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Clarification regarding WS-2 & Haft-IX Thread

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Clarification regarding WS-2 & Haft-IX Thread

Today morning I started a thread under the name of Chinese WS-2 Becomes Pakistani Haft-IX.


The original source of the news is XINHUI owned China Defence Blog

Source: China Defense Blog: Haft-IX SSM

Without investigating the news i posted the news on PDF.

WS-2 & Haft-IX completely two different systems.

Sorry for the error regarding that news item.

Especially I did not intend to hurt anyone’s sentiments.
Take some time to read and then post. But its seems you are always in hurry.
Time after time, you have mis-quoted my post and/or post only partial information. If you bother to read what I have to say (without putting your own spin of it), you won't make a fool out in public.

w.r.t half-IX, my blog entry not attempt to downplay the achievement to nuke arm it, but the motor is enlarged WS-2 design..... the mid-course correction is clearly based on the A-100 (examine the firing ports near the cone) . If you know anything about mil-tech, you should know that.
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