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Click Here to Blame Pakistan

TBH a country like hell hole fighting since 200 years blame pakistan did not make any sense
He was very clever and one of best spymasters in the world.
For his time he sure was... but like some people.. he was still in war.. he hadnt come out of the Cold War mentality.. but of course not everything he said was jibberish... alot of things he said or predicted were right.
For his time he sure was... but like some people.. he was still in war.. he hadnt come out of the Cold War mentality.. but of course not everything he said was jibberish... alot of things he said or predicted were right.

If you think about it the Cold War never really ended. The Soviet Union broke up, but the kgb old heads were all still in control. Cold War rebooted in Syria and Afghanistan.
If you think about it the Cold War never really ended. The Soviet Union broke up, but the kgb old heads were all still in control. Cold War rebooted in Syria and Afghanistan.
During the cold war.. we knew the enemy and had a powerful friend on ohr side.

Today the old friend has become the enemy and the other enemies best buddy.. while the footsoldier is unidentifiable.

Its a bigger shyt show than cold war for Pakistan... and this time we have a bunch of cocksuckas in office.
During the cold war.. we knew the enemy and had a powerful friend on ohr side.

Today the old friend has become the enemy and the other enemies best buddy.. while the footsoldier is unidentifiable.

Its a bigger shyt show than cold war for Pakistan... and this time we have a bunch of cocksuckas in office.

We could have used Gul today.
Afghanistan is rotten, but sadly that rot is spreading..!

Years of turmoil and great power games have destroyed the nation and its people, many are now refugees.
Only time and patience can change the situation of these unfortunate people.
Obviously Gen hameed was spot on about greater afghanistan plan , he said the whole term Af-Pak coined by americans was south asian version of great middle east plan.

And if usa had spent trillions in this war then they got quite a lot compensated for that by controlling opium fields and moolah pouring in from them.

And all this blaming is a smokescreen like americans cant control talibans. From last five six months americans frustration with Pakistan are touching skies ,every two days apart we see trump and his induan origin side kicks statements issued against Pakistan. Why this sudden intolerance and impatience with Pakistan when americans are willingly allowing Taliban to expand control.
What a sad state, the US must do more.

Standard operating procedure for Afghan Security forces, sell US made equipment on the market, including selling parts for scrap.
I came across an audio program of BBC on Afghanistan. there was an Afghan official, 2 western experts and a Pakistani.
as the usual format of the program goes, I was expecting that the host will let everyone vent their anger at Pakistan, the Pakistani guy will be constantly interrupted and wont get a chance an every ill in Afghanistan will be placed on Pakistan and the program will conclude. but for the first time after the usual rant on Pakistan by the Afghan.
the other two guys systematically detailed how Afghan generals are selling the government rations to their own soldiers, the non existing soldiers for which Northern Alliance generals are getting the salaries in their own pockets. malnourished and starving soldiers and Afghan Taliban collecting taxes from general population and controlling 70 % of the area.
I can give the link here as its on BBCi player many people outside UK wont be able to listen to it due to regional restrictions of BBCiplayer

but hey who has time for details and looking into how the northern alliance mistreatment towards Afghan people specially racism against Pashtons have resulted in resurgence of Taliban, just blame Pakistan

Afghanistan: Time to Talk to the Taliban?

Obviously Gen hameed was spot on about greater afghanistan plan , he said the whole term Af-Pak coined by americans was south asian version of great middle east plan.

And if usa had spent trillions in this war then they got quite a lot compensated for that by controlling opium fields and moolah pouring in from them.

And all this blaming is a smokescreen like americans cant control talibans. From last five six months americans frustration with Pakistan are touching skies ,every two days apart we see trump and his induan origin side kicks statements issued against Pakistan. Why this sudden intolerance and impatience with Pakistan when americans are willingly allowing Taliban to expand control.
whats more CIA is supervising opium trade rather than letting Afghan farmers grow wheat because it will mean Afghans will be competing with US farmers if they overproduce and sell it to international market

Nope.. unless he was the Gen Gul of 90s.
thats true
he was stuck in the past for his own reasons.

