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Clean Energy | Pakistan to build six new Nuclear Reactors

tat is why we are the 5th largest electricity producing country in the world
Is that why there is a 10 hour power shut down in Coimbatore every blessed day due to shortage of power? :P And this in spite of it being a leading industrialized city in Tamil Nadu. Just think what the output would have been if there was 24x7 continuous power supply!
Is that why there is a 10 hour power shut down in Coimbatore every blessed day due to shortage of power? :P And this in spite of it being a leading industrialized city in Tamil Nadu. Just think what the output would have been if there was 24x7 continuous power supply!
Well in jaipur i havnt seen any power cuts for years now n in ahmedabad......i have not even heard of powercuts for a decade.....but yeah no matter how much we produce....we still have to produce more as many in our country have no access to constant electrcity
finally some good news, i am sure army put their danda in ganja A$$ for those projects
Pakistan to build six nuclear power plants | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

@Aeronaut @Pakistanisage @Zarvan @Armstrong

Pakistan to build six nuclear power plants

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    Nawaz Sharif
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced Tuesday that his country will build six civil nuclear power plants.
Speaking at a function, Coastal Power Project K-II and K-III in Karachi, Sharif said the country’s Atomic Energy Commission has identified six sites where civil nuclear power plants could be built, The News International reported.
According to the prime minister, Pakistan would produce 40,000 MW of power from nuclear plants till 2050 and the government’s priority was to start work on power projects to overcome the energy shortage.

Sharif on Tuesday launched the construction of the country’s biggest atomic power plant and vowed to pursue further projects to make nuclear the largest energy source.
The 2,200-megawatt plant is to be built with Chinese technical assistance on the Arabian Sea coast at Paradise Beach, 40 km (25 miles) west of Karachi.

Pakistan already has three operational nuclear plants generating a total of around 740 MW of power and has begun work on a fourth, in addition to the one launched Tuesday.
The government hopes nuclear will ultimately provide a relatively low-cost solution to the power cuts — known euphemistically as “load-shedding” — that blight life in Pakistan.

Mismanagement, corruption and an over-reliance on expensive imported fuels have left the energy sector in dire straits, with hours-long blackouts a daily reality in the summer months.
“This is one of the first steps of our goal of racing toward a load-shedding-free Pakistan,” Sharif told the audience at the site of the plant.

The World Nuclear Association has estimated the cost of the new project at nearly $10 billion.
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission engineers will work on the project with help from the China Atomic Energy Authority.
As Pakistan is not party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty it is excluded from the international trade in nuclear materials and technology, and can rely only on its neighbor China for help.

Sharif pledged to increase nuclear power generation capacity to 40,000 MW in the long term as part of his energy plan.
A few kilometers further west of the new nuclear power project, an energy park is being built at Gaddani beach in Baluchistan province, with plans for 6,600 MW coal-fired power projects.

So all these reactors will be produced in KRL????

Also KRL should be allowed to work on R&D of Thorium reactors too...
Remember 'the neighbor in the East' has an economy 5 times your's and so can afford it!! Don't even think of comparing! :P

That maybe so but you forget the most famous Quote of our Former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Let me Educate you about what he said:


And we did.

Capisch ? You obviously are not too bright, otherwise you would have known that Economy means nothing in this matter. You have 5 t 7 times our Economy and yet we have more Nukes than you. That should speak volumes in this matter.

So the size of the Economy means nothing to us. We will Beg Borrow or do anything to have our nuclear Plants and you can blow all the hot air from dark orifices of yours it won't amount to hill of beans in this matter

So all these reactors will be produced in KRL????

Also KRL should be allowed to work on R&D of Thorium reactors too...

No, I don't think these Projects have any thing to do with KRL. None of the Pakistani Nuclear Power Plant Projects have ever been done by KRL.

These Projects have always been in the Domain of PAEC and they will continue to be as such.
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For some STRANGE and UNKNOWN REASON, we like to build more NUCLEAR PLANTS like our neighbor to the EAST who shall remain unnamed.

Practice what you preach.

Country to the East

Reserves of dollar/euro and gold: $297.8 billion (31 December 2012 est.)

And thus can afford paying cash if needed.

