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Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

I heard somewhere that circassian peoples are the most beautiful in this world due to their geography.
@vostok Do Circassians have Slavic roots. Many hisoricians say that they themselvesa are a seperate etnical branch. Are they part of Slavic etnic tree?
Of course not. Slavs - is Russian, Czechs, Poles and so on. Residents of the North Caucasus have nothing to Slavs. That other nations, they have their own history.
@vostok Do Circassians have Slavic roots. Many hisoricians say that they themselvesa are a seperate etnical branch. Are they part of Slavic etnic tree?
No, Circassians are local ancient people from Caucasia :) The Russians didn't even exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus. Now majority of Circassians are living in Turkey because of genocide Russians commited. There are many Turks who have parly Circassian blood.
Cossack comes from the Turkic word meaning "tramp", "loner". This was the name of those who left the horde and lived by himself.
Kuban Cossacks are descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks - they went to the Kuban-river at the invitation of Queen Catherine. Don Cossacks lives on Don. Both - Rusyches, Russian. There also another Cossacks Armies - Tereck's, Mezhdurechye's and others.
Cherkasy live in the North Caucasus even now, and some of them emigrated to Turkey. They maintain their traditions and their language.
Cossacks - not a nation it is Russian military caste. This class had its privileges, so young people leaved their feudals and fled south, became Cossacks.

Cossacks are ethnicity and russian military caste.Read the tsarist chronicles.Cossacks and circassians were used interchangingly in the 15-17th century.

@vostok Do Circassians have Slavic roots. Many hisoricians say that they themselvesa are a seperate etnical branch. Are they part of Slavic etnic tree?

In my opinion ,yes. Circassians and slavs are descendants of scythians.

No, Circassians are local ancient people from Caucasia :) The Russians didn't even exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus. Now majority of Circassians are living in Turkey because of genocide Russians commited. There are many Turks who have parly Circassian blood.

It was not genocide ,but religious ethnic cleansing. Tsar felt that circassians should become christians.Many tribes did not agree and it started fighting. Circassians were profilic breeders and hence I think Tsar wished to make them russian so that he could have more cossack armies.


I have compared circassian women and ukrainian women. Both are extremely famous for beauty.
It was not genocide ,but religious ethnic cleansing. Tsar felt that circassians should become christians.Many tribes did not agree and it started fighting. Circassians were profilic breeders and hence I think Tsar wished to make them russian so that he could have more cossack armies..
That is also what Hitler wanted. They wanted Jews to stop practising their religion. The Jews didn't want to listen.

@mandrom about the descendant thing. You don't know who Scythians are. You don't know history of Circassians either. I recommend you buy a good book on these subjects and you read more since what you are saying doesn't make sense to me.
Cossacks are ethnicity and russian military caste.Read the tsarist chronicles.Cossacks and circassians were used interchangingly in the 15-17th century.
Yes, there is a theory that asserts that Cossack - is nation. That's not true. In the old days people generally mixed very badly. Among the Cossacks, of course, were Tatars and Kalmyks and Caucasians, who took Christianity, but most were Little Russians or Great Russians.
The allegation that the Cossacks - a nation, not a caste of Russian warriors - this is one of the tricks of Western Russophobian propaganda. Hitler also actively used it in his propaganda.
Circassians are great warriors. Many Russian aristocrats hired them as a bodyguard. There were several Cherkassy regiments in the Imperial army. But they kept their traditions, faith and were proud of them. They do not mix with the migrant Russian population.
Yes, there is a theory that asserts that Cossack - is nation. That's not true. In the old days people generally mixed very badly. Among the Cossacks, of course, were Tatars and Kalmyks and Caucasians, who took Christianity, but most were Little Russians or Great Russians.
The allegation that the Cossacks - a nation, not a caste of Russian warriors - this is one of the tricks of Western Russophobian propaganda. Hitler also actively used it in his propaganda.
Circassians are great warriors. Many Russian aristocrats hired them as a bodyguard. There were several Cherkassy regiments in the Imperial army. But they kept their traditions, faith and were proud of them. They do not mix with the migrant Russian population.

Actually,many cherkess did mix with slavic traditions and converted to orthodoxy.

That is also what Hitler wanted. They wanted Jews to stop practising their religion. The Jews didn't want to listen.

@mandrom about the descendant thing. You don't know who Scythians are. You don't know history of Circassians either. I recommend you buy a good book on these subjects and you read more since what you are saying doesn't make sense to me.

Actually, the claim is that circassians descended from Scythians is from a circassian historian Amjad Jaimoukha himself.Majority Slavic tribes are scythians and sarmatians . Then there is this ancient hyperborean descent theory also.

No, Circassians are local ancient people from Caucasia :) The Russians didn't even exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus. Now majority of Circassians are living in Turkey because of genocide Russians commited. There are many Turks who have parly Circassian blood.

