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CIA live tweets OBL raid — five years later


May 21, 2006
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WASHINGTON: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has marked the anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden by live-tweeting ─ with a five-year delay ─ the raid by United States (US) special forces on the Al Qaeda founder's compound in Abbottabad.

Using the hashtag #UBLRaid, the CIA blasted out updates of the May 2011 strike as if it was unfolding in real time ─ in a highly unusual move for the secretive spy agency.

“To mark the 5th anniversary of the Usama Bin Ladin operation in Abbottabad we will tweet the raid as if it were happening today. #UBLRaid,” @CIA said, announcing its social media blitz.

Read: Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan, says Obama

Tweets included the now famous picture of President Barack Obama and other high-ranking US officials watching matters unfold from the White House's Situation Room.

The raid
The President Barrack Obama, Director CIA Panetta and Joint Special Operations Command's Admiral McRaven approve Operation Neptune Spear, the operation to neutralise bin Laden.

1:25 pm EDT-@POTUS, DCIA Panetta, & JSOC commander Admiral McRaven approve execution of op in Abbottabad. #UBLRaid


Daring #UBLRaid was an IC team effort & in close collaboration with our military partners. http://1.usa.gov/1VY0Lst

After receiving go-ahead, helicopters from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (160 SOAR), also known as 'Nightstalkers', departed from their staging area in Afghanistan. Onboard were special operation troopers from SEAL Team Six.

The two helicopters, designed to be quiet and to have low radar visibility, descended on the Abbotabad compound. One of the helicopter's crashed while landing, but the force initiated the assault without suffering any delay or injury.

Obama, along with his close associates, watched the operation live. The feed was generated by surveillance assets circling above the compound and was also provided by cams mounted on SEAL helmets.

Osama bin Laden was found and killed on the third floor, in the compound's main building.

The assault team, while conducting a sweep of the compound, found a sizeable quantity of intelligence material.

Obama also received a tentative confirmation of bin Laden's death.

Tail rotor of the crashed helicopter. -Reuters/File

Later, the first helicopter left the compound for Afghanistan, and another helicopter was dispatched to pick up the remaining members of assault force.

The SEAL team also destroyed the wreckage of the helicopter that crashed earlier, in order to deny the technology used in the previously unseen MH-60 Stealth Hawk helicopter.

President Obama received confirmation, with high probability, of Osama's death at around 7am US time.

The planning
The SEAL assault team conducted practice-runs of the attack plan on a life size replica of the Abbottabad compound. The replica had movable walls, to counter any change in the internal layout of the main structure.

The replica also featured high walls topped with barbed wire, double entry gates and no internet or phone connections.

Twitter reacts

The CIA's Twitter move got quite a bit of attention, with not everyone enthused.

“@CIA Are we tweeting Hiroshima on August 6th too? Or is THAT in bad taste?” tweeted one user, Kris Knight.

Another who identifies as Amber V tweeted: “Don't you have better things to do, like catch living and breathing bad guys, or secretly invade our privacy, or something? @CIA#UBLRaid."

But others reacted positively.

“Watching the @CIA relive on Twitter the #UBLRaid today reminds me of how proud I am of the men and women who do what they do. Thank you,” tweeted Toby Knapp.

CIA focus on al-Baghdadi
With 1.33 million Twitter followers, the CIA has sent 1,662 tweets since it joined the social media service in February 2014.

“We are the nation's first line of defense. We accomplish what others cannot accomplish and go where others cannot go,” reads the Twitter bio.

Previous @CIA tweets in recent days have featured a video about the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine and a counterfeit Nazi stamp.

Amid the tweetstorm, CIA chief John Brennan said Sunday that taking out the head of the militant Islamic State (IS) group would have a “great impact."

He also warned that Al Qaeda remained a threat, and that IS was not just an organisation but a phenomenon.

“We have destroyed a large part of Al Qaeda. It's not completely eliminated. So we have to stay focused on what it can do,” Brennan told NBC's “Meet the Press” talk show.

“Now, with the new phenomenon of (IS), this is going to challenge us for years to come,” he added.

Asked if removing IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from action was as important as the Bin Laden get, Brennan, who does not often do interviews, was direct.

“If we got Baghdadi, I think it would have a great impact on the organisation. And it will be felt by them,” he said.

The time line should start from the time kayani contacted cia to enquire about 50 million usd head money
You've this.....


Believe me bro,till I saw this pic,Unicorn would seem more real than this helicopter.

Also,there is Dr. Afridi,rotting in jail for helping CIA.

