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CIA gets nod to step up drone strikes in Pakistan

The way I see if if we're going to go down, we might as well take down others with us - and what better way then to take down allies of US. After all, who's the one to strike first blood? America obviously.
if America attacks or invades Pakistan, there has to be a response.
Since our nukes can't reach America, they have to reach somewhere.

what do you think, we're going to go down alone? :rofl:
We're going to do just as much damage as US will do to us, to whoever is allied with them, and is in close proximity to us....

OK, so you'll attack India since Pakistani missiles cannot reach America......:lol: Pakistani logic

But tell me, how that would be a tit-for-tat response to American invasion??
As long as America is safe, it won't give a rat's *** to any other country's plight.....therefore nuking India won't cause America any headache.....and thus it won't stop America from attacking Pakistan....
Therefore, in case of any America-Pakistan conflict, if Pakistan attacks India, then it would make the same mistake as Germany did by attacking Russia in WW2.....

America will need all the help they can get, it seems on their own they weren't successful in Afghanistan so it's not weird to claim their military allies will play a role as well.
All in All, attacking or invading Pakistan would not be a smart decision for America.
Pakistan does not wish to issue threats to anyone, nor India, Israel or America. We just want to keep peaceful ties but if someone attacks us, we can't just stand there trembling alone.

conclusion is - Don't attack Pakistan and we won't attack anyone. Simple as that.

You are living in a state of delusion....

America doesn't need anybody's help to attack any country.....the only reason it is collaborating with NATO countries is to give its own War an international acceptance......
Remember, America never cared for the UNSC verdict before going to any war.......
America is fighting in Pakistan's neighbor without India's help.... it can fight with Pakistan without India's help also....
If at all it has to take any help, then the NATO is enough, India is not needed....
OK, so you'll attack India since Pakistani missiles cannot reach America......:lol: Pakistani logic

But tell me, how that would be a tit-for-tat response to American invasion??
As long as America is safe, it won't give a rat's *** to any other country's plight.....therefore nuking India won't cause America any headache.....and thus it won't stop America from attacking Pakistan....
Therefore, in case of any America-Pakistan conflict, if Pakistan attacks India, then it would make the same mistake as Germany did by attacking Russia in WW2.....

You are living in a state of delusion....

America doesn't need anybody's help to attack any country.....the only reason it is collaborating with NATO countries is to give its own War an international acceptance......
Remember, America never cared for the UNSC verdict before going to any war.......
America is fighting in Pakistan's neighbor without India's help.... it can fight with Pakistan without India's help also....
If at all it has to take any help, then the NATO is enough, India is not needed....
no you my friend are living in a state of delusion, by thinking America can fight this war alone. :what:

America needs all the help it can get from NATO coalition members and non-NATO allies like India & Pakistan, after all, the more help they get, the more terrorists will be killed
And Pakistan does not wish to fight America.

American officials have openly stated they depend on Pakistan to stop the Taliban insurgency. Where do you think the Talibans are breeding, obviously in Pakistan. Who do you think knows more about all the Taliban strongholds in Pakistan & Afghanistan? Obviously Pakistani & Afghan officials.

If Americans wanted to fight the war alone, they would have decided that long time ago - and wouldn't ask us to provide a supply route and intelligence information about terrorists. And neither would they seek help and assistance in Afghanistan from NATO coalition members like Canada, UK, Spain, & Turkey..
OK, so you'll attack India since Pakistani missiles cannot reach America......:lol: Pakistani logic

But tell me, how that would be a tit-for-tat response to American invasion??
As long as America is safe, it won't give a rat's *** to any other country's plight.....therefore nuking India won't cause America any headache.....and thus it won't stop America from attacking Pakistan....
Therefore, in case of any America-Pakistan conflict, if Pakistan attacks India, then it would make the same mistake as Germany did by attacking Russia in WW2.....
It depends on the situation. Whether it is a full blown out war on the entire country of Pakistan or just a battle on the outskirts of Pakistan.

Pakistan would not be able to attack America, the "war" would be fought entirely in Pakistani territory, so there would be no proper "tit-for-tat" response anyways.

I am merely giving a hypothesis and speculation.

If a war does happen, it will not escalate to the civilian public anyways, it would be fought on the outskirts.

I do agree that Pakistan should not attack India if they aren't involved in it at all.

But if you guys are providing assistance and landing for American troops, we have no other decision but to attack India.

The question is how and from what fronts will America attack and whether or not they will seek aid and help from other countries.

I highly doubt a full scale war will erupt though - America hasn't attacked Iran why would they attack Pakistan when they openly consider us as allies. UN & Pakistan's allies would not allow it.
Anyway we are digressing a bit. In my opinion the CIA is a rogue agency and does what it wants whether it gets permission or not. This so called headline is just propaganda
I want to apologies to all my Pakistani friends on this forum for my offensive post. So, plz accept my apology for the same. It was the heat of moment as some co-forumers were also using very offensive words. Now I regrets this mistake from my heart. Thanks

Best Wishes,
Pakistan can kill this MAD ELEPHANT silently and quietly. I know these drones are hurting but see America bleed and burn on the other side. You got to think through the mind of Gen. Kyani to be successful against the pile of madness. Kyani is doing his job exceptionally well and I have trust in his abilities. But at the same time, I would want Pakistan to undergo a defense Pact with China and allow Taliban a space and recognition they deserve.. not because we want to hurt Americans with that but this is the right way forward for us, Afghanistan and the region.

You are hurting US thats right, But US is not a nation that accepts cuts and bleed wounds, In return they are bleeding you through Balochistan.
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