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CIA Had Plan to Portray Saddam Hussein as Pedophile



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May 25, 2010
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CIA Had Plan to Portray Saddam Hussein as Pedophile


The CIA had plans to create videos making it look like then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was a pedophile.

(May 25) -- The CIA had a bag of dirty tricks ready for Saddam Hussein in preparation of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq that included making him look like a pedophile. It also had something similar planned for Osama bin Laden.

The Washington Post blog Spy Talk, citing former CIA officials, said one devious tactic involved creating a video showing the Iraqi strongman purportedly having sex with a teenage boy.

"It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera," one ex-CIA official told Spy Talk's Jeff Stein. "Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session."

The ex-CIA officials said the idea was then to "flood Iraq with the videos."
The CIA also had a plan to interrupt Iraqi television programming with a fake special news bulletin, and use a Saddam Hussein lookalike to announce he was resigning and handing over the reigns to his elder and erratic son, Uday, Spy Talk reported.

"I'm sure you will throw your support behind His Excellency Uday," the impostor Hussein would tell the Iraqi people.

For bin Laden, Spy Talk reported, the agency actually took things one step further and used actors to make a video of the al-Qaida leader and others sitting around a campfire drinking liquor and bragging about their conquests with boys.

The blog reported that the CIA's Office of Technical Services collaborated on the ideas, but in the end none ever took off because of internal disagreements over the dirty tricks, plus the CIA "didn't have enough money and expertise to carry" them out.

A U.S. Official said in a statement today to AOL News: " We can't confirm these accounts, but if these ideas were put forward at any time they clearly didn't go very far."

Some strong opposition came from James Pavitt, the now-ex-head of the CIA's Operations Division, and his deputy, Hugh Turner.

One of the ex-CIA sources told Spy Talk that the ideas were ridiculous and came from people who had spent time in Latin America and East Asia and didn't understand Middle Eastern culture.

"Saddam playing with boys would have no resonance in the Middle East -- nobody cares," one former CIA official told Spy Talk. "Trying to mount such a campaign would show a total misunderstanding of the target. We always mistake our own taboos as universal when, in fact, they are just our taboos."

Hussein was eventually captured in late 2003 and was hanged Dec. 30, 2006. His sons Uday and Qusay were killed in a shoot out with troops in Iraq in July 2003.
CIA Had Plan to Pose Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden as Pedophiles - AOL News
It is well known in Iraq that Saddam Hussein's capture drama was part of the deal among CIA and Muqtada Sadar.. who demanded to hang Saddam by his own men in exchange of peace.
Present day Iraq is literally ruled by Iran. How come CIA missed to report this to Mr. President?
Why did US conqured Iraq for Ahmedi Nejjad?
CIA's secret Iraq weapon revealed: a Saddam gay sex tape
The Guardian

Bizarre US plots included exploding cigars to kill Fidel Castro and fake video of Osama bin Laden's campfire drinking

In their time, America's secret agencies have tried some outlandish schemes to attack their country's enemies, including, most famously, an attempt to do away with Cuba's Fidel Castro by using an exploding cigar.

But in a scenario more the preserve of careless Hollywood starlets such as Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, the CIA appears to have plotted to undermine Saddam Hussein with a gay sex tape.

According to the Washington Post's security blog, some of America's spooks believed that shooting a fake video of Saddam cavorting with a teenage boy might destabilise his regime in the runup to the US-led invasion in 2003. "It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera. Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session," the Washington Post quoted one former CIA official as saying.

Nor was the Saddam sex tape the only idea floating around the more bizarre corners of the CIA's Iraq Operations Group. Other ploys involved interrupting Iraqi television with a false newsflash that would announce Saddam was handing over power to his hated and feared son Uday. The presumed idea was to shock the Iraqi people into rising up against their leaders and thus make the invasion a lot easier.

Perhaps thankfully, the tape and fake news broadcast were never made and the Post reported that top CIA brass repeatedly rejected the ideas.

But that did not stop a CIA video being shot of a fake Osama bin Laden sitting around a camp fire, drinking booze and boasting of his own gay conquests.

The video apparently used some of the CIA's "darker skinned" employees as extras playing the terror chief's henchmen. It does not seem to have been released.

