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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Its a seperate country with seperate consitution, military and this is Flag of Ukraine.

I do not recognize that. :laugh:
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Militants fire on Ukrainian forces 17 times overnight| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 21 /Ukrinform/. On April 20, from 18:00 to midnight, Russian-terrorist troops violated the ceasefire along the contact line 17 times.

According to the press center for the anti-terrorist operation, militants began to more actively use heavy armored vehicles (tanks and infantry fighting vehicles) in their armed provocations.

"In Donetsk region Ukrainian fortification near the village of Pisky was under intense shelling, conducted by illegal armed groups who fired with 120mm mortars thee times. Militants fired from infantry fighting vehicle, automatic grenade launchers and 120mm mortars at the positions of ATO forces near Avdiyivka. Gangs from the so-called 'DPR' opened fire with tanks four times, moreover, two times they fired on our fortification near the village of Shyrokyne. The positions of the Ukrainian troops near the settlements of Maiorsk, Opytne, Leninske, Vodiane and Kirove were actively shelled with mortars, tanks, automatic grenade launchers and small arms. In Luhansk region criminals fired small arms at our fortification near the village of Zhovte (Slavianoserbsk district)" the report reads.


Special Monitoring Mission visited Shyrokino to control the situation.
© Anastasia Vlasova

On April 19, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) visited the government-controlled village of Valuiske in Luhansk region which was shelled with missiles launched by a Grad BM-21 multiple launch rocket system last Saturday.

In their report, the monitors said that on 19 April members of the Aidar volunteer battalion showed them the damage caused by the missile strike.

"One missile destroyed a house and two others impacted in close proximity to two other homes. A fourth missile landed outside the village. No one was injured. Members of the Aidar volunteer battalion, who requested the SMM to visit the scene, showed [the monitors] the supposed remnants of the alleged Grad missiles," reads the report.

As reported, on 18 April the government-controlled village of Valuiske (20km north east of Luhansk) was shelled with Grad missiles, according to a spokesperson for Luhansk military and civilian administration head Hennadiy Moskal. Three 122-mm caliber missiles, the use of which was banned by the most recent Minsk agreement, were used in the attack.

All-terrain vehicle from Donbas operation area blown up in Kharkiv

An Opel Frontera all-terrain vehicle, which, according to local social networking websites, was camouflaged and was used in the Ukrainian army's operation in Donbas, was blown up in the city of Kharkiv last night.

"Law enforcement personnel working at the scene have established that the blast damaged an Opel Frontera car. No one was hurt in the explosion, which, however, blew out windows in nearby houses. Vehicles in the epicenter of the explosion were also damaged," the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's branch for the Kharkiv region said in a press release.

The police department in the city's Dzerzhynsky district was alerted about the incident at 4:00 a.m. local time.


U.S. military attaches visit Donbas

United States' military attaches have visited the area of the Ukrainian army operation in Donbas and have assessed the situation along the contact line in the region, the army operation's press center said on its Facebook page on Monday evening.

As part of bilateral cooperation between the Ukrainian and U.S. Armed Forces, Ukrainian soldiers deployed in the Donetsk region met with officials from the office of the defense attache of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine to discuss security, the region's social and humanitarian issues and risk assessments, the press center said.

"U.S. Armed Forces officers Joseph Hickox and Michael van Develde familiarized themselves with the situation along the contact line and the implementation of the Minsk agreements by Ukrainian servicemen," it said.

The U.S. representatives also discussed the situation in towns and villages in the army operation area with the local authorities, the press center said.

At least 1 Ukrainian serviceman killed yesterday. Uh oh, less people able to contribute to Ukraine's economy. :laugh:
21st of April, 2015. Donetsk People's Republic, Novorossiya.

Ukrainian forces have violated the ceasefire regime 39 times over the past 24 hours, the DPR Defense Ministry told the Donetsk News Agency. Ukrainian army used grenade launchers and small arms 20 times, mortars - 14 times, tank guns - 2 times, APCs and IFVs - 2 times, anti-aircraft installation - one time. The attacks were mounted on Shirokino, Spartak, Zhabichevo, Gorlovka, Oktyabrsky, Donetsk airport. The information on victims is being specified. The DPR army doesn't fall for provocations and doesn't open return fire.

20st of April, 2015. Donetsk People's Republic, Novorossiya.

