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Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

In the end ,it don't matter. I am happy that circassians saw the beauty of russian orthodoxy and converted. I hope the remaining muslim adyge see that and convert to.
If you mean beauty by being forced to and being massacred into being Christian, I don't think you have different understand of beauty than most people.

Circassians are mostly Muslim and they still haven't forget the crimes Rusians commited. Neither have the Chechens and other Caucasians.
You are Indian, maybe you have Gypsy blood or African Black blood. It is possible right? So Indians are descendants of Gypsy and Blacks.

That is your logic. Historically it is totally inaccurate and not worth discusing.

You are also ignoring what I said about Russian presence in the Caucasus being recent. Ethnic Russian land is not Caucasus. You are a total idiot.

Actually I prefer ethnographers and historians. And they disagree with you.

So Indians are descendants of Gypsy and Blacks.

India is a mix of whites tribes from iran,scythia,caucusus ,bengalis and bihari dark complexion ,south dark complexion and north east mongoloid complexation. India is a big mix. So is Russia.
In 16th and 17th century ,ukrainians living near don river were called circassians . They converted to russian orthodoxy under influence of the Tsars.
In the 16th century there were no Ukrainians. Then the inhabitants of the South-West Russia called Little Russians. Why would Russian - who are among the best warriors in the history of mankind ascribe to themselves others' glory?
Read Russian Cossacks writers - Sholokhov, for example. You will undersatnd who they are.
Actually I prefer ethnographers and historians. And they disagree with you.
You are very bad at listening. Let me leave it at that.

At what year did Russians invade Caucasus?

Let me ask that.
If you mean beauty by being forced to and being massacred into being Christian, I don't think you have different understand of beauty than most people.

Circassians are mostly Muslim and they still haven't forget the crimes Rusians commited. Neither have the Chechens and other Caucasians.

Yet from the 14th-18th century ,circassians,chechens continously settled in Russian empire districts and converted. Don't worry when Russia will become rich again ,the church might start economic incentives to convert ,we might see things change.

And circassians in caucusus were forcibly converted to islam by crimean tatars from paganism. After that the friction started and russian empire got very aggressive.To them it was betrayal.

Circassians are mostly Muslim

Majority circassians descendants live in Ukraine,kuban and adopted russian identity.

In the 16th century there were no Ukrainians. Then the inhabitants of the South-West Russia called Little Russians. Why would Russian - who are among the best warriors in the history of mankind ascribe to themselves others' glory?
Read Russian Cossacks writers - Sholokhov, for example. You will undersatnd who they are.

Russia =mix of vikings,mongols,slavs,caucusians .All hard warrior races. So rose the hybrid ,the Muscovy Russian. The Great Russian.
Circassians are the pride of Islam!

Sochi was always a Muslim city
Yet from the 14th-18th century ,circassians,chechens continously settled in Russian empire districts and converted. Don't worry when Russia will become rich again ,the church might start economic incentives to convert ,we might see things change.

And circassians in caucusus were forcibly converted to islam by crimean tatars from paganism. After that the friction started and russian empire got very aggressive.To them it was betrayal.

Majority circassians descendants live in Ukraine,kuban and adopted russian identity.

Russia =mix of vikings,mongols,slavs,caucusians .All hard warrior races. So rose the hybrid ,the Muscovy Russian. The Great Russian.
hahaahaha, and yet Islam is growing at very quick rate in Russia, while Christianity is declining because Slav are becoming atheist or moving abroad. It is inevitable that Muslims will become majority in Russia :lol:
In the 16th century there were no Ukrainians. Then the inhabitants of the South-West Russia called Little Russians. Why would Russian - who are among the best warriors in the history of mankind ascribe to themselves others' glory?
Read Russian Cossacks writers - Sholokhov, for example. You will undersatnd who they are.

Lol :D Nothing was special about Russians, or Slavs as whole.
hahaahaha, and yet Islam is growing at very quick rate in Russia, while Christianity is declining because Slav are becoming atheist or moving abroad. It is inevitable that Muslims will become majority in Russia :lol:

@Arzamas 16

There are 7-9 million muslims practicing in Russia out of 145 million .2 million muslims converted to christianity and 15% of the new converts are adyge.