TBH a country like hell hole fighting since 200 years blame pakistan did not make any sense
but it makes sense to Americans to blame Paksitan for sheltering Taliban leaders
they demand us to start peace talks and when we facilitate they respond by assassinating the taliban leaders
they will send their assassins to kill the participating taliban, the taliban will stop peace talks retaliate with attacks on soft targets, Pakistan is blamed, then asked to help bring peace and the cycle continues

Nope.. unless he was the Gen Gul of 90s.
in recent times I like the line being used by Pak military, whenever Pakistan is blamed for attacks in Kabul.. Pak military says that Afghan taliban are mixing up with the millions of Afghan refugees inside Pakistan so if the Afghan refugees are allowed to return back to their country. the alleged Afghan taliban movement to Pakistan to so called"safe heavens" will end.

Pakistan has started bringing up this point to shut up the racist northern Alliance that doesn't want Afghan refugees to return to Afghanistan in addition to pointing out the fact that Taliban control or influence 70% of Afghanistan and find it convenient to hide there instead of having alleged safe heavens in Pakistan
for me 70% Afghanistan is the safe heaven for Afghan taliban and Haqqani network.

I clicked, now where is option to blame ?
the option is in your comment box as I wrote in the end of the opening post
your clicking on the subject/ link was first part of putting blame on Pakistan
if you are still not sure then blame Pakistan
  • Afghanistan's 'ghost soldiers': thousands enlisted to fight Taliban don't exist

Ghost troops are emblematic of an adversary possibly even more damaging than the militants: corruption. Toofan Waziri, a political analyst who recently visited Helmand as part of a government appointed delegation, said he found one base where the commander had ordered half of his 100 soldiers to leave, without notifying his superiors, only to pocket their salaries.


some officers appear drug-addicted, others are kidnapping civilians for ransom while in the past five weeks, four boys suspected of having been used as 'sex slaves' have been shot - one in the face - while attempting to escape from police commanders believed to have abducted them from their families. Three have died




There are only a few ways the Taliban get U.S. weapons. Insurgents sometimes capture them from Afghan police or soldiers. But usually, U.S. and Afghan officials say, they just buy them from corrupt members of the Afghan security forces. One Afghan army colonel, who asked to be identified only by his last name, Ahmadzai, said entire groups of soldiers manning various checkpoints have sold their weapons and ammunition to the insurgents.

Second Afghan Governor Defies Kabul Order to Resign, Adding to U.S. Headache


KABUL, Afghanistan — A second governor of a northern Afghan province defied an order by the United States-backed central government to step down on Sunday, deepening a political schism between President Ashraf Ghani and regional leaders.

Taliban threaten 70% of Afghanistan, BBC finds

Taliban fighters, whom US-led forces spent billions of dollars trying to defeat, are now openly active in 70% of Afghanistan, a BBC study has found.

Months of research across the country shows that the Taliban now control or threaten much more territory than when foreign combat troops left in 2014.

please comment below to blame Pakistan for all this
But according to Mighty US, Afghanistan is controlled by US now and they have no problem there
Pakistan biggest weakness is that it always looses the war of narrative.

We don't have any narrative.We are always giving clarification and explaining oursleves.This shows weakness.

The war will have ended sooner if we had a pro-active war narrative.

The TTP were just a spark.Our media houses turned this spark into a raging fire that burn the country.

The media houses always spread anti-Pakistan and Anti-Pak Army narrative.
the option is in your comment box as I wrote in the end of the opening post
your clicking on the subject/ link was first part of putting blame on Pakistan
if you are still not sure then blame Pakistan

Pakistan should be blamed for not securing itself, We should have occupied Afghanistan by now to ensure the security of Pakistan and world. It wouldn't have been anything new, there are dozens of examples all over the world.
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