Our country thanks to ****ism and ethnic ******ism has pathetic amount of

Reserves of Dollar/Euro: $13.6 billion OOOOOOONNNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY.

Which barely enough to pay for day to day needs for a country of 200 million

So when we compare the desire to spend on big budget items like nuclear plants

please make sure to compare the amount in the wallet.

thank you.


And we did. [eat grass and still eating it].


Yaar Sage bhai

Kuch to khiyal karo.

Kyon sharminda karwatay ho khali khooli geeder bhubkian laga ker

It is much easier to become poor and pathetic

It is much harder to become hardworking and rich.

Ask Chinese who have some 4 forking trillion dollars/euros stored in the government coffers.

So all these reactors will be produced in KRL????

Also KRL should be allowed to work on R&D of Thorium reactors too...

nah bhai na

KRL etc. was just a joke on "civilian nuki tech".

The plants are most likely coming from China on easy loan terms.

These are the same 1000MW Westinghouse/Toshiba electric plants that Chinese recently paid money to buy the design and permission to build at their own.

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Country to the East

Reserves of dollar/euro and gold: $297.8 billion (31 December 2012 est.)

And thus can afford paying cash if needed.

Our country thanks to ****ism and ethnic ******ism has pathetic amount of

Reserves of Dollar/Euro: $13.6 billion OOOOOOONNNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY.

Which barely enough to pay for day to day needs for a country of 200 million

So when we compare the desire to spend on big budget items like nuclear plants

please make sure to compare the amount in the wallet.

thank you.


Yaar Sage bhai

Kuch to khiyal karo.

Kyon sharminda karwatay ho khali khooli geeder bhubkian laga ker

It is much easier to become poor and pathetic

It is much harder to become hardworking and rich.

Ask Chinese who have some 4 forking trillion dollars/euros stored in the government coffers.

I think if we took a vote on PDF from Pakistanis, you would be unanimously voted as the biggest CLOWN on the blog.

Show me one Pakistani here who is sorry that we have Nuclear Weapons.

Which is why I think you are either a Narcissistic fool blowing constant hot air through your orifices or you are an Indian False Flagger because you don't think like us Pakistanis.

I think if we took a vote on PDF from Pakistanis, you would be unanimously voted as the biggest CLOWN on the blog.

Show me one Pakistani here who is sorry that we have Nuclear Weapons.

Which is why I think you are either a Narcissistic fool blowing constant hot air through your orifices or you are an Indian False Flagger because you don't think like us Pakistanis.


A professional residing in USA

who cannot put one coherent statement and instead relies on personal attacks.

What's new with the US settled Pakistanis

What the heck is new.
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A professional residing in USA

who cannot put one coherent statement and instead relies on personal attacks.

What's knew of US settled Pakistanis

What the heck is new.

I think you are the biggest joke and a clown on PDF.

Think Tank Analyst ?

You must be effing joking. You couldn't find your own rear end even if you groped with both your hands.

Let alone do any thinking.....
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Yes @Yzd Khalifa and those will be build by Pakistani Engineers without any Foreign assistance. I am happy and proud of our Nuclear Engineers at our PAEC ( Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission ) for the strides they have made in last 30 years. they are doing a great Job.

By 2030, Pakistan will be producing over 10,000 Megawatt electricity from Nuclear.

Another 30,000 Megawatt from Hydroelectric Dams (more than 10,000 MW existing and over 21,000years MW in next 15 from projects already under construction). This does not take into account the Hydroelectric projects that have been recommended or are being studied for feasibility.

In addition, we hope to convert 12,000 MW existing capacity of Thermal Plants from Oil to Gas.

We are also working on using our indigenous Coal by Gasification of our coal which will further supply Thousands of Megawatt of electricity by this clean energy source without damage to the environment.

Additionally, we have signed contracts with French and German Firms to Build Solar and Wind Plants which will further add thousands of Megawatts to the National Grid.

So we are talking about 60,000 + Megawatts if not more in next 15 years.

Energy Shortages would be a thing of the past for Energy Surplus Nation of Pakistan and that means no more rolling black outs ( or what Pakistanis call Load shedding ).

Don't delude yourself. The nuclear plants that Pakistan is building is first of all completely foreign aka China made and assembled in Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't possess any heavy engineering industry and can't produce equipment on its own. Even India imports most of the electronic equipment and machinery used in the nuclear plants.