According to religious experts in Russia such as Vyacheslav Sanin and Roman Silantyev, the number of ethnic Slavs who have converted to Islam is quite small, and is around 6,000. On the other hand, they claim that 25% each of Tatars and Adyghe, and 10% of all the Kazakhs living in Russia practice Christianity. Christians might number less among the natives of North Caucasus, but they are not absent. There are more than 2,000 evangelical Christians in Daghestan itself, continuing their practice even after the murder of Artur Suleimanov, a well known pastor. In Prokhladny, there is a famous evangelical church with a Balkar congregation. An ancient Christian Kabardian community lives to date in Mozdok. Christians might be absent in Ingushetia and Chechenya, but there are many Christian Chechens and Ingush living in other parts of Russia. Even in an Islamic nation like Kazakhstan, 3% of all the Chechens there reported their religion as Christian.

Not bad at all.
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Russia =mix of vikings,mongols,slavs,caucusians .All hard warrior races. So rose the hybrid ,the Muscovy Russian. The Great Russian.
This is nonsense. Russian - the Slavic people of pure blood. The second time you repeat the words of Hitler. First, you said that the Cossacks - are not caste of Russian soldiers, and a separate nation, besides not even Slavic, and now you say that Russian - a mixture of different nations. This is nonsense.
Once there were three siblings - Czech, Lyakh (Pole) and Rus (Mekh). From them, there were three nations - Czechs, Poles and Russian.
You're too keen on alternative history and conspiracy theories.


Muslim population is increasing while Ethnic Russians are decreasing because of low birth rate and high death rate. Also a lot of Ethnic Slav are moving abroad or not able to find suitable Russian husband.


Muslim population is increasing while Ethnic Russians are decreasing because of low birth rate and high death rate. Also a lot of Ethnic Slav are moving abroad or not able to find suitable Russian husband.

Good,then Russian orthodox church can convert more and save them from the jaws of hell. 2 million converted a few million more to convert.

This is nonsense. Russian - the Slavic people of pure blood. The second time you repeat the words of Hitler. First, you said that the Cossacks - are not caste of Russian soldiers, and a separate nation, besides not even Slavic, and now you say that Russian - a mixture of different nations. This is nonsense.
Once there were three siblings - Czech, Lyakh (Pole) and Rus (Mekh). From them, there were three nations - Czechs, Poles and Russian.
You're too keen on alternative history and conspiracy theories.

Your nation's strength is not being slavic ,but russian orthodoxy. This religion absorbed and smashed all invaders to pieces and converted them whether mongols,tatars ,caucusians ,vikings whether consent,conquest or resistance.This is my perspective. Hitler was a kook ,I don't care about him. It is not being slav that give you strength ,but strength of orthodoxy .It was religion thanks to which Russia fought off Hitler despite Hitler using nuclear weapons against russian people.

Orthodoxy overcame the mongols,Orthodoxy overcame Hitler,napoleon ,Orthodoxy overcame Central Asia . I will say this ,atheism was the poison of your nation ,it shattered it and was responsible for 1991 in my opinion.Again ,if West must be defeated,the faith in God needs to be strong. There is a reason why West is insulting the church so much these days.

Whether you agree or not,I will stick to this. When you were pagan ,you were not very strong nation. Orthodoxy gave the strength to be super strong.
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Good,then Russian orthodox church can convert more and save them from the jaws of hell. 2 million converted a few million more to convert.

Are you a christian troll my dear ??

Excuse me dear PDF'ians , have you heard about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ :D
Good,then Russian orthodox church can convert more and save them from the jaws of hell. 2 million converted a few million more to convert.

Your nation's strength is not being slavic ,but russian orthodoxy. This religion absorbed and smashed all invaders to pieces and converted them whether mongols,tatars ,caucusians ,vikings whether consent,conquest or resistance.This is my perspective. Hitler was a kook ,I don't care about him. It is not being slav that give you strength ,but strength of orthodoxy .It was religion thanks to which Russia fought off Hitler despite Hitler using nuclear weapons against russian people.

Orthodoxy overcame the mongols,Orthodoxy overcame Hitler,napoleon ,Orthodoxy overcame Central Asia . I will say this ,atheism was the poison of your nation ,it shattered it and was responsible for 1991 in my opinion.Again ,if West must be defeated,the faith in God needs to be strong. There is a reason why West is insulting the church so much these days.

Whether you agree or not,I will stick to this. When you were pagan ,you were not very strong nation. Orthodoxy gave the strength to be super strong.
Orthodoxy did not save Armenians, Bulgarians, Serbs and even the Byzantines from the conquest and destruction of states.
Of course, Orthodoxy - an integral part of Russian civilization. And the most important part of our identity.
In general history of Russia - one of the most counterfeited in the world, because the Russian - the competitors of world masters, the Anglo-Saxons. And they made a lot of effort to belittle or destroy achievements of the Russian people of the past.
Russian defeated enemies, not only because we - Orthodox, but also because we - Russian.
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