The Post said an anonymous US official had declined to confirm or deny the accounts. "If these ideas were ever floated by anyone at any time, they clearly didn't go anywhere," the official said.

Such tactics are hardly the first time the US agencies have stretched their imaginations. A book entitled 638 Ways to Kill Castro detailed the many ways the Cuban leader had been targeted over the decades.

One of the lesser known was a plan to dispatch Castro by exploiting his fascination for scuba-diving. A batch of colourful molluscs would be rigged with explosives in the hope that he would be attracted to them while swimming underwater.

That plan, too, never got off the drawing board.
CIA's secret Iraq weapon revealed: a Saddam gay sex tape
The Guardian

Bizarre US plots included exploding cigars to kill Fidel Castro and fake video of Osama bin Laden's campfire drinking

In their time, America's secret agencies have tried some outlandish schemes to attack their country's enemies, including, most famously, an attempt to do away with Cuba's Fidel Castro by using an exploding cigar.

But in a scenario more the preserve of careless Hollywood starlets such as Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, the CIA appears to have plotted to undermine Saddam Hussein with a gay sex tape.

According to the Washington Post's security blog, some of America's spooks believed that shooting a fake video of Saddam cavorting with a teenage boy might destabilise his regime in the runup to the US-led invasion in 2003. "It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera. Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session," the Washington Post quoted one former CIA official as saying.

Nor was the Saddam sex tape the only idea floating around the more bizarre corners of the CIA's Iraq Operations Group. Other ploys involved interrupting Iraqi television with a false newsflash that would announce Saddam was handing over power to his hated and feared son Uday. The presumed idea was to shock the Iraqi people into rising up against their leaders and thus make the invasion a lot easier.

Perhaps thankfully, the tape and fake news broadcast were never made and the Post reported that top CIA brass repeatedly rejected the ideas.

But that did not stop a CIA video being shot of a fake Osama bin Laden sitting around a camp fire, drinking booze and boasting of his own gay conquests.

The video apparently used some of the CIA's "darker skinned" employees as extras playing the terror chief's henchmen. It does not seem to have been released.

The Post said an anonymous US official had declined to confirm or deny the accounts. "If these ideas were ever floated by anyone at any time, they clearly didn't go anywhere," the official said.

Such tactics are hardly the first time the US agencies have stretched their imaginations. A book entitled 638 Ways to Kill Castro detailed the many ways the Cuban leader had been targeted over the decades.

One of the lesser known was a plan to dispatch Castro by exploiting his fascination for scuba-diving. A batch of colourful molluscs would be rigged with explosives in the hope that he would be attracted to them while swimming underwater.

That plan, too, never got off the drawing board.

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saddam, the satanist.

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CIA is a sick degraded organistaion full of war criminals and enemies of humanity/
these americans are sick in generl, their media which is controlling the world media tends to propagate gayism, now people who believed that once they were straight are now doubtin themselves, famous example is gay is normal talks, though its abs disgusting to use gay in talks and can be very offensive in a cery disgusting way, but still america sycceeds gayism
That is just sick and f**ked up!
It's morally wrong and just evil.

F**k the CIA! :tdown:
mass murder or pedophile what difference does it make , sadam was a sc*m at least we are now short of one tyrant

---------- Post added at 12:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

saddam, the satanist.

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

just go through the videos, saddam hussein was a cartoon and a satanist in real
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these americans are sick in generl, their media which is controlling the world media tends to propagate gayism, now people who believed that once they were straight are now doubtin themselves, famous example is gay is normal talks, though its abs disgusting to use gay in talks and can be very offensive in a cery disgusting way, but still america sycceeds gayism

you should consider joining the westbro baptist church's demonstrations man! XD
Pedophile is a psychiatric disorder.And I will not wonder if Saddam Hussein has been diagnose with such disorder like this.That even innocent person resemblance to his figure will be affected.the story goes like this...A Saddam Hussein look-alike in Egypt was abducted and beaten Sunday for refusing to impersonate the dictator in an adult video clip. The video clip was apparently going to be dispersed to the media as real. Source of article: Egyptian Saddam Hussein look-alike kidnapped to use in sex video.What a sad story..Hussein has been truly an icon everybody get interested to him.
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