I think majority circassians live in ukraine though they consider themselves ethnically russian today

Of course not. Slavs - is Russian, Czechs, Poles and so on. Residents of the North Caucasus have nothing to Slavs. That other nations, they have their own history.

@T-123456 I think you were talking about terek cossacks

Ethnogenesiss of the Terec Cossacks is perhaps one of the most complex isssues. Terek Host had more influxes from different ethnic groups than Don, Dnieper or pretty much any other. There are Khazars, Circassians, Slavs, Turkic people among the ancestors of the Terek Cossacks.

The Cossacks lived along the banks of the Terek river for a long time before those territories were taken over by Russia. Originally, the communities of the Cossacks in that region were called "Greben" Cossacks (from "Greben'" -- mountain). In 17th century, researcher Rigelman wrote, that before coming to the Terek those Cossacks lived in the mountains among the Kabardians (Circassians) and were called "Kozars" (having something to do with the Christian population of once powerful multy-ethnic and multi-religions Khazar Khanate). It is interesting, that the founders of the Cossack settlement "Cherkasy" on the Dnieper (Piatigorsk Cherkasy) are traced by the historians to the same region.

Greben Cossacks re-settled to the Terek river at the end of 15th century, after the Turkish invasion into the parts of the Caucasus and the mass slaughters of the Christian population by Sekaidar's raid. Greben Cossacks, being Christian, agreed to ally with the Russian Tsar Ivan IV. Together with Kabardians they contained movement of the Turks into the Persian-controlled Dagestan. At the end of 16th century, Russia built new fort in the Terek region, Terka (named after the one left in ruins after Turkish invasion in 1582). Significant numbers of the "service Cossacks" from the higher Volga were moved to settle there. In addition to the Greben and Volga Cossacks, some groups of the Don Cossacks joined the Terek community.

Terek Cossacks

@atatwolf ,first two majority ethnicities were khazars and circassians in Terek Cossacks. Thats from Cossack website itself.
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You are jumping from one topic to another. I thinkn you might have attention disorder or something. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss with you since I'm partly Circassian myself and I find what you are saying insulting because it is so historically inaccurate. Circassians are their own group and Russians invaded their land until recently. How can Slav be Sythian and Circassian at the same time when Russians didn't exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus. You are mixing everything up. Also the Russians did commit genocide when they invaded Caucasia. Circassian bones were found during the construction of olympic stadium on their land.
Actually,many cherkess did mix with slavic traditions and converted to orthodoxy.
Listen. Before the Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire 2.5% of the population were Cossacks. Almost every town or big village had Cossack streets . And they had Russian names, looked like Russian, spoke in Russian and professed Russian Christianity.
You are jumping from one topic to another. I thinkn you might have attention disorder or something. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss with you since I'm partly Circassian myself and I find what you are saying insulting because it is so historically inaccurate. Circassians are their own group and Russians invaded their land until recently. How can Slav be Sythian and Circassian at the same time when Russians didn't exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus. You are mixing everything up. Also the Russians did commit genocide when they invaded Caucasia. Circassian bones were found during the construction of olympic stadium on their land.

Slavs are multi-ethnic in my opinion. According to some ethnographers slavs is another name for circassians.

Our Forefathers: The Gothonic Nations - Gudmuud Schütte - Google Books

Circassians and slavs as part of scthyians and sarmatians.

Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the ... - Larry Wolff - Google Books

when Russians didn't exist when Circassians were living in Caucasus.

there were other names for slavs .Like scythian,huns,sarmatians.

Circassian bones were found during the construction of olympic stadium on their land.

Is there proof of this?

Listen. Before the Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire 2.5% of the population were Cossacks. Almost every town or big village had Cossack streets . And they had Russian names, looked like Russian, spoke in Russian and professed Russian Christianity.

In 16th and 17th century ,ukrainians living near don river were called circassians . They converted to russian orthodoxy under influence of the Tsars.
Slavs are multi-ethnic in my opinion. According to some ethnographers slavs is another name for circassians.

Our Forefathers: The Gothonic Nations - Gudmuud Schütte - Google Books

Circassians and slavs as part of scthyians and sarmatians.

Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the ... - Larry Wolff - Google Books

there were other names for slavs .Like scythian,huns,sarmatians.

Is there proof of this?
You are Indian, maybe you have Gypsy blood or African Black blood. It is possible right? So Indians are descendants of Gypsy and Blacks.

That is your logic. Historically it is totally inaccurate and not worth discussing.

You are also ignoring what I said about Russian presence in the Caucasus being recent. Ethnic Russian land is not Caucasus. You are a total idiot.
Listen. Before the Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire 2.5% of the population were Cossacks. Almost every town or big village had Cossack streets . And they had Russian names, looked like Russian, spoke in Russian and professed Russian Christianity.

In the end ,it don't matter. I am happy that circassians saw the beauty of russian orthodoxy and converted. I hope the remaining muslim adyge see that and convert to.
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