Secondly, hydroelectric dams in Pakistan have been stuck in pipelines for the last 20 years for eg Kalabagh dam.

Solar and wind energy are not even a solution to Pakistan's problems. Pakistan is a big country and solar and wind energy are too small scale.

Thermal and nuclear are the only 2 viable options and looking at current situation. I would say Pakistan would at max add another 10000 in next 15 years, that too its luckily all the approvals are achieved on time and land acquisition is done in a timely manner.
Don't delude yourself. The nuclear plants that Pakistan is building is first of all completely foreign aka China made and assembled in Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't possess any heavy engineering industry and can't produce equipment on its own. Even India imports most of the electronic equipment and machinery used in the nuclear plants.

Secondly, hydroelectric dams in Pakistan have been stuck in pipelines for the last 20 years for eg Kalabagh dam.

Solar and wind energy are not even a solution to Pakistan's problems. Pakistan is a big country and solar and wind energy are too small scale.

Thermal and nuclear are the only 2 viable options and looking at current situation. I would say Pakistan would at max add another 10000 in next 15 years, that too its luckily all the approvals are achieved on time and land acquisition is done in a timely manner.

I think you need to do some research before you start blabbering about things you have little knowledge. Kalabagh Dam was never started. The Dam I am talking about are under construction.

" Solar and wind energy are not even a solution to Pakistan's problems. Pakistan is a big country and solar and wind energy are too small scale. "

Solar and Wind are always smaller and localized solutions but they add additional capacity to the National Grid.
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I think you need to do some research before you start blabbering about things you have little knowledge. Kalabagh Dam was never started. The Dam I am talking about are under construction.

" Solar and wind energy are not even a solution to Pakistan's problems. Pakistan is a big country and solar and wind energy are too small scale. "

Solar and Wind are always smaller and localized solutions but they add additional capacity to the National Grid.
Please give me a list of all the plants under construction in Pakistan as of today.
Good way, I always thought someone comes and start producing electricity like something.. But what i think, to get into developed nation, we have to increase production even more since by 2030, electricity will be like life of everything.. never the less very good initiative..
Don't delude yourself. The nuclear plants that Pakistan is building is first of all completely foreign aka China made and assembled in Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't possess any heavy engineering industry and can't produce equipment on its own. Even India imports most of the electronic equipment and machinery used in the nuclear plants.

Secondly, hydroelectric dams in Pakistan have been stuck in pipelines for the last 20 years for eg Kalabagh dam.

Solar and wind energy are not even a solution to Pakistan's problems. Pakistan is a big country and solar and wind energy are too small scale.

Thermal and nuclear are the only 2 viable options and looking at current situation. I would say Pakistan would at max add another 10000 in next 15 years, that too its luckily all the approvals are achieved on time and land acquisition is done in a timely manner.
For Pakistan,

energy sector has always been one step forward two step back.

Our kunda mar nation, and our kunda leaders never took it seriously.

There have been forecasts since the 70s that warned of the power shortages.

But no

We continued our despicable acts not too different from those of Kim Kimchi of North Korea.

As a result, big name investors in power sector either did not want to come, or they wanted to do short term projects that burned diesel, or fuel oil, or natural gas.

Fuel oil prices shot up and gas dried up.


population exploded


utter haplessness and severe shortages throughout the country.

Our socialist planners do not want the electricity companies to privatize and become efficient.

Even though we have clear examples such as mobile phones etc.

that private enterprise can provide reliable and efficient AND corruption free service.

But NO

We cannot privatize our regional electric companies. That way everyone from government departments down to ordinary citizens have a kunda (illegal hookups to power lines) going.

This is the shameless national behavior,

Then obviously we will be cursed with shortages.


Please give me a list of all the plants under construction in Pakistan as of today.

yaar no need to ask for list in the age of internet

Go do google.

Problem is not about plants under construction.

Problem is with how many plants we completed the construction for.

And the answer is not much.
Remember 'the neighbor in the East' has an economy 5 times your's and so can afford it!! Don't even think of comparing! :P

I hate to bring it a neighbor with 5 times economy is unable to listen to UN regarding 60% mass dumping in the public...you know what world means.

@Aeronaut sorry I had to reply to this one in particular.
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