Where is the Picture of OBL ? dead or alive in the compound ?? just because Pakistan acknowledge does not mean he was there .. Talk to anyone in that area if they were not threatened you will know the real truth ..
I can Believe in a Unicorn rather than this story Obama administration cooked up for winning election and prevent from Humiliation they were facing on War in Afghanistan
And yesterday I saw a Unicorn ... #UnicornsAreReal :rofl:
Of course I don't have a Picture or Video of that Unicorn but believe me because I said so, and I have many eye witness who will take my side :azn:

American Logic on OBL Operation :crazy:

C'mon, accept the fact, that you were humiliated 5 years ago. If at all laden was killed in that operation or not is a different matter, but the fact that Americans came 100s of miles inside your territory, raided one huge complex which was right besides your army cantonment area and then left unnoticed is indeed a very embarrassing situation for you.
C'mon, accept the fact, that you were humiliated 5 years ago. If at all laden was killed in that operation or not is a different matter, but the fact that Americans came 100s of miles inside your territory, raided one huge complex which was right besides your army cantonment area and then left unnoticed is indeed a very embarrassing situation for you.

coming from a country who's PM was unable to enter US .. because of murder case hahah .. keep it your self
coming from a country who's PM was unable to enter US .. because of murder case hahah .. keep it your self

Never was an Indian PM denied entry in US. Perhaps you were speaking about Nawaz Sharif whoes request to visit US was denied during the Kargil war, although he shamelessly went ahead to visit Clinton to request him to speak to Indians to show some mercy.
Where is the Picture of OBL ? dead or alive in the compound ?? just because Pakistan acknowledge does not mean he was there .. Talk to anyone in that area if they were not threatened you will know the real truth ..
I can Believe in a Unicorn rather than this story Obama administration cooked up for winning election and prevent from Humiliation they were facing on War in Afghanistan

Here's the real reason that photos of bin Laden's body won't ever be shown

  • May 2, 2016, 9:15 AM
There are a lot of puzzled expressions on people's faces when it comes to the subject of Osama Bin Laden and why the White House has not authorized the release of any pictures of his body.

Photographs and video were released of Saddam Hussein's hanging, as were post-mortem pictures of his criminal sons, Uday and Qusay, after Delta Force took them out.

Why not release a few pictures of Public Enemy No. 1 to prove that he is dead and show the world what happens when you take on the US?

Matt Bissonnette, one of the SEAL Team Six operators on the raid, partially outs the reason in his book, "No Easy Day." The book reads, "In his death throes, he was still twitching and convulsing."

"Another assaulter and I trained our lasers on his chest and fired several rounds," Bissonnette wrote. "The bullets tore into him, slamming his body into the floor until he was motionless."

But this is perhaps the most measured and polite description that one could give of how operator after operator took turns dumping magazines' worth of ammunition into bin Laden's body, two confidential sources within the community have told us. When all was said and done, UBL had over a hundred bullets in him, by the most conservative estimate.

But was it illegal? Under the Laws of Land Warfare, a soldier is fully authorized to put a few insurance rounds into his target after he goes down. Provided the enemy is not surrendering, it is morally, legally, and ethically appropriate to shoot the body a few times to ensure that he is really dead and no longer a threat. What happened on the bin Laden raid, however, is beyond excessive. The level of excess shown was not about making sure that bin Laden was no longer a threat. The excess was pure self-indulgence.

You may not care whether bin Laden got some extra holes punched in him — few of us do, but what should concern you is a trend within certain special-operations units to engage in this type of self-indulgent, and ultimately criminal, behavior. Gone unchecked, these actions get worse over time.

The real issue is not that bin Laden was turned into Swiss cheese, but rather that this type of behavior has become a Standard Operating Procedure in this unit. Of course, these attitudes and behaviors do not come out of nowhere. Endless back-to-back combat deployments, PTSD, broken families, and war itself all play into it.

Now you know the real reason that the Obama administration has not released pictures of Osama Bin Laden's corpse. To do so would show the world a body filled with a ridiculous number of gunshot wounds.

The picture itself would most likely cause an international scandal, and investigations would be conducted that could uncover other operations, activities that many will do anything to keep buried.

If you enjoyed this article please consider becoming a member of the SOFREP community, and support our all military veteran writing team. News & Analysis from Military & Special Operations veterans. Click here for more info.

Read the original article on SOFREP. SOFREP is an apolitical news site run by former military special ops and intelligence professionals. Copyright 2016.

just because Pakistan acknowledge

whose acknowledgement you need now??You're expecting words from OBL's own mouth now??or OBL's selfi with status "Sleeping with the fishes"???What kind of moronic comment is this???Some delusional people will never understand..

