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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Death: Pro-Russian separatists stand next to the body of a soldier who died just hours before a ceasefire with Ukrainian soldiers was enforced

A man cries next to a body of his grandfather who was killed during shelling in Donetsk, Ukraine

He is among 26 people - including one child who died when a nursery was shelled by rebel forces - who have been killed during heavy fighting across eastern-Ukraine in the last 24 hours
Motorola fighters seized equipment from the West-backed junta.
The guys from the group "Sparta" is considered one of the toughest among warriors for the independence of New Russia.
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DONETSK REGION. A crew of Air Defence units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has downed another Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The enemy drone was conducting an aerial reconnaissance and adjusting artillery fire for terrorists, who also use multiple rocket launchers against military facilities of the antiterrorist operation forces and civilians in Kramatorsk and its outskirts. The wreckage of the UAV was transfered to corresponding agencies for a final identification. The Orlan-10 multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicle has maximum take-off weight of 14 kilograms and can reach the speed of 150 km/h. Its range is 100 kilometres and flight duration is four hours. The UAV is 1.1 metres long and enjoys the wingspan of 2.4 metres.

Ukrainian servicemen relax on a road at Svitlodarsk, approaching Debaltseve on February 15, 2015. A ceasefire in Ukraine was cautiously observed by both sides, despite accusations by Kiev and the US that Russia had fuelled a final push by rebels to gain territory before the deadline. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko ordered troops to abide by the truce from midnight (2200 GMT), in line with a deal reached in Minsk earlier this week with the leaders of Russia, Germany and France. AFP PHOTO/ VOLODYMYR SHUVAYEV

Ukrainian servicemen relax on a road at Svitlodarsk, approaching Debaltseve on February 15, 2015. A ceasefire in Ukraine was cautiously observed by both sides, despite accusations by Kiev and the US that Russia had fuelled a final push by rebels to gain territory before the deadline. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko ordered troops to abide by the truce from midnight (2200 GMT), in line with a deal reached in Minsk earlier this week with the leaders of Russia, Germany and France. AFP PHOTO/ VOLODYMYR SHUVAYEV

Ukrainian forces are on their position not far from Debaltseve, Donetsk region on Feb. 14, 2015.

A man of Ukrainian forces takes position not far from Debaltseve, Donetsk region on February 14, 2015. Fighting has raged on in Ukraine, throwing doubts on a ceasefire deal due to take effect over the weekend, with the US saying Russia is still deploying heavy arms and Kiev warning that shelling of civilians had intensified.
Ukraine military says rebels shell Ukrainian positions 10 times since ceasefire| Reuters
Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:36am EST

(Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Sunday pro-Russian rebels had shelled Ukrainian positions on ten separate occasions since a ceasefire came into effect at midnight.

"As of the morning of February 15, there have been ten shelling attacks on our positions by rebels - mainly in the area of Debaltseve," spokesman Anatoly Stelmach said by telephone.