The authorities of the DPR see no need to hold another referendum on the independence of the Republic, the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko said at a meeting with mayors of cities and districts.

“Now we see no need to hold another independence referendum. We’ve already proved to everyone that we want to develop as a state that is independent from Ukraine, that’s why it doesn’t make sense to do it again. Possibly, we need to arrange a referendum on certain issues,” – Alexander Zakharchenko said.

continued fighting today. 2 Ukrainian soldiers killed

Signs and Symbols, predicting the collapse of Ukraine.
Falling Soldier on the red carpet at the inauguration of Poroshenko
Son of the president Poroshenko became ill in the church during the prayer for Ukraine
In Dnepropetrovsk derailed tram "United Ukraine", image map of Ukraine was split.
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Signs and Symbols, predicting the collapse of Ukraine.
Falling Soldier on the red carpet at the inauguration of Poroshenko
Son of the president Poroshenko became ill in the church during the prayer for Ukraine
In Dnedrpetrovsk derailed tram "United Ukraine", image map of Ukraine was split.
View attachment 216734

I remember the falling soldier and was thinking the exact same thing, that this is a sign.

and porky's son and the derailed tram with the flag, spooky.
Azov battalion heavy firefight with Russian invaders

Russian invaders near Donetsk airport's radar station

Retarded Right Sector Nazis of #Ukraine Armed Forces, filmed themselves violating the #MinskAgreement .

youtube disable the translator comments

Spartak settlement combat footage. Attacked NAF troops request permission to fire back

Rada has passed February 20, 2014 as the first day of the Russian Ukrainian war. Does this mean Ukraine has declared war?
Terrorists use heavy armor materiel | Міністерство оборони України
Tuesday, April 21. DONBAS – According to the press center of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, on April 20, from 06:00 p.m. to 00:00, the Russian-backed troops violated the ceasefire 17 times along the demarcation line. They used 120 mm mortars, tanks and APCs in breach of the Minsk Agreements.

The militants shelled Ukrainian strong post near Pisky by 120 mm mortars; used APC, automatic grenade launches and 120 mm mortar against Ukrainian positions near Avdiyvka. Bandits of so-called ‘DPR’ fired from tanks near Shyrokyne. They attacked Mayorsk, Opytne, Leninske, Vodyane and Kirovo by mortars, tanks, automatic grenade launchers and small arms.

Terrorists used small arms near Zhovte village; their attack ended in failure near Syze.

U.S. defence attaché representatives visit east of Ukraine | Міністерство оборони України
Tuesday, April 21. DONBAS – According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, in the framework of activities of U.S.-Ukrainian bilateral cooperation, Ukrainian servicemen accomplishing tasks in east of Ukraine met with representatives of U.S. defence attaché. They held a meeting where they discussed the issues of security, social and humanitarian situation in the region, risks assessment etc.
U.S. officers viewed the situation along the demarcation line and observance of the Minsk Agreements by the Ukrainian party. Military diplomats also spoke with representatives of local authorities.


One soldier killed in Donbas conflict zone in last day| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 21 /Ukrinform/. During the last day one Ukrainian soldier has been killed, another one has been wounded as a result of fighting near the village of Pisky, Donetsk region.

Spokesman for the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"During the last day one Ukrainian servicemen was killed, and one soldier was injured as a result of military actions near the village of Pisky," Lysenko said.

More than 30 trucks with supplies for terrorists transported from Russia| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 21 /Ukrinform/.Over the last day the movement of 33 vehicles transporting supplies and technical resources from Russia to Russian-backed militant formations have been observed in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas.

Head of the Information Resistance group Dmytro Tymchuk wrote this on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

"There is continuing mass supply of material and technical resources from the north for the militant groups concentrated in Horlivka-Yasynuvata-Yenakieve triangle, as well as for units deployed in Pervomaisk, Stakhanov and Frunze," he wrote.

Besides, according to him, there are regular transport columns (mainly small convoys of three to four and up to six units of transport) through the towns of Snizhne and Amvrosiivka in the direction of the villages of Starobesheve, Telmanove, and further to Olenivka and Stepne. Two tactical groups of militants are deployed in these areas and are carrying out covert operations.

At the same time, the militants are actively repairing their artillery weapons at maintenance bases in the towns of Perevalsk and Snizhne. Most of the damaged military equipment from Debaltseve is currently located in Perevalsk and Horlivka, Tymchuk noted.
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