Tell me,Pakistan AF was bombing TTP till few months ago,did you ever ask any pic to confirm whether they're really TTP or some family got blown to pieces in their sleep??Cause ISPR never published any visual elements.You believed ISPR reports as if it is out of holy quran,right??Then why sudden stomachache on a news which whole world believed??
Here's the real reason that photos of bin Laden's body won't ever be shown

  • May 2, 2016, 9:15 AM
There are a lot of puzzled expressions on people's faces when it comes to the subject of Osama Bin Laden and why the White House has not authorized the release of any pictures of his body.

Photographs and video were released of Saddam Hussein's hanging, as were post-mortem pictures of his criminal sons, Uday and Qusay, after Delta Force took them out.

Why not release a few pictures of Public Enemy No. 1 to prove that he is dead and show the world what happens when you take on the US?

Matt Bissonnette, one of the SEAL Team Six operators on the raid, partially outs the reason in his book, "No Easy Day." The book reads, "In his death throes, he was still twitching and convulsing."

"Another assaulter and I trained our lasers on his chest and fired several rounds," Bissonnette wrote. "The bullets tore into him, slamming his body into the floor until he was motionless."

But this is perhaps the most measured and polite description that one could give of how operator after operator took turns dumping magazines' worth of ammunition into bin Laden's body, two confidential sources within the community have told us. When all was said and done, UBL had over a hundred bullets in him, by the most conservative estimate.

But was it illegal? Under the Laws of Land Warfare, a soldier is fully authorized to put a few insurance rounds into his target after he goes down. Provided the enemy is not surrendering, it is morally, legally, and ethically appropriate to shoot the body a few times to ensure that he is really dead and no longer a threat. What happened on the bin Laden raid, however, is beyond excessive. The level of excess shown was not about making sure that bin Laden was no longer a threat. The excess was pure self-indulgence.

You may not care whether bin Laden got some extra holes punched in him — few of us do, but what should concern you is a trend within certain special-operations units to engage in this type of self-indulgent, and ultimately criminal, behavior. Gone unchecked, these actions get worse over time.

The real issue is not that bin Laden was turned into Swiss cheese, but rather that this type of behavior has become a Standard Operating Procedure in this unit. Of course, these attitudes and behaviors do not come out of nowhere. Endless back-to-back combat deployments, PTSD, broken families, and war itself all play into it.

Now you know the real reason that the Obama administration has not released pictures of Osama Bin Laden's corpse. To do so would show the world a body filled with a ridiculous number of gunshot wounds.

The picture itself would most likely cause an international scandal, and investigations would be conducted that could uncover other operations, activities that many will do anything to keep buried.

If you enjoyed this article please consider becoming a member of the SOFREP community, and support our all military veteran writing team. News & Analysis from Military & Special Operations veterans. Click here for more info.

Read the original article on SOFREP. SOFREP is an apolitical news site run by former military special ops and intelligence professionals. Copyright 2016.


I have seen the interview that seal member has given , in his interview he say " after shooting the man suspected to be OBL , the seal team man ask the kid who is he ? he replied Osama, than he asked the Women who is he ? she replied Osama bin Laden .. and yay that is all we have to prove that we killed him LOL

you are all free to take that Story , but the person I once talk his family lives in the area but he gives me a something different part of story :D

whose acknowledgement you need now??You're expecting words from OBL's own mouth now??or OBL's selfi with status "Sleeping with the fishes"???What kind of moronic comment is this???Some delusional people will never understand..

Tell me,Pakistan AF was bombing TTP till few months ago,did you ever ask any pic to confirm whether they're really TTP or some family got blown to pieces in their sleep??Cause ISPR never published any visual elements.You believed ISPR reports as if it is out of holy quran,right??Then why sudden stomachache on a news which whole world believed??

as You are a Indian so I was expecting something Moronic from you anyway... Seal team was advice that unless you have confirmation that the person you shoot is OBL , don't say a word on Radio cause president was listening, and aparr from he seal asking a kid and a women who the dead guy is , they did not present any prove to say that he was indeed OBL ..

tell me you stupid , how many WMD's were found in Iraq ?? as US claimed and US vice President gives a huge presentation in UN about Iraq's WMD's turned out to be fake .. I never say I believe in ISPR when they claim anything , but its just if they kill the target its good, if not than its fine , how many times we have heard the rumors of Fazulu been dead .. but he came out alive anyway ..
but I wasn't in fact expecting you to think Logically because you are and will remain an brain dead Indian :)

I have seen the interview that seal member has given , in his interview he say " after shooting the man suspected to be OBL , the seal team man ask the kid who is he ? he replied Osama, than he asked the Women who is he ? she replied Osama bin Laden .. and yay that is all we have to prove that we killed him LOL

you are all free to take that Story , but the person I once talk his family lives in the area but he gives me a something different part of story :D

:lol: I know the area much better than you . anyway the operation was a reality. It did happen. The people in the area were unaware like some of our faujis till the heavy helis landed for operation so do not buy unnamed stories
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