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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion


Do you really think anyone in the west apart from a few politicians and us weirdos on the internet gives a thought about the Ukraine situation? its not like in Russia where people are forced to listen to the propaganda machine where its nearly all the news talks about, were more likely to hear about the situation in Afghanistan than Ukraine.
Do you really think anyone in the west apart from a few politicians and us weirdos on the internet gives a thought about the Ukraine situation? its not like in Russia where people are forced to listen to the propaganda machine where its nearly all the news talks about, were more likely to hear about the situation in Afghanistan than Ukraine.
It would be good your politicians also lost interest in Ukraine. You have Africa, South America and so on for your colonial games. Ukraine is part of Russia, so it was and so it will be.
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You can take the leader out of his battalion, but you can't take the battalion out of its leader: a Ukrainian MP has issued outrageous threats against Crimea and threatened to torch its population.

The militantly pro-Ukrainian Dnipro Battalion leader- turned-MP Yuri Bereza has promised to "burn down Crimea, with all of its residents if needed," vociferously refusing to “liberate the peninsula in a somewhat cultural manner.” The saber-rattling politician, did not specify who might need the people to be burnt and why
The threat was voiced in a live broadcast on the Ukrainian national TV channel 1+1.
Bereza has already distinguished himself following the scandal over the false photos illustrating an alleged Russian military presence in Ukraine on German TV.
A recent news segment which aired on Germany's federal ZDF channel showed the alleged movement of Russian tanks and missile systems into eastern Ukraine, illustrating the news with the image taken several years earlier, in 2009, and in South Ossetia, not Ukraine.
The politician first called it “Russian intrigues”, but then opted to accredit it to tabloids.
Earlier in November Bereza pledged his battalion was ready to "intrude" into Russia, to “break into it with reconnaissance detachments and sabotage groups”. The threats were voice in a live broadcast of the 'Shuster Live' TV show.
The Dnipro Battalion is based in Dnipropetrovsk, which is located near the Donetsk region. It was established in April 2014 to combat pro-independent fighters and is reportedly partially funded by billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, and is thus nicknamed Kolomoyskyi's battallion.
Pro-Kiev Commander: 'We Will Burn Down Crimea, With All Its Residents' / Sputnik International
Theater of absurd and insanity in remains of former Ukraine continue with full force!
-leading surgeon in cancer threatment has received his own notice of contract termination(cause he used to work for "evil regime" of Yanukovitch) in the operation room.Another surgeon had to continue with operation
-buying plastic toys from Russia and asking in consulate how to apply for Russian citizenship is rewarded with 9 years in prison.Unfortunate victim of the Western back criminal regime this time was their own former soldier from National Guard.
-Giving out flyers explaining real economical situation in Ukraine!Not good idea at all.Victim this time is 23 old man,arrested and facing prison sentence from 8 to 15 years.
-New vice-governor of Rovno is 23 old,Georgian,no experience at all.His only qualification-close to wanted in Georgia criminal known under name of Mikheil Saakashvili.
-Another wanted for illegal land sell in Georgia has been appointed as deputy of prosecutor general of former Ukraine
-Long forgotten "entertainment" from 90-ies is back.Stealing of gasoline from car/truck gas tanks-gasoline became very expensive.
- 1 USD=8 hrivnyas(Yanikovitch "evil tyran"),now 1 USD=26 hrynyas and going up (power is hold by "democracy loving"people)
-inflation at 26% and going up
-plan to import taxes at any and all imports
-capital controls
-oligarchs keep moving funds outside country and 2014 paid even less taxes in budget compared to 2013
-according to german intelligence number of victims of civil war is 50 000 people(dead and wounded).The number is same to info coming from DNR/LNR and hacked documents of Ukranian power ministries during entire conflict.
Next week is 1 year anniversary when neo-nazis came to power backed by the West in Ukraine.Will be out lists of all of the "achievements" of the new regime
"Democracy" brought to you by Uncle Sam :
Iraq - "democracy" and civil war
Afganistan - "democracy" and civil war
Lybia- "democracy" and civil war
Syria- "democracy" and civil war
Ukraine - "democracy" and civil war
Number of dead in above conflicts is over 4 milion people.Much much bigger is number of dispaced people.
Will they be given safe passage or taken prisoners, by some estimates there were up to 6 to 8 thousand Ukies in Debaltseve, have they all surrendered or in some pockets only ?

found this bit of news Militia claim 300 Ukrainian soldiers surrender in Debaltsevo | Russia Beyond The Headlines
In Minsk, Putin proposed to create a corridor to surrounded could go to junta territories without weapons and equipment. Poroshenko refused, because in his opinion, Debaltsevo cauldron does not exist.
Now, probably, only prison.
Some still shooting.

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