A Reuters witness in east Ukraine heard the sound of heavy artillery coming from the direction of Debaltseve, a key transport hub where government forces have been hard pressed by encircling separatists.
Ukrainian government soldier walks atop of his armored vehicle on the road between the towns of Dabeltseve and Artemivsk, Ukraine.
Obama's 'BigLie' : US Has Supplied Ukraine With Arms From the Start
President Obama is still considering arming Ukraine in case the latest ceasefire is breached and the conflict escalates; but political analyst Stephen Lendman told Sputnik in an exclusive interview that the US leader is lying, and that the US has been supplying arms to Kiev from the very start of the military operation.
The ceasefire between Kiev forces and independence supporters of Donetsk and Luhansk is generally holding, shelling in Donbas has stopped as the truce came in force on midnight, a spokesperson at the Kiev special operations headquarters said Sunday.
But a day earlier Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and US President Barack Obama, during a meeting by phone, agreed on the further coordination of efforts in the case that the ceasefire fails and the Ukrainian conflict escalates.
Stephen Lendman, a Research Associate for the Centre for Research on Globalization explained to Sputnik, in an exclusive interview on the recent developments in Ukraine, that Washington has been lying the whole time – it has been supplying weapons to Kiev from the very start of the military operation.
“Washington supplied heavy weapons since the conflict began last April and maybe before it began in preparation for what was planned. I wrote about it several times including in a new article this (Saturday) morning,” he told Sputnik.
“So, key is understanding that Washington armed Kiev the whole time. Obama claiming it's under consideration is one of his many 'Big Lies'," he said.
NATO and Ukrainian aircraft have shipped in arms and munitions on a regular basis. Washington is the main culprit, he added.
'Arms Supplied by US Are for Offense, Not Defense'
Another lie, the analyst says, is about the arms being “defensive."
Heavy weapons are supplied for offense, not defense, of course,” he says. “Fighting continued after the Minsk agreement was concluded. Kiev forces kept shelling civilian areas.”
“US media, of course, blame Russia and rebels. Reports and opinions in our press are scandalous. The most outrageous I recall in my lifetime. Absolutely devoid of truth. Riddled with beginning-to-end Big Lies,” Lendman said.
“I expect a short-term mostly (but not entirely) quieter period beginning Sunday or Monday followed days or weeks later by Kiev initiated escalated conflict — with full US support and encouragement,” he predicts.
“Hardline Kiev elements like the Right Sector's Dmitry Yarosh and likeminded extremists reject Minsk terms. They vow to keep fighting. Expect Russia and rebels to be blamed for their aggression. Expect vicious Putin bashing to continue. It's evident in US weekend reports I've seen so far,” he added.
The political analyst predicts that Washington will continue supplying Kiev with heavy weapons. Hundreds of US combat troops are coming to Ukraine on the pretext of training Ukraine's military, while hundreds of US special forces are already there.
'The Big Question is Whether Obama Will Authorize Direct US Involvement in Ukraine's Conflict'
The big question is whether Obama will authorize direct US involvement in Ukraine's conflict. He's already done it in Iraq with US boots on the ground and more on the way despite vowing months earlier never to do it.
“I believe if rebels keep decisively defeating Kiev forces, which I expect, Obama will deploy US forces to Donbas — getting America directly involved in another war as opposed to the proxy one he's now waging,” said Lendman.
An escalation will bring the war to Russia's borders, and the risk is it may spill over. With US combat forces in Ukraine and Obama determined to crush pro-independence fighters, the danger of East-West confrontation is huge.
'Donbas is Obama's War. He Didn't Launch it to Quit'
“We could find ourselves in WW III whether or not anyone wants it. Global wars begin like what's now ongoing. With neocon lunatics making policy in Washington, anything ahead is possible,” he added.
“I strongly believe chances for a durable, sustainable peace in Donbas are virtually nil despite, Putin's best efforts to resolve things diplomatically.”
President Putin, Sergei Lavrov, and other Russian officials have gone all-out for peace throughout months of conflict.
"Obama wants war, not peace. Donbas is his war. He didn't launch it to quit. CIA, FBI and US special forces infest Kiev. They're involved in planning, implementing and directing the fighting," said the analyst.
Obama's 'Big Lie': US Has Supplied Ukraine With Arms From the Start / Sputnik International
Situation in Debaltsevo cauldron (junta - blue, militia - red) at 00.00 15.02.15
Fighters are pictured in a convoy of Ukrainian forces driving to Debaltseve in Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 14.

A resident collects water from a broken pipe in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Feb. 15. Fighting dropped sharply but there was still sporadic shooting after a ceasefire came into force across east Ukraine, the first step in a fragile peace plan aimed at ending 10 months of conflict.

A picture taken on February 13, 2015 shows Ukrainian Uragan missile system in eastern Ukrainian city of Artemivsk, Donetsk region. At least 18 people have been killed in eastern Ukraine in new artillery shelling just a day after a peace deal was signed to end the 10-month conflict. AFP PHOTO/ ANATOLII STEPANOV

Ukrainian ATO forces cease fire pursuant to presidential order

The military chiefs of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) sectors in the east of Ukraine have informed Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at a meeting at the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the execution of his order to cease fire on Sunday night.

"The forces of the antiterrorist operation have ceased fire in the execution of the order by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko," the General Staff Armed Forces of Ukraine told the president.

An Ukrainian armored vehicles drive on the road between the towns of Debaltseve and Artemivsk, Ukraine.
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