperated with Sinovac. It is predicted that the production will start from January to April next year," the president said at the State Palace.

Medical workers, COVID-19 vulnerable groups and those living in high risk-areas or red zones would be prioritized to be vaccinated for the pneumonia-causing disease, said Jokowi.

Indonesia's state firm PT Bio Farma in cooperation with Sinovac Biotech has carried out clinical tests for the COVID-19 vaccine since July, according to Jokowi.

Besides, Indonesia's firm PT Kalbe Farma teaming up with South Korea's firm Genexine Inc. has also conducted clinical tests of the vaccine, he said.

The number of daily infection cases in Indonesia is still over 1,000, as more areas have nearly obliterated the transmission of the virus.

The Health Ministry reported 1,282 additional cases in the country on Monday, bringing the total to 76,981 with 3,656 fatalities.
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