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Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

A little global warming wouldn't go amiss this winter.

I should told this to my younger brother,he is in Vancouver and just an Canadian now.

Vancouver is always nice and mild, if this global warming trend continues Vancouver will be down right balmy and tropical.
canada according to jim carrey lol

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Its not about acquiring Power..Climate change should be taken seriously as the rate at which the Attributes of our Earth's Natural Environment is changing , it will have devastating impacts in near future...!!!!

It could be changing. And if it is, is it just a natural cycle we are helpless to prevent? Is it because of the effects from space, namely the sun? Or is it really man made?

Sadly i have come to believe that for the sake of research grants, science has sold it's soul to a politician who is/was in search of absolutes... ***Al cough Gore cough***
It could be changing. And if it is, is it just a natural cycle we are helpless to prevent? Is it because of the effects from space, namely the sun? Or is it really man made?

Sadly i have come to believe that for the sake of research grants, science has sold it's soul to a politician who is/was in search of absolutes... ***Al cough Gore cough***

Frankly it hasnt came out of space, Infact its a man made mess. Its the ever growing need to complete human desires and to make money that is where problem lies not to mention the artificiality and its side effects upon humans and the way they live there lives.

Science has always reached new absoulutes but along with it also created new domains of problems like for eg the chemicals in our blood which arose from preserved and artificially processed food were no where to be found in our Ancestors who lived quite a natural way of life 60-70 years back . Theres no question abt the scientific progress over those years but along with that it has also created new spheres of problems.
AlGore is the only man who has been working in this domain and criticizing his work is bit naive.
Just take Global Warming for instance , Its purely man made scenario and will cost Human race gravely .... !!!!
Pls do take time to go through this link...!!!
lol last time i remember the Canadians destroyed the entire white house.. (British at that time)
He's on to us! Quick back to the beaver lodge!


ahem - You mean... I'm right???

whoo-hoo! :dance3:

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

Frankly it hasnt came out of space, Infact its a man made mess.

I mentioned it solely because, no matter what we read, there appears to be no real consensus on this matter. If i was a betting man, then my money would be on them being split right down the middle on this issue, just like everyone else.

Science has always reached new absoulutes

Not absolutes. But acquired knowledge that is set into testable laws and theories.

AlGore is the only man who has been working in this domain and criticizing his work is bit naive.

I will start taking him seriously when he starts taking his own rhetoric seriously.

Pls do take time to go through this link...!!!

Okay, i will. Thank you.
lol last time i remember the Canadians destroyed the entire white house.. (British at that time)

True, but only because some of our lads got a wee bit carried away in the town of York (Toronto).
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